Динамика туннелирования Л. Келдыш ФИАН Конференция к 100-летию И. Я. Померанчука ИТЭФ, 5 Июня 2013г. План • 1. Нелинейная ионизация атомов: Многоквантовый фотоэффект и Туннельный эффект • 2. Электрофотопоглощение в кристаллах Tunneling – Quantum Mechanical penetration of particles through potential barriers U(x) E Nuclear α-decay (Gamov, 1928) 0 x Atom Ionization by electric field (Openheimer, 1928) 5 2 0 E V(r)=e /r - eFr Cold emission of electrons from metals (Fowler and Nordheim, 1928) -I0 -5 -5 0 r 5 Quasiclassic tunneling probability 2 x2 W ~ exp 2m U ( x) E dx x1 What is tunneling time? (McColl, 1932) 1957, Esaki – tunnel diod – interband tunneling in solids. Predicted by Zener (1932) Problem of operating frequencies range. Tunneling in superconductors – Giaver,1960, Josefson, 1962. Lasers (Meiman, Javan, 1960) – strong, controllable fields at optical frequencies. Two ways of atoms’ ionization by the electrc field Photoeffect – high frequency, linear 5 Ep Ionization rate hw E 0 -5 -10 -I0 -5 WPE 0 5 10 64 F 2 2 5 v v 0 3 1 r Tunneling – low frequency, highly nonlinear Ionization rate 2 0 V(r)=e /r - eFr E 8 4 WT exp F 3 F How do these effects compete at optical fields? -I0 r Parameters and scales Coulomb (atomic) units - e m 1 I 0 1 (generally 0.5 Ry ) Field frequency – I0 More convenient - Typically for powerful lasers . E 1 Field strength – F Eat ~ 0.1 1 2mI 0 Eat e Intensity scale c 2 I at Eat 1.6 1016 W / cm 2 4 3 Multiphoton processes – Perturbation Theory H eEr Dipole approximation Fermi Golden Rule n 2 Wi n) H f( i f i n 2 For ionization i - bound, f - free. For single photon process H f i E d f i For 2-photon process 2 H f i j Ed f j Ed j i j i etc.. Function exp 1 x extrmely nonanalitic at x 0 . Therefore cannot be represented by any power series in x . Thus no tunneling in PT. However, for unbound states d~ e2 E m 2 increasing with field and d free d bound ~ eE m a B 2 F 2 Therefore for I F 2 I at 4 I at ~ TW / cm 2 transitions in the continuous spectrum dominate. Those, however, can be accounted beyond the Perturbation Theory Nonlinear nonperturbative theory for 1, F 1 (LK,1964) (Perelomov, Popov, Terent’ev, 1966) (Ritus, Nikishov, 1966) (Faisal, 1973) (Reiss, 1980) Main results: a). Ionization potential renormalization 2 2 2 e E F I~0 I 0 U U 2 4m 2 2 b). Many channels, different in the number of absorbed photons n nmin nmin Integer 1 1 contributeto the total ionization rate. ~ n -th channel switches off as I 0 n ( nmin renormalization). Total ionization rate (sum over all channels integrated over all final states p ) in atomic units 5 ~ I0 S , ~ I0 exp f Here S - structure function accounting for different channels contributions, I 0 Wi E , A 2 1 2 1 2 f sinh 1 2 2 1 ~ I0 2mI 0 eE F 1 the last factor in the above formula dominates field and frequency dependences and overall magnitude of the effect. Because of Limiting cases a). Frequency dominated regime 1 F 2 2 I0 I0 2 e E W A exp 1 2 8m I 0 1 2 1 1 A exp 2 4 I n min intege r 0 1 n min n min Multiphoton regime. b). Field dominated regime: 1 F 1 4 W A F exp 1 2 10 3F Tunneling regime. The physical meaning of - tun tun I barrier width ~ 0 average electron velocity eE m I0 Conclusions Tunneling and Multiquantum Photoeffect are opposite limiting cases of the same process of the nonlinear ionization. Tunneling time can be as short as a few atomic time units, if the field is strong enough. In the multiphoton regime contribution of the lowest channel dominate. In the 3 tunneling regime many channels (~ ) contribute essentially to the total ionization rate. Photoelectron Energy Spectrum Pulse duration - 25 optical cycles W=0.0625 Photoelectrons 0.2 g=1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Energy(Ry) 0.5 0.6 0.7 Ultrashort Pulses (USP) ionization rate (arb. units) 3.0 chirped pulse 2.0 chirp=0.