My Portfolio SKYLAR STOWERS PERIOD 2 A P R I L 3 0 TH, 2 0 1 5 All About Me T H E F U T U R E M E W H O A M I W H A T I V A L U E M Y D E C I S I V E M O M E N T The Future Me Graduate from high school Attend Major University (UCF or LSU) Major in writing (Eventually become a chief editor) Have a family (After college) Who Am I? Athlete Friend Understanding, want to help people Team player, good communication, dedicated Scholar Must know how to correct errors, time management skills Sister Being a good example What I Value Love God Good morals, high standards, strength Family Good companionship Put passion into being an editor “My Decisive Moment” College Prep & My Career A D M I S S I O N C O N T A C T S & Q U E S T I O N S C O L L E G E R E Q U I R E M E N T S ( F O R C H O I C E S ) F I N A N C I A L C O N S I D E R A T I O N S I N S T A T E V S . O U T - O F - S T A T E I M P L I C A T I O N S O F B E I N G A E D I T O R Admissions Contacts • LSU – Eric Shapiro – LSU Representative for Central Florida Cell: 813-340-4158 Email: • UCF – Annie Shea – UCF Admission Contact Phone: 407-823-3000 Email: Commonly asked Admission questions In students they want: Graduation from “creditable” high school “Good” SAT and ACT scores UCF Essay Questions (2 of the 4) 1. If there has been some obstacle or bump in the road in your academic or personal life, please explain the circumstances. 2. How has your family history, culture, or environment influenced who you are? 3. Why did you choose to apply to UCF? 4. What qualities or unique characteristics do you possess that will allow you to contribute to the UCF community? University of Central Florida Required ACT score 22 or higher Required SAT score 1650 or higher GPA requirement: “B” or higher The application fee is $30.00 Regular Admission: January 15th and July 15th No female lacrosse team Louisiana State University Required ACT score 22 or higher Required SAT score 1030 or higher GPA Requirement: 3.0 The application fee is $40.00 Admission applications start being accepted on August 1st No required admissions essay! There’s a female lacrosse team! Financial Considerations Budget Planning: 1. I’ll get a meal card (which will cover three meals a day) rather than eating out every day. 2. I’ll work on days I don’t have classes (or only have one or two). 3. I will only spend on necessities. (i.e – phone bill, toiletries, etc) Estimated Costs for College Life (Besides Tuition and fees) & Plan In State (UCF) Out of State (LSU) “Personal expenses” (average “Personal expenses” (average annual cost $2,047): clothing, laundry, toiletries, haircuts, and entertainment costs, phone bill o o Can go to parents for laundry - 12.48 per month Get job and work (7.93 an hour) Need to work 251 hours a month annual cost $2,060): clothing, laundry, toiletries, haircuts, and entertainment costs, phone bill o o Can’t got to parents for laundry Get job and work (No less than 7.25 an hour) Need to work 284 hours a month *Working more hours Costs (Without scholarships) In State vs. Out-of-State In State (UCF) Out of State (LSU) Tuition & Fees: $6,368 Tuition & Fees:$25,790 Room & Board: $9,300 Room & Board: $10,804 Books: $1,146 Books: $1,500 Yikes! Total: 16,814 Total: 38,094 The Implication of Being an Editor Future Viability: The demand for editor jobs is expected to remain consistent over the next decade. Editors will always be needed to prepare a variety of texts for reading. Editors will be needed to continue correcting the mistakes of others. However most of the jobs will move online rather than working on actual paper. Who is hiring? – Book companies are always searching for editors, also magazines, websites, etc. Average Salary: $53,500 a year. Staying on Track J U N I O R Y E A R T I M E L I N E S E N I O R Y E A R T I M E L I N E T E S T S C O R E S Timeline – Junior Year Junior Year Register for SAT Register for ACT Take SAT Take ACT Pass AP Classes & Tests Apply for Scholarships Contact Colleges Talk to Guidance Counselor about best courses to take Senior year Junior Conference with Guidance Counselor Volunteer hours Timeline – Senior Year Senior Year Start College applications More scholarships Last chance for ACT/SAT retake Create graduation checklist Create College checklist Continue to apply for scholarships Get summer job Talk with Guidance counselor about last minute needs Last