Chapter 17 Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy, 1841–1848 I. The Accession of “Tyler Too” • Whig party: – Wm. H. Harrison, a Whig, was elected in 1841 and John Tyler elected Vice-President • Cabinet: Secretary of State—Daniel Webster • Henry Clay spokesman in the Senate, the uncrowned king of the Whigs. – Harrison contacted pneumonia and died after only four months in office • By far the shortest administration in American history but longest inaugural address. I. The Accession of “Tyler Too” (cont.) • John Tyler: • The “Tyler too” party of the Whig ticket, now claimed the spotlight • He was stubbornly attached to principle • Resigned early from the Senate, rather than accept distasteful instructions form the Virginia legislature • Forsook the Jacksonian Democrats for the Whigs • His enemies accused him of being a Democrat in Whig clothing • Was at odds with the majority of his adoptive Whigs I. The Accession of “Tyler Too” (cont.) • Whig party platform: – Pro-bank, pro-protective tariff, and pro-internal improvements. • “Tyler too” rhymed with “Tippecanoe,” but there the harmony ended. • President Harrison, the Whig, served for only 4 weeks, whereas Tyler, the ex-Democrat who was still largely a Democrat at heart, served for 204 weeks. II. John Tyler: A President Without a Party • Whigs platform: • It outlined a strongly nationalist program • Financial reform came first: – The Whig Congress passed a law ending the independent treasury system – President Tyler, disarmingly agreeable, signed it – Clay drove though Congress a bill for a “Fiscal Bank” which would create a new Bank of the United States – Clay—the “Great Compromiser”—would have done well to conciliate Tyler II. John Tyler: A President Without a Party (cont.) – Tyler veto the bill on both practical and constitutional grounds – The Whig leaders tried again, passing another bill providing for a “Fiscal Corporation” – Tyler again vetoed the offensive substitute – The Democrats were jubilant • Whig extremists condemned Tyler as “His Accidency” and “Executive Ass” – He was formally expelled from his party – His entire cabinet resigned in a body, except Secretary of State Webster, who was then in the midst of delicate negotiations with England. II. John Tyler: A President Without a Party (cont.) • Proposed Whig tariff bill: – Tyler vetoed the bill – Because he saw the Whig scheme for a distribution among the states of revenue from the sale of public lands in the West – He could see no point of squandering federal money. • Chastened Clayites redrafted their tariff bill: – They chopped out the offensive dollar-distribution scheme – Pushed down the rates to about the moderately protective level of 1832—roughly 32% on dutiable goods – Tyler reluctantly signed the Tariff of 1842 III. A War of Words with Britain • Anti-British passions: • At the bottom lay the bitter, red-coated memories of the two Anglo-American wars • The pro-British Federalists had died out • British travels wrote negatively about American customs in their travel books • These writings touched off the “Third War with England” • Fortunately this British-American war was fought on paper broadsides, and only ink was spilled. III. A War of Words with Britain (cont.) – America a borrowing nation: • Expensive canals to dig and railroads to build • Britain, with overflowing coffers, was a lending nation • The panic of 1837 and several states defaulted on their bonds or repudiated them altogether – 1837—a short-lived insurrection erupted in Canada • Hot-blooded Americans furnished military supplies or volunteered for armed service • The Washington regime tried to hold its neutrality III. A War of Words with Britain (cont.) • Again it could not enforce unpopular laws in the face of popular opposition. • A provocative incident on the Canadian frontier brought passions to a boil in 1837: – An American steamer, Caroline, was carrying supplies to the insurgents across the Niagara River – It was attacked by the British and set on fire – The craft sank short of the plunge, only one American was killed. • This unlawful invasion of American soil had alarming aftermaths. III. A War of Words with Britain (cont.) – In 1840 a man, McLeod, who confessed to being involved in the Carolina raid, was arrested and indicted for murder – The London Foreign Office made clear that his execution would mean war – Fortunately, McLeod was freed after establishing an alibi – Tensions were renewed in 1841 when British officials in the Bahamas offered asylum to 130 Virginian slaves who had rebelled and captured the American ship Creole. – Britain had abolished slavery within the empire in 1833, raising southern fears that its Caribbean possessions would become Canada-like havens for escaped slaves. p362 IV. Manipulating the Maine Maps • The Maine boundary dispute: – The St. Lawrence River is icebound several months of the year: • As a defensive precaution the British wanted to build a road westward from the seaport Halifax to Quebec • The road would go though disputed territory claimed by Maine • The Aroostook War threatened to widen the dispute into a full-dress shooting war. IV. Manipulating the Maine Maps (cont.) – Britain sent to Washington a nonprofessional diplomat, Lord Ashburton, who established cordial relations with Secretary Webster • They finally agreed to compromise on the Maine boundary (see Map 17.1) • A split-the-difference arrangement, the Americans retained some 7,000 square miles of the 12,000 square miles of the wilderness in dispute • Britain got less land but won the desired HalifaxQuebec route. IV. Manipulating the Maine Maps (cont.) • The Caroline affair was patched up by an exchange of diplomatic notes • Bonus sneaked in small print: – The British, in adjusting the U.S.