APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 2016-2017 CANDIDATE ELECTION APPLICATION All potential candidates must fill out the entire application to be a member of Student Council. : PERSONAL BACKGROUND INFORMATION Name: _____________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Home number: ___________________________ : COMPLETE CLASS SCHEDULE 1A Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No: _______ 2A Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No: _______ 3A Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No:________ 4A Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No: _______ 1B Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No: _______ 2B Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No: _______ 3B Teacher’s Name: __________________________________Rm. No: ________ 4B Teacher’s Name: __________________________________ Rm. No:________ : CANDIDACY Next year you will be a (circle one): Sophomore Junior Senior Office Sought (circle only one*)- *If you are a senior running for a student body office, you may choose to run for a class officer position should you not be elected. Please circle the class office for which you would run should you not be elected as a student body officer. Student Body Officers □ Student Body President □ Student Body Vice-President □ Student Body Secretary □ Student Body Treasurer Class Officers □ Class President □ Class Vice-President □ Class Secretary Class representative: Class representatives are NOT elected positions, but students desiring to be a representative must still complete the application. * Please note: Only candidates with previous Student Council experience may run for a student body executive position unless prior approval is granted. Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 1 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 : EXTRA-CURRICULAR EXPERIENCES Please list each of your leadership experiences beginning with the most recent. If you’ve held different leadership positions in the same organization for multiple years, please list each position separately. Academic Year (list most recent positions first) Name of club, sport, job, volunteer organization, fine arts shows, etc. (don’t forget to include Student Council!) Your Title (member or officer title, athletic position, job/volunteer title, part in play or musical, etc.) CANDIDATE ELIGIBILITY : You are required to obtain several signatures which attest to your fitness to run for and/or hold office. Any faculty member or administrator has the right to withhold his/her signature, thereby indicating that you are not fit to run for and/or hold office. Receiving these signatures is a privilege, not a right. Please obtain signatures before or after school, at lunch, or during passing periods – NOT DURING CLASS! As a courtesy to those who must sign your application, please do not wait until the last day to obtain these signatures. 1) GPA Verification : ___________________________________________________ (your guidance counselor’s signature) The student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0. GPA: ___________________ 2) Attendance:_____________ _______________________________________________________ (your guidance counselor’s signature) The student does not have a record of excessive absences (over 8) for the previous school year in any year long class or (over 4) in a semester class. 3) School Disciplinarian: ____________________________________________________________ Ms. Jowers (Rm 203) or Mr. Dease (Rm 325) or another administrator The student may not have been suspended from school during the previous school year and should possess a clean disciplinary record. IF you have been suspended in the past year, please explain the incident (use separate sheet) Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 2 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES & EXPECTATIONS : Student Council members are expected to 1. Provide support to fellow officers as necessary. 2. Provide input and vote on council decisions. 3. Be a positive role model for the other council members and for the student body in general. All Student Council members shall abide by all rules and regulations written in the Dreher Student Handbook. Higher behavioral standards and expectations exist for officers than for representatives. 4. Be enthusiastic and supportive of all student council activities. 5. Devote the time and energy necessary to fulfill the obligations of the office in a responsible fashion. 6. Be present at all Student Council functions and meetings unless excused by the advisor. 7. Attempt to attend off-campus retreats, workshops, camps, conferences and trainings unless extenuating circumstances exist as agreed to by the advisor PRIOR to running for the officer position. Student Council will offset the cost of some workshops. 8. Assist in all fundraising activities. CANDIDATE & GUARDIAN SIGNATURES : I understand that being elected to a Student Council Office or Representative position is a privilege which carries with it high expectations and responsibilities. I understand that if I fail to meet these expectations and responsibilities, especially, but not limited to, those of attendance, officer expectations, and behavior, I will be removed from Student Council. *OFFICERS ONLY- I understand that, if elected as an officer, I must enroll in the Student Council Leadership class. Depending on master scheduling, this class may be created as an early bird class, and I understand I would need to arrive to class on time (7 am). Students in the early bird Academic Decathlon Team class would be excused from an early bird leadership class. ____________________________________ Candidate’s Signature ____________________________________ Date I have read the above policies and am aware of the expectations my son/daughter will have to follow to remain on the Student Council if he/she is elected. ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 ____________________________________ Date 3 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 ESSAY EXPECTATIONS : ESSAY CONTENT - Answer some (or all) of the question as thoughtfully and thoroughly as possible in as many words/paragraphs needed. (a) Why are you running for student council? (b) Why are you the right person for the position? Include qualifications, strengths, and specific examples. See position descriptions attached. (c) What is your personal leadership style and philosophy? (d) Being a Student Council officer is a lot of work. How do you plan to manage your time with your other academic and extra-curricular responsibilities? (e) How do you handle conflicts with your peers? (For example, what would you do if another officer was not fully honoring his or her commitment or if someone was gossiping to you about another officer?) (f) What do you believe can be done to improve the school, and how do you plan to accomplish these tasks? HARD COPY SUBMISSION GUIDELINES - Type, print out, and attach your essay behind pages 1-3 of this packet. You must personally hand deliver your packet to Mrs. Hiller in room 300 before or after school or during 2nd lunch (NOT during class time). VIDEO SPEECH – Select an excerpt from your essay response to read on camera OR design an advertisement for your candidacy. We will video tape you reading your excerpt or your advertisement after school hours and show it to the student body before elections during the announcements. You will schedule a film time when you turn in your application. If you do not show for your scheduled film time, you will not be able to have a video for elections. QUESTIONS - If you have any questions regarding the application process, contact Mrs. Hiller, Student Council Advisor room 300 Dreher: 803.253.7000 ext. 2300 Email: 2016-2017 STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTION SCHEDULE Thursday, February 4 Application packets available for pickup at general body meeting and in room 300 thereafter Tuesday, Feb 23 Completed application packets due by 3:30 pm. You must personally hand deliver your packet to Mrs. Hiller in room 300. Turn in pages 1-3 & your attached essay (keep other pages for your reference). Feb 29-March 4 Videotaping candidates’ short speeches or advertisements with Mr. Sloan. Friday, March 4 Deadline for approving campaign posters/materials (Mrs. Hiller & Ms. Jowers) March 1-March 10 Student Body Officer candidates’ campaign window Thursday, March 10 Student Body Executive Officer elections during club time Friday, March 11 Student Body Executive Officer results announced March 10-March 17 Class Officer candidates’ campaign window Thursday, March 17 Class officer elections during club time Friday, March 18 Class officer results announced 4 Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 E APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 ELECTION AND CAMPAIGNING PROCESS and RULES 1. The Campaign Period: Candidates may not campaign prior to the designated time period. 2. Positive Campaigns: You are expected to a run a POSITIVE campaign promoting your own candidacy. Negative campaigning against other candidates is not permitted and will result in the termination of one's candidacy. This is true of "unofficial" campaigning (such as talking about and/or spreading rumors) as well, and is not limited to actual campaign materials. 3. Campaign Posters, Buttons, and Stickers: All campaign materials must be approved by the Student Council advisor and the Director of Student Activities before they are distributed (by March 4). You must confine your posters and/or flyers to the inside of the school area ONLY. Anyone else's signs or ads for other school activities may not be covered. All signs must be hung with masking tape which must be supplied by each individual. Do not use anything that will not come off easily. Posters should not be placed on top of existing school information. Lockers or any other part of the building may not be decorated. People may wear campaign buttons, stickers, etc. anywhere in the school throughout the campaign period. All posters MUST be removed by 4:00 pm on Election Day. If a candidate is absent, he/she must arrange for someone else to remove all posters. 4. Campaign Finances: All campaign materials must not exceed $50.00 for class officer candidates and $70.00 for executive officer candidates. (Ordinary household supplies, such as tape, glue, or staples, do not need to be included in this figure.) Funds can be raised through donations (from clubs, work, sponsors, etc.); however, the maximum amount that can come from you and/or your family members is $25.00 for class officer candidates and $35.00 for executive officer candidates. 