RADIATION SAFETY TRAINING Mike Peters 8/2013 Radiation Safety Office • • • • Office:Trafton N160 Phone: 1026 Email: mike.peters@mnsu.edu Web Site: http://cset.mnsu.edu/radiationsafety/ BRIEF OVERVIEW • • • • Requirements Radiation Audit Program Safety Reporting TRAINING REQUIREMENTS • Initial Training on Radiation Safety. • “Radiation Safety Guide for Users of Radiation Producing Devices” • RPD or Radiation Source Specific Training. • Given by a RSO approved Trainer • Annual refresher on Radiation Safety. 4732.0505 Procedures and Safety Instruction for Facilities. An individual operating radiation-producing equipment must have be instructed initially in facility specific and system specific safe operating procedures, emergency procedures, quality control procedures, and the proper protective shielding to be used. Additional training must be conducted at the time of any change to the quality assurance program or change in radiation output. RADIATION PROGRAM AUDITS. 4732.0540 TRAINING • Is required of all persons who work with radiation producing devices or radiation sources. • All workers, student and worker who may be exposed the radiation are required to complete annual training. • The training is done on an academic calendar schedule. • Applicability – A quality assurance program must be done annually. • Procedures – All audit are performed according to current established procedures. • Corrective Action – All issues found during an audit must be corrected and documented. • Records – Audit records are prepared and maintained by the RSO SIGNAGE All areas that contain Radiation Producing and/or Radioactive material must have signage to indicate the level activity present. Signage is available from the RSO. SIGNAGE LOCATION Should be posted at each entrance to the lab and within the work area. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION A “Notice to Employees” must be displayed in all areas that may contain radiation. Available from RSO. UNAUTHORIZED SIGNAGE Only Areas that contain or may contain radiation are to have signage. They are not to be use in any other way. Please report any misuse of signage. ALARA Basic principle to follow whenever working with radioactive material. All exposures should be As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable. WORK AREA SURVEYS Following the use of unsealed sources the work area must be surveyed for possible contamination and cleaned as needed. Exposure REGULATORY DOSE LIMITS Radiation Worker • Whole body-5rem/yr • Extremities-50rem/yr • Skin-50rem/yr • Organs-50rem/yr • Lens-15rem/yr Non Radiation Worker • Fetus-0.5rem • Public-0.1/yr Declared Pregnant Rad Worker • Fetus-0.5rem ACUTE EXPOSURE Absorption of a relatively large amount of radiation over a short period of time. Seen in early radiologists, atomic bomb survivors, people near Chernobyl and certain medical treatments. CHRONIC EXPOSURE Absorption of radiation over a long period of time. LAB SECURITY Make sure your lab is locked at all times when no one is present. If the area is a shared space than all persons using that space must have Radiation Safety Training. Persons must be present when operating RPD. BASIC PROTECTION GUIDELINES • • • • Time-limit your time around radiation. Distance-stay as far away as possible. Shielding-use shielding whenever possible. Do not modify or disable any device safety features. MSU,M DOCUMENTS/FORMS • Radiation Protection Manual. • Initial Training and Annual Refresher. • RPU and Radioactive Material Self-Audit Checklist. • Radiation Safety Guide For Users of Radiation Producing devices. (With Test) REQUIRED LABORATORY DOCUMENTATION • RPD Logbooks. • RPD Training records. • RPD Operating Procedures (Start-up & ShutDown). • Complete inventory of radioactive material in area. • Emergency Contact. DOCUMENTATION ON FILE IN RSO • Up to date experiment procedures. • Users training experience form. • Dosimetry records. GOVERNING RULES AND REGULATIONS • • • • • Minnesota Rules 4731: Radioactive Materials Minnesota Rules 4732: X-Ray Ionizing Radiation NRC 10 CFR Part 20: Standards for Protection against Radiation ANSI Z136.1: American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers OSHA: 29 CFR 1910 Subpart G: Occupational Health and Environmental Control MNDOH INSPECTION The Minnesota Department of Health does unannounced inspections. • April 2013 Inspection RM. – 0 Violations • August 2013 RPD Inspection – 0 Violations Radiation Safety Office • • • • Office:Trafton N160 Phone: 1026 Email: mike.peters@mnsu.edu Web Site: http://cset.mnsu.edu/radiationsafety/ QUESTIONS?