EMTTC Annual General Meeting Loughborough 19th October 2014 Attendees: Clive Morgan (Ind), Tracy Whittaker, Harvey Smith (NTGA), Rose Townsend, Liam Townsend, Charlotte Reeks, (Lincoln), Ray Bevan, Gail Bevan, (Bassetlaw), Kieran Grundy, Gemma Sargeant (Mkt Hbrgh), Kevin Gladders, Ann Gladders (Aerokinetics), Chris Edwards, Toni Jantschenko, Helen Smithurst (Night Flyers), Annette Lewis (Soar), Jo Impey, Neil Impey (Hinckley), Natalie Jacques, Nanette Jacques (Elevate), Kirsty Ringsell, Andrew Ringsell (Abbey HF), Darren Potts, Tracey Potts (Delta), Monica White, Sean White (Phoenix), Adam White (Mickleover), Sarah Corral (Charnwood), Ian Harris, Amie O’Brien (Extreme), Paul Lipton (EMGA Chair) Apologies from: Mandy Daybles (NTGA) 1. Accepted minutes of the previous AGM (Proposed Andrew Ringsell, Seconded Chris Edwards, no objections) 2. It was noted that the agenda items would exceed available time and therefore some items will be deferred to a subsequent Special General Meeting (SGM), date and location to be agreed. 3. Annual reports were received from the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary and Judging coordinator. These are appended to these minutes. 4. EMTTC Accounts were received and approved. The EMTTC bank account needs its signatories changing to be the current Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. (Proposed Ray Bevan, Seconded Toni Jantschenko, no objections) 5. The following people were elected to committee posts for 2014-2015: Role Chair Secretary Treasurer Competitions Secretary Welfare officer Judging and Judge Education Coach Education Regional Squad Lincs Representative Leics Representative Derbys Representative Notts Representative Northants Representative Schools (BSGA) Rep DMT Rep Competitors Rep (1) Competitors Rep (2) Nominations Clive Morgan (Independent) Chris Edwards (NightFlyers) Kevin Gladders (Aerokinetics) Charlotte Reeks (Lincoln Imps) Ann Gladders (Aerokinetics) Clive Morgan (Independent) Mandy Daybles (NTGA) Rose Townsend (Lincoln Imps) Liam Townsend (Lincoln Imps) Kieran Grundy (Market Harborough) Darren Potts (Delta) Natalie Jacques (Elevate) Dani Martin (NTGA) Kirsty Ringsell (Abbey High Fliers) Sarah Corral (Charnwood) Amie O’Brien (Extreme) Alice Banks (Abbey High Fliers) Of the above posts, the following were contested and decided by ballot: Chair: Clive Morgan ( 17 votes), Andrew Ringsell (11 votes) Secretary: Chris Edwards (16 votes), Charlotte Reeks (12 votes) Notts Rep: Natalie Jacques (4 votes), Toni Jantschenko (2 votes) Important! Please can all committee members send their preferred email and phone number contact details to Chris, so that we have up to date information. We shall not publish phone numbers online. 6. EMTTC does not currently charge direct membership fees, but a £1 per entrant levy is taken from competition entries. Review deferred to the SGM. AOB 7. The constitution is in need of an overhaul, so the whole General Committee will draft a proposal for full review and subsequent adoption through a SGM. 8. Meanwhile, these points were agreed by all present to proceed within the existing constitution: a. Co-opted (non-voting) GC members are currently Welfare, DMT, Schools and Competitors’ Reps. Paul noted that EMGA is keen to encourage schools link and advised that role should be reconsidered as a full member within the constitution review. b. It was noted that county reps have a duty to represent the views of the clubs in their counties. c. The period of office for General Committee members will be decided at the SGM d. The quorum for General Meetings, will be 1 rep from at least 50% of affiliated clubs, including at least 2 executive and 3 non-executive committee members. (Proposed Chris Edwards, Seconded Kieran Grundy, no objections) 9. What should we do with the outstanding funds in the EMTTC account? Deferred to SGM 10. Propose a ‘competitions group’ to make decisions on content, representation at finals etc. Deferred to SGM 11. Demand for judging and coaching courses – prices go up sometime next year –see Clive’s report. 12. Review the squad supervision and coaching arrangements for the NDP Regionals Final. Deferred to SGM 13. Any progress on Derby or other EM regional competition venue? Deferred to SGM 14. Charlotte presented a report from the Trampoline National Planning & Review Group meeting on Oct 11th (see appendix) and a lively discussion ensued. Midway through a discussion on this report, an emergency evacuation of the building forced an early closure of the meeting. The remaining agenda items were therefore deferred to the SGM, which the Executive will arrange. 