Handout 2

Power Up Your Program With the
Mark Twain Nominees
Presented by the 2011-2012
Mark Twain Award Committee:
Robin Gibbons, Belton, Chair
Cindy Matzat, Branson, Vice Chair
Lysha Thompson, Tuscumbia, Secretary
Lisa Johnson, Vandalia, Past Chair
Susan Ferguson, Rockwood
Hope Hunter, Saint James
Valerie Jankowski, Washington
Debbie Packard, Lathrop
Peggy Yoakum, Cass Co. Public Library
Ideas to
Promote the
Mark Twain
Because of Mr. Terupt
Activity Ideas
Have your students do any of Mr. Terupt's math challenges. Can
anyone top Luke's fifty-four dollar words?
Try a plant unit – grow plants and manipulate variables.
Research any of the topics that emerge in the story: autism, stem
cells, comas, etc.
Have your students pretend to be any one of the students from
Mr. Terupt’s class. Have them write in that voice about an event
from your classroom, or an event from Mr. Terupt’s classroom
that they could elaborate on.
Have your students pretend to be a different person in your own
classroom. Have them write in that voice to a prompt. Then
share each story and have the class try to guess who the voice
really is.
Promote conversation by sharing questions and predictions,
connections and thoughts in literature circles and/or small reading
Choose a social issue from the book to explore in more depth:
bullying, guilt, grief, self-esteem, friendship, etc.
Resource Guide
Online Resources
Author’s Website
Video – Conversation with Rob Buyea
Belly Up
Activity Ideas
Research animals and their habitats, specifically the
Have students write their own short detective stories
Online Resources
Resource Guide
Author’s Website
Information and Activities About Animals
Sound of a Hippopotamus (louder than 115 decibels)
Fun Hippopotamus Song
The Clockwork Three
Activity Ideas
Look up the meanings of words that you will encounter in the
story: padrone, automaton, busker, journeyman, golem.
Look up information about Albertus Magnus, a scholar and
inventor from the thirteenth century.
Look up information about La Traviata, the opera that will play a
role in the story.
Online Resources
The Clockwork Three Discussion and Activity Guide (Also
includes an author interview, suggestions for further reading,
and other online resources).
Resource Guide
Scholastic’s The Clockwork Three Websites—Search The
Clockwork Three to find an author bio, author visit kit, and a
video with a book trailer.
or http://www.scholastic.com/matthewjkirby/clockworkthree/
Author Blog
See a real working clockwork man
Activity Ideas & Online Resources
The author’s website is a colorful and fanciful
introduction to the book. The site provides a history
and map of the farm, plot and character summaries,
and information about the author, including her blog.
Cate Hennessey has posted a Q & A with Kathleen Van
Cleve from May 20, 2011 at
http://catehennessey.wordpress.com/2011/05/20/qand-a-with-kathleen-van-cleve-author-of-drizzle/ that
informs about how the author’s life and family influence
her work.
Resource Guide
Take an online look at a rhubarb farm at
The Familiars
Activity Ideas
Have students create their own Familiar and write a
story about it (see teacher’s guide on
The Familiars Scavenger Hunt (found in the teacher’s
The Familiars Trivia Challenge (found in the teacher’s
Online Resources
Resource Guide
The Familiars Website (Everything you need!-- includes
a blog, information about the authors, an introduction
to the Familiars, a book trailer, and the downloadable
teacher guide)
The Familiars Official Book Trailer
You Tube—Type in “The Familiars, meet the authors” to
find more than one video featuring Epstein and
Ghost Dog Secrets
Activity Ideas
Students create a quick sketch of their pet or the pet they
wished they could own on an 8x12 construction paper. They
describe on the poster information such as: Where does the
pet sleep? What do they eat? Who takes care of the pet?
Tricks the pet can perform? Problems with the pet?
Invite guest speakers to the classroom to develop interest,
excitement, and understanding about the issues surrounding
animal abuse.
See page 5 of Ghost Dog Secrets. Have students write a
short poem about their pet (or one they would like to have).
Create a triorama (See Teacher’s Guide)
Online Resources
Resource Guide
Author’s Website (Includes a biography, list of books, awards,
blog, teacher’s guides)
Ghost Dog Secrets Teacher’s Guide
American Humane Society Pet Care Page
Half Upon a Time
Activity Ideas
Review the original Jack and the Beanstalk at
www.speakaboos.com .
Keep track of the fairy tale characters and elements that
appear in the story. Compare and contrast them with
their “traditional” counterparts.
Online Resources
Resource Guide
The author’s YouTube video
Hide and Seek
Activity Ideas
Create a geocache and place at a location near your
school. Track the locations of people who visit your
cache. Create your own travel bug to place in the cache
and map where it travels.
Here is an article that talks about setting up your own
Online Resources
Resource Guide
Author’s Website –
Interview with Katy Grant http://peachtreepub.blogspot.com/2010/06/treasurehunting-not-just-for-pirates.html
Out of My Mind
Activity Ideas
Create a book trailer for Out of My Mind using a site
such as Animoto. (You can get a free educator account
at http://animoto.com/education/).
Make a video book review using free software such as
Photo Story 3, Windows Live Movie Maker, or iMovie.
Research cerebral palsy and create a PSA to educate
other students about this condition.
Online Resources
Resource Guide
Author’s Website – http://sharondraper.com/
Sharon Draper’s Blog http://sharondraper.blogspot.com
Discussion Questions and Activity Ideas http://sharondraper.com/bookdetail-guides.asp?id=35
Palace Beautiful
Activity Ideas
Research the history of your town
Create a time capsule
Introduce/review journal writing– Use the website
“Journal Buddies” (http://journalbuddies.com/) for ideas
(site includes ads)
Online Resources
Author’s Website
Salt Lake City History
Resource Guide
Salt Lake City Website
PBS’s American Experience– Influenza 1918
Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer
Activity Ideas
Since this story ends with a mistrial, have students write an
ending for a sequel to this story. What happens after the new
trial? How will the case end? (Language Arts)
Look at these websites:
What are the three branches of government? This story
involves which branch of government? (Social Studies)
Have students draw a courtroom sketch from a scene in the
story. (Art) For exampleshttp://www.courtroomartist.com/composite_sketches.htm
Online Resources
Resource Guide
Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer Teacher’s Guide
John Grisham Biography
Theodore Boone Poster
Twenty Gold Falcons
Activity Ideas
Create a Museum Box with items that describe Aiden or another
character in this story.
Family is the main theme in this story. Create a family tree for
Aiden’s family, and then create one for your own family. How far
can you document?
Mrs. Ingle wanted to create a castle in Gill Park for Patsy. Sketch
how you pictured Patsy’s castle in Gill Park.
Complete an Alphabox Chart for this story. Using the provided
template or a blank piece of paper, write an important word from
the story for each letter of the alphabet. These words may be
characters, places, themes or vocabulary words. It is okay to think
of more than one word for each letter as long as you are writing
only one word!
Collect enough research about a peregrine falcon to write an
informational pamphlet about the birds for the residents of Ingle
Online Resources
Resource Guide
Author’s Website:
United States Mint Historic Image Library: