Principles of Biology, BI 212 Dr. Kristin Latham Welcome! Please find a seat. Introduction Lecture meets: M, T, W, & Th 1000 am – 11 50 am, PHAR 305 Lab meets: M & W 100 – 3 50 PM or M & W 400 – 6 50 or T & R 100 – 3 50 Weniger 228 You will need: 1.Reece, JB et al. 2011. Campbell Biology (9th edition) Benjamin Cummings Publishing 2. iClicker, available at the OSU Bookstore Lecture Website: Introduction Baccalaureate CORE Category This course fills the Perspectives category of Biological and Physical Sciences. Baccalaureate CORE Learning Outcomes Students will: 1. Recognize and apply concepts and theories of basic physical or biological sciences. 2. Apply scientific methodology and demonstrate the ability to draw conclusions based on observation, analysis, and synthesis. 3. Demonstrate connections with other subject areas Tentative Schedule Dates July 23-26 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Monday Tuesday Introduction; Course Tips Metabolism & Cell Membranes Cell Respiration Lab: Scientific Investigation Exam #1 (Ch. 7-11) July 30Aug 2 August 6-9 August 13-16 Plant Transport, Nutrition & Soils Plant Structure, Growth, Development Lab: Enzymes Exam #2 (Ch. 35-39) Lecture 4 Thursday Photosynthesis M: Ch. 7 & Cell T: Ch. 8,9 Communication W: Ch. 9,10 Lab: Diffusion & Osmosis R: Ch.10,11 Plant Reproduction Plant Response M: Ch. 35 to Signals T: Ch. 36,37 Lab: Photosynthesis Nutrition & Digestion Animal Form & Function Lab: Plant Anatomy Exam #3 (Ch. 40-42,44) Lecture 3 Wednesday Respiration, Photosynthesis R: Ch. 39 Circulation & Gas Osmoregulation M: Ch. 40 Exchange & Excretion T: Ch. 41 Lab: Plant Growth Nervous System Immune System Lab: Fetal Pig Dissections W: Ch.38 Sensory & Muscle Control Final Exam W: Ch. 42 R: Ch. 44 M: 43 (Ch. 43, 49-50) + T: Ch. 49 Cumulative W: Ch.50 Lab: Histology, Skin, Nervous System R: --- Introduction Grading Exams Final Exam Lab Total 300 points (3 weekly exams @ 100 points each) 150 points (4th weekly exam [80 pts] + Cumulative [70 pts]) 150 points (8 laboratories) 600 points Anyone who earns the following percentage 91% 90% 80% 70% 60% <60% will receive at least at A ABCDmay fail course Introduction Expectations of the Student • Be on time and prepared for class; if you miss lecture, get notes/information from a classmate. • Be involved Ask questions, work with your peers, and be an active participant in class. • No electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, headphones, etc.) used or visible during class or exams. • Be respectful of your classmates, instructor, coordinator, and TAs. Dr. Kristin Latham, Professor for Course Dr. Lori Kayes, Course Coordinator Cordley 3016 503-838-8868 139 Weniger 541-737-1734 My office hours: M, T, W, R 9-9 50 am in Cordley 3016 Introduction Academic Honesty I expect you to be honest and act with academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is defined as: (1)cheating: use or attempted use of unauthorized materials, information, or study aids; (2)fabrication: falsification or invention of any information; (3)assisting: helping another commit an act of academic dishonesty; (4)tampering: altering or interfering with evaluation instruments and documents; (5)plagiarism: representing words or ideas of another person as one’s own. Students with Disabilities Accommodations are collaborative efforts between students, faculty, and Disability Access Services (DAS). Students who believe they are eligible for accommodations but who have not yet obtained approval through DAS should contact DAS immediately at 541-737-4098. Introduction Who do I ask……. BI212 has a lecture professor, a course coordinator, and three TAs. If you question/concern is about Lab content, assignments and grades: contact your TA. Also see this person first for help understanding lecture material. Laboratory issues, class enrollment, registration, grading, scheduling and final grades: contact the course coordinator, Lori Kayes. Basically, if it is not content/lecture material related, or lab assignment related it should go to Dr. Kayes. Lecture content and exam content: talk to me (Dr. Latham)! email, please be sure to put BI212 in the subject line To send Knowledge I assume you have before this class: Living organisms are described by their genus & species name. Example: Drosophila melanogaster Equus caballus A. Dog B. Oak C. Horse D. Penguin E. Grasshopper Oryza sativa A. Canary B. Rice C. Fruit fly D. Whale E. Moss Gallus gallus A. Banana B. Cat C. Zebrafish D. Rhododendron E. Chicken Knowledge I assume you have before this class: Cells are the basic unit of life. ALL cells have: plasma membrane, ribosomes, genetic material Plants, animals, and bacteria have differences in other organelles present. Knowledge I assume you have before this class: Cells are built of biomolecules: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids Knowledge I assume you have before this class: Biomolecules are made from single units, linked together into larger molecules: