Epigenetics and the Environment

AP Biology
Name: ________________________
Chapter 13: Regulation of Gene Expression
Date: _________________
Epigenetics Web Activity
Period: _____________
DIRECTIONS: Research epigenetics using information from the following link and answer the questions
that follow:
What is Epigenetics?
Gene Control
Describe the following characteristics when a gene is active:
1. Is the gene tightly or loosely wound around histones?
2. Are there many or few methyl molecules attached to the gene?
3. Are there many or few acetyl molecules attached to the genes associated histones?
4. Are there many or few mRNA transcripts?
Describe the following characteristics when a gene is inactive:
5. Is the gene tightly or loosely wound around histones?
6. Are there many or few methyl molecules attached to the gene?
7. Are there many or few acetyl molecules attached to the genes associated histones?
8. Are there many or few mRNA transcripts?
AP Biology
Name: ________________________
Chapter 13: Regulation of Gene Expression
Date: _________________
Epigenetics Web Activity
Period: _____________
The Epigenome Learns From Its Experiences
9. True or False. Cell signals play a role in shaping gene expression only during development.
10. What molecule is primarily responsible for carrying cell signals to DNA?
11. What are the two functions of gene regulatory proteins?
12. Are epigenetic tags passed to daughter cells?
Epigenetics and the Environment
Identical Twins: Pinpointing Environmental Impact on the Epigenome
13. Often, the physical characteristics of genetically identical twins become increasingly different as
they age, even at the molecular level. Explain why this is so. (use the terms "environment" and
14. Name 3-4 environmental factors that influence the epigenome.
15. What is an imprinted gene?
Nutrition and the Epigenome
16. Explain how the food we eat affects gene expression.
17. Can the diets of parents affect their offspring's epigenome?