The Kingdom of Religion

Getting a Kingdom’s Perspective pt6:
The Kingdom of Religion
Matt 13:24-30;36-43
The Kingdom of Religion
1. Aligning Our Kingdom Perspective
a. Learned the importance of adjusting our perception of the
2. Returning to a Kingdom Concept
a. Learned the general characteristics of GOD’s Kingdom
i. Covenantal
ii. Relational
3. The Law of the Kingdom
a. Introduced the Kingdom’s Constitution – The Law of Love
4. Developing Kingdom Character
a. Introduced the Kingdom’s Manifesto which housed the
Kingdom’s intent
5. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God
a. We were instructed on how we were to prioritize the Kingdom’s
The Kingdom of Religion
When man fell - It left him “hopeless”!
• He no longer had authority
• He no longer had identity
• He no longer had purpose or destiny
The Kingdom of Religion
• CAIN (Gen 4:3-4)– brings a “voluntary gift” to
the (GOD) King in order to pay homage to
• I Jn 3:12 Cain is called “evil” = ponērós.
• The context of Ponērós is determined largely
by anything or anyone in active opposition to
(good) God, His will or word
The Kingdom of Religion
Defining Religion
• Religion is any behavior or belief that
stands in opposition or contradiction to the
standards, message, teachings, and
characteristics of the Kingdom of
God..Whether overtly or covertly.
• Overtly: outward: publicly acknowledge
Covertly: concealed; hid within (heart)
The Kingdom of Religion
Mans standards for relationship with God
i.Man attempts to form God in an image he
can understand
ii.Human & animal sacrifices
iii.Religious ceremonies
iv.Structured prayers
v.Good works
vi.Ritualistic worship
The Kingdom of Religion
• Religion becomes mans attempt to restore his
hopeless condition through his own efforts
• Penes – (Man) by his own labor ministers to
his own necessities:
• Ptocho – Beggarly state, depending on the
generosity of God
The Kingdom of Religion
• Satan has joined forces with religion to conduct
covert operations.
1. First, Satan devised an overt approach in the Garden –
steals mans authority
2. Satan is defeated at the Cross…(Matt 28:18 All
authority has been given to Me in heaven and on
earth)…authority returned to Man
3. Satan cannot oppose the authority of God head on,
because the Kingdom of God is too strong
4. Sooo, Satan now has joined forces with religion to
operate covertly – undercover
The Kingdom of Religion
• The Nature and Characteristics of Religion
1. Religion likes to be entertained Matt 12:38
2. Religion prefers to embrace religious
traditions over the written Word of God
Matt 15:1-7
The Kingdom of Religion
• The Nature and Characteristics of Religion
3. Religion inspires Exclusionism
4. Religion is very Judgmental
John 4:9
John 9:34
5. Religion lacks the ability to understand the
Kingdom message
Matt 13:10-15
The Kingdom of Religion
• Parable of the Wheat and Tares Matt 13:2430
• The Tares represent what is botanically known as the
“Bearded Darnel” or “Bastard Wheat”
(lolium temulentum), which was a poisonous ryegrass common in the east.
The Kingdom of Religion
• Parable of the Wheat and Tares Matt 13:2430
• Darnal looked just like wheat in its earlier
stages, except that the grains when sprouted
are black
• Religion Looks just like the Kingdom.
The Kingdom of Religion
• (Mt 7:21-23).
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’
shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who
does the will of My Father in heaven. _22_ Many
will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in
Your name, and done many wonders in Your
name?’ _23_ And then I will declare to them, ‘I
never knew you; depart from Me, you who
practice lawlessness!’