MATH-20D Introduction to Differential Equations Welcome to Lecture B • Instructor: James Hall • • TA: William Woods • • Lecture - Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2-2:50PM Tu 4, 5, 6, 7 PM TA: Francesca Grogan • Tu 12, 1, 2, 3 PM Course Material • Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations (With WileyPlus) • Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 • MATLAB Course Website(s) • • Exams • 2 Midterms: • Midterm 1: Wednesday, January 28, In Class • Midterm 2: Friday, February 28, In Class • MATLAB Exam: Tuesday, March 11, Section Time • Final Exam: Monday, March 17, 3-6 PM • There will be NO make up exams Grading Schemes • 2 Schemes: • Common: 10% HW, 4% MATLAB HW%, 6% MATLAB Quiz • Scheme 1: 20% Midterm 1, 20% Midterm 2, 40% Final Exam • Scheme 2: 20% (Best of Midterm 1 and Midterm 2), 60% Final Exam Grading Scale • • Will Be No Less Than A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- 97 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 May Be Adjusted Syllabus Questions? Why? • Differential Equations show everywhere in Science, Engineering, Mathematics • Population Dynamics • Circuit Design • Astrophysics • Geodesics (Pure Math) Differential Equations • Equations that describe rates of change • Equations that involve derivatives: (Falling object) (Logistic Equation) (Wave Equation) (Current) Two Types Ordinary (Only One Independent Variable) Partial (Multiple Independent Variables) This Class Ordinary (Only One Independent Variable) Order Order of a Differential Equation: Order of Highest Derivative Second Order First Order Second Order Fifth Order Second Order (PDE) Linear and Nonlinear If a differential equation can be written as: it is called linear. Otherwise it is called nonlinear. Linear if it can be written as: Linear if it can be written as: Linear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear Linear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear Linear Linear if it can be written as: Linear Nonlinear Linear Linear Nonlinear 3 Classifications Order Linear vs Nonlinear Ordinary vs Partial 2nd Order Linear ODE 1st Order Nonlinear ODE 2nd Order Linear ODE 5th Order Linear ODE 2nd Order Nonlinear PDE Why Are Classifications Important? • Recognize What We Have -> Know The Right Tool For The Job In this class… We will most work with first and second order linear ODEs Questions?