15. Any additional changes to our NDP competitions and confirmation of dates and venues Deferred to SGM 16. We need a regional development plan – can we task a sub-committee with drafting a proposal for this? It could include e. Assess short, medium and long-term goals f. Should we have a regional development conference to discuss it all fully g. How we improve the region’s standing and influence nationally h. How we can hold joint events with tumbling Deferred to SGM Appendices: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Chair’s Report Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s report Judging Report Coaching Report Competition Secretary’s Report NPRG meeting report East Midlands Trampoline AGM – October 19, 2014 - Chair’s Report The year 2014 was a year of change. It started with a change of competition structure and also a different way of judging the first element of routines (6 jumps and arm set) for the lower levels. After a trial competition in October 2013 and some debate from of the regions’ members, we implemented the new structure in its entirety, running NDP 1-6 competitions. This is in excess of the levels that we were required to run by British Gymnastics. For 2015 there are adjustments to the competition structure. These include a reduction in the number of qualification opportunities for the Regional Team Finals. There is now, however, the added opportunity for the gymnasts in NDP 1-6 to qualify from the Regional Team Finals to the NDP Finals. These changes and others mean that we need to look at the safety aspects of the competitions we hold, such as the floor matting provisions, and what opportunities we can provide to aid the development and growth of coaches and clubs in the region in the coming months and years. We also need to look at how we aid the gymnasts in the East Midlands to develop their ability to compete and progress through the levels. June saw the first ever Regional Team Final, held in Exeter. The East Midlands was represented by 28 gymnasts. After a challenging day the East Midlands team finished in 5th place, with three gold medals, three silvers and four bronzes, among other good performances. We owe a big thank you to the squad coaches, judges and officials who volunteered to attend the event. Throughout the year there was a number of coaching courses but no judging courses. The lack of judging courses was due to not enough of participants to make running a course viable. During 2015 (date to be confirmed) the cost of judging courses as sent to standardised across the UK to £90. In order to try to beat this increase it would be of the benefit of the clubs to hold as many judging courses as we can at the different levels in the interim period. There are now 40 revalidated judges in the region. This is following an extra revalidation course held in 2014. Throughout the 2014 Spring Event Series, there was analysis of the judges marking. This meant that all of the judges had to hand in their score sheets after each round. This is to be use in the regions too, beginning January 2015. We held three regional NDP competitions and a Regional Championships, which have run smoothly due to the huge amount of work put in by the competition organisers and Charlotte Reeks, the competition secretary, who have organised the events so well. These would also not have been possible without the help of Chris Edward and his tireless work on his scoring system. In 2014 it has been impossible to run the DMT competitions on the same day as the trampoline events. This is due to a lack of space in the venues. But British Gymnastics have said that both events should be held on the same day going forward. This means that unless we go to bigger venues (at a much higher cost), the DMT competitions may have to continue at an alternative venue on another day. The Performance Pathway programme has started in the East Midlands. Gymnasts and coaches from the East Midlands were selected and were in attendance at the two camps that have been held so far. The British Gymnastics executive and directors are currently looking at the governance of every discipline in every region. The full impact that this will have is not yet known. One thing that is known is that British Gymnastics have created a competition entry system for regional competitions. This will be rolled out in January to be used by the regions. Alongside this, the regional section of the British Gymnastics website is to be used. Next year will bring a new set of challenges and expectations for everyone in the East Midlands at every level. So as we move forward I would like to extend my thanks to all of the officers for their work for the region throughout the year. Clive Morgan 19/10/2014 EMTTC Secretary’s Report 2013-14 It had been a rather bumpy year with lots of changes happening in the way that trampolining is organised and run at every level. Keeping pace with changes and, more importantly, understanding the reasoning behind those changes is