minute volunteer hours (need 150 for Summerlin Diploma) Graduate from high school College orientation Getting through High school Goal : Start College Senior Year Finish Credits! Take SAT/ACT Summer Job SAVE MONEY! More Scholarships! Summer Job Stay on track with classes! Apply for Scholarships Apply to colleges! Graduate! Junior Year SAT Scores Reading: 520 Math: 410 Writing: 460 Overall : 1390 (Can get into LSU but not UCF with this score) GOAL SCORE: 1650 Plan: • Participate in study groups • Get an SAT study book ACT Scores English: 24 Math: 18 Reading: 22 Science: 19 Overall (Composite): 21 (Can’t get into LSU or UCF) GOAL SCORE: 23 Plan: • Join a study group • Get an ACT book Bettering Myself SAL TRACKER GRADES o COMMUNITY SERVICE o PT SCORES o S.A.L. Grades 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter S.A.L Tracker PFT Run Score – 100 Sit up Score – 100 Push Up Score – 50 Push ups need work ◊ I currently have 165 hours logged on Noble Hour. ◊ Can graduate from Summerlin with this, however, not be a S.A.L Goal: 250 Need 85 Plan: Volunteer as often as possible (take opportunity) and log my hours Achieving S.A.L Scholar: Athlete: Leader: GPA must be – 3.5 Must participate in athletics My GPA - 3.7 I participate in lacrosse Must have 250 hours logged I have 165 hours logged Plan to get hours: I will be better about logging my hours and participate in volunteer opportunities (Stats for boys lacrosse, feeding the homeless, etc) Contingency Plan “ W H A T I F S ” D U R I N G C O L L E G E A F T E R C O L L E G E Contingency Plan – What if I hate my major? 1. Psychologist – Average Salary: $67,650 Employment Opportunities: Correctional Facilities Schooling: Need a master's or doctorate degree in psychology 2. Social Worker Average Salary: $41,530 Employment Opportunities: Mental Health Clinics, Schools, Hospitals, etc. Schooling: Bachelor's degree in a related field (Ex. Psychology) 3. Events Planner – Average Salary: $57,223 Employment Opportunities: Make your own company or join company Schooling: Bachelor's degree program in hospitality, communications or public relations. Contingency Plan During College: 1. Get meal card 2. Have job in area to pay for laundry, etc (i.e. – Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut) 3. Don’t blow money on useless things (Jewelry, expensive things) 4. Stay in dorm 5. Student loans 6. Focus on school! Contingency Plan After College: 1. Get small home/apartment (when possible) 2. Find job in field (ASAP) 3. Start paying off debt from school 4. Start family After finding acceptable home After finding stable job After getting married Final Review WHAT HAS NOT CHANGED TEST RETAKES OVERALL REVIEW SUMMER SCHEDULE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS SENIOR COURSES SCHOLARSHIPS What has not changed The Future me: Major in Writing Have a family College Choices: University of Central Florida Louisiana State University Test Retakes ACT – June 13th, 2015 – Apply by May 8th Overall Review What I’ve done o o o o o o 165 volunteer hours Taken SAT Taken ACT Junior Classes Junior Conference Contact Colleges What I need to do o o o o o o o o Pass AP Classes & Test 85 volunteer hours (S.A.L) Create Financial plan Retake SAT – May 2nd Retake ACT – June 13th Senior Courses Earn Scholarships College Visits Volunteer Opportunities: 1. Dog Days of Summer – June 12th 2. Working at United Way twice a week (Monday & Wednesday 6-1) Summer Schedule Graduation Requirements - Courses Courses Required to Graduate (From Summerlin): English 4 (AP Lit) Math Science (Physics)* U.S Gov & Economics Elective * At a regular high school I would not need this extra science course Graduation Requirements – Additional Pass Algebra 1 – Yes Pass Algebra 1 EOC – Yes Pass Geometry – Yes Pass Biology – Yes Pass Online Course – Yes Senior Courses/Graduation Track AP Psych English Credit AP ENG Lit Compo Math Credit PHYS 1 HON Science Credit* Math Coll. Readiness US Gov & Eco US GOV HON/ECON Elective LIT HON LEAD SKLS DEV AR LEAD ED/TRAIN 4 *Science only needed for Summerlin Graduation Scholarships Have not applied to any scholarships Plan: 1. Contact Mrs. Thornton about available scholarships 2. Keep searching on 3. Get scouted this summer through LB3 (Ultimate Goal) • Will earn Bright Futures but can’t apply until last semester in high school (December 1st – Graduation) To be continued…