Guidelines for Project – Crossword Puzzle

Guidelines for Project – Crossword Puzzle
For this project you will use the following guidelines to create a Crossword Puzzle using the
vocabulary terms from the Chapter(s) assigned to your class period.
The project will be due - ________________________________________
* Go to the website –
NOTE – this will actually take you to the Discovery Education website
* On the left of the front page is an Ad for “Create Your Own Puzzles – Puzzlemaker”. From
this section of the website select to create a ‘Criss-Cross’ puzzle and follow the 4 Steps provided
for making the puzzle.
Step 1 – Enter title of your Criss-Cross puzzle
- you will need to enter the Chapter number(s) and title as listed on back
for example – Chapters 6 & 7 – Meiosis and Genetics
Step 2 – Enter number of squares for your puzzle
- leave as the default sizes of – width – 50 height – 50
Step 3 – Enter the size of the square
- leave as the default size of – 30
Step 4 – Enter the words and clues
- follow directions provided on website
Your puzzle should have 20 vocabulary terms with their correct definitions
NOTE – for vocabulary terms that are composed of two or more words you will need to
omit the spaces when typing in the vocabulary term
for example – ‘double helix’ should be typed as – doublehelix
‘base pairing rules’ should be typed as – basepairingrules
* After correctly typing in the 20 vocabulary terms and their definitions – select the ‘create my
puzzle’ button
* After the puzzle is created you will need to print 2 copies of the puzzle.
- Do the following with the printed copies
- Copy 1 – leave it totally blank. Nothing should be written on it – not even your name
- Copy 2 – Write your name on it and neatly fill in the correct answers on the puzzle
* Both copies will need to be kept neat and wrinkle free and will be turned in with this Project
guideline sheet
*** See back of sheet for additional guidelines and grading rubric ***
Vocabulary terms need to come from the following Chapter(s) assigned to your class period.
1st period – Chapters 6 & 7 – Meiosis and Genetics
3rd period – Chapter 8 – DNA, RNA and protein synthesis
Note – do NOT use vocabulary from section 8-6
4th period – Chapters 10 and 11 – Evolution
6th period – Chapters 18 & 19 – Virus, Bacteria, Protist and Fungi
7th period – Chapters 20, 21 and 22 – Plants
This project will be worth 50 points based on the following grading rubric.
Copy 1 of puzzle – blank, neat and unfolded
10 points
Copy 2 of puzzle – neat and unfolded with the correct
answers neatly written in puzzle
10 points
20 Vocabulary terms from the assigned Chapter(s)
that have the correct spelling and definition
20 points
Title of puzzle is correct
5 points
Format and set-up of puzzle is correct
5 points
50 possible
Total points earned
Optional 2nd Cross Word Puzzle Project
You may choose to complete a second project. The deadline and guidelines for this second
project will be the same with the exception of the Chapter(s) that your vocabulary terms should
come from. You will need to use the assigned Chapter(s) below when completing this 2nd
If you choose not to complete this optional 2nd project it will NOT count against you. You will
only have two projects (Crossword puzzle and USATestPrep) included in the Test category of
your grades instead of three projects.
Vocabulary terms for this 2nd Crossword Puzzle need to come from the following Chapter(s).
1st period – Chapters 13 & 14 – Ecology
3rd period – Chapter 2 – Biochemistry
4th period – Chapter 3 – Cell Structure
6th period – Chapters 23 & 24 – Invertebrate Animals
7th period – Chapters 25 & 26 – Vertebrate Animals