CS-214 Rev 11/2013 Position Code 1. State of Michigan Civil Service Commission Capitol Commons Center, P.O. Box 30002 Lansing, MI 48909 POSITION DESCRIPTION This position description serves as the official classification document of record for this position. Please complete this form as accurately as you can as the position description is used to determine the proper classification of the position. 2.Employee’s Name (Last, First, M.I.) 8.Department/Agency VACANT NATURAL RESOURCES 3.Employee Identification Number 9.Bureau (Institution, Board, or Commission) RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 4.Civil Service Position Code Description 10.Division PARK & RECREATION RANGER E PARKS AND RECREATION 5.Working Title (What the agency calls the position) COMMISIONED PARK RANGER 11.Section 6.Name and Position Code Description of Direct Supervisor KELLY KINSER – PARK SUPERVISOR 10 12.Unit OTSEGO LAKE STATE PARK AND PIGEON RIVER COUNTRY FOREST 7.Name and Position Code Description of Second Level Supervisor 13.Work Location (City and Address)/Hours of Work GAYLORD DISTRICT RICHARD HILL, GAYLORD DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Otsego Lake State Park -Gaylord, MI Hours vary, week day Pigeon River Country Forest -Vanderbilt, MI weekend, holiday 14. General Summary of Function/Purpose of Position The function of this position is to enforce park and boating rules and regulations, public safety, general park maintenance, provide area park and boating access site information to the visiting public, and assist other rangers and other staff involved in the operation of a large unit, which is providing a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities to the visiting public. Employees in this job participate in or oversee the safety, security, and maintenance activities of Otsego Lake State Park, 19 boating access sites, 4 State Forest Campgrounds, 1 ORV Trailhead and the Pine Baron and Buttles Rd. Pathway systems and all recreation programs within the Pigeon River Country State Forest. Page 1 15. Please describe the assigned duties, percent of time spent performing each duty, and what is done to complete each duty. List the duties from most important to least important. The total percentage of all duties performed must equal 100 percent. Duty 1 General Summary of Duty 1 PARK MAINTENANCE % of Time 35 Individual tasks related to the duty. Trim and remove trees and brush Do minor electrical, plumbing, concrete and carpentry repairs Instruct and assist summer rangers in cleaning and minor repairs of the facility Conduct routine safety inspections and repair hazards Assist in the opening and closing procedures for the facility Clean and sanitize public restrooms, showers and other facilities as needed Operate and maintain equipment such as lawn mower, weed whip, leaf blower, DNR radios, small hand and power tools Operate and perform minor maintenance on state-owned vehicles, tractors, and other motorized equipment Ensure that proper safety equipment is being used when performing maintenance tasks May be required to operate heavy equipment including farm tractor, chippers, stumper and other equipment as assigned Routine projects and maintenance of park infrastructure and facilities Picks up and delivers supplies and other materials Performs related work as assigned Duty 2 General Summary of Duty 2 % of Time 30 ADMINISTRATION / PUBLIC CONTACT / LAW ENFORCEMENT Individual tasks related to the duty. Provide information to visitors concerning facilities, services, and Park and Recreation rules/regulations. Disperse general information on facilities and local attractions. Enforces Parks and Recreation rules and regulations. Handle complaints and fill out incident reports. Respond to accidents and medical emergencies. Report public incidents to supervisor and fill out proper paper work as needed. Conduct foot and vehicle patrols of grounds and facilities. Public safety and security. Attend and successfully pass annual Survival Tactics Recertification’s Performs related work as assigned Page 2 Duty 3 General Summary of Duty 3 ADMINISTRATIVE / FINANCIAL % of Time 10 Individual tasks related to the duty. Train state workers in proper cash handling techniques Report overages and shortages Use Central Registration System (Camis) to record & track registrations Register campers and assign campsites as appropriate Sell and reconcile Recreation Passports purchased by visitors Maintains, records and prepare reports Accounts for all money collected and unused permits Compiles various reports on park and recreational area activities Maintains an effective radio communication system Required to obtain and maintain first aid and CPR certification Works cooperatively with other State Department/Bureau/Division personnel May attend meetings, training sessions away from work location which may require travel Performs related work as assigned Duty 4 General Summary of Duty 4 PERSONNEL % of Time 10 Individual tasks related to the duty. Participate in the training of new workers Assists in the development and follow up of employee work assignments Participates in and oversees the work of subordinate personnel May be assigned supervisory responsibilities in the absence of the unit supervisor Ensures compliance with the safety and regulatory authority vested in the Department of Natural Resources Directs the safe operation and maintenance of power and hand tools, and diesel or gasoline powered equipment Performs related work as assigned Page 3 Duty 5 General Summary of Duty 5 SAFETY % of Time 10 Individual tasks related to the duty. Perform as the park’s safety officer Maintenance and oversight of records pertaining to public and employee safety programs and training. Directs the safe operation and maintenance of power and hand tools, and diesel or gasoline powered equipment Report to Unit Supervisor unsafe or unusual conditions that involve injuries, property damage or theft, potential litigation, facility breakdown or closure, power outages and missing persons. Participate in the development and implementation of park safety program, including but not limited to employee training. Strive to ensure compliance with MIOSHA standards and Departmental and Division policies and procedures pertaining to employee and public safety. Safely operate State owned or leased vehicles and equipment. Inspect vehicles and equipment on a regular basis to insure that they are in safe operating condition and that log books are kept up-to-date. Assist with identifying targets and maintaining ongoing hazard tree removal program. Will maintain up-to-date records that pertain to park Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and the transition to the Global Harmonizing System (GHS). Will maintain records of monthly and annual safety related inspections including but not limited to playground inspection, fire extinguisher inspections and air compressor inspections. Ensures compliance with the safety and regulatory authority vested in the Department of Natural Resources Performs related work as assigned Duty 6 General Summary of