C1. Perspectives of Making Meaning: Identify and explain diverse perspectives on making meaning
through creative expression
Objective 1: Meaning Making: Examine meaning making and the meaning of life. GenEd.C1.O1
Lesson 1: Nietzsche and Making Meaning: Compare/contrast The Advantages and
Disadvantages of History for Life with other works of art, and explain the relationship to creative expression as meaning making. (Maps to Science and Aesthetic & Humanistic
Inquiry) (HUMA 121-0.75, STAT 271-0.75) GenEd.C1.O1.L1
Topic 1: Summarize Nietzsche: Summarize On the Advantages and Disadvantages of
History for Life
Topic 2: Marx and Nietzsche: Compare/contrast Marx’s theories with On the
Advantages and Disadvantages of History for Life GenEd.C1.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Hamlet and Nietzsche: Compare/contrast On the Advantages and
Disadvantages of History for Life with Hamlet
Topic 4: Nietzsche & Your Life: Conduct your own experiment with your friends and family regarding Nietzsche’s theories about history, developing statistics and visual graphs to represent the data GenEd.C1.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Evaluate the film, Gladiator, using On the Advantages and
Disadvantages of History for Life and Marx’s theories, focusing on meaning making and the meaning of life GenEd.C1.O1.L1.TM
On Demand Clip Philosophy of Arts (includes Nietzsche, Aristotole, Plato, and
On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life, by Nietzsche
On Demand Clip about Nietzsche: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=10098
Second On Demand Clip about Nietzsche: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=7289
Hamlet, Shakespeare
On Demand Clip about Hamlet (Young Actors in Training): http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=43357
Second On Demand clip about Hamlet—Royal Shakespeare’s full performance: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=41685
Third On Demand clip about Hamlet (Olivier Performance): http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=958
Readings on Marx’s theories
Page 1 of 16
Majorie Garber, Shakespeare and Modern Culture, chapter 9 “Hamlet: A Matter of
Karl Marx “Alienated Labor”
Social Statistics text/readings
Setting up social experiments and presenting data
Gladiator: Cline DVD 4536
Lesson 2: Meaning of Life: Using works of art, explain your perspective on the meaning of life (Maps to Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry)
(HUMA 121-0.75, HUMA 377-0.5)
Topic 1: Meaning of Life in Art Select a painting from two different time periods
(Baroque, Renaissance, Cubism, Realism, Impressionism, etc.) and illustrate from your perspective how the painting communicates the meaning of life
Topic 2: Meaning of Life in Lit: Read Herland, and evaluate its illustration of the meaning of life, comparing/contrasting your personal perspective
Topic 3: Comparing Literature: Compare/contrast Herland and 1984, discussing alternative perspectives on the meaning of life and utopian communities
Topic 4_Mastery: Create a visual presentation with works of art, prescribing your perspective on the meaning of life. GenEd.C1.O1.L2.TM
Herland, Charlotte Perkins Gilman (http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/32)
1984, George Orwell (http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks)
On Demand Clip about Orwell: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=47368&psid=0&sid=0&
State=&title=Albert%20Camus,%20Journalist&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID =
Second On Demand Clip about 1984: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=2728
Third Clip about Orwell: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=7365
Paintings from multiple genres
Visual Media tutorials
Technophobia! : Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology ebrary
Reader Author: Dinello, Daniel Publisher: University of Texas Press, Original
Publication Date: 01/2005
Lesson 3: Confronting Meaninglessness: Examine three themes in works of art that confront meaninglessness. (Maps to Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry) (HUMA 121-0.75)
Topic 1: Meaninglessness in Kafka: Summarize The Hunger Artist and describe how it confronts meaninglessness.
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Topic 2: Meaninglessness in Sartre: Summarize No Exit and describe how it confronts meaninglessness.
Topic 3: Meaninglessness in theater: Summarize Death of a Salesman and describe how it confronts meaninglessness. GenEd.C1.O1.L3.T3
Topic 4: Comparing Meaninglessness: Compare/contrast The Hunger Artist, No Exit,
and Death of a Salesman evaluating the theme of meaninglessness in all three.
