VERBES VERBS Abbatre (s’) To cut down, fell, knock down, hew, shoot down, destroy, put down, slaughter, weaken, exhaust, demoralize, etc. Bark, yowl, bay, cry, woof To buy, purchase To help, aid To sharpen, whet To go To call, name, address (someone) To bring To lift, pull up, take out, tear off To stop, halt To come, arrive at, get to, reach To sit To bathe, wash, soak To kiss, embrace Chanbe, chanfe To lower, bend, hang, turn down, bow, stoop To sweep To beat, strike, hit To boil To load a gun To burn To chop wood To hide, conceal, keep secret To sing, chant To hunt To search To be or sit astride, span, overlap, ride To understand, comprehend To count To go to bed, lie down To sew, stitch To cut To run To hatch To cry (out loud), shout, yell, scream To cook To dance To unblock, uncork, uncap, emerge Ckchounoule Aboyer Achêter Aider Aiguiser Aller Appeler Apporter Arracher Arrêter Arriver Asseoir Baigner Baiser, embrasser Baisser Balayer Battre (se) Bouillir Bourer un fusil Bruler Bûcher du bois Cacher Chanter Chasser Chercher Chevaucher Comprendre Compter Coucher Coudre Couper Courir Couver Crier Cuire Danser Déboucher Hauffe-hohohia Tehonpa Saubahecher Alloupa-Choukou-litcha Ahia Hemmepahia Challe Loupafe Ikihia Alla Benile Hiloupe Innepousa Chepanche poule Tibi Lowack Alle Ha-petta Louba Ite-tchanle Lohoume Talloua Ouata Foyou Souba-benile Angoulou Oultina Etoulla Atchoule Bachele Malile Allahata Tassaha Nouna Icla Ouok home Déchirer Demander Descendre Desirer Donner Duper Ecorcher Ecouter Ecraser Ecrire Egratigner Empêcher Empoissonner Enfer* Enfoncer Engraisser Entendre Eplucher Essuyer Eteindre Etouffer Etrangler Facher (se) Faire Fendre Fermer Finir Flairer Flâner Flotter Fouetter Frapper Fumer de tabac Garder Galoper Gavotter Gemir Gratter Habiller Hurler Jouer aux cartes Labourer To tear, rip, burst, break To ask To descend, go down To want, desire, wish To give, donate To deceive, dupe To skin, flay, fleece To listen To crush, swat, stub out, grind, mash, flatten, trample, crunch, tread upon To write To scratch To prevent, stop To poison, annoy, drive mad, make foul, ruin Hell To drive in, stick in, hammer To cram, fatten, manure, fertilize To hear To peel, clean, unwrap To wipe, clean, dust, mop To put out, extinguish, blow out To smother, suffocate, choke, suppress, stifle To strangle, throttle To anger, distress To do, make To split, cleave, crack To close To finish, end To smell, sniff To stroll, saunter, hang about To float, hang To whip, flog To strike, hit, stab To smoke tobacco To keep, guard To gallop ??? To groan, moan To scratch, scrape To dress To howl, roar, wail To play cards To plow, dig Kilhallai Atchissa-Bana Akcouah Sabana Pita Oullabe Tonfe Harpoun-hacolon Litou-ha Houlisso-eska Kallafe Alannele Hiquinquichetabe Tchtale Tauple Nihia-atche Hacoulon Louffe Cachou-Litche Mouchoholle Clint-clinque Nektaitilife Noukouha Eska Tchoutlale Hacamme Hisso-ca Hachechouha Pilla-ino-noha Houk-palale Feuma Boule Chouka Pontaune Souba-tabakhale Faktche Kifan-ha Pala-hata Cable Chehima Hou-ho-ha Tolle-Olliso-tolle Laquefe-bachele Lâcher Laisser Laver Lécher Lever (se) Lutter Manquer Marcher Mentir Mesurer Mettre (porter) Mettre (ajouter) Mettre-bas Monter Mouiller Nager Nettoyer Noyer (se) Oublier Ouvrir Parier Parler Partir Pêcher Prendre (surprendre) Penser Perser Perdre Piler Pincer Piquer Planter Plier Plumer Poursuivre Prendre Prêter Puer Ramasser Ramer Raser Rater une arme à feu Réfléchir To loosen, let out, slacken, drop, release To leave, to let To wash To lick, wash, lap up against To raise, lift To struggle, fight To miss, to lack, mess up To walk To lie To measure To bring To put (on), place To put down To go up, ascend, mount To get wet, soak To swim To clean To drown, flood