-Canadian boundary farther West, surrendered 6,500 square miles – The area was later found to contain the priceless Mesabi iron ore of Minnesota. Map 17-1 p363 V. The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone • Texas’s precarious existence: – Mexico: • refused to recognize Texas’s independence • regarded the Lone Star Republic as a province in revolt to be reconquered in the future • Mexican officials threatened war if the American eagle ever gather the fledgling republic under its protective wings. V. The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone (cont.) – Texas was forced to maintain a costly military establishment: • Threatened by Mexico, Texas was driven into open negotiations with Britain and France to secure a defensive shield of a protectorate • In 1839 and 1840, the Texans concluded a treaty with France, Holland, and Belgium. – Britain was interested in an independent Texas • Texas would serve as a check for Americans moving South, possibly into British territory V. The Lone Star of Texas Shines Alone (cont.) • Dangers threatened from other foreigners: – British abolitionists were busily intriguing for a foothold in Texas – British merchants regarded Texas as a potentially important free-trade area—an offset to the tariff-walled United States – British manufacturers perceived the Texas plains for great cotton-producing in the future relieving Britain of chronic dependence on American fiber. p364 VI. The Belated Texas Nuptials – Texas became a leading issue in the 1844 presidential campaign: • The foes of expansion assailed annexation • Southern hotheads cried, “Texas or Disunion” • The pro-expansion Democrats under James K. Polk finally triumphed over the Whigs • Lame duck president Tyler interpreted the narrow Democratic victory as a “mandate” to acquire Texas. • Tyler deserves credit for shepherding Texas into the fold. VI. The Belated Texas Nuptials (cont.) • Tyler despaired of securing the needed 2/3 vote for a treaty in the Senate • He arranged for annexation by a joint resolution • After a spirited debate, the resolution passed in 1845 and Texas was formally invited to become the 28th star on the American flag • Mexico angrily charged that the Americans had despoiled it of Texas • Mexico left the Texans dangling by denying their right to dispose of themselves as they chose VI. The Belated Texas Nuptials (cont.) – By 1845 the Lone Star Republic had become a danger spot: • Inviting foreign intrigue that menaced the American people • The continued existence of Texas as an independent nation threatened to involve the United States in wars • The United States can hardly be accused of haste in achieving annexation. VII. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon • Oregon Country: – Geography • From the Rockies to the Pacific Ocean, north of California to the line of 54-40, the present southern tip of Alaska panhandle • This land was claimed at one time or another by: Spain, Russia, Britain, and the United States • Two claimants dropped out of the scramble: – Spain through the Florida Treaty of 1819 – Russia retreated to the 54-40 line by treaties of 1824 and 1825. VII. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon (cont.) – British claims to Oregon were strong: • Especially the portion north of the Columbia River • They were based on: – – – – Prior discovery and exploration Treaty rights Actual occupation Colonizing agency Hudson’s Bay Company – American claims to Oregon: • To exploration and occupation • Captain Robert Gray (1792) had stumbled on the Columbia River, which he named after his ship III. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon (cont.) • The famed Lewis and Clark expedition of 1804-1806 • Presence of missionaries and other settlers, some of whom reached the grassy Willamette River valley – These men and women of God, in saving the soul of the Indians, were instrumental in saving the soil of Oregon for the United States – They stimulated interest in a faraway domain that countless Americans had earlier assumed would not be settled for centuries. • Scattered Americans and British pioneers continued to live peacefully side by side. III. