Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 5 Epithelial tissue functions in A

Anatomy and Physiology Chapter 5
Epithelial tissue functions in
A. secretion .
B. absorption.
C. protection.
D. All of these are correct.
The tissue through which gases are exchanged between the blood and the air in the lungs is
A. stratified squamous epithelium.
B. simple squamous epithelium.
C. simple cuboidal epithelium.
D. simple columnar epithelium.
The tissue that forms the inner lining of the respiratory passages is
A. pseudostratified.
B. ciliated.
C. mucus-secreting.
D. All of these are correct.
The muscle tissue that can be consciously controlled is
A. smooth.
B. skeletal.
C. intercalated.
D. None of these is correct.
Smooth muscle is found in the wall of
A. the stomach.
B. the intestine.
C. the stomach and intestine.
D. neither the stomach nor the intestine.
Loose connective tissue contains
A. collagenous fibers.
B. elastic fibers.
C. gel-like ground substances.
D. All of these are correct.
Which of the following is not one of the four basic types of body tissues?
A. epithelial tissue
B. connective tissue
C. brain tissue
D. muscle tissue
The type of muscle found in blood vessels is
A. cardiac.
B. smooth.
C. striated.
D. voluntary.
Injured fibrous connective tissue and cartilage are slow to heal because the
A. tissues are so hard.
B. tissues are so fibrous.
C. cells are so far apart.
D. blood supply is poor.
Cardiac muscle is found in the wall of the
A. stomach.
B. intestine.
C. urinary bladder.
D. None of these is correct.
Histology is the study of
A. molecules.
B. cells.
C. tissues.
D. organ function.
Epithelial tissues are characterized by a lack of blood vessels.
A. True B. False
A basement membrane occurs between
A. muscle and nerve tissue.
B. epithelial and connective tissue.
C. connective and muscle tissue.
D. brain and nervous tissue.
Cartilage tissues are likely to be slow in healing following an injury because
A. cartilage cells cannot reproduce.
B. they lack direct blood supplies.
C. the intercellular material is sesamoid.
D. cartilage cells are surrounded by fluids.
The type of epithelium that lines the urinary bladder and many of the urinary passageways is
A. cuboidal.
B. transitional.
C. pseudostratified.
D. columnar.
The type of cells that reside in a specific connective tissue type for an extended period of time are called
A. wandering cells
B. transitional cells
C. fixed cells
D. stem cells
Consists of RBC, WBC¸ Platelets, and plasma, transports gases, and fights infections
Fat, lies beneath skin, cushions joints, insulates- stores energy
Single layer of cube shaped cells, lines the thyroid gland and covers the ovaries
Tendons and ligaments are composed primarily of
A. adipose tissue.
B. fibrous connective tissue.
C. muscle tissue.
D. loose connective tissue
Thin fibers, makes up the framework of certain internal organs such as the liver and spleen
Specialized to change in response to increased tension- lines the bladder
Connective tissue fibers are produced by
A. macrophages.
B. mast cells.
C. fibroblasts.
D. All of these are correct.
Single layer of elongated cells, with the nuclei near the basement membrane, can be cilated or nonciliated, secretes digestive fluids, and absorbs nutrients from digested foods
Rigid, provides support, lacks a direct blood supply so healing is very slow
Write the name of the type of tissue next to its description.
Layers of cube-shaped cells- lines the mammary glands, sweat glands, and provides protection
Most abundant tissue by weight, bind structures, provide protection, fill spaces, stores fat, good blood
Involuntary, comprises the walls of hollow internal organs ex: digestive tract
Single layer of thin flattened cells, lines the air sacs of the lungs
Many layers of cells, tissues are thick, cells near the surface are flattened the most, outer layer of the skin
Appear layered, but are not, have cilia, lines the passage way of the respiratory system
Top cells are elongated, lower cells are cuboidal, found in the urethra
Fibers in branching networks, attachments between the bones of the spinal column
Attached to bones, controlled by conscious effort
Forms thin membranes, binds skin to underlying tissue
Strong, can withstand pulling forces, binds body parts together, make-up tendons and ligaments
Only in the heart
Found in the brain and spinal cord, can sense changes in its surroundings and respond
Found throughout the body, covers body surfaces, always has a free surface, anchored to a basement
membrane, lacks blood vessels
Most rigid, supports body structures, attached to muscle