Oregon Country PowerPoint

The Oregon Country
“Manifest Destiny”
• First coined by newspaper editor, John
O’Sullivan in 1845.
– ".... the right of our manifest destiny to over
spread and to possess the whole of the
continent which Providence has given us for
the development of the great experiment of
• A myth of the West as a land of romance
and adventure emerged.
“American Progress” by John Gast, 1872
Oregon Country
• The Oregon country
stretched from the (1)
Rocky Mountains in
the East to the
Pacific Ocean in the
• Americans called the
land in the Oregon
Country “wilderness”
and (2) freely staked
their claims.
Conflicting Claims
• Four nations – (3) Russia, Spain, Great
Britain, and the United States – laid
claim to the Oregon Country.
• America based its claim on the voyages of
(4) Robert Gray.
Conflicting Claims
• Great Britain and
the United States
pursued their claims
most actively.
• In 1818, (5) Great
Britain and the
United States
agreed to share the
Oregon Country for
ten years.
Mountain Men
• Soon the area was flooding with tough,
rugged fur-trappers. These Mountain Men
lived a lonely life and relied on their skills
for survival.
• In the summer, these men
gathered together (6) to sell
their furs, buy supplies, and
have some fun at rendezvous.
Blazing a Path for Others
• James Beckwourth and Jim Bridger
discovered paths through the Rockies.
• (7) Jedediah Smith explored Yellowstone
• Manuel Lisa established Fort Manuel
along the (8) Missouri River.
End of the Mountain Men
• By the 1830s and 1840s, (9) people
stopped wearing beaver hats and within
a few years the mountain man was out of
• Some turned to farming, others acted as
guides for those traveling West.
Oregon Fever
• Between 1840 and 1860, (10)more than
250,000 people
made the trek
• Many of these
traveled the
famous Oregon
Oregon Trail
• The Oregon Trail
began in (11)
Independence, MO
and ended at the
Columbia River in
• Families packed
into lightweight
wagons called
prairie schooners
and traveled across
the great plains.
Traveling the Trail
• Several families would then travel together (12)
in wagon trains.
• Families usually left Independence in May and
had five months to cross the Rockies before
The Oregon Trail – Albert Bierstadt, 1869
The Doomed Donner Party
• April, 1846 – April, 1847 the Donner Party set
out for the West, but got stuck in the harsh
The Doomed Donner Party
• Of the 83 members of the Donner Party,
only 45 survived to get to California!
• Those who survived were forced into
Margaret Patrick John
Breen Breen
James Reed & Wife
Hardships on the Trail
• Besides the harsh winter, many died from
diseases such as (13) cholera and smallpox.
• Others drowned while attempting to cross
swollen rivers.
The Pony Express
• Between April, 1860 and Nov.,
• Delivered news and mail
between St. Louis, MO and
San Francisco, CA.
• Took 10 days.
• Replaced by the completion of
the trans-continental telegraph
The Oregon Dispute: 54’ 40º or Fight!
• By the mid-1840s, “Oregon Fever” was
spurred on by the promise of free land.
• Americans began to call for an end of joint
• The joint British-U. S.
occupation ended in 1846
and by (14) 1848, Oregon
was a territory.
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