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon (cont.) – The Anglo-American Convention of 1818 (see pp. 239-240): • The United States sought to divide at the forty-ninth parallel • The British wanted the Columbia River as the line • A scheme for peaceful “joint occupation” was adopted, pending future settlement • The handful of Americans in the Willamette Valley was multiplied in the early 1840s by the “Oregon fever” III. Oregon Fever Populates Oregon (cont.) • Over the 2,000 mile Oregon Trail (1846) five thousand Americans had settled south of the Columbia River • The British could only muster seven hundred north of the Columbia River – Actually only a relatively small segment was in controversy by 1845: – The Americans offered the forty-ninth parallel – The British repeated offering the line of the Columbia River – The whole issue was now tossed into the presidential election of 1844, where it became overshadowed by the question of annexing Texas. p365 VIII. A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny • The two major parties nominated their presidential standard-bearers in May 1844: – Henry Clay chosen by the Whigs at Baltimore – James K. Polk of Tennessee chosen by the Democrats—America’s first “dark horse” – The campaign was an expression of Manifest Destiny: – A sense of mission, believing that Almighty God had “manifestly” destined the American people for a hemisphere career…(see page 366). VIII. A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny (cont.) – Expansionist Democrats: • Strongly swayed by Manifest Destiny • Their platform: “Reannexation of Texas” and “Reoccupation of Oregon”-all the way to 54-40 • “All of Oregon or None” (The slogan “Fifty-four forty or fight” was not coined until two years later) • They condemned Clay as a “corrupt bargainer,” a dissolute character, and a slaveowner. VIII. A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny (cont.) – The Whigs: • They countered with their own slogans • They spread the lie: – that a gang of Tennessee slaves had been on their way to a southern market branded with the initials J.K.P. (James K. Polk) • Clay “straddled” the crucial issue of Texas: – He personally favored annexing slaveholding Texas (an appeal to the South); he also favored postponement (an appeal to the North). VIII. A Mandate (?) for Manifest Destiny (cont.) • Election results: • “Dark Horse” Polk nipped Clay 170 to 105 votes in the Electoral College • 1,338,464 to 1,300,097 in the popular vote • Clay would have won if he had not lost New York State by a scant 5,000 votes: – There the tiny antislavery Liberty Party absorbed nearly 16,000 votes that would have gone to Clay. • The Democrats proclaimed they received a mandate from the voters to take Texas. p366 p367 IX. Polk the Purposeful • President James K. Polk: • Was not an impressive figure • His burden increased by his unwillingness to delegate authority • Methodical and hard-working but not brilliant • He was shrewd, narrow-minded, conscientious, and persistent • He developed a four-point program and with remarkable success achieved it completely in less than four years. IX. Polk the Purposeful (cont.) • Polk’s four-point program: – To lower the tariff • Secretary of the Treasure, Robert J. Walker, devised a tariff-for-revenue bill that reduced the average rates of the Tariff of 1842 from 32% to 25% • With strong support of low-tariff southerners, the Walker Tariff bill made it through Congress • Complaints came from the middle states and New England (see Table 17.1) • The Bill proved to be an excellent revenue producer. IX. Polk the Purposeful (cont.) – The restoration of the independent treasury: • Unceremoniously dropped by the Whigs in 1841 • Pro-bank Whigs in Congress raised a storm of opposition, but victory at last rewarded the president’s effort in 1846. – The third and fourth points on Polk’s “must list” were the acquisition of California and the settlement of the Oregon dispute (see Map 17.2) IX. Polk the Purposeful (cont.) • Settlement of the Oregon dispute: • “Reoccupation” of the “whole” had been promised to northern Democrats in 1844 campaign • Southern Democrats, once Texas was annexed, cooled off • Polk’s feeling bound by the three offers of his predecessor to London, proposed the compromise line of 49. • British anti-expansionists were now persuaded that the Columbia River was not the St. Lawrence. • Britain in 1846 proposed the line of 49. IX. Polk the Purposeful (cont.) • Polk threw the decision to the Senate • They speedily accepted the offer and approved the subsequent treaty • Satisfaction with the Oregon settlement among Americans was not unanimous. • So, Polk, despite all the campaign bluster, got neither “fifty-four forty” nor a fight. • But he did get something that in the long run was better: a reasonable compromise without a rifle being raised. Table 17-1 p368 Map 17-2 p368 X. Misunderstandings with Mexico – Faraway California was another worry for Polk: • Diverse population: Spanish Mexicans, Indians, “some foreigners” and Americans • Given time these transplant Americans might bring California into the Union • Polk was eager to buy from Mexico • But the United States had some $3 million claim to American citizens and their property • A more serious contention was Texas • Deadlock with Mexico over Texas’s boundaries. X. Misunderstandings with Mexico (cont.) • Texas wanted the Rio Grande River boundary but Mexico only wanted the Nueces River boundary • Polk was careful to keep American troops out of the no-man’s-land – California continued to cause Polk anxiety: • Rumors—British wanted to buy or seize California • A grab the Americans could not tolerate under the Monroe Doctrine • Polk dispatched John Slidell to Mexico City (1845): – To offer $25 million for California and territory to the east – Mexico would not even permit Slidell to present his case p369 XI. American Blood on American (?) Soil • Polk was ready to take action: – January 13, 1846 he ordered 4000 men: • Under General Zachary Taylor to march