going to be the key to evolving our sport successfully over the coming years. As a region, we seem to have had a bit of a decline in the number of clubs playing an active role in the region, with significantly reduced or no participation from several clubs. NSG ceased operations and we have also nominally lost Corby TC, although in practice NTGA have stepped in to run that club as a satellite, which is encouraging as a means of continuing to provide opportunities for gymnasts in that area. The EMTTC currently comprises 16 clubs. This year we managed to sort out the EGMA affiliations just before the competitions, but I would ask please that this is done sooner, so we do not have to chase people up the week before a competition. The same goes for BG membership and the new CRB/DBS system – if you have a problem with registering then please ensure that we know about it – especially the Welfare Officer – so that we can help to resolve the problems that I know a number of you have faced over the past year. It cannot have escaped anyone’s attention that there has been some discord within the region in the past two months. This seems to have arisen principally through inadequate or poor communication, with an over-reliance on emails and social media. While these are vital means of communication, there are many times when face-to-face meetings and phone calls would be more appropriate, so I would ask that as we move into a new era of trampolining that we take the time to talk and listen to each other. Constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement should always be welcomed, not rebuffed. I hope that we can put these difficulties behind us and look forward to how we can build on the undoubted depth of skills and expertise that every club in the region can contribute. It is clear that our constitution needs revising, as it no longer matches our practice, nor fits with the terms of membership of the bodies to which we affiliate. This will be a priority task for the general committee over the next few months. The restructuring of the event calendar has meant that our previous practice of holding meetings after each event is no longer fit for purpose. The natural brevity of these meetings has also not helped to build a coherent general committee with time to debate and agree actions. I would therefore suggest that the general committee meetings should be scheduled throughout the year. Finally, I would like to thank everyone for the hard work they have put into the region over the past year. We can see evidence of this in the recent well deserved Derbyshire county award to Darren Potts (‘Community Coach of the Year’), the national ‘Volunteer of the Year’ award to Monica and Sean White, the BG ‘Coach of the Year’ for Harvey Smith and the BG ‘Outstanding Coach of the Year’ award to Tracy Whittaker-Smith. We are all passionate about our sport and that is why differences of opinion can sometimes get out of hand. We must channel that passion to further improve the opportunities for our region’s trampolinists. Chris Edwards - Secretary 19/10/2014 EMTTC Treasurer’s Report 2013-14 The financial statements and schedules as attached and distributed at the meeting detail the three funds held with EMGA as at 31st December 2013 and similarly as at 30th Sep 2014 a detailed year-by-year statement of income and expenditure for the separate EMTTC controlled bank account and a balance sheet showing the provisional position as at 31 December 2014 and the final position as at 31 December 2013 The regional squad fund and separate ring-fenced fund held with EMGA are controlled by this committee whereas the third fund records the day-to-day financial activities of the trampolining TC and is required to be operated under EMGA regulations as a self-financing fund. The EMTTC controlled bank account has accumulated its balance over many years but is now to be used for expenditure purposes only in support of regional activities. TRAMPOLINE TC - EMGA FUNDS 31-Dec-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 Apr-13 May-13 Oct-13 Lincoln Pboro Grimsby Nottm Mkt Hboro TOTAL BUDGET RING FENCE SQUAD Other Results no. (incl withdrawals) Calculated no. Fees Fees - cash etc Nos. £12 125 181 141 218 145 122 181 139 218 145 1342.00 2172.00 1680.00 2352.00 1452.00 264.00 288.00 122.00 810 8998.00 -12.00 Other 110.00 -552.00 0.00 Tfr re 2012 142.80 142.80 Contra - EMGA error 319.00 319.00 Officials lunch & changing rooms - paid cash -122.00 -122.00 Transfer to Ring Fence Transfer to Ring Fence 0.00 0.00 1342.00 2172.00 1668.00 2616.00 1740.00 9447.80 10340.00 -125.00 -181.00 -141.00 -218.00 -145.00 -810.00 810.00 8637.80 810.00 Expenditure Trophies Hall Hire etc 0.00 400.00 Equipment 550.00 295.64 200.00 390.00 440.00 400.00 2085.64 100.00 690.00 Tramp transport 0.00 Officials