Digital Content Strategy Interoperability Standards to Personalize Instruction L. Beatriz Arnillas, Sr. Manager IT Instructional Technology HOUSTON ISD JAN 2015 283 schools 215,000 students More than 90 languages spoken 80.4% economically disadvantaged 2 3 What can we do to make sure every child reads, writes and does math at Grade Level? • #GreatAllOver means college/career-ready • Options of AP, IB, Dual Credit for all students 4 Houston ISD’s Digital Landscape (Fall 2013) Decentralized decision-making and campus innovation Inconsistent implementation of district centralized curriculum Multiple methods to procure instructional content Central Office adopted materials School purchased materials Multiple (numerous) digital platforms (content, tools, etc.) Digital “translation” not digital design 5 PowerUp - Jump Starting our Digital Transformation A vision for digital learning is now in place. HISD is building digital curriculum capacity, which is now accessible to all in the HUB. The digital resources strategy, combined with a comprehensive 1:1 initiative will enable PowerUp to transform teaching and learning. 6 Personalization 7 Digital Curriculum Goals Students increasingly interact with technology as part of the learning experience, and will therefore be equipped with quality digital tools Students Teachers increased access to quality digital learning content Teachers HISD Central Principals HISD Central Administration laid the foundation for schools to acquire and use quality digital tools Principals determine school level content needs and make educated decisions about digital resources Parents will partner with students and their schools to access and interact with digital content for anytime, anywhere learning Parents 8 Digital Content Strategy • Purchased DTLP and developed interoperability standards – All students can be on grade level by personalizing instruction • Learning accessible and easy for all teachers, students and parents by accessing in one platform – Linked to various sets of standards – Guided by HISD curriculum materials • Provide accurate and consistent data to teachers, Principals and district leaders for decision-making 9 Creating Personalized Learning Environments Personalization = Student voice and choice • Personalization is not differentiation or individualization • Student personal profile with learner preferences • Meta tagging enables content search by standards, topic, grade level, Lexile level, type of file, etc. • Content creation capabilities (html, wikis, blogs, others) • Ability to rate content quality • Link individual assessment questions to specific standards • Recommendations engine produces optional list of resources to support student choice 10 Requirements for a new platform A content-agnostic Digital Teaching and Learning Platform IMS Global Interoperability Standards 1.Common Cartridge Integration (CC) 2.Thin Common Cartridge (TCC) 3.LTI v. 1.2 – Bi-directional Integration 11 Houston ISD Teaching & Learning Eco-System Applications/Systems: Enterprise Level Dashboards: 12 TEA Board College Board Superintendent • EVAAS Integrated Data Warehouse Formative Assessment • • • Career Platform Statistical and predictive analysis College readiness Intervention recommendations Past performance SIS CSOs/SSOs Principals Teachers Students/Parents User types: DTLP Performance Feedback Formative Assessment Recommendations Engine and other Personalized Features Teachers LMS Students/pa rents Admin CMS Designers LOR Principals User’s DTLP Dashboard: LTI Integration Content resides in Vendor’s Server Launch Enrollments Saved Data Common Cartridge Grades Saved Data Digital Teaching and Learning Platform End User Results @ 7 Months • 33 Course Packages Loaded: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Pearson, CompuScholar • 29 Course Packages Loaded, Tested, and available in HUB Live: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - Go Math - Science Fusion - Environmental Science - Modern Chemistry • Represents 65,000 Learning Objects 14 (Looking Ahead) • Today: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt integrated digital content, with more coming • All High School content is digital • Onboarding (provide developmental tools for progressive, increasingly sophisticated use) • Personalizing Instruction – are we there yet? 15 Q&A Laura Brown itslearning Beatriz Arnillas Houston ISD Thank you from itslearning and Houston ISD! Start free trial at Email