《喜福会》的儒家思想研究 On Confucianism in The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club
The Joy Luck Club
The Mothers
The Daughters
Suyan Woo
An-mei Hsu
Lindo Jong
Ying-ying St.Clair
Jing-mei Woo
Rose Hsu Jordan
Waverly Jong
Lena St.Clair
Four parts:
Part 1 The mothers recall their relationships with
their own mothers, and they worry about
their daughters.
Part 2 The daughters relate their childhood
relationships with their mothers.
Part 3 The daughters narrate their adult troubles
in marriage and with their careers.
Part 4 The mothers struggle to offer solutions and
support to their daughters, in the process
learning more about themselves.
Literature review
Many writers have done some
research on Amy Tan and The Joy
Luck Club.Most of them study it from
different perspectives of literature,
there are Hsu Li-ts'ui, Liu Hong, Ma
Li, Shi Pingping and so on.
Hsu Li-ts'ui
1 the attitudes of mothers to their
2 the unimportant and peripheral
position in The Joy Luck Club
3 the interracial marriages with
different results
Liu Hong
The criticism of the second
generation to Chinese ethics
1 different culture:
filial piety
2 different communicative style:
Chinese language:evasive
English: clear simple direct
Ma Li
conflicts and solutions
1 racial conflict
2 sexual conflict
3 the conflicts of both languages
and cultural values
Shi Pingping
1 racial politics
2 sexual politics
Purpose and significance
This paper deals with the Confucianism in
the following aspacts:
1 parental intervention;
2 the traditional ethics that men are
superior to men
3 face issue---Chinese social hypotaxis
From three aspects I want to know what is
the author’s attitude towards Confucianism
and the changes of Confucianism in U.S.
Marxist Criticism:
Marxist critics maintain that literature does not exist
in some timeless, aesthetic realm as an object to be
passively contemplated. Rather, like all cultural
manifestations, it is a product of the socialeconomic and hence ideological conditions of the
time and place in which it was written.
Structuralists emphasize the whole. In their opinion,
the whole is much more important than the parts
cause any part has a complicated whole and it can’t
be understood without the whole. That means if we
want to understand one part well we should contact
it with other parts within the whole. In The Joy Luck
Club, the things that happen to the mothers in old
China and the things that happen to the mothers
and their daughtes will be analyzed.
The influence of Confucianism
towards the first and second
The author’s attitude towards
Thank you!