Outreach Project at UCLA, and Dialogues with

Outreach Program
At UCLA East Asian Library
Amy Tsiang
EAALC Annual Meeting
October 7, 2005
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Information Needs Assessment
• As part of the more proactive outreach program
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Information Needs Assessment
• As part of the more proactive outreach program
• Purpose of Survey:
-- to investigate the rapid growth of the East Asian studies
at UCLA, in determining the changing information needs
towards the East Asian Library
-- to reevaluate the Library’s collections and services, in
improving and restructuring the Library’s future development
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Information Needs Assessment
• As part of the more proactive outreach program
• Purpose of Survey:
-- to investigate the rapid growth of the East Asian studies
at UCLA, in determining the changing information needs
towards the East Asian Library
-- to reevaluate the Library’s collections and services, in
improving and restructuring the Library’s future development
• Started with faculty members; will continue with
graduate students and other users
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Information Needs Assessment
• As part of the more proactive outreach program
• Purpose of Survey:
-- to investigate the rapid growth of the East Asian studies
at UCLA, in determining the changing information needs
towards the East Asian Library
-- to reevaluate the Library’s collections and services, in
improving and restructuring the Library’s future development
• Started with faculty members; will continue with
graduate students and other users
• Conducted since May 2005
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Structure of Assessment Survey
• Assessment designed into two parts, statistical
data and face-to-face interviews
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Structure of Assessment Survey
• Assessment designed into two parts, statistical
data and face-to-face interviews
-- Part I, Statistical Data (12 question): 1-5 for better
understanding of current academic interest in EA studies; 6-10
for examining the pattern of information access; 10 on
databases, different listing for C, J & K users; 11-12 are related
to Library services and communication between the Library and
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Structure of Assessment Survey
• Assessment designed into two parts, statistical
data and face-to-face interviews
-- Part I, Statistical Data (12 question): 1-5 for better
understanding of current academic interest in EA studies; 6-10
for examining the pattern of information access; 10 on
databases, different listing for C, J & K users; 11-12 are related
to Library services and communication between the Library and
-- Part II, Interview Questions (7 questions) for face-to-face
interview: 1-6 cover the areas of research, teaching, digital
resources, communication, library instruction, and future
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Structure of Assessment Survey
• Assessment designed into two parts, statistical
data and face-to-face interviews
• The Head sent personalized letters and survey
to 49 faculty members (25 Chinese, 15
Japanese, and 9 Korean)
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Structure of Assessment Survey
• Assessment designed into two parts, statistical
data and face-to-face interviews
• The Head sent personalized letters and survey
to 49 faculty members (25 Chinese, 15
Japanese, and 9 Korean)
• CJK studies librarians attended the face-to face
interviews with the faculty in their specialized
area, and the Head attended all interviews
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Structure of Assessment Survey
• Assessment designed into two parts, statistical
data and face-to-face interviews
• The Head sent personalized letters and survey
to 49 faculty members (25 Chinese, 15
Japanese, and 9 Korean)
• CJK studies librarians attended the face-to face
interviews with the faculty in their specialized
area, and the Head attended all interviews
• Have interviewed 31 (ca. 62%) faculty members
(16 Chinese, 9 Japanese, and 6 Korean)
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries: Current Growth
of East Asian Studies
Traditional EA studies focused on humanities, such as
literature, art, history, archaeology, religion and philosophy.
The strength of the UCLA EAL was presented in these fields
for a long time. The academic environment is changing so
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries: Current Growth
of East Asian Studies
Traditional EA studies focused on humanities, such as
literature, art, history, archaeology, religion and philosophy.
The strength of the UCLA EAL was presented in these fields
for a long time. The academic environment is changing so
• In Chinese studies, in addition to the traditional fields, more
faculty are now doing research in various fields, such as
anthropology, sociology, political sciences, music, theater, film
and television, law and legal studies, medicine and medical
studies, Tibetan studies, business studies, etc. UCLA is
actively recruiting faculty in Chinese economics and Chinese
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries: Current Growth
of East Asian Studies
Traditional EA studies focused on humanities, such as
literature, art, history, archaeology, religion and philosophy.
