Writing the Essay Kay M. Hedrick RCSHS BEGINNINGS AND ENDINGS TOPIC SENTENCES THE INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH What is it’s purpose? To prepare the reader for what is to follow and arouse the reader’s interest in the topic. Functions of an Effective Introduction 1. Appeals to a specific audience. 2. Employs an interest device. -- appeals to the audience's sense of authority (what they know) -- appeals to the audience's sense of value (what they feel) 3. Sets the tone or mood for the paper. 4. Focuses to a thesis (a one-sentence summary of the paper that follows) Ways to Introduce your Topic 1. The Thesis Statement Alone. (Take notes now.) The Thesis Statement Alone Against seemingly insurmountable odds, humans have shown an amazing will to survive. Three incredible people are evidence — one the victim of a head-on crash with a semi trailer, the second the survivor of a brain tumor and the third the prey of a form of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. (from the essay “Human Will to Survive” by Jerry W.) Ways to Introduce your Topic 2. Personal Comment or Anecdote (Take notes now.) Personal Comment or Anecdote Fast Eddie Riley did not just march to a different tune; he polkaed. I first met him in university residence. Bright but socially inept, friendly but friendless, and the unfortunate butt of jokes and pranks, I can remember clearly how much outside the norm he lived. [Followed by thesis statement.] (from the essay “Individuals Who are Outsiders” by Pieter L.) Ways to Introduce your Topic 3. Questions (Take notes now.) Questions Why would anyone ever want to wear a school uniform? What are the possible benefits of such a hair-brained scheme? Has such a plan ever been successful anywhere but some fancy-schmancy private school? My initial thoughts were for no good reason, very few and probably not. Ways to Introduce your Topic 4. Opposite View (Take notes now.) Opposite View Everyone knows that capital punishment, the death penalty, has been widely successful throughout the world. It has been performed by the most humane possible methods, it has deterred criminals from committing serious offences, and it is being adopted by more and more countries around the globe. Unfortunately, this is not the case. On the contrary, killing people for killing people doesn’t work. (from the essay “Capital Punishment: The Grave Reality by Janet S.) Ways to Introduce your Topic 5. Quotation (Take notes now.) Quotation “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” When Henry Ford, famous auto maker, made this statement, he backed it with performance. To build a reputation or to create anything substantial, the builder needs to begin with a dream, he has to set goals, and it helps if he has an ideal, a model, to imitate. Terry Fox is just such a builder. (from the essay “The Influence of Dreams, Goals, and Ideals” by Robbie M.) Things to remember about using the Quotation: It is important to choose a quote that is the right length. Think of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” — a short quote needs to be explained or elaborated, a medium-length quote may be just right, but a long one is likely to be just that — too long. Ways to Introduce your Topic 6. The Startling Statement (Take Notes Now.) The Startling Statement Golf is gaining popularity faster than any summer sport! Thanks to superstars like Tiger Woods giving personal lessons to kids right here in our town, and thanks to millions of dollars in golf scholarships being given out in our own school, and even bigger thanks to the fact that new studies show that golfers, on average, live twenty years longer than other athletes. Well, perhaps these are exaggerated statements, but golf is a great sport. The stars of the sport, the possibilities for a great career, and the physical benefits help make golf a big hit. (from the essay “Golf” by Robert R.) Remember to make your statement not only startling, but relevant. ''Tonight more people will watch a typical situation comedy on TV than have seen all of the stage performances of all of Shakespeare's plays in the last 400 years.'' (This happens to be a true statement.) ''When I was 14 years old I fell in love with a woman 37 feet tall.'' This statement would be a novel way to start a talk about a 37-foot statue in one's hometown. Ways to Introduce your Topic 7. The Mix (Take notes now.) The Mix Curfews. When all else fails, adults revert to rules. The rules don’t have to make sense. They don’t have to be easy to enforce. They just have to sound simple. Once again, adolescents are faced with the threat from the “Ready, Shoot, Aim” school of thought. What’s the real problem? How