Get Back to Your (Latin) Roots!


Get Back to Your


Intentional Word Study with Greek and Latin Roots

Tiffany Rose & Cheryl Harrel

WABE Conference, Yakima, WA

April 19, 2013


• English language has 1,200,000 –

2,000,000 words!

• Estimated that technology is contributing

20,000 new words a year

• 90% of English words with more than 1 syllable are Latin based

• Most of remaining 10% are Greek based

• Single root can help us understand 5-20 related English words

Rationale, cont.

Reading Comprehension

“ Decades of research have consistently found a deep connection between vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension, and academic success…vocabulary [is] a bridge between the word level processes of phonics and the cognitive processes of comprehension”

(Rasinsky, et al, 2008, p. 15).

Five Common Misconceptions

• Misconception 1: Definitions do the trick

• Misconception 2: Weekly vocabulary lists are effective

• Misconception 3: Teachers should teach all hard words, especially those printed in bold or italics.

• Misconception 4: The study of Latin and

Greek roots is too hard for young learners

• Misconception 5: Word learning can't be fun.

Common Core State Standards

• Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts , and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate.

• (CCSS L4)

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

• L.3.4.

• Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root

• (e.g., company, companion).

• L.4.4.

• Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word

• (e.g., telegraph, photograph, autograph).

• L.6.4.

• Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word

• (e.g., audience, auditory, audible).

• L.7.4.

• Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word

• (e.g., belligerent, bellicose, rebel).

• L.9-10.4


• Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or parts of speech

• (e.g., analyze, analysis, analytical; advocate, advocacy).

Common Core State Standards

• Demonstrate understanding of figurative

language, word relationships , and

nuances in word meanings.

• (CCSS L5)

Common Core State Standards

• Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific

words and phrases sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when encountering an unknown term important to comprehension or


• (CCSS L6)

A Little Bit of History…

The earliest Greek civilizations lived around 3,000+ years ago.

Some historians put the earliest dates of

Greek society around the time of the first

Olympic games – 776 B.C.

Others extend the beginning to circa 1000+ years B.C.


The Greeks loved philosophy and art , were interested in science and medicine, and were deep thinkers who loved to discuss politics. English absorbed words from ancient Greek for these intellectual subjects.

Historical side note on Greek influence…

The probable origin of the caduceus to symbolize the medical profession…

Caduceus, continued…

A Little Bit More


The Roman Influence…

The Roman Empire circa 44 B.C.

… lasted until circa 1453 A.D.

Romans, who spoke Latin, came from Rome (now


Romans conquered and controlled all of these lands for hundreds of years.

Those who have the power determine the language.

The people of the conquered lands had to learn many Latin words to be able to communicate with the people who ruled over them.

Latin became the language of religion, medicine, business, and law.

Kinds of Roots

• Base root words

• Affixes

• Prefixes

• Suffixes


Roots affixes prefixes suffixes

Parallel Latin and Greek Roots

Parallel Latin & Greek bases

Definition water

Latin aqua-

Greek hydro – foot, feet earth pedterrpod – geo -

Broadening the Cognate


English Spanish

Innovative Inovador nov






Base Root

• “vis/vid” examples as base roots – vis/vid are not words by themselves, but they are roots that mean “see”.

• Experience the Consensus Board!

Some examples…

• A vis ionary sees ahead to how the project could unfold.

• A vis or protects your eyes from the sun.

• The viv id colors were so bright, we could see them clearly from far away.

• Readers with a good imagination vis ualize the action or setting of the story.

• Because it was so foggy, the vis ibility was very poor.

• It is so fun to watch YouTube vid eos of the screaming goats!

• The girl felt in vis ible as she started her first day at the new high school.


• Prefixes – give direction, negate, or intensify

• Most English prefixes derived from

Latin (about 25)

• The four most frequent prefixes account for 97 percent of prefixed words in printed school English…

• dis-, re-, un-, & in-, im-, il-, ir-

Parallel Latin and Greek Roots

Parallel Latin and Greek prefixes

Definition against around many over under, below

Latin contra-, contro-, circu-, circummultisuper-, sursub-

Greek anti – peri – poly – hyper – hypo -

Directional Prefixes

• Most of the prefixes students encounter in school texts are directional in nature.

• Examples:

• at-, ad- = to, toward, add to

• de - = down, off

• dis - = apart, in different directions

• con- = with, together

• re - = again


• Least important component in terms of understanding a word’s meaning

• Usually used to indicate a part of speech

• Only a few suffixes merit intensive scrutiny

• - ology = “study of”

• -er = “more”

• -est = “most”

• -ful = “full of”

• -less = “without, lacking”

• -able, -ible = “can, able to”

Word Spokes Activity

Instructional Routine

• 10- 15 minutes, 3 – 5 times per week

• Routine – allows focus on content with a predictable set of activities, that minimizes time spent on directions or procedures

And if you’re into Marzano…

The first three steps are to assist the teacher in direct instruction.

• 1. Describe

• 2. Restate

• 3. Draw/Sketch

The last three steps are to provide the learner practice and reinforcement

• 4. Engage

• 5. Discuss

• 6. Games

Divide and Conquer

• Word dissection – helps students see the root in the context of words so they can learn how to identify it and use its meaning to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word

• Focus on new root and connect to familiar

• Scaffold conversation through examples you provide

• “Struct” activity


• Construct

• Construction

• Obstruct

• Deconstruct

• Infrastructure

• Reconstruct

(Latin base stru, struct; prefixes con-, de-, infra-, ob-, re-, )


Prefix: Root: Suffix:

Prefix Definition Root Definition Suffix Definition

Other words with this prefix

Other words with this root

Other words with this suffix

Extend & Explore

• Students practice with game-like activities

• Word Theater (charades)

• Odd Word Out

• Wordo (like Bingo)

• Scattergories

• Rummy Roots

Word Sort Activity

• Structure

• Construct

• Construction

• Obstruct

• Deconstruct

• Infrastructure

• Reconstruct

• Instructor

• Instruction

• Instruct

• Reconstructionist

Getting Started

• Early elementary – start with compound words and show how they can be broken apart

• Then add negating words with prefixes

(un-, in-)

• Then add directional words with prefixes

(pre-, re-)

• Then add easy suffixes (-er, -est, -able)

• Bases

Final Thoughts

Considering what we have discussed today, what routines might you establish in your classroom, even as you go back to your classes next week?


• Beck, I. L., McKeown, M. G., & Kucan, L. (2013). Bringing words to life:

Robust vocabulary instruction (2 nd ed.). New York, NY: The Guildford


• Honig, B., Diamond, L., and Gutlohn, L. (2000). Teaching Reading

Sourcebook: For Kindergarten Through Eighth Grade (Core Literacy

Training Series). Novato, CA: Academic Therapy Publications

• Marzano, R. J. (2010). Teaching basic and advanced vocabulary: A

framework for direct instruction. Boston, MA: Heinle Cengage Learning

• Overturf, B. J., Montgomery, L. H., Smith, M. H., (2013). Word nerds.

Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishing

• Padak, N., Bromley, K., Rasinski, T. V., & Newton, E. (2012). Vocabulary:

Five common misconceptions. Educational Leadership, 69. Retrieved from


• Rasinski, T. V. , Padak, N., Newton, J., Newton, E. (2011). The Latin-Greek connection: Building vocabulary through morphological study. The

Reading Teacher, 65 (2), 133 -141.

• Rasinsky, T., Padak, N., Newton, R. M., & Newton, E. (2008). Greek and

Latin roots: Keys to building vocabulary. Hunington Beach, CA: Shell

Educational Publishing
