Question 1 - Bibb County Schools

Question 1
A fertilized ovum is called a(n)
novella_1389891 A) blastocyst
B) oocyte
C) egg
D) zygote
Question 2
The head of a sperm contains digestive enzymes in the
novella_1389891 A) flagellum.
B) acrosome.
C) middle piece.
D) corona radiata.
Question 3
The nonliving extracellular material around the ovum is the
novella_1389891 A) corona radiata.
B) plasma membrane.
C) zona pellucida.
D) acrosome.
Question 4
Fertilization occurs in the
novella_1389891 A) uterus.
B) uterine tube (oviduct).
C) vagina.
D) abdominal cavity.
Question 5
The extracellular envelope surrounding an ovum that only lets one sperm penetrate the ovum is called the
novella_1389891 A) corona radiata
B) endometrium
C) trophoblast
D) zona pellucida
Question 6
Which of the following occurs to prevent polyspermy?
novella_1389891 A) All the other sperm die.
B) The ovum's plasma membrane depolarizes.
C) The zona pellucida lifts away from the ovum's plasma membrane.
D) Both B and C.
Question 7
Mitotic division of the zygote with no increase in cell size is called
novella_1389891 A) cleavage.
B) cytokinesis.
C) differentiation.
D) morphogenesis.
Question 8
Cell division with accompanied cell enlargement is called
novella_1389891 A) cleavage.
B) growth.
C) morphogenesis.
D) differentiation.
Question 9
Cell movement in the embryo that causes it to take a shape is called
novella_1389891 A) cleavage.
B) growth.
C) morphogenesis.
D) differentiation.
Question 10
Which extraembryonic membrane encloses the fluid environment in which the embryo and fetus develop?
novella_1389891 A) allantois
B) amnion
C) chorion
D) yolk sac
Question 11
Which extraembryonic membrane becomes a part of the placenta?
novella_1389891 A) allantois
B) amnion
C) chorion
D) yolk sac
Question 12
Which extraembryonic membrane is the first site for the production of red blood cells?
novella_1389891 A) allantois
B) amnion
C) chorion
D) yolk sac
Question 13
The inner cell mass of the blastocyst will become the
novella_1389891 A) chorion.
B) embryo.
Question 14
Embryonic development occurs during the _________ of pregnancy.
novella_1389891 A) first week
B) second through eighth weeks
C) third through ninth weeks
D) third through ninth months
Question 15
What does hCG produced by the trophoblast during implantation do?
novella_1389891 A) digests the endometrium of the uterus.
B) starts morphogenesis of the embryo
C) maintains the corpus luteum
D) produces the amnionic fluid
Question 16
Implantation normally occurs around the _______ following fertilization?
novella_1389891 A) first day
B) second day
C) seventh day
D) fourteenth day
Question 17
What attaches to the uterus during implantation?
novella_1389891 A) fetus
B) embryo
C) morula
D) zygote
Question 18
Which hormone continues to be produced during pregnancy, thus not allowing menstruation to occur.
novella_1389891 A) progesterone
C) oxytocin
D) testosterone
Question 19
Which of the following is NOT a primary germ layer?
novella_1389891 A) endoderm
B) epiderm
C) ectoderm
D) mesoderm
Question 20
Which of the following structures does NOT come from ectoderm?
novella_1389891 A) nervous system
B) epidermis of the skin
C) lining of the digestive tract
D) linings of the mouth and rectum
Question 21
Which of the following structures does NOT come from mesoderm?
novella_1389891 A) liver
B) bones
C) cardiovascular system
D) muscles
Question 22
The skeleton, muscular system, dermis of the skin, and urinary and reproductive systems arise from which primary
germ layer?
novella_1389891 A) ectoderm
B) mesoderm
C) endoderm
D) epiderm
Question 23
What is the first organ system to appear in the embryo?
novella_1389891 A) cardiovascular
B) nervous
C) integumentary
D) digestive
Question 24
Limb buds appear during the ____ week of embryonic development.
novella_1389891 A) 3rd
B) 5th
C) 6th
D) 8th
Question 25
A cartilagenous skeleton is formed during the ___ week of embryonic development.
novella_1389891 A) 4th
B) 5th
C) 6th
D) 7th
Question 26
The placenta is formed and functioning by the ___ week of embryonic development.
novella_1389891 A) 5th
B) 6th
C) 7th
D) 8th
What produces HCG?
novella_1389891 A) ovary
B) fetus (after third month)
C) placenta
D) uterus
Question 28
The fetal period of development occurs during the ___ of pregnancy.
novella_1389891 A) 1st week
B) 2nd through 8th weeks
C) 3rd through 9th weeks
D) 3rd through 9th months
Question 29
Which of the following is NOT a function of the placenta?
novella_1389891 A) provides nutrients for the fetus
B) removes wastes for the fetus
C) produces estrogen and progesterone
D) exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide
E) All of the above are functions of the placenta
Question 30
The downy hair of the fetus is called
novella_1389891 A) lanugo.
B) vernix caseosa.
C) vellus hair.
D) terminal hair.
Question 31
What chromosome pair denotes a male child?
novella_1389891 A) XX
Question 32
What hormone causes labor to begin?
novella_1389891 A) hCG
B) testosterone
C) oxytocin
Which of the following does NOT occur during stage 1 of parturition?
novella_1389891 A) effacement
B) water breaks
C) baby's head descends into the vagina
D) complete dilation of the cervix
Which of the following is NOT an effect of pregnancy on the mother?
novella_1389891 A) 40% increase in vital capacity and tidal volume
B) blood volume decreases
C) heartburn
D) increased weight