Topic 5_Mastery: Evaluate the theme of meaninglessness as it is presented in both
A Doll’s House and Death of a Salesman GenEd.C1.O1.L3.TM
Kafka, “The Hunger Artist”(http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks)
On Demand Clip: Kafka: A Concise Biography
2 nd On Demand clip about Kafka: The Trial
Death of a Salesman: Cline DVD 419
Sartre No Exit
On Demand Clip about Sartre: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=10098
On Demand Clip about Sartre: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=29622
Ibsen A Doll’s House: Cline DVD 3965
Readings on the theme meaninglessness
C2. Values and Technology: Identify personal and community values with respect to technology.
Objective 1: Technology’s Impact: Demonstrate an understanding of technology and its impact.
Lesson 1: Evolving Technology: Examine evolving technology. (Maps to Aesthetic and
Humanistic Inquiry)
(HUMA 372-1.2) GenEd.C2.O1.L1
Topic 1: Timeline of Technology: Illustrate timeline of major, evolving technologies starting with the discovery of fire and then moving through contemporary computer-based inventions, include at least 30 technologies GenEd.C2.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Policy and Technology: Trace the US Government policy with respect to one technological change.
Topic 3: Ethics and Technology: Explore historical knowledge of changes in ethical theories as new technologies emerge GenEd.C2.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Technology in Early Film: Analyze message about technological advancements in light of ethics in Charlie Chapman’s film, Modern Times
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Topic 5: Depictions of Technology: Evaluate the depictions of technology and ethics in The Social Network
Topic 6_Mastery: Construct a set of consistent moral principles around a problem with technology, and present visually GenEd.C2.O1.L1.TM
Evolution of technologies
The Social Network: Cline DVD 4345
Government policy with regard to ethics and technology
Modern Times: Cline DVD 895
Lesson 2: Food Technologies: Demonstrate understanding of ethical and moral issues arising from the technologies of food. (Maps to Science and Aesthetic & Humanistic Inquiry)
(HUMA 372-1.2, STAT 271-0.75) GenEd.C2.O1.L2
Topic 1: Singer’s Ethics: Summarize one of the arguments in Food Ethics (edited by
Ben Mapham) GenEd.C2.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Comparing Food Arguments: Compare/contrast one of the arguments from
Food Ethics with the film Food, Inc.
Topic 3: Evaluating Food Arguments: Evaluate the Future of Food, based on one of the arguments from Food Ethics and Food, Inc’s arguments
Topic 4: Food & Technology: Write an argument about food and technology, including an analysis of statistics and research data regarding food and technology.
Include a discussion of proper methods of analyzing the statistical data.
Topic 5_Mastery: Create a visual representation of your argument about food and technology
David E. Nye, Chapters 5&6 from Technology Matters: Questions to Live With
Food Inc.: Cline DVD 3549
The Future of Food http://cline.lib.nau.edu/search~S0?/Xthe%20future%20of%20food&SORT=D/Xth e%20future%20of%20food&SORT=D&SUBKEY=the%20future%20of%20food/1
Food Ethics (edited by Ben Mapham)
Redesigning Life?: The Worldwide Challenge to Genetic Engineering: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10218443&p00=Techn ology%27s+effect+on+humans
C3. Global Communications: Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of groups in a global society in relationship to communications.
Objective 1: Diversity & Communication: Examine diversity and its relationship to communication.
