HOSA events - West Ada School District

Events Description
Rules for
Can pick 1 event from Skills and 1 Knowledge test.
Also, can pick 1 Leadership OR Teamwork event
Also, can pick 1 Recognition event
You can do up to 2 events but you don’t have too
6 total from each school; except Leadership and KT unlimited
Health Science Events
•Dental Terminology
•Medical Terminology
•Medical Spelling-Online
•Dental Spelling-Online
•Medical Math
•Medical Reading
•Pathophysiology (KT)
•Nutrition (KT)
•Human Growth and Development (KT)
•Pharmacology (KT)
•Medical Law and Ethics (KT)
•Transcultrual Health (KT)
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Dental Terminology
Purpose To encourage Health Science students to improve their
ability to identify, spell, define and apply the terminology
and language of occupations in the dental field, to
include prefixes, suffixes, roots and anatomy,
physiology, pathophysiology and occupations.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice question test on scantron; 90
minutes maximum; 20 tie breaking questions during
test; correct spelling required to be correct.
Event Guidelines –
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Medical Terminology
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their
ability to identify, spell, define and apply the prefixes,
suffixes, roots and anatomy, physiology,
pathophysiology and occupations related to the health
care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice question test on scantron; 90
minutes maximum; 20 tie breaking questions during
test; correct spelling required to be correct.
Event Guidelines –
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Medical Spelling-Online
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their
ability to define and spell terms associated with careers in
the health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
This event shall be divided into two rounds. Round One
will be a written test; 50 question, 60 minutes. The
competitors who score in the top 50% will advance to
Round Two. Round Two will be a "spell-down" where
competitors will spell terms; pronounce word, 2.5 minutes
to spell, pronounce word to end.
Event Guidelines –
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Dental Spelling-Online
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their ability to
define and spell terms associated with careers in the health care
Rules and Procedures –
This event shall be divided into two rounds. Round One will be a
written test; 50 question, 60 minutes. The competitors who score
in the top 50% will advance to Round Two. Round Two will be a
"spell-down" where competitors will spell terms; pronounce word,
2.5 minutes to spell, pronounce word to end.
Event Guidelines –
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Medical Math
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their ability to
identify, solve, and apply mathematical principles involving
temperature, weights, and measures used in the health care
Rules and Procedures –
50 multiple choice test; 10 complex tie breaker questions; 90
minute maximum.
Event Guidelines –
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Medical Reading
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their
reading comprehension and understanding of special
topics related to leadership development and the health
care community.
Rules and Procedures –
50 multiple choice test; 1 tie breaker essay question; 60
minute maximum.
Event Guidelines –
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Pathophysiology (KT)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to explore and learn
about selected health care careers and to assess knowledge
common in the health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice questions; 1 essay tie breaker; 90 minutes
Content –
Disease Process and Terminology (Including cancer and
neoplasms); Body Systems: Integumentary, Musculoskeletal,
Heart, Blood vessels, Lymphatic, Respiratory, Digestive,
Endocrine, Nervous (including senses), Reproductive, Urinary
Event Guidelines –
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Nutrition (KT)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to explore and learn
about selected health care careers and to assess knowledge
common in the health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice questions; 1 essay tie breaker; 90 minutes
Content –
Carbohydrates, fats and proteins; Vitamins & minerals; Water
(Fluid & electrolyte balance); Diet through the life span;
Digestion, absorption and metabolism; Cultural and religious
influences; Food related illnesses and allergies; Medical nutrition
therapy for Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Renal disease,
Gastrointestinal disease, Cancer, Clients with special needs
Event Guidelines –
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Human Growth and Development (KT)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to explore and learn
about selected health care careers and to assess knowledge
common in the health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice questions; 1 essay tie breaker; 90 minutes
Content –
Culture; The Family; Communication; Theories of Growth and
Development; Prenatal; Infancy and Toddler; Early Childhood
and School-Age; Adolescence; Adulthood: Young, Middle and
Older; Death and Dying
Event Guidelines –
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Pharmacology (KT)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to explore and learn
about selected health care careers and to assess knowledge
common in the health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice questions; 1 essay tie breaker; 90 minutes
Content –
Basic Concepts in Pharmacology; Career Opportunities in
Pharmacology; Ethical and Legal Responsibilities; Pediatrics and
Geriatrics Adaptations; Drug Names, Classifications, Action, and
Interactions; Drug Administration; Drug Measurement, Dosage,
Conversions; Technologies in Pharmacology
Event Guidelines –
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Medical Law and Ethics (KT)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to explore and learn about
selected health care careers and to assess knowledge common in the
health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice questions; 1 essay tie breaker; 90 minutes
Content –
The Basics: Medical Law, Ethics and Bioethics; The Legal Environment
like State and Federal Regulations, The Legal System, Professional
Liability, Law for Health Professionals, Public Duty, Consent; The Health
Care Environment like Physician Patient Relationships, Medical
Malpractice, Medical Records, Workplace Law and Ethics, Cultural
Perspective, Patient Confidentiality, Employment Practices; Bioethical
Issues like Ethical and Bioethical Issues in Medicine, Allocation of
scarce resources, Genetic engineering, Reproductive Issues, End of Life
Event Guidelines –
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Transcultrual Health (KT)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to explore and learn
about selected health care careers and to assess knowledge
common in the health care community.