lunches etc 184.37 Other Comp surpluses 130.00 314.37 77.00 77.00 3167.01 400.00 934.37 685.64 440.00 707.00 942.00 1237.63 982.36 2176.00 1033.00 9100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Medals etc 1624.80 338.58 260.84 240.10 156.24 2620.56 Total comp expenditure 5787.57 Expenses 9100.00 100.00 Lincoln Imps - Hall Hire 120.00 -120.00 0.00 0.00 -319.00 319.00 250.00 120.00 NTGA Hall Hire NPRG meeting -25.00 0.00 Contra - EMGA error Judging Course 250.00 K Redgrift expenses Room Hire - Grimsby Tigers 26.15 390 0.00 Yet to be transferred 0.00 TOTAL Expenditure -199.00 Surplus for YEAR Plus bfwd 2012 Less Judging Bursary sacrifice 30% thereof 50% 6012.72 9700.00 0.00 120.00 2625.08 640.00 810.00 -120.00 2183.51 565.08 2993.51 445.08 2993.51 445.08 647.95 100% -194.39 453.57 3078.65 Cfwd 2014 50% 1539.32 100% TRAMPOLINE TC - EMGA FUNDS Sep-14 Entries Calculated no. Nos. £12 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Oct-14 Lincoln Mkt Hboro Pboro Regional TOTAL 81 169 189 0 £972.00 £2,028.00 £2,268.00 £0.00 972.00 2033.00 2268.00 0.00 BUDGET 2014 ACTUAL 2013 RING SQUAD FENCE 439 Income Entrance fees 5273.00 6480.00 9448.00 Squad Kit - Regional finals 795.00 Regional Finals Misc 1.00 Misc - BSGA IT hire Zonal Transfer to Ring Fence @ £1 per entry 150.00 972.00 2033.00 2268.00 0.00 5424.00 6480.00 9448.00 0.00 -81.00 -169.00 -189.00 0.00 -439.00 -540.00 -810.00 439.00 4985.00 5940.00 8638.00 439.00 0.00 0.00 Expenditure Trophies Hall Hire etc 300.00 400.00 550.00 1250.00 1870.00 Equipment 100.00 100.00 200.00 400.00 700.00 0.00 0.00 478.00 560.00 0.00 0.00 2128.00 3130.00 Tramp transport Officials lunches etc 168.00 130.00 180.00 Other Comp surpluses 568.00 630.00 930.00 0.00 404.00 1403.00 1338.00 0.00 3167.00 795.00 795.00 Medals etc 1492.68 56.28 Total comp expenditure 1548.96 2100.00 2621.00 3676.96 5230.00 5788.00 988.60 1200.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 50.00 225.00 Expenses Computer Cap Ex Competition equipment Admininstration exp. Regional Squad - Hall hire (2) - Squad kit 2013 Judge revalidation costs ( not used) 250.00 TOTAL Expenditure (Deficit)/Surplus 4665.56 7130.00 6013.00 0.00 721.58 319.44 -1190.00 2625.00 439.00 73.42 2993.51 445.08 3432.51 518.50 3432.51 518.50 Plus bfwd from 2013 100% 50% SURPLUS at END of the YEAR Cfwd into 2015 721.58 50% 1539.32 1539.32 1858.76 349.32 929.38 174.66 100% EMTTC Detailed profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 2013 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 2,867 1,954 2,079 1,280 - - 339 2,632 1,263 1,571 - 375 - - - - - - - 2,580 - 1,285 - - - - - - 152 12,900 3,359 - 1,125 - - 520 1,260 977 1,405 1,225 - 1,183 225 1,306 - 170 200 950 567 125 520 520 480 670 240 - - - - - - - - 750 - - - - - - 859 533 - - - 212 (1) 1 265 - (26) (1) - 899 861 5,277 2,124 2,491 2,749 1,828 2,226 2,797 7,833 14,642 6,783 1,364 2,542 - - - - - - - 763 - - - 288 2,708 1,114 1,689 1,130 - - - 1,921 1,029 982 - 198 - - - - - - - 2,151 - 1,031 - - - - - - 12 12,662 3,041 - 1,178 - - 510 1,482 836 1,104 1,081 - 1,325 174 1,142 - - - - - - 368 - - - - 172 4,917 1,114 1,689 1,640 1,482 836 1,472 5,928 13,691 5,348 174 1,800 Income Schools Comps entry fees Zonal schools Competition fees Course fees Reimbursed ITexpenses Grant from English Gymnastics EMGA Sales Schools Comps Purchases Schools comp expenses Zonal Schools costs Competition costs Course costs BSGA Administration costs Travel and subsistence - - - - - - - - - - 200 - - - - - - - - - - - 200 - General administrative expenses: Postage Stationery and printing IT consumables - - - - - - - - - - - 12 125 - - - - - - - - - - 123 - - 27 419 - 616 600 - 60 359 773 382 125 - 27 419 - 616 600 - 60 359 773 517 125 - 27 419 - 616 600 - 60 359 973 517 1 1 1 1 1 45 53 37 37 31 69 532 - - - - - - - - - - 34 35 1 1 1 1 1 45 53 37 37 31 103 567 236 1,011 776 691 346 820 778 1,942 928 1,107 320 792 Bank Interest Interest on deposit account Interest on current account Surplus/(deficit) EMTTC Provisional Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2014 2014 £ Current assets Debtors Cash at bank and in hand Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 2013 £ 12,747 12,747 60 14,964 15,024 - (2,277) Net current assets 12,747 12,747 Net assets 12,747 12,747 Profit and loss account 12,747 - 12,511 236 Total Funds 12,747 12,747 Reserves Balance brought forward East Midlands Trampoline AGM – October 19, 2014 - Judge Report In 2014 there were a number of changes to how judging was done across the UK. The judging at the regional level competitions (NDP 1-5) saw the introduction of the arm set as the first element and there was an adjustment to the requirements of the judges officiating at National level competitions. For some judges this meant a reduced number of opportunities to judge outside