General Plant Information & Plant Adaptations

General Plant Information & Plant Adaptations
What structures help plants adapt to living on the land, and, hence, survive?
Characteristics of Plants
o ___________________________
o ___________________________
o ______________________________
o _______________________________________________
o ______________________________________________
 Equation: ________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________
Nonvascular vs. Vascular Plants
o Nonvascular
Cladogram of Plant Evolution
4. What plants have vascular tissue?
5. Which plants have seeds?
Plant Adaptation: ROOTS: _____________________________________________________________
Two Types of roots__________________________________________________________________
 Root Hairs – __________________________________________________________________
Plant Adaptation: ____________________________________________________________
 Xylem: _______________________________________________________________
 Phloem: _________________________________________________________________
 Collectively called “__________________________________”
 Draw the direction of the movement of XYLEM in blue and the direction of the movement of
PHLOEM in red
Plant Adaptation: LEAVES
 ________________________________________________________________________
Leaf Anatomy: Color the parts of
a leaf
A: Cuticle (light blue)
B: Epidermis (yellow)
C: Guard cells (pink)
D: Palisade Mesophyll (dark green)
E: Bundle Sheath (dark blue)
F: Spongy Mesophyll (light green)
G: Xylem (orange)
H: Phloem (purple)
Plant Adaptation: CUTICLE
 __________________________________________________
Helps prevent….. _______________________________________________
Plant Adaptation: STOMATA
 ______________________________________________________________________________
Using the coloring activity above, label the
guard cells and the stomata on the picture.
Plant Adaptations: Spore Bearing vs. Seed Bearing Plants
Spore Bearing:
Seed Bearing:
Why were spores a good adaptation?
In the box, sketch and label the spore capsule and the spores
Plant Adaptation: SEED PLANTS
 Gymnosperms use a ___________________ to contain their seeds.
 Angiosperms use a _______________________________ to contain their seeds
Plant Adaptation: SEEDS
 After pollination, a _________________________ is formed. The seed houses a “___________”
plant and a food supply (_____________________) for the plant.
Draw the open seed in the space below.
Label the following:
-Seed coat
Plant Adaptation: FLOWERS
 __________________________________________________________________________
 Female part: ______________________________________________________________
 Male part: ________________________________________________________________
Sketch and label a typical flower
Sketch the female part of the flower only and label
the stigma, the style, and the ovary.
What reproductive cells are found inside the ovary?
Sketch the male part of the flower only and label
the anther and the filament.
What reproductive cells are found on the anther?
Why are flowers brightly colored or scented? ________________________________________________
Why are fruits an adaptation? ____________________________________________________________
How does a fruit protect the seed? ________________________________________________________