List of CEE Awarded Research Initiative Grants

HISTORY: CEE Research Initiative Award Recipients
Deborah Bieler, University of Delaware, Newark
“Staying to Talk, Talking to Stay: A Study of the Relationships between Teacher/Student
Talk and Teacher/Student Retention”
Mollie V. Blackburn, The Ohio State University, Columbus
“Exploring the Teaching and Learning of LGBT-Themed Young Adult Literature in a QueerFriendly High School”
Ryan M. Rish, Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA
“Students Producing Critical Digital Media: Leveraging Social Media to Address Social
Terri L. Rodriguez, College of St. Benedict, St. Joseph, MN
“Conceptions, Goals, and Practice of Socially Just English Education: Who Are We As Activist
Steven Z. Athanases, University of California-Davis, Davis
"Common Core and Beyond: Mapping Multiple Knowledge Sources in Preservice Teacher
Inquiry for Learning to Teach Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Youth"
Nicole Sieben, Adelphi University, Bethpage, New York
"Teaching Writing Hope: A Matter of Social Justice in English Education"
Tara Star Johnson, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
"The Common Core in an Uncommon Era of Standards and Assessments"
Samantha Caughlan, Michigan State University, East Lansing; Heidi Hallman, University of Kansas,
Lawrence; Donna Pasternak, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Laura Renzi, West Chester University of
Pennsylvania; Leslie Rush, University of Wyoming, Laramie
"A New Era of English Teacher Preparation: Findings from a National Survey"
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
“Amplifying Previously Silenced Dialogues: An African American Male English Language Arts
Teacher as Culturally Responsive Practitioner, Researcher, and Activist”
Emily Hodge, The Pennsylvania State University
“How English Teachers Make Sense of the Common Core State Standards Across Tracked
Classrooms: A Critical Investigation of Standards-Based Reform and the Implications for
English Education”
Kristen Hawley Turner, Ph.D., Fordham University
Troy Hicks, Central Michigan University
“What difference does a decade make? Digital writing as social justice in teacher education”
Marcelle Haddix, Syracuse University
“Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Teacher Diversity in English Education”
Luke Rodesiler, University of Florida
“Understanding English Teachers’ Experiences Performing Acts of Constructivist Teacher
Leadership in Online Environments”
Ileana Cortés Santiago and Zaira R. Arvelo Alicea, Purdue University
“Latino/a Families - English Educators Partnerships for the Literacy Development of
Underrepresented Youth”
Lisa S. Eckert and Robert Petrone, Montana State University
“Virtual Field Experience in a Rural State: Using Moodle to Connect Pre-service Teachers to
Rural Schools and Teachers”
Heidi L. Hallman, The University of Kansas
“Pre-service English Teachers’ Work with Homeless Adolescents”
Melanie Shoffner, Purdue University
“Pedagogy, Passion and Preparation: Exploring the Concerns of Beginning English Teachers”