of the region. On the plus side for those who were involved, British Gymnastics paid their expenses. I would like to thank everyone that has officiated over the past 12 months at every level. Revalidated judges: Following the final revalidation course held in Bracknell in June 2014, the East Midlands have 40 revalidated judges. There will not be any further revalidations until 2017. This means that any judge now wishing to revalidate must retake the course for their current level and pass. Courses: There hasn’t been any judge courses held in 2014 so far. This was not because of a lack of interest but due to the fact that there were not enough participants at any one time to make a course viable. In 2015 the cost of course are due to increase to £90. The date for this has not been confirmed yet. In order to beat this increase we will try to hold as many courses as we can at different levels before whatever the date is. It became apparent in 2014 that there were not many DMT judges in the region. This is the same for the other regions around the UK. The plan is to hold at least one DMT judge course in the East Midlands, if there is the demand for it. Tutors: The region has one current judge tutor for trampoline and DMT (Clive Morgan) but Charlotte Reeks has put forward to become a tutor as of 2015. This is subject to approval from the National Judging Committee and attendance at a planned National Judge Tutors’ Conference. Judge and score analysis: Throughout the 2014 Spring Event Series and National events, there was a Superior Jury who oversaw the quality of the judging at each event. As part of this process every judge handed in their score sheets at the end of each round. This process is set to be used in the regions too from January 2015. Judging at international open/club competitions: Due to a number of on-going issues, British Gymnastics now say that any club intending to enter any competition abroad must take a judge who holds a qualification of National Judge or above. There will also be a restriction on the performance level of the gymnasts too. This looks set to be NDP 8 or above. I will forward any more details on all of the above as it becomes available. Clive Morgan – Judging and Judge Education 19/10/2014 Coaching Report – October 2014 This is a breakdown of courses for the East Midlands Sept 2013- 2014 TRA Level 1: Date: November 2013 January 2014 September 2014 Venue: Worksop Northampton Northampton Number of attendees: 0 (course cancelled due to lack of numbers 11 candidates (9x East Mids, 1x East, 1x South) 11 Candidates (9x East Mids, 2x East) We have also run two Level 1 courses this year, with good numbers on both, which is more promising than in the last couple of years. Planning ahead has helped greatly. TRA Level 2: Date: September 2013 May 2014 October 2014 Venue: Northampton Northampton Northampton Number of attendees: 10 (3x East Mids, 5x West Mids, 2x East) 0 (course cancelled due to lack of numbers) 10 Candidates (4x EM, 4x WM, 1x South, 1x SE) For the TRA Level 2 we have more candidates from out of region than in it. We only seem to be able to get one a year off the ground. When I assess I do see candidates from our region in other regions. I have asked one or two clubs and said that only offering one course a year there was nothing available till the next year if you just missed out because of your age, etc, so from now on we will try to run a minimum of 2 of each Level in the region each year. We have also looked at the time of year of the courses are on and felt that the May Level 2 course perhaps didn’t get the uptake maybe due to exams so next year we have planned to run one of the Level 2 courses in February and see what response that has to numbers. Award Scheme Courses Date: September 2013 September 2013 January 2014 March 2014 July 2014 Venue: Derby Lincoln Leicester Northampton Lincoln Number of attendees: 14 candidates 13 Candidates 11 Candidates 6 Candidates 14 Candidates As you can see the Award Scheme Coach Courses have been going well throughout the region. Cycle5/cycle 6 update Date: November 2013 April 2014-10-20 Venue: Northampton Northampton Number of attendees: 12 Candidates 11 Candidates Cycle 5/6 Theory update course – Most were out of region coming from all over the country as these are getting fewer and fewer due to everyone already updated who wanted to. According to British Gymnastics 6 people have completed some of the Level 3 Modules this year. Courses for 2015 that are currently on BG website are as follows: Level: UKCC Level 1 UKCC Level 1 UKCC Level 2 Award Scheme Coach Award Scheme Coach Start Date: 10th January 2015 18th January 2015 15th February 2015 22nd March 2015 20th September 2015 Venue: Lincoln Northampton Northampton Northampton Northampton If any clubs are in need for any