Rules and Procedures –
100 multiple choice questions; 1 essay tie breaker; 90 minutes
Content –
Cultural foundations; Health, healing and family traditions;
Cultural competence; Religion, rituals, health and illness in
Native American populations, Asian populations, African
American populations, Hispanic populations, White populations
Event Guidelines –
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Health Professions/Emergency
Preparedness Events
•Clinical Specialty
•Nursing Assisting
•Home Health Aide
•Dental Science
•Physical Therapy
•Sports Medicine
•Veterinary Science
•Personal Care*
•Emergency Medical Technician
•CERT Skills
•CPR/First Aid
•Life Support Skills*
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Purpose –
To provide Health Science students with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in the medical
laboratory and health care biotechnology careers.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Event Guidelines –
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Clinical Specialty
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in a selected
health profession.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two items: a) the development of a
career portfolio, and b) the demonstration of a selected skill
common to the chosen health career. The career portfolio will be
created by the competitor to show career understanding and
documentation of a related work-based learning experience. The
skill portion will consist of the digitally recorded demonstration of
a skill related to the chosen career.
Events Guidelines –
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Nursing Assisting
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in nursing
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Events Guidelines –
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Home Health Aide
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as a home health
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Events Guidelines –
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Dental Science
Purpose –
To provide Health Science students with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in dental careers.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Event Guidelines –
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Physical Therapy
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in the area of
physical therapy.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Event Guidelines –
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Sports Medicine
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in the area of
sports medicine.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Events Guidelines –
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Veterinary Science
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in veterinary
medical care.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test of knowledge
and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The top scoring
competitors will advance to Round Two for the performance of
selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written scenario.
Event Guidelines –
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Personal Care* (IDEA)
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in nursing
Rules and Procedures –
The competitive event will consist of an evaluation of students
performance of selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written
Event Guidelines –
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Emergency Medical Technician
Purpose - To provide Health Science students with an
opportunity to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills as
a team in emergency medical care.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition for a 2person team. Round One is a 50 question written, multiple choice
test of knowledge and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The
top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the
performance of selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written
Event Guidelines –
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CERT Skills
Purpose –
To provide Health Science students with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills they will need to
respond to their community’s immediate needs in the aftermath
of a disaster, when emergency services are not immediately
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition for a 2person team. Round One is a 50 question written, multiple choice
test of knowledge and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The
top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the
performance of selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written
Event Guidelines –
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Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to study the effects of
health and disease in populations, to improve their scientific
literacy, and to provide insights into public health careers.
Rules and Procedures –
Individual competitors shall be expected to recognize, identify,
define, interpret and apply these concepts in a 50-item multiple
choice test and 5-20 short answer responses to a case study; 2
hour maximum.