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 time 3.0 ionization rate (arb. units) av=1/8 max=1.5 2.5 =1/8 max=1 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -150 -100 -50 0 50 time 100 150 Предельно короткие импульсы 1.0 (В. С. Попов, 2000: ЛК, 2000) 0.8 Half-cycle (HCP) pulses: field 0.6 0.4 0.2 E0 E cosh t 2 "Lorentzian" "soliton" E0 E 1 t 2 0.0 -6 -4 -2 0 time 2 4 6 derivatives And OCP-pulses: field 1.0 soliton 0.5 1 t 1 E E0 ; exp 2 2 cosh t 2 gauss 0.0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 time -0.5 -1.0 4 6 E t f t E 1 pt p f t No problem to solve numerically for any particular pulseshape of f(t). Because of the extreme nonlinearity does not reduce to the sum of independent harmonics contributions. Number and energies of absorbed photons not defined exactly. No more separate channels. Still some general features exist. Characteristic parameter ranges: E 1.Lowest fields - c Linear absorbtion due to highest harmonics I 1 usually exponentially small. 2. Highest fields - 1 1/ E 1 - universal tunneling ionization. 4 Wi ~ exp 3Emax Main contribution – "jet" with momentum ~ from the narrow part of the pulse ~ E , close to the field maximum. If two or more maxima of E - coherent contributions, interference. For periodic wave – "quantization" of ejected electron energies. Intermediate (moderate field strength) range – c 1 - strong pulse shape sensitivity. No general rule (formula). Defined predominately by the narrow vicinity of the f(t) singularity in the complex t-plane, closest to the real axis for the Lorentzian pulse shape 1 F2 Wi ~ exp 0.822 3 for solitonlike F Wi ~ exp 4 2 in the “multiphoton” field range E 1 Intensity 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 -2 -4 -1 =7.5 xp 1 for Lorentzian -6 -10 -12 "Lorentzian" -14 -16 Soliton-like -18 -20 -22 Ionization -8 xp 1 and xp 2 for solitonlike pulse Electroabsorption in Semiconductors Under Strong THz Pulses • Tunneling assisted electro-photoabsorption • Dynamic cw electroabsorption • Electroabsorption under THz pulses • Tunneling vs multiphoton assisted processes Tunneling Assisted Photoabsorption - Electric field Conduction Band Eg Tunneling Photon Valence Band Interband electro-photoabsorption Tunneling through the barrier under the electric field E action 4 mH 3 (Fowler and Nordheim, 1928) wt H , E ~ exp 3 e E H – the energy barrier height. Valence electron becomes capable of absorbing the photon Eg , while penetrating into the energy gap to the depth ("barrier") Eg H Absorption coefficient , E ~ wt Eg , E Effective absorption threshold red shift under static field 3 2 th E ~ e E / m Electroabsorption Spectrum Absorption 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 2 2 Energy unit - (e E h /m) 1/3 0.0 -2 0 2 Eg-h Electroabsorption Under Strong cw Field - weak optical field frequency - strong FIR of RF field frequency 0.08 2 2 2 Absorption 0.06 f =e E /(mh )=25 0.04 0.02 0.00 -10 -8 -6 -4 (h-Eg)/h -2 0 Dynamic electro-photoabsorption. Y. Yacobi, 1968 ac Jauho and Johnsen, 1996 Nordstrom et al.,1998 E (t ) fields. Ladder of (multi)photon replicas - absorption of the optical photon assisted by a few fir photons. Electroabsorption under USP. (LK, 2005) Pulse duration T~1psec 10 fsec - THz range. Half-cycle type –unipolar splash. The problem completely equivalent to the multiquantum photoeffect with (I, Eg)Egћω. Then parameters 1 T Eg 2 2 2 e E T T 2 and f 2m 10 f=5 Absorption Change 5 0 -4 -2 0 (h-Eg)T/h -5 -10 2 4 1 The total absorption in the pulse A , E ~ exp Tunneling for λ>1, i. e. 1/ 2 2 eET f and 2mE g Eg 2 e E T 2m 1 f 2 and "multiphoton" processes for λ<1, i. e. Eg 2 e E T 2m f2 25 f=0.5 20 -Log A 15 10 f=2.5 5 f=12.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Full lines for solitonlike HC pulse E(t)~cosh-2(t/T), dotted lines for the static field of the same strength. For T=30 fsec unit of Δ corresponds in GaAs to ~20 meV, the unity of f - to ~50 kV/cm field strength (5 MW/cm2 intensity). Tunneling time No clear concept until now. Is it still possible and do we need it? ”This is a field with diversity of viewpoints, without a clear consensus.” (Landauer and Martin, 1994) The reason – absence of real measurments. Wave packets – no propagation inside barrier. What mean imaginary momentum, imaginary time? 1 k exp kx w p 2 k p2 k 2mU E Different definitions x2 BL x1 x2 m dx dx d lnT 2U x E x`1 v x dE (Landauer and Buetticker, 1982) Under electric fields tun 2mU B ~ time neccessary for free electron eE to acquire energy of the barrier heigth “Lucky” electron finds trajectory above the barrier and probability of barrier penetration is just the probability of finding such a trajectory? Experimental studies of tunneling ionization seem to be the only systematic experimental study of the tunneling time problem.