courses, especially the Award Scheme Coach, please feel free to contact me and I will with work with British Gymnastics to set them up with Ray or myself. Please give me any feedback or any questions raised regarding any course or assessments. Mandy Daybles – Coach Tutoring 19/10/2014 Competitions Secretary report 2014 In 2014 we have ran three regional competitions in line with the expectations of the new competition structure. The first competition of the year was held in Lincoln in January. We ran NDP levels 1-6, which were more than those required (NDP 3-6) and had over 80 competitors. For the second and third regional qualifying competitions in February and March we expanded the competition further to include Club levels 1 and 2. These ran alongside the NDP 1-6. There were over 160 competitors. Although there were three competitions held in the East Midlands, not all clubs participated in all of them. We ran separate DMT competitions in 2014 but are hoping that in 2015 we can combine at least one of these into our regional competition structure. We had a team of 28 competitors travel to Exeter as part of the regional team for the Regional NDP Finals. We had 3 x first places, 3 x secondss and 4 x thirds. These results, among others, put the region into 5th place overall. All competitors performed very well and seemed to enjoy the experience of competing in a competition with other regions. It also appeared that all competitors enjoyed the experience of working within the regional team. Hopefully this will continue to grow into 2015, especially with the Regional NDP Finals being opened up to include NDP levels 1 and 2 and providing the chance for competitors in these levels to qualify for the NDP Finals. Charlotte Reeks – Competitions Secretary 19/10/2014 NPRG meeting report This national planning and review group meeting was held at the Lilleshall National Sports Centre on 11th October and was attended by representatives from each region. Clive and I attended meeting on behalf of the East Midlands. These are the main points: Coaching There is a currently a review of coaching courses for trampolining and DMT, especially the generic days on level 3, to see if it possible to reduce the length and cost of the courses. The plan is to implement new performance and high performance coaching courses in late 2015 – these will no longer be open access and will require evidence from each prospective candidate of their gymnasts’ level of performance through results and videos. For the assessments there will be a variety of options designed to suit the coach. DMT coaching courses will be changing to align with trampolining courses. There have been trials with regards to using e-learning for courses. These trials have taken place in the South West. It is hoped is to be able to increase the amount of practical learning and engaging with the coaches. There is a foundation for safeguarding online course available for 16- to 17-year-olds. There is the hope that the e-learning can start to be used for judging courses and revalidations in the future. Judging There will be no more revalidation courses until the next Olympic cycle (2017-2020). In our region we have 40 revalidated judges registered on the database. In the 2014 spring event series, NDP finals and British Championships a Superior Jury was introduced. The Superior Jury looked at the quality of the judging at these events by looking at the end of routine deductions given, the calculation of scores, how the judging compared with the Code of Points guidelines and overall judging compared with the median scores of the judging panel and the Superior Jury. At British Championships all but three judges recorded over 70% of their scores equal to the median score - which by FIG standard equates to a pass or a very good pass. This was described as very encouraging. A judge tutor’s conference is planned for early 2015 with course materials, presentations, etc, becoming standardised. There is a plan to dispense with the Zonal Judge qualification The National Judge award will be split into two levels – National 1 (current National Judges) and National 2 (Zonal Judges) The National 1 and 2 judges will be assessed by means of an exam at the beginning of each Olympic cycle. There have been changes made to each course requirements to align them with the current competition structure. This includes the level of difficulty judges should be able to calculate to pass the course. A DBS (formerly CRB) is no longer needed for people who are solely judges. Anyone who judges and works with performers or is a welfare officer still requires one. Judges that have not revalidated but want to officiate again have to complete the course for the level of judge that they were and pass the assessments. Disabilities There is a new national