Duty 5 % of Time 5 STEWARDSHIP (Natural & Historical) Individual tasks related to the duty. Assures protection of assigned properties to benefit present and future generations Enforces compliance of rules, which protect the land and buildings from unauthorized use Complies with environmental and/or historical regulations Is cognizant of protected and/or endangered species and historical features within properties Routine patrols and complaint response for stewardship related issues Do a variety of tasks and assists other agencies with stewardship duties and projects Performs related work as assigned Page 4 16. Describe the types of decisions made independently in this position and tell who or what is affected by those decisions. Matters concerning public and employee safety, including routine problems, minor repairs and interpretation of operational policies. Decisions on prioritization and day to day maintenance and repairs to facilities and equipment. Temporary/routine assignment of State Worker. Purchase of supplies and material needs. Enforcement and complaint response decisions. 17. Describe the types of decisions that require the supervisor’s review. Complex maintenance issues and public complaints. Major facility breakdowns, major facility problems, and temporary closing of facilities. Purchase of large or expensive items or quality of supplies. 18. What kind of physical effort is used to perform this job? What environmental conditions is this position physically exposed to on the job? Indicate the amount of time and intensity of each activity and condition. Refer to instructions. On a daily basis: Walking, standing, bending, lifting, kneeling, climbing, and pulling. On a daily basis: Repetitive use of hand/power tools, operation of mowers/tractors and chain saws. On a daily basis: Chemicals for facility cleaning/sanitizing, solvents/paints for facility maintenance. On a daily basis: Stressful situations working with the public, emergency response, and law enforcement. On a daily basis: Outdoor conditions such as heat, cold, sun, snow, rain, insects, poison ivy and other allergens. On a daily basis: Rotating work schedule as assigned (days, evenings, nights, week-ends and holidays). On a daily basis: Operation of motorized equipment and vehicles. On a regular basis: The employee shall: regard safety as a personal responsibility and respect the safety of other employees and the public: expeditiously report any hazards, unsafe conditions or procedures to his/her supervisor; expeditiously report all job-related accidents and injuries to his/her supervisor; even if he/she does not seek medical attention; wear proper personal protective equipment and always perform job duties in a safe manner and coordinate with his/her supervisor before starting or continuing a job which he/she is uncertain how to complete safely. 19. List the names and position code descriptions of each classified employee whom this position immediately supervises or oversees on a full-time, on-going basis. (If more than 10, list only classification titles and the number of employees in each classification.) NAME CLASS TITLE NAME Page 5 CLASS TITLE 20. This position’s responsibilities for the above-listed employees includes the following (check as many as apply): Complete and sign service ratings. Provide formal written counseling. Approve leave requests. Approve time and attendance. Orally reprimand. Assign work. Approve work. Review work. Provide guidance on work methods. Train employees in the work. 22. Do you agree with the responses for Items 1 through 20? If not, which items do you disagree with and why? 23. What are the essential functions of this position? Provide assistance to the Park and Recreation Supervisor and/or Manager in the day to day operations and maintenance of facilities. To see that the facility is maintained and operated in a safe manner for all employees and public. To see that DNR Parks and Recreation Rules and Regulations are followed. To assure proper financial processes and administrative procedures and practices are followed. To assist in training and oversight of summer rangers (State Worker-4’s). 24. Indicate specifically how the position’s duties and responsibilities have changed since the position was last reviewed. No major changes. Page 6 25. What is the function of the work area and how does this position fit into that function? The units parks and other facilities were established and are maintained to provide a location for quality outdoor recreation and appreciation by the citizens of Michigan and out-of-state visitors, and to protect the parks’ unique natural and historical resources. This position is critical in providing these opportunities. 26. What are the minimum education and experience qualifications needed to perform the essential functions of this position? EDUCATION: Education level typically acquired through completion of high school EXPERIENCE: P&R Ranger 6 – No Specific amount or type of experience is required. P&R Ranger 7 – One year of experience in a park or recreation setting or one year of experience in the construction trades. P&R Ranger E8 – One year of experience as a Park and Recreation Ranger 7 Recognized Alternative: Possession of 8 Semester/12 term, college-credit hours in natural resources, park management or outdoor recreation may be substituted for one year of experience as a Park and Recreation Ranger E. Possession of 15 Semester/22 term, college-credit hours in natural resources, park management or outdoor recreation may be substituted for two years’ experience as a Park and Recreation Ranger E. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES: Ability to communicate effectively, resolve disputes and maintain composure in stressful and emergency situations. Knowledge of computer applications and operation. Knowledge of power and hand tools, skilled trades (carpentry, electrical, and plumbing). Ability to maintain records and prepare reports. Knowledge of building, equipment and grounds maintenance. CERTIFICATES, LICENSES, REGISTRATIONS: Possession of a valid driver’s license. Possession of current CPR & First Aid certifications (Renewed every 1-3 years as required). Attend and successfully pass the Parks and Recreation Law Academy and maintain the commission through annual recertification’s. NOTE: Civil Service approval of this position does not constitute agreement with or acceptance of the desirable qualifications for this position. I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Supervisor’s Signature Date Page 7 TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPOINTING AUTHORITY Indicate any exceptions or additions to statements of the employee(s) or supervisors. I certify that the entries on these pages are accurate and complete. Appointing Authority Signature Date TO BE FILLED OUT BY EMPLOYEE I certify that the information presented in this position description provides a complete and accurate depiction of the duties and responsibilities assigned to this position. Employee’s Signature Date NOTE: Make a copy of this form for your records. Page 8