Behavioral Neuroscience Concentration

Rationale: The fields of neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience are rapidly changing and influencing
many subdisciplines of Psychology. As such, those students wishing to pursue this interest at the
graduate school level find themselves ill-prepared and at a competitive disadvantage. The changes
herein seek to remedy this, especially at the quantitative level.
The 14 course requirement of the other emphasis areas is maintained and includes enough flexibility for
Psychology majors by including courses a non-biology/chemistry/health science major might take and
for students who might have started in one of the School’s other departments/programs or kinesiology
but then changes focus. Thus, these latter students would not lose ground by switching majors and works
to aid in College retention. Conversely, this would also provide an opportunity for Psychology majors
who later decide to pursue a professional degree in dentistry, medicine, veterinary medicine, optometry,
etc., upon meeting that profession's requirements. Students interested in careers in medicine should
consult the Pre-Professional Curricula section of the Course Catalog.
Summary: This strengthens the current area emphasis, aids in retention and matriculation of SOS
students, and better prepares students to be competitive and pursue graduate degrees in the area.
Required Psychology Courses:
Core Courses (5 Courses)
Psychology 001 – Introduction to Personal-Social Psychology
Psychology 002 – Introduction to Brain and Behavior
Psychology 003 – Psychological Methods and Analysis I
Psychology 103 – Psychological Methods and Analysis II
Psychology 110 – Psychobiology
Emphasis Courses (5 Courses)
Psychology 106 – Experimental Research
Two of the following: Psychology 126 (Sensation & Perception), 127(Cognitive
Science) and/or 128 (Neuropsychology).
Two of the following: Psychology 140 (Human Development, 150 (Personality
Psychology) and/or 160 (Social Psychology)
Required Courses Outside the Discipline:
Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics (3 Courses)
Any Biology course with a lab
Any Chemistry course with a lab
Math 27 (Calculus I) or equivalent
Electives (1 Course)
Psychology – One additional Upper Division elective