The strength of the UCLA EAL was presented in these fields
for a long time. The academic environment is changing so
• In Chinese studies, in addition to the traditional fields, more
faculty are now doing research in various fields, such as
anthropology, sociology, political sciences, music, theater, film
and television, law and legal studies, medicine and medical
studies, Tibetan studies, business studies, etc. UCLA is
actively recruiting faculty in Chinese economics and Chinese
• In Japanese studies, similar growth has happened -expended from the traditional fields into a few new subjects in
social sciences
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries: Current Growth
of East Asian Studies
Traditional EA studies focused on humanities, such as
literature, art, history, archaeology, religion and philosophy.
The strength of the UCLA EAL was presented in these fields
for a long time. The academic environment is changing so
• In Chinese studies, in addition to the traditional fields, more
faculty are now doing research in various fields, such as
anthropology, sociology, political sciences, music, theater, film
and television, law and legal studies, medicine and medical
studies, Tibetan studies, business studies, etc. UCLA is
actively recruiting faculty in Chinese economics and Chinese
• In Japanese studies, similar growth has happened -expended from the traditional fields into a few new subjects in
social sciences
• Korean studies has become a new fast growing field
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Collections and Resources
Printed Materials vs. Electronic Resources
• Most professors considered both are equally
important. Electronic resources would not replace
printed materials
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Collections and Resources
Printed Materials vs. Electronic Resources
• Most professors considered both are equally
important. Electronic resources would not replace
printed materials
• Most professors showed great demand and
interest in new information resources, including
electronic and audio-visual materials, as well as
in new information accesses, including remote
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Collections and Resources
Opinions toward Electronic Resources
1. Online databases (mainly serials and series databases)
-- Most favored by faculty members
-- Two advantages of online databases appreciated by faculty:
coverage and search-capability
-- Major problems indicated by faculty: most core Chinese
academic journals not included; too few Japanese databases
available to academic users
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Collections and Resources
Opinions toward Electronic Resources
1. Online databases (mainly serials and series databases)
2. E-books
-- Faculty members welcome e-books only if they are keyword
searchable or well-indexed
-- E-books of popular reading materials are good for language
classes, but not sure how many students would actually read
these books in CJK languages
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Collections and Resources
Opinions toward Electronic Resources
1. Online databases (mainly serials and series databases)
2. E-books
3. Data CD-ROMs
-- Are cost-saving alternatives to online databases, in
considering cost and user numbers
-- The main problem is the lack of necessary facilities in the
-- Many data CD-ROMs in CJK languages require matching
operating system, but so far no computer in the UCLA library
was set up with CJK operating system
-- No computer with CD-ROM/DVD drives or CJK operating
system is a major obstacle to developing EA electronic
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Collections and Resources
Opinions toward Electronic Resources
Online databases (mainly serials and series databases)
Data CD-ROMs
Audio-Visual CDs and DVDs
-- Chinese music, theater, film and television are new research fields at UCLA
-- Some faculty members considered that UCLA, at the home city of Hollywood,
is in urgent need of a great multi-media collection of CJK films, television
programs and music.
-- Many faculty members wish to see development of film collection, especially
documentary films related to their teaching and research
-- At the interviews, we found out about: new academic activities some faculty
member is actively involved; Dept. of Asian Languages & Cultures is recruiting
a new faculty in Chinese films
-- We feel the importance to develop our collection towards multi-discipline and
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Communication and Services
1. Communication
-- Faculty members, in general, are satisfied with the communication
with the library
-- Some faculty members admitted that they had not communicated
with the library staff for quite a while
-- For the ways of communication, most faculty members selected
contact in person as the first choice. Phone calls and email
contacts also preferable. Contact through library’s web page was
the least favorable.