did we get here? Where should we really be looking for answers? The Introductory Paragraph. . . Should be the most enjoyable part of your essay. Is your chance to promote your product, to say, “Pick me; pick me!” With each of the techniques, other than the Thesis Statement Alone, you need to add a thesis statement to the introductory paragraph. Introductory Paragraphs Exercise Topic Sentences: Placed first. A hedgehog’s quills are its most obvious, most interesting feature. The quills, actually stiff, hollow hairs, have no points, are not barbed, and unlike porcupine quills, are not easily removed from a hedgehog’s body. The quills can be both a defensive and an offensive mechanism. When attacked, a hedgehog will roll into a protective ball. On some occasions, a hedgehog will attack a predator and throw itself against the attacker. In both cases, the point is made. Topic Sentences: Placed second. To begin with, everybody has one; why shouldn’t I? Yes, having a credit card opens a new, exciting life. My little piece of plastic is the key to instant happiness; I never have to wait to get that new top, the latest CD, a snack when I’m hungry, or a treat for my friends. It’s way safer than carrying cash and handy to slip into my jeans. Am I awed by its power? Do you think I don’t know there’s a monthly statement? Hey man, give me a little credit! Topic Sentences: Placed last. She lives in a $1.3 million home on Marrowstone Island, Washington. That’s not too expensive if your earnings have topped $50 million. And earnings like that make sense if your books have sold over 70 million copies and have been translated into 37 languages. Add blockbuster movies to the list, add being named Author of the Year for 2008, and then throw in being listed #49 on Time Magazine’s list of 100 Most Influential People. Yes, Stephanie Meyers is a success story. The Concluding Paragraph What’s its purpose? The purpose of the final paragraph is to bring the essay to a smooth conclusion. Similar to the last page in a children’s book, or at the end of an old movie, it is a way of saying The End How do I end it all? 1. Restate the Main Points (Take notes now.) Restating the Main Ideas So before heading out to enjoy the great sport of scuba diving, remember to get the proper clothing and gear, and to follow the list of “Do’s and Don’ts.” Somewhere nearby there is an underwater adventure just waiting to be enjoyed. (from the essay “Scuba Diving” by Tibor S.) How do I end it all? 2. The Future Or Suggestions for Action (Take notes now.) The Future/Suggestions for Action The NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) idea could be much more than an idea in your life. We are all going to die. How we die is open for discussion. Now that you know about a living will and a personal directive, and you have heard the true life and death stories of two real people, what choices do you have to make? (from the essay “Euthanasia” by Gurpreet K.) How do I end it all? 3. Questions Questions In conclusion, it should be obvious that why we take risks, who is responsible for the results, and when it is reasonable to put our lives on the line is a very personal set of questions. The most important question of all remains: In that split second when a major decision is required, will you have the foresight and the will power to do what you know is the right thing to do? (from the essay “Risk Taking” by Andrew S.) How do I end it all? 4. Personal Comment Or Anecdote (Take notes now.) Personal Comment or Anecdote As we saw at the outset, Jane Doe had a big decision one that affected her life, her baby’s life and the lives of countless others around her. In this case, Jane kept the baby. It has been a story of triumph, of tears, of hopes, of sacrifice, of loneliness, of joy, and it will continue to be a life of wondering. Did I make the right decision? (from the essay “Abortion” by Jillian K. How do I end it all? 5. Cyclic Return (Take notes now.) Cyclic Return So where does that leave us? It seems to take us back to where we started like someone lost in the woods returning to the original campsite. We still have the same questions, we still have the same barriers, and we still have the same dress code. Will it ever change? My money say it won’t. Hey, there goes an airborne sow! (from the essay “School Dress Code” by Jeremy J.) STRATEGIES TO AVOID Avoid introducing new ideas or facts that belong in the body of the essay Avoid merely rewording the introduction Avoid announcing what you have done, as in, “In this paper, I have successfully explained why women are seen as sexual objects in today’s society.” Avoid apologizing, as in, “Even though I am not an expert…”