from Nueces River to the Rio Grande hoping for a clash • When nothing happened he informed his cabinet (May 9, 1846) that he proposed to declare war – Unpaid claims – Slidell’s rejection • New of bloodshed arrived on the same night • Mexican troops crossed the Rio Grande and met Taylor. XI. American Blood on American (?) Soil (cont.) – Polk sent a vigorous war message to Congress: • Congress overwhelmingly voted for war • In his message to Congress, Polk was making history—not writing it • Spot resolution—by Abraham Lincoln demanding information as to the precise “spot” on American soil where American blood had been shed. – Did Polk provoke war? • California was imperative in his program • Mexico would not see it at any price XI. American Blood on American (?) Soil (cont.) • Polk wanted California by any means, so he pushed the quarrel to a bloody showdown • Both sides were spoiling for a fight • Both sides were fired by moral indignation • The Mexican people could fight with the flaming sword of righteousness • Many earnest Americans sincerely believed that Mexico was the aggressor. XII. The Mastering of Mexico • Polk wanted Mexico—not war: – When war came: • he wanted to fight on a limit scale and then pull out when he captured the prize • Santa Anna convinced Polk that he would sell out his country, then drove his countrymen to a desperate defense of their soil XIII. The Mastering of Mexico (cont.) • American operation in the Southwest and California were completely successful (see Map 17.3): – Both General Stephen W. Kearny and Captain John C. Frémont had success in the West – Frémont collated with American naval officers and local Americans who hoisted the banner of short-lived California Bear Flag Republic. XIII. The Mastering of Mexico (cont.) – General Zachery Taylor fought the Mexicans in several successful battles and then reached Buena Vista: • • • • Here he captured 20,000 troops under Santa Anna The Mexicans were finally conquered Zachery Taylor became the “Hero of Buena Vista.” Now he called for a crushing blow at the enemy’s vitals—Mexico City • Taylor, however, could not win decisively in the semideserts of northern Mexico. XIII. The Mastering of Mexico (cont.) • General Winfield Scott succeeded in battling his way up to Mexico City by Sept., 1847 – One of the most brilliant campaigns in American annals: • He proved to be the most distinguished general produced by his country between the American Revolution and the Civil War. Map 17-3 p371 XIII. Fighting Mexico for Peace • Scott and chief clerk of the State Department Nicholas P. Trist arranged: – For an armistice with Santa Anna • At a cost of $10,000 – Polk called Trist home, but he wrote a 65 page letter explaining why he could not come home – Trist signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo on February 2, 1848, forwarded it to Washington. XIII. Fighting Mexico for Peace (cont.) • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: • • • • Confirmed the American title to Texas Yielded the enormous area stretching to Oregon, the ocean, embracing California The total expanse was about ½ of Mexico The United States agreed to pay $15 million for the land and to assume the claims of its citizen against Mexico in the amount of $3,250,000 – (see “Makers of America: the Californios” pp. 374-375.) XIII. Fight Mexico for Peace (cont.) • Polk submitted the treaty to the Senate: – The antislavery Whigs in Congress—dubbed “Mexican Whigs” or “Conscience Whigs”— denounced the “damnable war”. – Another peril impended: • A swelling group of expansionists were clamoring for all of Mexico • If America had seized it, she would have been saddled with an expensive and vexatious policing problem. XIII. Fight Mexico for Peace (cont.) • Victors rarely pay an indemnity: – Polk arranged to pay $18,250,000 after winning – Critics say Americans were pricked by guilty consciences – Apologists pointed proudly to the “Anglo-Saxon spirit of fair play” p372 XIV. Profit and Loss in Mexico • As wars go, the Mexican War was a small one: – It cost 13,000 American lives, most taken by disease – The fruits of the fighting were enormous: • America’s total expanse was increased by 1/3 • It proved to be the blood-spattered schoolroom of the Civil War • The campaigns provided priceless experience • The work of the navy was valuable in placing a blockade around Mexican ports. XIV. Profit and Loss in Mexico (cont.) • The Marine Corps won new laurels and to this day sings in its stirring hymn about the “Halls of Montezuma.” • The army waged war without defeat and without a major blunder • Opposing armies emerged with increased respect for each other • Mexicans never forgot that their northern neighbors tore away about ½ of their country • Marked an ugly turning point in relations between the United States and Latin America. XIV. Profit and Loss in Mexico (cont.) • The war aroused the slavery issue that would not stop until the Civil War • David Wilmot of Pennsylvania introduced a fateful amendment that stipulated that slavery should never exist in any of the territories to be wrested from Mexico. • The Wilmot Proviso never became federal law: – It was endorsed by the legislatures of all but one of the free states – It came to symbolize the burning issue of slavery in the territories p374 p375 Map 17-4 p375 p376 p377