Ethics in Management

Of Hospitality Management
HRT 383
Special Thanks to…
Ken Blanchard & Norman Vincent Peale, coauthors of The Power of Ethical Management
 Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People
 John Mangrich, presenter at the University La
Verne (Ethics - 01/23/02)
 Leonard Pellicer, author of Caring Enough to
 Manuel Velasquez, author of Business Ethics:
Concepts and Cases
 Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall, co-authors of
SQ - Spiritual Intelligence
HRT 383 – Learning Objective C
Demonstrate effective leadership
qualities related to communication,
team performance, decision-making,
and hospitality ethics
Define Ethics…
Let’s discuss the terms…
HRT 383 – Learning Objective C
To understand ethical behavior, one must be able to
identify ethical tenets of the hospitality management
This is not a list to choose from
This is not a “magic” list!
The learning objective is designed to enhance your
ability—in business ethics—to evaluate actions,
identify issues, and respond in appropriate ways
Ethics is a “curriculum thread”
Definitions (Oxford English Dictionary)
Ethics: Greek word ethos, referring to
character and individual behavior
Ethics: The science of morals
Morals: Concerned with character, or
right and wrong, or goodness and
Definitions (Oxford English Dictionary)
Tenet: Doctrine held by a group or
 In business, other terms used in place
of “tenet” include value, belief, and
 Which word works best…?
Ethical Tenets in Hospitality
Individuals have personal values
 Organizations have values—these values
may be linked to culture, traditions, and
 People work together in organizations
 Organizational values may conflict with
personal values
Be clear about your personal values…
The 5 P’s of Ethical Management
(Blanchard & Peele)
Purpose – your personal vision
 Pride – your sense of satisfaction
 Patience – sometimes it’s a long road
 Persistence – standing your ground
 Perspective – be focused and clear
“There is no pillow as soft
as a clear conscience.”
- French Proverb
Is it Legal? (Blanchard & Peele)
Violation of criminal laws?
Violation of civil laws?
Violation of company policy?
Appearance of being improper or immoral?
Will it harm or embarrass the customers or
“Reputation is character minus what you’ve been caught doing.”
– Michael Iapoce,
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Boardroom
Is it Balanced? (Blanchard & Peele)
Is it fair to all parties concerned?
 Fair short-term & long-term?
 Is it fair to the competition?
 Would it cause customers to view the industry
“The reputation of a thousand years
may be determined by the conduct of one hour.”
- Japanese Proverb
Is it Right? (Blanchard & Peele)
How will it make you feel about yourself?
 Will you be proud of yourself after making this
 How would you feel if your decision made the
front page?
“The time is always right to do the right thing.”
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Ethics Check (Blanchard & Peele)
Is it legal?
 Is it balanced?
 How will it make you feel about
“It’s not hard to make a decision
when you know what your values are.”
- Roy Disney
At the End of the Day (Blanchard & Peele)
How do you feel about yourself?
How do others feel about you?
Did what you do match what you said?
Did what you do match what you feel?
Did what you do match what other people believe is
right or good?
“Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed
to sell your parrot to the town gossip.”
- Will Rogers
Ethical Tenets in Hospitality
Organizational acts originate in the choices,
behaviors, and actions of individuals
Ethical decisions may, at some point, involve
any and all organizational stakeholders
Personal ethics and organizational ethics
cannot be separated
You are part of the organization…
Issac Asimov:
“Never let your sense of morals
prevent you from doing
what is right.”
Author Unknown:
“My goal in life is to be
as good of a person
as my dog already thinks I am.”