5. Social Media: You may use social media to promote your campaign, but ALL prior rules apply (including campaign window). Monitor your social media and remove anything negative posted on your page. All positive campaigning rules apply for social media as well. Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 5 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 : DUTIES OF THE STUDENT BODY OFFICERS A. Student Body President 1. Oversees all activities of the organization. 2. Maintains and enforces the Constitution. 3. Assists in the planning of officer leadership retreats. 4. Serves as a liaison to the Administration and as the official spokesperson of the organization. 5. Presides at and prepares agendas for regular and special meetings. 6. Has the power to call meetings of officers. 7. Assumes responsibility of informing the Student Body of all activities. 8. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the year’s events. B.Student Body Vice-President 1. Performs the duties of the President in the case of his/her absence. 2. Attends and reports at all meetings. 3. Coordinates and oversees all fundraising for the organization with the Treasurer. 4. In the case of the absence, resignation, or disqualification of the Student Body President, assumes the office Student Body President. 5. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the year’s events. C. Student Body Secretary 1. Keeps written records of all meetings of the Executive Board and General Body and also updates club members of Council ideas and plans. 2. Maintains student council attendance and point system 3. Maintains the student body and student council files. 4. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the year’s events. D. Student Body Treasurer 1. Creates a projected annual budget with the assistance of the class presidents and advisor by late July or early August. 2. Works with the Vice-President to oversee fundraising. 3. Reports on the financial state of the student council account. 4. Approves all student council expenditure forms. 5. Utilizes monthly reconciliation reports from the school’s bookkeeper to update budget monthly. DUTIES OF THE CLASS OFFICERS : A. The Class President 1. Oversees all activities of the class. 2. Presides at and prepares agendas for regular and special meetings of his or her class or class officers. 3. Has the power to call meetings of his or her class or class officers. 4. Assumes responsibility of informing class representatives of all activities. 5. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the year’s events. B. The Class Vice-President 1. Performs the duties of the Class President in the case of his/her absence 2. Attends and reports at all meetings. 3. In the case of the absence, resignation, or disqualification of any class President, the ViceDreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 6 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 President of that class shall assume the office class President. 4. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the year’s events. C. The Class Secretary 1. Keeps written records of all meetings of class or class officers. 2. Updates class members of class ideas and plans by creating a monthly newsletter. 3. Keeps listserves up-to-date with the membership’s current email addresses. 5. Keeps a scrapbook of all school activities and publications concerning the student council. 6. Plans Student Council celebrations and social events. 7. Takes attendance at all meetings. 8. Organizes and distributes semester personal information lists containing, but not limited to the following: name, birthday, phone number, home address, and email address. 9. Assists the other officers in the general planning and implementation of the year’s events. DUTIES OF THE CLASS REPRESENTATIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. : Attend all meetings and Student Council events. Support officers in planning and implementation of the year’s events. Participate in fundraising. Help improve school environment and spirit. Serve as a liaison between student body and class officers by bringing concerns and ideas to attention. Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 7 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STUDENT COUNCIL Student instructions: Fill in the bolded information PRIOR to giving the forms to EACH of your teachers. Then, cut the forms and ask your teachers to kindly complete and place back in Mrs. Hiller’s box. 1A Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. 2A Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 8 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 3A Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. 4A Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. 1B Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 9 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 2B Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. 3B Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. 4B Teacher: ___________________________ Student: ___________________________________ Position seeking: ____________________________________________________ Do you have any concerns about the leadership abilities of this student? If so, please explain: Teacher signature: ______________________________________________________ Return this form to Mrs. Hiller’s box. Thank you. Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 10 APPLICATION DUE Tuesday, Feb 23 Dreher High School Student Council Revised 02/16 11