Event Guidelines –
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CPR/First Aid
Purpose –
To provide the Health Science student with an opportunity to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in team first aid
and basic life support for healthcare providers.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition for a 2person team. Round One is a 50 question written, multiple choice
test of knowledge and understanding; 60 minutes maximum. The
top scoring teams will advance to Round Two for the
performance of selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written
Event Guidelines –
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Life Support Skills* (IDEA)
Purpose –
To provide individual Health Science students with an opportunity
to develop and demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic life
Rules and Procedures –
The competitive event will consist of an evaluation of students
performance of selected skill procedure(s) identified in a written
Event Guidelines –
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Leadership Events
•Extemporaneous Health Poster
•Extemporaneous Writing
•Job Seeking Skills
•Prepared Speaking
•Speaking Skills*
•Researched Persuasive Speaking
•Interviewing Skills
•Medical Photography
•Healthy Lifestyle
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Extemporaneous Health Poster
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their ability to
analyze and interpret current health and HOSA-related issues
and express and communicate this interpretation through
development of a poster.
Rules and Procedures –
This event shall be in the form of an individual creation of a
poster conducted in a setting with work tables and sufficient
space for each competitor to carry out his/her form of artistic
expression, to be completed within three (3) hours of work time;
must provide all supplies.
Event Guidelines –
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Extemporaneous Writing
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their ability to
express themselves in writing.
Rules and Procedures –
They will have one hour to write an essay on the topic.
Event Guidelines –
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Job Seeking Skills
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to develop and/or refine
the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment.
Rules and Procedures –
Competitors shall apply for any healthcare-related position for
which they are trained or are being trained. Competitors will
prepare a cover letter and resume to bring with them to the
conference. At the conference, competitors will complete a job
application (at orientation) and participate in a job interview
(assigned time received at orientation); 20 minutes for
application, 6 minutes maximum interview.
Event Guidelines –
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Prepared Speaking
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their skills in
speaking and their ability to organize and present facts (or
information) about a topic which is related to a specific theme.
Rules and Procedures –
Competitors shall develop a speech related to a selected
national topic: The Future Starts Now; 5 minutes maximum
Event Guidelines –
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Speaking Skills* (IDEA)
Purpose - To encourage Health Science students to improve
their skills in speaking and their ability to organize and present
facts (or information) about a topic which is related to a specific
Rules and Procedures –
Competitors shall develop a speech related to a selected
national topic: The Future Starts Now; 5 minutes maximum in
Event Guidelines –
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Researched Persuasive Speaking
Purpose - To encourage Health Science students to improve
their skills in researching a health issue, preparing written
documentation supporting a thesis, and presenting information
Rules and Procedures –
Competitors shall write a paper and develop a speech in which
they must take a stand, either in favor of or opposed to a health
related issue. Competitors select one of the topics and develop a
speech and written paper to reflect the position taken on the
selected topic, either for or against, supporting one position or
the other: Vitamin Supplements: Hype or Help? or Obesity:
Disease or Choice?; 4 minutes and 2 page maximum length
Event Guidelines –
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Interviewing Skills* (IDEA)
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to develop and/or refine
the skills necessary to apply for and obtain employment.
Rules and Procedures –
Competitors shall apply for any healthcare-related position for
which they are trained or are being trained. Competitors will
prepare a cover letter and resume to bring with them to the
conference. At the conference, competitors will complete a job
application (at orientation) and participate in a job interview
(assigned time received at orientation); 20 minutes for
application, 6 minutes maximum interview.
Event Guidelines –
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Medical Photography
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to analyze health careers
through the use of digital photography, and to use technology in
editing and presenting digital pictures.
Rules and Procedures –
In this event, competitors will use digital photography to illustrate
the health professions. Competitors will photograph three
different health professionals, edit the photos using computer
software technology, and then present the three printed pictures
to a panel of judges; 3 minutes to present and 3 minutes judges
Event Guidelines –
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Healthy Lifestyle
Purpose –
The purpose of this event is to provide the Health Science
student with an opportunity to learn healthy living concepts and
apply their learning to a personal healthy lifestyle goal.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of two rounds of competition. Round One
will be a written, 50 question multiple choice test that will assess
content knowledge of health literacy topics such as the physical
benefits of exercise, healthy eating, and avoiding risky behaviors;
60 minutes maximum. In addition, each competitor will set a
personal goal and document his or her efforts in a personalized
Healthy Lifestyle notebook; 4 minute interview.
