Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Part One – The Hearth and the Salamander Who is Montag? How does he feel about his job? Instead of water, what does the fire hose spray? Who does Montag meet on his way home? Describe her. For what “crimes” has Clarisse’s uncle been arrested? What does this tell you about this? society? What makes Clarisse’s family different from the others in the neighborhood? What does Clarisse ask Montag that gets him thinking about his life? Describe the atmosphere inside Montag’s house. What had Mildred done? What happens as a result of what she has done? How does Mildred pass the time? Why is Clarisse required to see a psychiatrist? Who is the mascot of the fire department? Who are its victims and how are they killed? How does the Hound react to Montag? What is Montag afraid of? What kind of things does Clarisse do that seem so pleasant? How do the conversations with Clarisse differ from those Montag has with Mildred? What is school like? How do students amuse themselves after school and on weekends? Does Clarisse have any friends? Why? Is the country at peace? Why do Montag’s comments make the other firemen suspicious? What do the rule books say about the Firemen of America? What reasons did Beatty give for burning the books? Is Mildred sympathetic to Montag’s illness? Why? How did Mildred react when Montag told her about the woman burned alive with her books? How did the ever-increasing speed of society affect books according to Beatty? What became the most important thing in society? How did the objections of all the minority groups affect books? What publications are left for people to read? Why is Montag feeling guilty? What unspoken “deal” did Beatty make with Montag? What is your reaction to Beatty’s statement that everyone must be alike—not born free and equal but made equal? What is Montag looking for in the books? Part Two – The Sieve and the Sand What happens when you put sand in a sieve? How does Mildred react to Montag’s reading? What answers does Montag give to Mildred’s question, “Why should I read? What for?” (page 73) Why does Montag think of the old man in the park? What is his name? Explain the simile and metaphor in the following lines: “Watch. Delicately, like the petals of a flower. Light the first page, light the second page. Each becomes a black butterfly” (76). How does Denham’s Dentifrice keep interfering with Montag’s reading of the Bible? How does this repeated phrase affect the people of this society? How does Faber see himself? How does Faber view Montag? According to Faber, what three things are missing? (page 83-84) Why do we need books? (page 86) What happened to their society—did people love books? Did people sign up for classes? Did people read newspapers? What does the title of Part Two mean—The Sieve in the Sand? What did Faber design that is now useful for Montag? What does it do? Briefly describe what happens when Montag returns home and talks with Mildred and her friends. What is the women’s attitude about war? How does Mrs. Phelps feel about children? Does Mrs. Bowles agree? What attempt did Mildred make to save Montag from being a complete fool? What was Montag’s purpose is saying what he did to Mrs. Bowles? Beatty tried to make Montag doubt his newly-emerging self by quoting some famous authors. What is Beatty’s point? What is Montag’s reaction to Beatty’s comments? (page 105-108) After Beatty’s speech what does Faber tell Montag? (108) What is special about the next call for the firemen to handle? What parts of Montag’s society remind you of the time we live in now? Part Three – Burning Bright What does Mildred regret losing in the fire? Why are people so drawn to fires? Do you find a campfire or bonfire fascinating? What is the reference to Julius Caesar on page 119? How does this apply to this novel? Did Beatty want to die? Why do you think so? Why is it appropriate that war is declared at this point in the novel? (page 125) How does this correlate with the inner Montag and his relationship to society? How did Montag avoid being killed by the teenagers in cars? How would the teens have felt if they had killed him? What new “game” did the police invent? Why is it appropriate that water carried Montag away from the city? What terrified Montag when he stepped onto land? How was the fire in the woods different than the fires Montag was used to? Who are the people that Montag meets? Describe how they live and what they hope to accomplish. How is the legend of the phoenix related to the story? What verse was Montag saving for their arrival in the city? Why? What have you questioned about our present-day society as a result of reading this book? What is the overall message or theme of this novel?