OBJECTIVES CONTENT (TOPICS) “At the end of this activity, the learner will be able to… CLOCK TIMES MINUTES PRESENTER TEACHING METHODS 1. Describe the purpose and process of communication in oncology nursing. Importance of communication; communication in palliative care, nursing; levels of communication; nonverbal communication; communication needs and barriers (list clock times 25 minutes for Chapter program) (list name of speaker secured by Chapter) Lecture with handouts; Learning Activity 2. Describe strategies for responding to at least three difficult communication scenarios in oncology nursing. Therapeutic and nontherapeutic communication techniques; motivational interviewing; COMFORT curricula; listening; information sharing; breaking bad news; advance care planning; conversation strategies; goal setting; conflict negotiation (list clock times 40 minutes for Chapter program) (list name of speaker secured by Chapter) Lecture with handouts; Listening Activity Q&A and evaluation (list clock times 10 minutes for Chapter program) (list name of speaker secured by Chapter) TOTAL CONTACT HOURS: 75min/ 60 = 1.25 CONTACT HOURS References American Nurses Association. (2010). Registered Nurses’ Roles and Responsibilities in Providing Expert Care and Counseling at the End of Life Position Statement. Retrieved from http://nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/Ethics-PositionStatements/etpain14426.pdf American Nurses Association. (2012). Nursing Care and Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) and Allow Natural Death (AND) Decisions Position Statement. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/Ethics-Position-Statements/Nursing-Care-andBaer, L., and Weinstein, E. (2013). Improving oncology nurses’ communication skills for Do-Not-Resuscitate-DNR-and-Allow-Natural-Death-Decisions.pdf difficult conversations. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17, E45-E51. Caring Connections. (2014). Advanced care planning. Retrieved from http://www.caringinfo.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1 Objective(s) this reference relates to Objective 2 Clinical Communication Cooperative. (2013). COMFORT Nurse. Retrieved from http://www.clinicalcc.com/comfort-nurse/ Objective 1 ,2 Objective 2 Objective 1 ,2 Objective 2 Codier, E., Muneno, L. and Freitas, E. (2011). Emotional intelligence abilities in oncology and palliative care. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 13, 183-188. Cohen, A., and Nirenberg, A. (2011). Current practices in advance care planning: Implications for oncology nurses. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2011, 5(5), 547-553 Connor, S., Pyenson, B., Fitch, K., Spence, C., and Iwasaki, K. (2007). Comparing hospice and nonhospice patient survival among patients who die within a three-year window. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 33, 238-246. Cooper, P.G. (2006). The influence of hope on the psychosocial experience. In Carroll-Johnson, R.M., Gorman, L.M., Bush, N.J. (eds.) Psychosocial Nursing Care Along the Cancer Continuum. Pittsburgh, PA; Oncology Nursing Society, p. 133-141. Objective 1, 2 Chung, H., Lyckholm, L., and Smith, T. (2009). Palliative care in BMT. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 43, 265-73. Objective 2 Dahlin, C. Communication. In Ferrell, B.R. & Coyle, N. (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing, 3rd ed. (pp. 107-136). New York, Oxford University Press. Objective 1 ,2 Davis, S., Krisjanson, L., and Blght, J. ( 2003). Communicating with patients in an acute hospital with advanced cancer: Problems and strategies identified by nurses. Cancer Nursing, 26, 337-345. End of Life Nursing Education Consortium. (2014). Module 6: Communication Listening Activity. Objective 1 ,2 Ganti, A., Lee, S., Vose, J., Devetten, M., Bociek, R., Armitage, J., . . . Loberiza, F., Jr. (2007). Outcomes after hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation for hematologic malignancies in patients with or without advance care planning. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, 5643–5648. Grover, S. (2005). Shaping effective communication skills and therapeutic relationships at work. American Association of Occupational Health Nursing Journal, 53, 177-182. Institute of Medicine. (2001). Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century. Retrieved from http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2001/Crossing-the-Quality-Chasm-A-New-Health-System-for-the-21stCentury.aspx Institute of Medicine. (2011). Patient-Centered Cancer Treatment Planning: Improving the Quality of Oncology Care Workshop Summary. Retrieved from http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2011/Patient-Centered-Cancer-TreatmentPlanning-Improving-the-Quality-of-Oncology-Care.aspx Objective 2 Institute of Medicine. (2013). Delivering Affordable Cancer Care in the 21st Century. Retrieved from http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2013/Delivering-Affordable-Cancer-Care-in-the-21st-Century.aspx Kendall , A., and Arnold, R. (2009) #184 Conflict Resolution II: Principled Negotiation. Retrieved from http://www.eperc.mcw.edu/EPERC/FastFactsIndex/ff_184.htm Mack, J., Weeks, J., Wright, A., Block, S., and Prigerson, H. (2010). End of life discussions, goal attainment and distress at end of life: Predictors of outcomes of receipt of care consistent with preferences. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 28, 1203-08. Matsuyama, R., Reddy, S., and Smith. T. (2006). Why do patients choose chemotherapy near the end of life? A review of the perspective of those facing death from cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology 24, 3490-3496. Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 1 Objective 1 Objective 1 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 2 National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care. (2013). Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, Third Edition. Retrieved from http://www.nationalconsensusproject.org Objective 1,2 Panagopoulou, E., Mintziori, G., Montgomery, A., Kapoukranidou, D. and Benos, A. (2008). Concealment of information in clinical practice: Is lying less stressful than telling the truth? Journal of Clinical Oncology, 26, 1175-1177. Pollak, K., Childers, J., and Arnold, R. (2011). Applying motivational interviewing techniques to palliative care communication. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 14, 587-92. Press Ganey Associates, Inc. (2013). The rising tide measure: Communication with nurses. Retrieved from http://www.pressganey.com/researchResources/white-papers/white-papers-for-hospitals/communication-withnurses-rising-tide-measure.aspx Objective 2 Objective 1, 2 Objective 1 Objective 1,2 Sheldon, L.K., Barrett, R., and Ellington, L. ( 2006). Difficult communication in nursing. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 38, 141-7. Smith, T., Dow, L., Virago, E., Khatcheressian, J., Lyckholm, L., and Matsuyama, R. (2010). Giving honest information to Objective 2 patients with advanced cancer maintains hope. Oncology, 24, 521-525. Objective 2 Stone, D., Patton, B., and Heen, S. (1999) Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most. New York, Penguin Books. Temel, J., Greer, J., Muzikansky, A., Gallagher, E.R., Admane, S., Jackson, V., . . . and Lynch, T. (2010). Early palliative care for patients with metastatic non-small -cell lung cancer. New England Journal of Medicine, 363, 733-742. Waldrop, D., and Meeker, M. (2012). Communication and advanced care planning in palliative and end of life care. Nursing Outlook, 60, 365-69. Weeks, J., Cook, E., O’Day, S., Peterson, L., Wenger, N., Reding, D., . . . & Phillips, R. (1998). Relationship between cancer patients’ predictions of prognosis and their treatment preferences. Journal of American Medical Association, 279, 1709-1714. Objective 2 Wit. (2001). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-oktCUA0mk Objective 1 Wittenberg-Lyles, E., Goldsmith, J., Ferrell, B., and Ragan, S.L. (2013). Communication in Palliative Nursing. New York: Oxford University Press. p. 3-11 Objective 1,2 Wright, A., Zhang, B., Ray, A., Mack, J., Trice, E., Balboni, T., . . . and Prigerson, H. (2008). Association between end of life discussions, patient mental health, medical care near death and caregiver bereavement adjustment. Journal of Zhang, B., Medical Wright, A., Huskamp,300, Nilsson, M., Maciejewski, M., Earle, C., . . . and Prigerson, H. (2009). Health care costs American Association, 1665-73. in last weeks of life: Association with end of life conversations. Archives of Internal Medicine, 169, 480-8. Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 2 Objective 2