Year-Long Learning Communities Rethinking the Summer Bridge Nikolas Huot, Assistant Director for First-Year Programs Georgia State University Four-year, public research university Urban environment (downtown Atlanta) 14th most diverse (racial/ethnic and economic) Over 32,000 students 250 degree programs First-Year Programs Freshmen Learning Communities Academic Coaching Early Alert First-Year Book Peer Mentors Success Academy Panther Excellence Program First-Generation Outreach Spring Admits and Low Performance Freshmen Spring Admits 2008-2012 (vs fall admits) Lower feeling of belonging at Georgia State Fewer HOPE recipients (≈ -20%) More Pell eligible students (≈ +5%) More first-generation students (≈ +7%) Lower 1 semester retention rate (≈ -18%) Lower 1 year retention rate (≈ -10%) Lower institutional GPA (≈ -0.4 points) 100% 4.00 90% 3.80 80% 3.60 70% 3.40 60% 3.20 50% 3.00 40% 2.80 GPA Retention Rate Spring Admits and Low Performance 1 Semester Ret % 1 Year Ret % HS GPA Inst GPA 30% 2.60 20% 2.40 10% 2.20 0% 2.00 Spring 08 Spring 09 Spring 10 Admit Term Spring 11 Spring 12 From Late to Early Admits Success Academy Purpose Goals Provide a structured academic and co-curricular experience for first-year students whose high school GPA and/or test scores indicate additional academic and personal support would be beneficial. Create a bridge program experience that prepares students for the full-time fall experience. Connect students to key professional staff members during summer, fall, and spring. Provide individualized success plans for each student. Success Academy Admissions based on Freshman Index (500 x HS GPA) + SATV + SATM Fully admitted students Extended learning community (3 semesters) Housing recommended, but not required Academic requirements for fall full-time registration Targeted individualized academic support Success Academy Requirements Summer (7 hours) GSU 1010 New Student Orientation (1) Engl 1101 English Composition I (3) Hist 2110 or PolS 1101 Survey of U.S. History or American Government (3) – Individual Meeting with Academic Coach (twice during summer) – Individual Meeting with Peer Mentor (once during summer) – Individual Meeting with Academic Advisor (twice during summer) – Attend Supplemental Instruction sessions weekly – Attend 3-4 Workshops on Academic Success – Must earn a GPA of 2.5 during summer in order to register full time in fall Success Academy Requirements Fall (12-13 hours) Engl 1102 English Composition II (3) Hist 2110 or PolS 1101 Survey of U.S. History or American Government (3) Math course from Core relevant to major (3) Humanities, Social Sciences, or Science Lab (3-4) – Individual Meeting with Academic Coach (three times during semester) – Individual Meeting with Peer Mentor (twice during semester) – Individual Meeting with Academic Advisor (twice during semester) – Attend Supplemental Instruction sessions weekly – Attend 2-3 Workshops on Academic Success Success Academy Requirements Spring (12-13 hours) Choice of Humanities or Social Sciences pre-selected courses (3) 9-10 additional hours based on recommendation of Academic Advisor – Individual Meeting with Academic Coach (three times during semester) – Individual Meeting with Peer Mentor (at least once during semester) – Individual Meeting with Academic Advisor (twice during semester) – Attend Supplemental Instruction sessions weekly Success Academy Students SA Summer Term Students HS GPA SAT Pell Eligible% 2012 105 3.23 (-0.11) 931 (-162) 76.2% (+22.4%) 2013 189 3.06 (-0.31) 953 (-140) 69.3% (+16.1%) 2014 317 2.95 (-0.46) 950 (-135) 66.9% (+15.7%) Cohort 1 year Ret % 2 year Ret % Cum. Inst GPA 2012 86.3% (+2.9%) 80% (+10.4%) 2.90 (same) 2013 85.1% (+3.1%) 2.90 (-0.12) Success Academy and High Performance Success Academy (vs fall admits) Greater feeling of belonging at Georgia State Fewer HOPE recipients ( -8%) More Pell eligible students ( +16%) More first-generation students ( +4%) Higher 1-semester retention rate ( +2%) Higher 1-year retention rate ( +3%) Similar institutional GPA Success Academy 100% 4.00 90% 3.80 80% 3.60 70% 3.40 60% 3.20 50% 3.00 40% 2.80 30% 2.60 20% 2.40 10% 2.20 0% 2.00 Spring 08 Spring 09 Spring 10 Spring 11 Spring 12 Admit Term Summer 12 Summer 13 Summer 14 GPA Retention Rate Spring to Summer Freshmen Admits 1 Semester Ret % 1 Year Ret % HS GPA Inst GPA QUESTIONS? COMMENTS!