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Lesson 1: Stereotypes in Media: Trace the structure of news media and mass media forms that create or enforce stereotypes of gender, race, sexualities, or disabilities. (Maps to
Science and Cultural Understanding) (COMU 302-1.0, STAT 271-0.75) GenEd.C3.O1.L1
Topic 1: Stereotype Perpetuation: Explore stereotypes (related to gender, race, sexualities, and disabilities) and stereotype perpetuation
Topic 2: Comparing the News: Select two different news websites (CNN, MSNBC,
Huffington Post, Fox News, etc) comparing/contrasting the appeal to a target audience, and evaluate any use of stereotyping GenEd.C3.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Images of Women: Explore representations of women in the media, focusing on messages about body, beauty, and sexuality
Topic 4: Images of LBGTQ: Explore representations of LBGTQ in the media, and make an argument about how to remedy stereotyping GenEd.C3.O1.L1.T4
Topic 5: Stereotyping Experiment: Conduct a social experiment on stereotyping in your community, developing statistics and presenting data in a digital, visual format.
Include in your explanation of your findings a discussion of how your findings might be limited/biased based on your sample set. GenEd.C3.O1.L1.T5
Topic 6_Mastery: Write a 10-page essay discussing stereotypes in the media and your community. Using statistics and data for supporting evidence, prescribe a solution to improve perpetuation of stereotypes
On Demand clip about News Media Differences: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=37207
Readings on race, gender, sexualities, and disabilities stereotyping
Readings on stereotypes in media
Presentation about building arguments and using evidence
Race/Gender/Media: Considering diversity across audiences, content and producers, 2 nd Edition, by Rebecca Ann Lind, 2010, Allyn & Bacon o Chapter 1 (Lind text) o “The Social Psychology of Stereotypes: Implications for Media
Audiences” (Lind text) o “He was a Black Guy: How News’s Misrepresentation of Crime Creates
Fear of Blacks” (Lind text) o “Women on Women: The Representation of Women by Female Rap
Artists” (Lind text) o “All I Really Needed to Know (About Beauty) I learned in Kindergarten”
(Lind text) o “Body Image, Mass Media, Self-Concept” (Lind text) o “The More you Subtract, The More you Add: Cutting Girls Down to Size in Advertising” (Lind text)
Owens, “Network News: The role of race in source selection and story topic”
Lesson 2: Evolving Communications: Demonstrate an understanding of the history and role of professionals and institutions in shaping communications. (Maps to Cultural
Understanding and Social & Political Worlds)
(COMU 302-1.0, CSTU 366-0.6)
Page 5 of 16
Readings on the history and evolution of communications
Race/Gender/Media: Considering diversity across audiences, content and producers, 2 nd Edition, by Rebecca Ann Lind, 2010, Allyn & Bacon
Presentation about building an argument and using sources
Readings about ethics of using sources and evaluating information for communications professionals
On Demand Clip about How Journalists use/find/evaluate sources: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=8562
C4. Historical Inquiry: Demonstrate an understanding of historical inquiry and terminology. GenEd.C4
Objective 1: Islamic Culture: Explore Islamic culture, past and present GenEd.C4.O1
Lesson 1: Islamic History: Demonstrate knowledge of Islamic history since 1500. (Maps to
Cultural Understanding)
(HIST 232-1.5) GenEd.C4.O1.L1
Topic 1: Historical Timeline: Create a chronological timeline of the major events of
Islamic history since 1500. GenEd.C4.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Islamic Faith: Analyze the diversity and importance of the Islamic faith and
Muslim societies in the development of human history. GenEd.C4.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: 1001 Arabian Nights: Compare/contrast 3 different stories from 1001
Arabian Nights GenEd.C4.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Researching History: Research a specific historical Islamic event. [note to designers: please assign the students to write a 7-page essay for this requirement]
Topic 5_Mastery: Create a Prezi with a timeline of major events in Islamic culture.
For each event on the timeline, include a synopsis of the event, people/groups involved, description of significance and relationship to other events.
Topic 1: Shaping Communications: Explore how professionals and institutions shape communications
Topic 2: Historical Shifts in Communications: Illustrate in a timeline historical shifts in communication GenEd.C3.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Role of Professionals: Formulate an argument about the role of professionals and institutions in the evolution of communication
Topic 4: Researching Like a Pro: Conduct research and evaluate information by methods appropriate to the communications professions. GenEd.C3.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Create a visual presentation of your argument on the role of professionals and institutions play in shaping communications, citing specific examples for illustration
On Demand Clip with Diane Sawyers—Islam Questions and Answers:
Page 6 of 16
On Demand Clip about British Mandate in Middle East News Reel from 1919: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=45617
A History of Islamic Societies, Ira Lapidus, Cambridge.