Event Guidelines –
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Teamwork Events
•Community Awareness Project
•Creative Problem Solving
•HOSA Bowl
•Parliamentary Procedure
•Health Career Display
•Biomedical Debate
•Health Education
•Forensic Medicine
•Public Service Announcement
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Community Awareness Project
Purpose –
The purpose of the Community Awareness project is to provide Health
Science students with the opportunity to Develop a project to promote
community awareness using health issues that may be of local, state,
and/or national interest; Assist communities to become more aware of
the pros and cons of the health issue selected; Promote goodwill and
public relations for local HOSA chapters; Evaluate the effectiveness and
impact of the project on the community.
Rules and Procedures –
A team of 2-4 competitors presents the chapter’s project to a panel of
judges in an interview, using the portfolio as documentation of their
accomplishments. Community Awareness is a service project designed
to raise community awareness of a health-related issue of local, state
and/or national interest.
Event Guidelines –
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Creative Problem Solving
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to analyze the problem solving
process and to work as a team to apply their problem solving skills in
creating a solution to a hypothetical healthcare or HOSA-related
Rules and Procedures –
3-4 members; This event will involve two rounds of competition. Round
One will consist of a written 50 question multiple choice test to evaluate
the team’s understanding of problem solving processes and theories. In
Round Two you will be given a potential problem related to HOSA, a
healthcare issue or the healthcare community. Teams will have 30
minutes to analyze the problem.. At the end of the preparation time,
teams will have ten (10) minutes to present their solution to a panel of
Event Guidelines –
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Purpose –
To stimulate and motivate Health Science students to participate
in teams and to test their knowledge on various topics and
situations in Health Science Education, HOSA, and parliamentary
Rules and Procedures –
Teams consisting of three-four (3-4) members each will take a
written test in Round One. Top scoring teams advance to Round
Two and compete by giving appropriate responses to items
presented by a moderator. Winners will be determined by a
series of elimination rounds.
Event Guidelines –
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Parliamentary Procedure
Purpose –
To develop leadership skills by using parliamentary procedure to
conduct a simulated business meeting. This event is based on team
competition; therefore, members learn the importance of cooperation
and working together through competitive performance.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will involve two rounds of competition. Round One will
consist of a written 100 question multiple choice test to evaluate the
team’s understanding of parliamentary procedure; 90 minutes maximum.
In Round Two you will be given a secret problem with motions to perform
during the meeting. The team has ten (10) minutes preparation time
prior to the ten (10) minute demonstration of the meeting. All team
members must be involved in the meeting.
Event Guidelines –
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Health Career Display
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to improve their ability to
present themselves and communicate career information to
Rules and Procedures –
Teams consisting of two (2) competitors shall develop a visual
display of a specific career or cluster of careers in healthcare.
The students will also be judged on their ability to present
themselves and communicate the career information to others; 5
minutes maximum.
Event Guidelines –
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Biomedical Debate
Purpose - To provide Health Science students with an
opportunity to develop and demonstrate skills in debating a
biomedical issue.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will consist of a Round One written 50 question
multiple choice test; 60 minutes maximum and a Round Two
debate round. Teams of 3-4 members will participate in the
Round One written test. Debate round pairings and position
(either the affirmative or negative) are based on random
selection: The U.S. Government is failing war injured service
Event Guidelines –
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Health Education
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to work as a team to plan
and teach health-related concepts.
Rules and Procedures –
This event involves a team of 2-4 members who select a healthrelated concept or instructional objective, then prepare a lesson,
provide instruction, and evaluate results. Teams will provide
instruction to a selected group of learners.
Event Guidelines –
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Forensic Medicine
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to analyze careers in forensic
medicine and to work as a team to apply their knowledge and skills in
creating a solution to a forensic medicine-related problem.
