SI, SLA, and YOU Your guide to CSU’s two new services for students. What are SI and SLA? Voluntary Attendance Sessions are at varied times Supplemental Instruction Required Attendance Student peer leader attends class session Leader facilitates review session Mandatory based on assessment – 70% or lower Built into the course structure and student schedule Structured Learning Assistance SI and SLA target courses… High enrollment Low student success Fewer than 25% of the students enrolled in the previous year earned a C or better. Our History Supplemental Instruction Fall 2008… 12 attempted - 9 succeeded Spring 2009… Structured Learning Assistance Spring 2009… SLA launched with 3 sections 2 were successful 30 attempted - 27 succeeded Fall 2009… 50 SI Sessions Attempted Fall 2009… 10 SLA Sessions Attempted Fall 2009 SI/SLA Courses BIOLOGY 106* and 200 (SLA) CHEMISTRY 161* and 261* ENGLISH 101 (SLA) GEOLOGY 100* MATH 87, 88, 116, 117*, 127*, 147*, 151*, 154*, 167, 168, 181, 182 (6 courses SLA) PSYCHOLOGY 101 SPANISH 101 and 102 Rationale: Collaborative learning promotes critical thinking: - discussion - clarification of ideas - evaluation of others’ ideas The SI and SLA programs focus on students working with classmates (*2.5 times more efficient than studying alone) THE LEADER ROLE Not a TA! – a model student (takes notes & attends class) Hold 2-3 SI sessions/week / (1 hour in length)* Attend all trainings and staff meetings Prepare for SI sessions (2 hours of prep) Communicate regularly with the professor/instructor. Collect data, attendance, and other assessment information and submit weekly update THE FACULTY ROLE Communicate with Leader prior to Semester Obtain textbook Add SI / SLA information to syllabus Add Leader to Blackboard Remind students to attend – OFTEN Pass out end of semester evaluations Attend an occasional meeting THE SUPERVISOR ROLE Conduct training sessions prior to semester Hold meetings throughout semester Evaluate sessions/ongoing training End of semester evaluations Data collection Communicate with faculty Oversee daily operations / Assign space WHEN SHOULD FACULTY NOTIFY THE PROGRAM COORDINATOR? Whenever any issues or problems should arise. Leader missed class – no prior notification Leader is excessively late for class CALL or EMAIL Christine – as soon as possible Benefits to students Acquire study skills Organization More time on task Prepared for Exams Higher Course Grades Learning Network Collaboration Independent Learners Benefits to faculty Early feedback Improved student interaction Higher Student Success Rates / Continue Sequence Improved Understanding Work closely with and mentor top students Benefits to University Higher Graduation Rates Lower rates of D’s & F’s – Withdrawals Faculty Development Sense of Community Bridge gap with student ability levels Cost efficient academic support State Subsidy has been removed for any student that withdraws from a class at any point or receives an “F.” WHAT IF A STUDENT CANNOT ATTEND ANY OF THE SESSIONS? Tutoring & Academic Success Center (TASC) MC 401 The student can receive 1:1 or small group tutoring at a time that fits his or her schedule. MARKETING The faculty plays a key role in marketing the sessions: Add SI/SLA description to the syllabus Add the leader’s name & email to syllabus Post on Blackboard Announce in Class TO GIVE OR NOT TO GIVE How are grades impacted? - - Giving bonus points to students who attend is at your discretion With SLA – students are required to attend if their assessment score is below at or below 70% SOME POINTERS Leader/Faculty mini meetings are crucial for good teamwork and communication. If you cannot teach a class, please cancel class but mention the Leader is available during the time. Do not expect the leader to teach class in your absence What is SLA? HOW DOES SLA WORK? First day of class: - Explain Program - Students sign attendance policy (submit one copy / keep other ) Week one: - All students attend SLA session - Assessment given to determine competency Week two: - Results are given back to the student - “Baseline” Scores determine mandatory/voluntary HOW DOES SLA WORK? Assessment Student Scores above 70% Student Scores below 70% Encouraged to attend SLA Session Mandatory SLA HELPFUL TIPS Works best with several “mini assessments” Communicate with leader weekly to discuss: - attendance issues - grades - progress / planning Follow up with students who exhibit attendance issues ITEMS TO CONSIDER What is the baseline grade? What are consequences for missing SLA if required to be there? - Does student fail course - Does student drop a letter grade Will points be added for students who attend but don’t need to? CAUTION: Give assessments right away Avoid lag time between taking test and returning results (make up exams) Get excuses for student absences in writing Demonstrate consistency with leader ANY QUESTIONS? ANY COMMENTS?