Articles about major, historical, Islamic events
Presentations about Islam history and religion
Arabian Nights (http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks)
On Demand Clip about Arabian Nights: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=45465&psid=0&sid=
0&State=&title=Legends%20of%20the%20Arabian%20Nights&IsSearch=N&pa rentSeriesID =
Lesson 2: Current Islamic Events: Demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills through historical interpretation applied to current events in the Middle East. (Maps to Cultural
(HIST 232-1.5) GenEd.C4.O1.L2
Topic 1: Middle Eastern Wars: Compare/contrast Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003) with Desert Storm (1990), citing differences in stakeholders, regions affected, government questions/issues GenEd.C4.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Islamic Women: Explore women’s roles/duties in Islamic culture, evaluating how the role has shifted and/or evolved throughout history
Topic 3: Women in the Olympics: Investigate the surge of female, Islamic athletes who competed in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, exploring specific competitors, her sport, modifications required to adhere to Islamic guidelines, and the outcome for the events.
Topic 4: Western Culture & Islam: Analyze how western culture has affected Islamic culture, as well as the future of Islam and its youth GenEd.C1.O1.L2.T4
Topic 5_Mastery: Select a contemporary Islamic event (since 1950) and create a
Power Point illustrating the event, people involved, outcome, and significance to
Islamic culture
On Demand Clip (Women’s Equality in Palestine): http://digital.films.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=10687&loid=348
Contemporary Islamic events
Olympic competitors
Islam and Western culture
Islamic Women
Gulf War
Operation Iraqi Freedom
C5. Everyday Physical Science: Apply fundamental concepts in physical science to independent
Objective 1: Scientific Inquiry: Demonstrate knowledge of scientific inquiry GenEd.C5.O1
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Lesson 1: Concepts of Physical Science: Demonstrate knowledge of key concepts in physical science (Maps to Science) (PHSI 102L-2.0, STAT 271-0.75) GenEd.C5.O1.L1
Topic 1: Force and Motion : Explore fundamentals of force and motion (activity should be a type of hands-on lab practice with concept) GenEd.C5.O1.L1.T1
Topic 2: Nature of Matter : Demonstrate understanding of the nature of matter
(activity should be a type of hands-on lab practice with concept)
Topic 3: Sound : Discover rudimentary theories of sound (activity should be a type of hands-on lab practice with concept) GenEd.C5.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Light : Examine key aspects of light (activity should be a type of hands-on lab practice with concept)
Topic 5: Electricity : Explain how electricity works (activity should be a type of hands-on lab practice with concept) GenEd.C5.O1.L1.T5
Topic 6: Magnetism : Illustrate magnetism and its underlying theories (activity should be a type of hands-on lab practice with concept)
Topic 7_Mastery: Conduct an experiment on one of the above topics of your choice, using statistics and visual graphs to represent findings, and create a visual presentation for your information. Include in your presentation of information your hypothesis prior to completing the experiment and a description of how you tested your hypothesis for accuracy.