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Communication and Services
1. Communication
2. Library Instruction
-- Faculty members agreed that library instruction is an important
method of communication
-- Most faculty members did not attend library instruction sessions
-- EAL should survey the most convenient time with faculty first
-- Need some kind of marketing strategy for undergraduate
students and new coming graduate students
-- Librarians and the Head offered to provide on-site library
instructions at classes, as needed.
-- The Head offered to reserve a library electronic classroom for
faculty’s class and shared the time with the faculty for library
instruction and regular lecture
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Communication and Services
1. Communication
2. Library Instruction
3. Access Services
-- Some faculty members complained about some problems caused
by the centralized access services
-- They also see the advantages brought by the centralized access
services: significantly extended library opening hours; timely reshelving of library materials
-- Faculty members recognized that the staffed service desk from 10
am to 4 pm would help to cover some disadvantages of centralized
access services
Outreach Program At UCLA East Asian Library
Survey Summaries:
Communication and Services
Library Instruction
Access Services
Joint Efforts on Development
-- Both faculty and librarians agreed that the library services should reach a
higher level, not limited to traditional services
-- Many faculty members want to include library in their new research projects
-- The Center for East-West Medicine of the UCLA medical school and
medical center demands EAL, along with the Biomedical Library, become
an active part of the project in pursuing an ambitious project in integrated
medicine studies.
-- Similarly, faculty members in the EA theater, film and television studies
want EAL to play a more active and creative role
Dialogues with Electronic
Publishers & Users in China
Amy Tsiang & Hong Cheng
EAALC Annual Meeting
October 7, 2005
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
The Publishers & Users
The Electronic Publishers
Beijing Founder Electronics Corporation
Superstar Information Technology Corporation *
Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Corporation
Wanfang Data Corporation
* Met at the UCLA
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
The Publishers & Users
The Electronic Publishers
The Original Publishers
Cultural Relics Publishing House
East China Normal University Press
People’s Medical Publishing House *
Shanghai Century Publishing Group
Shanghai Digital Century Network Corporation
* Met at the UCLA
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
The Publishers & Users
The Electronic Publishers
The Original Publishers
The Users
Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Library
China Europe International Business School Library
East China Normal University Library
Fudan University Library
Nanjing Normal University Library
Nanjing University Library
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Library
Tsinghua University Library
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Online Databases
Tongfang vs. Wanfang
Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Corporation: Tsinghua
University is the largest investor of Tongfang.
Wanfang Data Corporation is an affiliate of Chinese Ministry
of Science & Technology.
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Online Databases
Tongfang vs. Wanfang
Communication with the Publishers
Wanfang Data Corporation:
Advantage especially in certain science and technology fields.
Willing to compete with Tongfang with better price & package
Tongfang Optical Disc Corporation:
Concerns over the lack of access to major academic journals
Possibility to subscribe to the CAJ Medical/Hygiene database.
Communicate directly with the general engineer Zhang Zhenhai
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Online Databases
Tongfang vs. Wanfang
Communication with the Publishers
Users’ Choices and Comments
All the university libraries we visited are subscribing to both
databases of Wanfang and Tongfang, as well as Weipu.
As user’s comments, most libraries could not tell major preference
over the databases. Some pointed out that Wanfang is stronger
in sciences and technology. Especially on the medical databases,
Wangfang is better than Tongfang, but Weipu is better than either
of them.
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Electronic Books
Superstar vs. Apabi
Beijing Founder Electronics Corporation: an affiliate of
Peking University.
Superstar Digital Library Information Technology
Corporation: a private corporation.
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Electronic Books
Superstar vs. Apabi
Sources of Production
Apabi: publishers submit electronic files of the printed
Superstar: scanning of printed publications.
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Electronic Books
Superstar vs. Apabi
Sources of Production
Advantages and Weakness
strength at full-text searchable
weakness at variety and coverage
strength at variety and coverage
weakness at indexing
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China
Electronic Books
Superstar vs. Apabi
Sources of Production
Advantages and Weakness
Comments from the Original Publishers & Users
Copyright Issues
Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Library
Shanghai Digital Century Network Corporation
Access Right & Ownership
Service & Maintenance
Dialogues with Electronic Publishers & Users in China