disability competition structure for 2015-2017 – This is available in the disability handbook on the BG website. It is the responsibility of each region to include a disability section into the regional NDP competitions Regions are also required to include the availability of a disability regional squad. Changes at British Gymnastics By the end of October there will have been several changes within the performance department, including new appointments. Competition structure The national programme is fully aligned with the competitive structure promoted by the international federation (FIG) with some additional requirements to support the national development plan. The additional requirements will be assessed annually. There are two qualifying events to the Regional Team Finals in 2015 - February and March The top two performers in each age group at each level (NDP 1-6) can qualify to the Regional Team Finals if they achieve the minimum standards. The top eight from each group and level at Regional Team Finals will qualify to the NDP finals in July. At Regional Team Finals there will be three team trophies – one for each trampolining, DMT and tumbling. Time of flight has been removed for NDP 7 competitors to allow them to focus on execution Time of flight will remain at NDP 8 as it underpins the FIG pathway. The elite pathway has been renamed the FIG pathway. There will be two Spring Event Series competitions in 2015. There are currently two dates for the British Championships. The second date is the preferred date and is awaiting confirmation. All incomplete routines will receive a zero score. There will be no synchronised trampolining at NDP level competitions. Anyone pushing in a mat at a competition must be a Level 2 coach or above. There are discussions being held about passes for coaches and judges to be used in regions to help monitor this. The North West is being used as a showcase region. It has upgraded their equipment to that needed for a desirable competition set-up, they have a fully functioning regional squad set-up, work with the other disciplines, and have secured a permanent competition venue. From 2016 there will be physical preparation standards in place for all levels in trampolining, tumbling and DMT Technical norms for trampolining could be included from 2016. All information will be circulated in January 2015 to give clubs and gymnasts a full 12 months’ notice and time to prepare for 2016. Performance Pathway There are 11 Performance Pathway Co-ordinators (one for each of the English regions and one for Northern Ireland) There are two platforms that create the main body: Performance Pathway Development (Camps) and Coach Education (clinics). There is the opportunity to create a regional/zonal programme that can underpin and feed into the National Squad Structure. There are three zones – North, Midlands and South – and each has a High Performance Centre. The High Performance Centres are Liverpool (North Zone), NTGA (Midlands Zone) and Olga (South Zone). Six members of staff were appointed in May 2014 – a lead coach and assistant coach in each high performance centre. They are responsible for designing and delivering the camps and clinics. The key objectives of the performance pathway are to identify, confirm and develop a pipeline of talent that underpins the GBR squad structure, to develop high performances coach education opportunities zonally and to develop and deliver coach education clinics for aspiring elite level coaches, both regionally and zonally. There are events planned for 2015 that will continue to focus on learning outcomes with physical preparation, skill development, basic mental skills, training principles and nutrition and lifestyle. Other points discussed BG will release a list of international competitions that they plan to take part in next year. Any club travelling abroad must take a judge who is qualified at National level or above There is close monitoring of the standard of performers going abroad. These performers must be NDP 8 or above (levels to be confirmed). At all competitions run by BG (Spring Event Series, Regional Team Finals, NDP Finals and British Championships) the aim is to have training available on the Friday before and a separate warm-up hall BG and the National Technical Committee are encouraging all regions to run further competitions to help performers prepare for the sanctioned competitions. This is also a way for regions to raise funds for development The TC want trampolining, tumbling and DMT to work together. Due to the fact that the tariff levels performed regionally grows, regions can run competitions in conjunction with their neighbouring regions if their own equipment is not up to safety standard performers are required. Charlotte Reeks – Competitions Secretary 19/10/2014