On Demand Clip about Art and Science: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=5578
Physics text from Pearson
Presentations about Force and Motion, include lab element from Coco
Presentations about the Nature of Matter
Presentations about Sound
Presentations about Light
Presentations about Electricity
Presentations about Magnetism
Lesson 2: Observing the Sky: Demonstrate ability to document accurate observations of the motions of the sun, moon, and stars. (Maps to Science) (PHSI 102-1.5) GenEd.C5.O1.L2
Topic 1: Celestial Motions : Explore concepts of celestial motions
Topic 2: Comparing Celestial Bodies: Compare/contrast dissimilar celestial bodies, distinguishing movement, lifespan, and physical characteristics
Topic 3: Space Station : Explore the International Space Station [note to designer: have students write a 3-4 page essay discussing the work done at the Space Station, how it is manned, what a day might feel like, and future goals] GenEd.C5.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Planetarium Visit : Locate a planetarium in your community and attend one of its public shows, submit a reflection of the experience and content knowledge gained (an online planetarium show is offered on
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http://library.thinkquest.org/3461/ for students unable to attend a planetarium in person)
Topic 5_Mastery: Create a visual presentation about constellations, illustrating at least 20 different constellations, including sky position, component stars, history of the name, optimal viewing, visual image, etc. GenEd.C5.O1.L2.TM
Celestial motion
Information about the Space Station
Online Planetarium Show: http://library.thinkquest.org/3461/
Technophobia! : Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology ebrary
Reader Author: Dinello, Daniel Publisher: University of Texas Press, Original
Publication Date: 01/2005
C6. Technological Tools: Demonstrate an awareness of technology, including its current and emerging
products, tools, and applications.
Objective 1: Current Software: Demonstrate understanding of prominent software and trends in technology GenEd.C6.O1
Lesson 1: Computer Products: Demonstrate ability to use computers products (Maps to
Science, Aesthetic & Humanistic Inquiry, and social & Political Worlds) (HUMA 121-0.75,
PHSI 102-0.5, CSTU 366-0.6, HUMA 372-0.6) GenEd.C6.O1.L1
Topic 1: Word Documents: Create a Word document with tables, drawing on elements of meaning making [note to designer: have students write a paper about the value of higher education using Word and incorporating tables]
Topic 2: Power Points Presentations: Create a PowerPoint presentation on a key concept in physical science.
Topic 3: Excel Spreadsheets: Create an Excel spreadsheet and incorporate into a work-related project. GenEd.C6.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Statistical Spreadsheets: Use SPSS (or generic version PSPP) to create a statistical spreadsheet.
Topic 5: Prezi Presentations: Create a visual presentation using Prezi about a social movement of your choice, including history of the movement, major players, examples of art and literature associated with the movement, as well as forms of agitation, resistance, and control related to the movement.
Topic 6_Mastery: Using free movie maker software such as PC Movie Maker (for
Windows), iMovie (for Mac), Kino 1.3 (Open Source), create a 2 minute video on the topic of “technology and society” using still images, short video clips, music, and/or voice over. . GenEd.C6.O1.L1.TM
On Demand Clip about women’s Suffrage: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=47809
Page 9 of 16
News Reel Clip about Protesting Berlin Wall: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=46477
Instructional/tutorial information about Word
Instructional/tutorial information about Excel
Instructional/tutorial information about SPSS and PSPP
Instructional/tutorial information about Prezi
Instructional/tutorial information about iMovie, PC Movie Maker, and Kino 1.3
Readings about social movements (history, theories, agitation, resistance, and control, etc)
Readings about making meaning
Readings about value of higher education
Readings about technology and society
Lesson 2: Evaluating CIT: Discuss and evaluate the social, political, legal, ethical, commercial, and psychological aspects of computer information technology. (Maps to Social & Political
Worlds and Aesthetic & Humanistic Inquiry) (HUMA 377-0.5) GenEd.C6.O1.L2
Topic 1: Commercial CIT: Explore the commercial and ethical considerations of the
Internet and computer information technology.
Topic 2: Political Considerations: Analyze the political and legal issues associated with regulating the Internet and emerging technologies. GenEd.C6.O1.L2.T2
Topic 3: Social Media: Evaluate the social life of the Internet and social media
Topic 4: Psychological Considerations: Write an argument about the psychological implications of the Internet and computer information technology for their users.
