ECE 457 Communication Systems


ECE 457

Communication Systems

Selin Aviyente

Assistant Professor


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• Class Web Page:


• Lectures: M, W, F 10:20-11:10 a.m. 221

Natural Resources Building

• Office Hours: W 11:30- 1:00 pm, Th 9:30-

11:00 am or by e-mail appointment (2210


• Textbook: Principles of Communications,

Rodger E. Zimmer and William H. Tranter,

John Wiley, 5th Edition, 2002.

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ECE 457 and ECE 458

• ECE 458 is designed to complement this course.

• ECE 458 focuses on providing practical experience.

• You will learn material in ECE 457 that is not covered in ECE 458 and vice versa.

• No labs this week.

• There is no lab manual this year, everything will be online.

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Course Requirements

• 2 Midterm Exams (50%)

– February 25, April 8 in class

• Final Exam, May 3 (30%)

• Weekly HW assignments (10%)

– Will include MATLAB assignments

– HWs should be your own work (no copying!)

– Assigned on Fridays due next Friday (except during exam weeks)

– No late HWs will be accepted.

• Quizzes (10%)

– They will be unannounced.

– Based on HW questions (10-15 minutes long)

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• Cheating in any form will not be tolerated.

This includes copying HWs, cheating on exams and quizzes.

• You are allowed to discuss the HW questions with your friends, and me.

However, you have to write up the homework on your own.

• There is no make-up for missed quizzes.

• If you have an excuse for not being in class, please e-mail me before class.

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Honors Option

• Honor credit option is available

• Typical projects have either a software/hardware implementation component and an oral presentation.

• Past projects include:

– Building a FM transmitter

– MATLAB simulation of digital modulation systems.

• Please feel free to come and talk to me about your ideas for a possible project.

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Tentative Syllabus

• Overview of Communication Systems

• Review of Signal Analysis (ECE 366)

• Deterministic Modulation

– Linear (DSB,AM,SSB,VSB)

– Angle Modulation (FM, PM)

• Review of Probability and Random


• Noise in Modulation Systems

• Digital Modulation (as time permits)

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Communication Systems

• A communication system conveys information from its source to a destination.

• Examples:

– Telephone

– TV

– Radio

– Cell phone


– Satellite

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Communication Systems

• A communication system is composed of the following:


Channel Receiver



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Input Transducer

• Source: Analog or digital

• Example: Speech, music, written text

• Input Transducer: Converts the message produced by a source to a form suitable for the communication system.

• Example:

Speech waves  Microphone  Voltage

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• Couple the message to the channel

• Operations: Amplification, Modulation

• Modulation encodes message into amplitude, phase or frequency of carrier signal (AM, PM, FM)

• Advantages:

– Reduce noise and interference

– Multiplexing

– Channel Assignment

• Examples: TV station, radio station, web server

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• Physical medium that does the transmission

• Examples: Air, wires, coaxial cable, radio wave, laser beam, fiber optic cable

• Every channel introduces some amount of distortion, noise and interference

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• Extracts message from the received signal

• Operations: Amplification, Demodulation,


• Goal: The receiver output is a scaled, possibly delayed version of the message signal (ideal transmission)

• Examples: TV set, radio, web client

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Output Transducer

• Converts electrical signal into the form desired by the system

• Examples: Loudspeakers, PC

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Capacity of a Channel

• The most important question for a communication channel is the maximum rate at which it can transfer information.

• There is a theoretical maximum rate at which information passes error free over the channel, called the channel capacity C.

• The famous Hartley-Shannon Law states that the channel capacity C is given by:

C=B*log(1+(S/N)) b/s where B is the bandwidth, S/N is the signal-to-noise ratio.

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Fundamental Limitations

• Therefore, there are two factors that determine the capacity of a channel:

– Bandwidth

– Noise

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Frequency Spectrum

• Most precious resource in communications is “frequency spectrum”

• The “frequency spectrum” has to be shared by a large number of users and applications:

• AM Radio, FM Radio, TV, cellular telephony, wireless local-area-networks, satellite, air traffic control

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Frequency Spectrum

• The frequency spectrum has to be managed for a particular physical medium

• The spectrum for “over-the-air” communications is allocated by international communications organization

• International Telecommunications Union


• Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designates and licenses frequency bands in the US.

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Frequency Spectrum Example


AM Radio

TV (Channels 2-


FM Radio

TV (Channels 7-


Cellular mobile radio

Frequency Band

0.54-1.6 MHz

54-88 MHz

88-108 MHz

174-216 MHz

806-901 MHz

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• Internal and External Noise

• Internal Noise: Generated by components within a communication system (thermal noise)

• External Noise:

– Atmospheric noise (electrical discharges)

– Man-made noise (ignition noise)

– Interference (multiple transmission paths)

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History of Communications

Year Event





Telephone (Bell)





Radio transmission


FM radio

TV broadcasting

Color TV

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History of Communications







Satellite communication

Cellular phone

Fax machines

GPS, HDTV, handheld computers

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