MLA Citation Notes


MLA Citation Notes

What are citations? o Citations are used in order to cite sources that you use for your paper o These are done for both direct quotes and _____________________ from a source o We use these so that you do not plagiarize! o You MUST cite all the sources that you used in your paper!

How do you use citation in MLA format? o You use these each time you have a direct quote in your paper or something that you paraphrased (put into your own words) o To use citations, you place parentheses at the end of your quote or paraphrased fact. o In these parentheses, place the author of the source's _______________, and the page number that you got the quote or fact from o Examples:

 Direct Quote: “That’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool” (Fitzgerald 21).

 Paraphrased Fact: In The Great Gatsby, Daisy talks about her daughter; she suggests that it is better that her daughter is ignorant of her surroundings, so that she isn't aware of the horrible people and happenings of the real world

(Fitzgerald 21).

Commonly Asked Questions about General Citations. . . o How do I know when to paraphrase?

 Answer: Use your best ______________________

 If you are incorporating facts, figures, and definitions that you wouldn't have known otherwise due to prior knowledge, than you need to cite your information! o Where exactly do you place the parentheses?

 Answer: After the quotation marks, but ______________ the period.

 Also, there is NO comma between the author and the page number

Shortening Direct Quotes: o Let's say you would like to use a long quote, but only portions of it (not the whole thing). What do you do? o To do this, you use an __________________ (. . .) o Use this to indicate that you are cutting a portion of the quote out o Example:

 Instead of: "I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes, and felt it in others-young clerks in the dusk, wasting the most poignant moments of night and life” (Fitzgerald 3).

 Use this: "I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes. . .wasting the most poignant moments of my life" (Fitzgerald 3).

Altering Quotes o Let's say you want to change one or two words in a direct quote to have it fit the context of what you are trying to say. . .how do you do it? o Use ______________________ [ ] o Brackets are placed around words or phrases that have been altered from their original form in direct quotes. o Example:

 Instead of: Nick Carraway says that, “every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known” (Fitzgerald 48).

 Do this: Nick Carraway says that, “every one suspects [themselves] of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and [his was that he was] one of the few

Longer Quotes honest people that [he has] ever known” (Fitzgerald 48). o A longer quote is one that is more than __________________ lines long. o In order to use these in your paper, you need to do the following:

 make this quote its own little paragraph

 DO NOT use quotations

 place parentheses on the outside of the period, not the inside o Example:

A note about using long quotes:

o While some long quotes are beneficial, be weary of using them o Basic Rule for long quotes: Do not use them unless you can spend the same amount of _____________ explaining how they relate to your research/ thesis.

The “What Ifs” o What if you cannot find the author for your source?

 Answer: Instead, use the first word from the source's _______________ in your Works Cited page, then the page number

 Make sure you format this first word in the same way that it looks in the

Work Cited Page

 Example:

Let's say that the following is what the source on your Works Cited

Page looks like:

"The Impact of Global Warming in North America." Global

Warming: Early Signs. 1999. Web. 23 Mar. 2009.

This is what a citation from that source would look like: "We see so many global warming hotspots in North America" ("Impact" 6). o What if my source does not have page numbers?

 If one of your sources is an interview, a film, or something more visual, there will be no _______________________________

 In this case, only include the writer, director, or creator's last name and no page number when citing o What if my source already has quotations in it?

 If a direct quote you are using already has quotation marks in it, you would replace the quotation marks in the direct quote with _______________ quotation marks

 Example: "Bart said, 'eat my shorts' during the show a lot, which signifies that he is very immature" (Simpson 6).