Topic 5_Mastery: Evaluate the question of social, political, legal, ethical, commercial, and psychological implications due to technology as it is presented in
Ayn Rand’s Anthem. GenEd.C6.O1.L2.TM
Ayn Rand, Anthem ( http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks )
Ayn Rand discussing technology’s influence in economic meltdown:
Readings about technology looking at social, political, legal, ethical, commercial, and psychological aspects
Lesson 3: New Forms of CIT: Demonstrate that one is current with continuously emerging information technologies that enable new forms of communication, collaborating and partnering. (Maps to Cultural Understanding and Social & Political Worlds) (CSTU 366-0.6,
COMU 302-1.0) GenEd.C6.O1.L3
Topic 1: Potential for Facebook: Analyze the potential for communication, collaborating, and partnering offered by Facebook
Topic 2: Identity & Social Media: Examine how identity is communicated/expressed on a social media site such as Facebook GenEd.C6.O1.L3.T2
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Topic 3: Comparing Social Sites: Compare/contrast the potential for communication, collaborating, and partnering offered by Linkedin vs. Twitter
Topic 4: Social Media Movements: Analyze and evaluate the role social media played in a contemporary social movement such as Occupy Wall Street
Topic 5: Applying Social Media: Write an argument about a historical social movement (including history and background about the movement) and then explore how that historical movement might have been different had social media been available
Topic 6_Mastery: Explain a new form of social media that you think should be created, including the name of the media, attributes of the media, capabilities, resources, and a rationale for all of your choices compared to what’s available/not available on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, My Space, Linkedin, or any other of your choosing GenEd.C6.O1.L3.TM
Readings about social media’s evolution/history
Readings about contemporary social movements
Occupy Wall Street movement and social media
Materials about Linkedin
Materials about Facebook
Materials about Twitter
Materials about Pinterest
C7. Social Movements: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse views about social movements. GenEd.C7
Objective 1: Diverse Social Movements: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse views about social movements GenEd.C7.O1
Lesson 1: Theories of Social Movement: Identify relevant theories about social movements.
(Maps to Social & Political Worlds)
(CSTU 366-0.6) GenEd.C7.O1.L1
Topic 1: Social Movement Concepts: Define social movement, agitation, resistance, and control with contemporary examples.
Topic 2: Social Movement Theory: Outline Social Movement Theory and key contributors to the conversation about social movements
Topic 3: Responsible Citizenship: Describe in a reflective essay what it means to be an active and responsible citizen, giving personal examples and setting goals for future citizenship GenEd.C7.O1.L1.T3
Topic 4: Connecting Vision & Action: Demonstrate ability to connect imagination to vision to action.
Topic 5_Mastery: Apply theories of social movements to the film, Hotel Rwanda, and create a visual presentation with your information GenEd.C7.O1.L1.TM
Hotel Rwanda: Cline DVD 1312
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Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10481490&p00=social%
Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics: Civil Rights Movement and the Logic of
Social Change http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10381286&p00=social%
Social Movements and Culture: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10159473&p00=social%
Social Movements: Identity, Culture, and the State: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10085326&p00=social%
Social Movement Theory
Lesson 2: Historical Social Movements: Examine US social movements and the impact on contemporary affairs. (Maps to Social & Political Worlds)
(CSTU 366-0.6) GenEd.C7.O1.L2
Topic 1: American Labor Movement: Explore the American Labor Movement, and evaluate the role the movement had on changing the politics of the day and for future generations. GenEd.C7.O1.L2.T1
Topic 2: Women’s Suffrage: Explore Women’s Suffrage Movement, and evaluate the role the movement had on changing the politics of the day and for future generations.
Topic 3: Social Movement Documentaries: Compare/contrast The Secret to Change and All Power to the People! GenEd.C7.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Researching a Movement: Write a research paper about a social movement of your choice, including statistical evidence and graphs.
