MT August 11th

• Terms are built from word parts
• Remember the meanings of the word parts
• Build terms from the word parts and spell them
• Differentiate word parts that look alike
• Understand positional – directional terminology
Medical terminology vocabulary is a collection
of word parts.
Three main word parts:
1. Prefixes Describe in terms of
quantity, location or state
2. Combining Forms - Subject of the term
(what the term is about). Many of them are
related to Anatomy. They contain two parts:
• Word Roots
• Combining Vowels
3. Suffixes – Give information whether the
word describes body part, disease or procedure
• Medical Term – Microbiology
• Prefix – Micro, which means ‘small’
• Suffix – Logy, which means ‘study of’
• Combining Form – Bio, the root word, which
means ‘life’ and ‘o’ , the combining vowel.
Microbiology is the study of small life
Dictionary definition: the study of small
1. Suffix – ectomy = removal, excision, resection
E.g.: hysterectomy (removal of the uterus)
Surgical removal of the uterus
2. Suffix – stomy = new opening
E.g.: gastrostomy (new opening of the stomach)
Surgical creation of an artificial opening into the
• Analyzing or Decoding the Words
CARD ???
Check for word parts,
Assign meanings,
Reverse the meaning of the suffix to the front, and
Define the term.
1. Check for word parts
Gastro (combining form) + Scopy (suffix)
2. Assign meaning
Gastro(stomach) + Scopy (the process of viewing)
3. Reverse the position of the suffix and put it in the
beginning of the word
3. Define the term – The process of viewing the stomach
Combining Forms
Arthr/o (joint)
-algia (pain)
Gastr/o (stomach)
-ectomy (removal)
Hepat/o (liver)
-scope (instrument to view)
Nephr/o (kidney)
-itis (inflammation)
Ophthalm/o (eye)
-plasty (surgical repair)
Ot/o (ear)
Scopy (process of viewing)
Rhin/o (nose)
-tomy (incission)
Should I Keep or Drop the Combining
• If the suffix starts with a vowel, DROP the
vowel of the combining form.
• If the suffix starts with a consonant, KEEP
the vowel of the combining form.
Rhino (nose)+ plasty (surgical
Remember All depends on the suffix!!!!
The issues of ‘right’ and ‘left’ are
extremely important.
Divide the abdominal region into
4 quadrants
Quad = four
1. Right upper quadrant
2. Left upper quadrant
3. Right lower quadrant
4. Left lower quadrant
Proximal means ‘near’ or ‘close’
Distal means ‘far’
Proximal end
of esophagus
Two ways to look at the proximal and
distal terms.
1. Beginning (proximal) and ending of
Distal end of
(distal)an organ
When proximal and distal are used to describe locations on
the arms and legs - keep the definitions of near and far in
mind. Look at the point of reference to the attachment which
is where your arms and legs are attached to your body. Your
arms are attached at your shoulders, your legs are
attached at your hips.