File - Dongguk Chris

Integrated English
Please raise
your hand
and say
Personal Statement
1. Earning a MBA from Harvard university is a lifelong dream of mine.
2. As an undergraduate student in the department
of law, I did many researches.
3. I have done volunteering works in my community
for 4years.
4. And I have a number of interests, including
watching American TV drama, reading novels,
swimming, and etc.
5. By attending your program, I am positive that I
can increase my knowledge of economy and
understand other people’s mind.
Common Writing Mistake #1
Earning a MBA from Harvard university is a life-long
dream of mine.
Earning an MBA from Harvard University is a lifelong dream of mine.
Common Writing Mistake #2
As an undergraduate student in the department of
law, I did many researches.
As an undergraduate student in the Department of
Law, I did a lot of research / many research projects.
Common Writing Mistake #3
I have done volunteering works in my community
for 4years.
I have done volunteer work in my community
for 4 years.
Common Writing Mistake #4
And I have a number of interests, including
watching American TV drama, reading novels,
swimming, and etc.
In addition, I have a number of interests, including
watching American TV dramas, reading novels, and
swimming. (no etc.)
Common Writing Mistake #5
By attending your program, I am positive that I can
increase my knowledge of economy and understand
other people’s mind.
By attending your program, I am positive that I can
increase my knowledge of economics and
understand other people’s way of thinking / views /
opinions / mindset.
Please turn in your
homework assignments!
Unit 16: According to statistics, …
Task: Write a report based on statistics
Pages: 72-75
Get ready to write
Graphs and Charts
Page 72
A report based on statistics
Page 72, Parts 1 and 2
A report based on statistics
An example
Pages 73, Part 3
Describing Trends and Movements
↑ = verbs: increased, rose
* skyrocketed
↓ = verbs: decreased, fell, dropped
* plummeted
adverbs: slightly, moderately, sharply,
substantially, dramatically,
Bar Graph:
Consumer Durables in UK Homes
Pages 73, Part 4
Answers to questions (a,b,c)
The percentage of UK homes using a telephone
decreased slightly from 95 percent in 1999 to
93 percent in 2005.
The percentage of UK homes using mobile
phones rose dramatically from 26 percent in
1999 to 78 percent in 2005.
Overall, the ownership of consumer durables by
UK homes increased substantially between
1998 and 2005.
Focus on …
Ways of referring to statistical
trends and movements
Page 74
Write a Report
Based on the chart on page 73
Page 74, Parts 5, 6, and 7
 Introduction: Point out the main trend, including
any exceptions.
 3 Short Paragraphs: Focus on 3 items that you
consider significant or interesting.
 Conclusion: Make a general comparison
(between 1998 and 2005).
* See sample report on page 110, Part 6
1. Finish writing your report. Then, type it,
print it, and bring it to class next week.
2. REVIEW!!!
3. Next week, we’re going to do a BIG REVIEW
of everything you’ve learned since the
midterm exam!