Topic 5_Mastery: Select a social movement that has occurred since 1970 (excluding
Tea Party since it was included in Topic 4) of your choice and present a visual project that illustrates the movement, major players, stakeholders, outcome, and policy changes
On Demand Clip about Women’s Suffrage:
Women’s Suffrage
Tea Party
http://www.dol.gov/oasam/programs/history/herman/reports/futurework/c onference/grassroots/literature.htm
Documentary: The Secret to Change, by Millie Jeffrey http://libproxy.nau.edu:7440/view/1641529
Documentary: All Power to the People! http://libproxy.nau.edu:7440/view/1641353
Page 12 of 16
Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10481490&p00=social%
Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics: Civil Rights Movement and the Logic of
Social Change http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10381286&p00=social%
Social Movements and Culture: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10159473&p00=social%
Social Movements: Identity, Culture, and the State: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10085326&p00=social%
Social Movement Theory
C8: Utopian Societies: Demonstrate knowledge utopian and dystopian image of society GenEd.C8
Objective 1: Utopian & Dystopian Models: Examine utopias and dystopias from history and fiction
Lesson 1: Classic Utopias: Explore classic examples of utopias (Maps to Social & Political
Worlds) (HUMA 377-1.0) GenEd.C8.O1.L1
Topic 1: Utopia vs. Dystopia: Define utopia and differentiate between utopias and dystopias
Topic 2: More’s Utopia: Read Thomas More’s Utopia, and reflect on his ideas about the social and political worlds of utopias. GenEd.C8.O1.L1.T2
Topic 3: Plato’s Utopia: Assess the social and political implications explored in
Plato’s Book V Republic
Topic 4: Plato vs. More: Compare/contrast Plato’s Book V Republic with More’s
Utopia, keeping social and political concepts at the heart of your analysis
Topic 5_Mastery: Compare/contrast 3 different world governments, exploring the concept of utopia underlying the government’s structure. GenEd.C8.O1.L1.TM
Readings on utopia/dytopias
Dystopian Fiction East and West: Universe of Terror and Trial: http://site.ebrary.com/lib/nau/docDetail.action?docID=10132758
Plato’s Republic http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks
On Demand clip about Plato's Conversations:
Thomas More’s Utopia
On Demand clip of More’s Utopia:
Page 13 of 16
Governments and utopias
Technophobia! : Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology ebrary
Reader Author: Dinello, Daniel Publisher: University of Texas Press, Original
Publication Date: 01/2005
Lesson 2: Technology & Utopias: Analyze how images of ideal societies have changed with technological advancement. (Maps to Social & Political Worlds and Aesthetic & Humanistic
Inquiry) (HUMA 377-1.0) GenEd.C8.O1.L2
Topic 1: Utopias & American Dream: Reflect on ways society has changed during your own lifetime as a result of technology, and expand into how those changes have impacted the American Dream
Topic 2: Utopias in Film: Reflect on the utopia presented in The Matrix
Topic 3: Bradbury’s Utopia: Analyze Fahrenheit 451 for themes of utopia and reactions to technological advancements GenEd.C8.O1.L2.T3
Topic 4: Wells’s Utopia: Analyze The Time Machine for themes of utopia and technology unchecked.
Topic 5_Mastery: Compare/contrast the utopian visions found in Fahrenheit 451 and The Time Machine, focusing on technology’s impact on the ideal society and political structure.
On Demand Clip about American Dream: http://libproxy.nau.edu:3127/PortalPlaylists.aspx?aid=18624&xtid=37614
The Matrix: Cline DVD 4551
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury : Cline DVD 1121
The Time Machine, by H.G. Wells ( http://www.openculture.com/free_ebooks )
Technology and utopias
American Dream
Human Nature and technology
Human nature and utopias
Technophobia! : Science Fiction Visions of Posthuman Technology ebrary
Reader Author: Dinello, Daniel Publisher: University of Texas Press, Original
Publication Date: 01/2005
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Part II —NAU Courses Mapped to Competencies
PHSI 102L Everyday Physical Science (4)
HUMA 121 The Act of Meaning-Making (3)
HUMA 372 Ethics, Values, and Technology (3)
COMU 302 Stereotypes & the Media (3)
HIST 232 Islamic Culture Since 1500 (3)
CSTU 366 Communication and Social Movements (3)
HUMA 377 Utopias and Dystopias (3)
STAT 271 Introduction to Statistics (3)
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Competency 4
2.0 0.6
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