Rules and Procedures –
This event will involve two rounds of competition. Round One will
consist of a written 50 question multiple choice test to evaluate the
team’s understanding of forensic medicine. In Round Two you will be
given a case study related to forensic medicine. Teams will have six (6)
minutes to analyze a case study, which will include written information
and may include physical evidence. Finally, teams will be given thirty
(30) minutes to write their conclusions.
Event Guidelines –
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Public Service Announcement
Purpose –
To encourage health science students to analyze the general public’s
understanding of a healthcare issue, and to use technology to produce a
public service announcement that informs the community about an
important healthcare issue.
Rules and Procedures –
In this event, teams consisting of three-six (3-6) members will produce a
30-second Public Service Announcement (PSA): Child Hunger Ends
Here – Educating Your Community on how to Prevent Child Hunger.
Teams will be given 4 minutes to describe their creative process, public
use of the PSA
Judges will then have an additional 4 minutes to review the PSA and
complete the Rating Sheet.
Event Guidelines –
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Recognition Events
•Outstanding HOSA Chapter
•Healthcare Issues Exam
•Outstanding State Leader
•National Service Project
•Barbara James Service Award
•HOSA Happenings
•Volunteer Recognition
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Outstanding HOSA Chapter
Purpose –
To encourage local HOSA chapters to achieve the goals of HOSA
by implementing a plan of work with a focus on the development
of leadership skills, career opportunities, and service learning
among chapter members, and to document their achievements in
the form of a chapter scrapbook.
Rules and Procedures –
HOSA chapter members create a scrapbook to record and
preserve their chapter’s achievements during a single school
Event Guidelines –
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Healthcare Issues Exam
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to investigate, analyze
and apply their knowledge of current healthcare-related issues.
Rules and Procedures –
This event shall be in the form of a 50 item multiple choice test
and one essay question that will be graded only to break a tie. All
questions will be written at a level to measure thinking skills.
Competitors will have 60 minutes to complete the test. Questions
come from USA Today and CBS News Healthwatch
http://www.cbsnews.com – click on “Health”
Event Guidelines –
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Outstanding State Leader
Purpose –
This event is designed to honor one Outstanding State Leader
from each HOSA state association in recognition of the member’s
commitment to HOSA and outstanding leadership of his/her state
association. Each state will select one outstanding state leader to
be recognized at the HOSA National Leadership Conference.
Rules and Procedures –
The state’s Outstanding Leader is typically a recent or current
state officer. Each state will be permitted to name one.
Event Guidelines –
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National Service Project
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to provide community
service through the adoption of goals and implementation of
strategies related to the support of a national health care
Rules and Procedures –
Local chapters plan service projects to support the selected
organization. Chapters document their involvement and submit
documentation to their state advisor by the state deadline to be
eligible for national recognition: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
Event Guidelines http://www.hosa.org/sites/default/files/NS13.pdf
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Barbara James Service Award
Purpose –
To encourage Health Science students to become contributing
members of their communities by performing community service.
Rules and Procedures –
This award seeks to recognize individual HOSA members whose
commitment to community service is worthy of recognition.
Recipients of this award will be determined by the data in
NobleHour. Examples include Hospital/health facility volunteer;
Rescue squad volunteer; Volunteer at Special Olympics; Church
activities that serve the community at-large; March of Dimes; etc.
Event Guidelines –
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HOSA Happenings
Purpose –
This is a communication event. The goal is to communicate
information about the HOSA chapter in a manner that celebrates
the chapter members and their achievements, as well as shares
information with readers that is health science-related.
Rules and Procedures –
Chapters will tell the story of their chapter of HOSA-Future
Health Professionals, throughout the year, using a print
newsletter, electronic newsletter, or website. For this recognition
event, chapters will select ONE (1) newsletter (print or electronic)
or a website, to be judged at the state level, and will follow the
state’s instructions for event submission.
Event Guidelines –
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Volunteer Recognition
Purpose –
The purpose of this event is to initiate and/or grow a partnership
between a local chapter of the Medical Reserve Corps and
HOSA chapter members.
Rules and Procedures –
The event will consist of HOSA members participating in one or
more activities with the Medical Reserve Corps, and then
reporting the activity through an online submission process at
NobleHour. This event is IN ADDITION to the MRC Partnership
Event Guidelines –
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