To forget To open To bet, wager To talk, speak To leave, part To go fishing To catch Essa Makoffa Atchifa Haulakche Tahane Tibi Tchakauffe Akanouha Oulabbe Alpissa Tonla-bauhoule Ennaute Tchile Ouhia Latcha Eska Kchonoule Cachau-litche Oke-ille Imiakee Ouakhanne Calahee Anoupa Ta-anohia Nani-annale Takale To think To pierce To lose To crush, pound To pinch, nip, pluck To sting To plant To fold, bend, yield To pluck To pursue To take To lend To stink, reek To pick up, collect To row To shave To misfire Anokfile Tchoulouque-eska Cane-ihia Kitouche Chinefe Nantle ?? Oktche Potloume Tehile Balakte-tiole Iche Anpouta Chouha Hayo honha Pinni-Malile Notskitche-chaufe Toukafa-Ekcho To think, reflect Anokfile Remplir Répondre Rouiller Rouler Salir Sauter Savoir Secouer Seller un cheval Sentir Server Siffler Sortir Souffler Soûler (s’enivrer) Suer Suspendre Tirer Tirer une arme à feu Tomber Tordre Toucher Tourner Traire Travailler Trouver Tuer Vendre Venir Viser Voir Voler (dérober) Voler (avec des ailes) Vouloir REMARQUES : To fill, replenish To reply, respond To rust, get rusty To roll To dirty, soil To jump, leap, hop To know, possess knowledge To shake, nod To saddle a horse To feel, sense To serve To whistle, wheeze, hiss To leave, exit To blow, huff, puff To get sopping drunk Allouta-eska Anoupa Lagana Tchananha Lite-ha Toulouple Tana Ouina litche Souba-patalpo Hachechoua Katan letche Konta Coutcha Kaponiatche Kakee To sweat, perspire To hang up, suspend To pull, tug, draw close To shoot a firearm Latcha Takale Alalle Toukafa To fall To wring, twist, contort To touch To turn To milk To work To find To kill To sell To come To aim at, to stamp To see, view To steal, disrobe, wipe them clean To fly Etoulla Chana Allihile Filima Pichik-letche Pelissa Pissa Abe Kantche Mite Anon-pissa-atche Pissa Olcoupa Heka To want REMARKS: Bana TCHONPA: To buy also means to deal or trade. TIBI: To beat, battle, lute and all types of conflict: LOWACK-HALLE: To boil. LOWACK means “fire”. ITE-TCHANLE: meaning to cut wood, or word for word: ITE means “wood”, TCHANLE means “to beat”. SOUBA-BENILE: word for word: SOUBA means “horse” and BENILE means “to sit oneself”, so sit on a horse ETOULLA: To lie down, to fall down, to spread out (on a bed, perhaps). BACHELE: to cut, also a knife or anything that slices. NOUMA: to cook, also said to express the ripeness or maturity of food. OULLABE: to dupe or deceive-this word is used in diverse expressions, which generally always have the same object in mind, such as: to trump, to cheat, to falsify, to lie, etc. HARPOUN-HACOLON: to listen and to have heard. HOULISSO-ESKA: to write, word for word: HOULISSO means “to read” and ESKA means “to make”, so to make readable. NIHIA-AT-CHE: to fertilize. NIHIA means “fatness”. So, a literal meaning might be “to make --- fat”. HACHECHOUHA: to sniff or to sense (by smell). PILLA-INO-NOHA: to stroll or saunter, word for word: PILLA means “tranquil”, INO means “me”, and NOHA means “nothing”. The implied meaning is “I can’t do anything I am so tranquil.” HOUK PALALE: to float. HOUK means “bayou” or a course of water. SOUBA-TABAKHALE: to gallop. SOUBA means “horse”. The sound of the word TABAKHALE is an imitation of the sound a horse makes on the ground when galloping. HOU-HO-HA: to howl. This word, like the above, is an imitation of a sound made of the action expressed. ATCHIFA or TATCHIFA: to wash. This word is also used to mean “soap”. ENNAUTE: to add, also meaning “again”. TCHILE: to put down, also used in terms of childbearing (a woman’s lying in and delivery). LATCHA-ESKA: to make wet, word for word, LATCHA means “humid”, and ESKA means “to make”. LATCHA can also mean “to sweat”. CACHAU-LITCHE: to clean, also meaning “to wipe”. OKE-ILLE: to drown, word for word, OKE means “water”, and ILLE means “to die”. So, to die in water. NANI-ALLALE: to fish, word for word, NANNI means “fish”, and ALLALE means “to draw”. TAKALE: to hang, to dangle. This word has many more meanings that we will look at in the following pages. TCHOULOUQUE-ESKA: to pierce, word for word, to make a hole. PINNI-MALIFE, to row, word for word, PINNI means “boat”, MALILE means “running to make a boat advance”. NOTAKICHE-CHANFE: to shave, word for word, NOTAKICHE means “beard”, TCHANTE or CHANFE means “to beat”. TOUKAFA-KEHO: to misfire a firearm, word for word, TOUKAFA means “to pull (shoot)”, KEHO means “not”. ANOKFIBE: to reflect, also used to mean “to think”. QUINA-LITCHE: to shake, the word LITCHE means “own”, to be more specific, one will find this in all the words composed where it is necessary to complete the meaning. [e.g. He shakes (his own) head]. SOUBA-PATALPO: to saddle a horse, word for word, SOUBA means “horse”, PATALPO means “to saddle”. KATAN-LETCHE: to serve, to press, LETCHE is seen here in the sense of expression. COUCHA: this word has many meanings which we will see in the following pages. HAKCE: to intoxicate oneself, also means “drunk”. LATCHA: to sweat, this mean literally means “humid”. PICHIK-LITCHE: to milk, PICHIK means “milk”, LITCHE means “to express, to press out”. PISSA: to find, this word literally means “to see”, but we should note that “to find” necessarily implies the action of seeing. LOQUEFE-BACHELE: to work, to labor, word for word, LOQUEFE means “earth, land, dirt”, BACHELE means “to cut”, so it means to cut up the earth, or to work. ALPISSA: to measure, we can also find this word joined to everything which implies measurement. LAGANA: to rust, also means “yellow”, which is, essentially, the color of rust. TCHANANHA: to roll, also means “wheel”. One can remark that this word well imitates the sound that a wagon of oxen makes if the wheels are not too big. OLLISO-TOLLE: to play cards. TOLLE means “to play”. ALLOUTA ESKA: to replenish, to fill, word for word, ALLOUTA means “plenty”, ESKA means “to make”. HAUFFE HOHOHIA: to bark, word for word, HAUFFE means “dog”, HOHOHIA is an imitation of the voice of a dog. SECONDE THE SECOND CATEGORY OF CATEGORIE VERBS (Bodily Functions) To deliver a baby, to give birth To yoke, couple, connect To breastfeed, to suckle To swallow, devour, inhale, sip To yawn To drink To conceive To spit To sleep To sneeze To chew, munch, chomp To eat To bite, nip, gnaw To blow one’s nose To fart To pee To cry To breathe To dream To laugh To bleed To fulfill one’s needs Accoucher Tchile Hallah Hachah Accoupler s’ Honcha Allaiter Piche (or) Pichik Avaler Nannaple Bâiller Ahoua Boire Icheko Concevoir Taik-allouta Cracher Touffa Dormir Noce Eternuer Habicheco Mâcher Opansa Manger Apa Mordre Kissile-Kopaule Moucher Clincka Péter Houkoon Pisser Houchehonha Pleurer Hia-hia Respirer Fi houpa Rêver Noce Ino-noce ino pissa Rire Hioukpa Saigner Iciche coutche Satisfaire ses Oulaffa besoins Tousser To cough Oteleo Vomir To vomit Ouhita HALLAH-HACHAB : to deliver a baby, HALLAH means “an entire child”. PICHE or PICHIK: used here to mean “to breastfeed” but literally means “of milk”. TAIK-ALLOUTA: to conceive, word for word, TAIK means “female”, ALLOUTA means “pregnant”. This phrase also means “pregnant woman”. NOCE: to sleep, also means “to dream”. HIA-HIA: to cry, this is a true onomatopoeia. FI-HOUPA: to breathe, also used to mean “breath”. NOCE INO-NOCE-INO-PISSA: to dream, word for word, INO means “I”, NOCE means “slept”, INO means “I”, PISSA means “saw”. Hence, the literal translation is “I saw while sleeping”, to dream. ICICHE-COUTCHE: to bleed, ICICHE means “blood”. OTELEO: to cough, also means “to catch a cold”.