College of Medicine UGME CuRe Faculty of Health Sciences Faculty Forum #6 June 19, 2014 LAUNCHING NEW PRECLERKSHIP CURRICULUM AUGUST 2014 Dr. Keevin Bernstein Director, Curriculum Renewal on behalf of CuReExecutive Outline 1. Review CuRe Process & History 2. Preclerkship Curriculum and its creation 3. Evaluation 4. Next Steps…..To Do List….Challenges 1 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL MAP April 2011 OUTCOME> Process New UGME Curriculum 2013 that fulfills FMEC recommendations & Accreditation Standards Internal Review Surveys Retreats Curriculum map Existing curriculum External Consultation Website Educational Experts Site visits Task Specific groups Stakeholder Consultations Faculty Development Commitment to Person, Family & Community ; Principles Curriculum Renewal Goal Mission Social Responsibility, Professionalism, Inclusivity; Scholarship, Excellence, Discovery, Innovation, Critical Thinking Consistent Pedagogy Scholarship Outcome Based Objectives Medical Informatics Integrated Continuous Quality Improvement Inter-Professionalism Flexible Maximize Current strengths UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL University of Manitoba UGME Review CuReUGME UGMEFaculty FacultySurvey Survey CuRe Survey Dec Dec 2010 2010 CuReFaculty FacultyRetreat Retreatand andReport Report and Report CuRe April April 2011 2011 CuReUGME UGMECourse Course&&Clerkship ClerkshipDirector DirectorSurvey Survey June June CuRe Clerkship Director Survey 2011 2011 CuReDepartment DepartmentRepresentative RepresentativeFocus FocusGroup Group CuRe Department Representative Focus Group July July 2011 2011 LCME/CACMSAccreditation Accreditation Accreditation LCME/CACMS Studentsurveys surveys • •Student surveys Report • •Report Oct Oct 2011 2011 CuReTask TaskGroup Group(11) (11)Reports Reports CuRe Task Group (11) Reports Nov Nov 2011 2011 June 2008 External Review; Genevieve Moineau MD Associate Dean, UGME University of Ottawa Internal Review; Oscar Casiro MD Associate Dean UGME Cheryl Kristjanson PhD Director ED Development 2002 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL Oct 2012 PRINCIPLES: Physicians for 21st century: Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum throughout 4 years Fulfills (or exceeds) UGME global objectives, FMEC recommendations and LCME/CCME standards Enhance communication between faculty, and continuity with students Person to Community Centered Not focused on organ system or department based Fewer Lectures…Lecturers ….more small group/interactive sessions Build upon existing or potential strengths Innovative – utilizing evolving technology Iterative and Transparent process Address Governance and Faculty Recognition 4 CuRe : The Journey……….. UGME Curriculum Renewal for 21st Century 1. Curriculum 21st century Framework : Separated into 8 Modules (M0-M7) Human Biology, Health & Disease Modules (Modules 0-3) Foundation of Medicine Module (M0) Human Biology & Health Module (M1) Health & Disease Module (M2) Consolidation Module (M3) AM Years 1 & 2: Preclerkship Clerkship (Modules 4-7) Integrated across all 4 years CP4s Longitudinal Courses/Themes Integrated into M0-3 PM Years 1 & 2: Preclerkship Clerkship AHD 2. Governance 3. Evaluation: Student Assessment and CuRe Evaluation UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Year Year 1 1 2 2 M0: Foundation M1: Human M2: Health & Disease Abnormal ProcessesClinical Integration Biology & Health Normal ProcessesClinically Applied 3 3 M4 TTC: Transition to Clerkship M5: Med 3 Boxes are not scaled 4 4 M6: Med 4 Electives CaRMS Clinical Clerks M7 TTR: UGME M2: Health& Disease M3:Consolidation Transition to Academic Half Day Abnormal Processes Residency • Longitudinal Courses Incorporated into Academic time I. II. III. IV. V. Clinical Reasoning Clinical Skills Indigenous Health Professionalism Population Health Scholarship in Medicine (SiMed 3 and 4) Themes/Disciplines 6 Composite Clinical Presentations (CP4) UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL Composite Clinical Presentations (CP4) Goals to be achieved upon graduation “Composite” Clinical Presentations: Symptoms or Signs Derived •from combination : • Lab abnormalities • MCC objectives • UBC modified MCCAffecting Objectives–clinical • Factors Health presentations (~130) • Suggestions from UGME PreClerkship and Clerkship • Health Conditions Directors survey ( June 2011) ……Then divided into 4 color coded groups……. Spiral Curriculum Framework Clinical Presentations “must represent a common or important way in which a patient, group of patients, community or population actually presents to the physician and which a graduate would be expected to handle” UC 2009 7 Undergraduate Medical Education ONE UNIVERSITY. MANY FUTURES. Composite Clinical Presentations CP4 UGME Feb 2014 Final V7 SYMPTOMS & SIGNS 35 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 di pl opi a 53 dys pha gi a 54 dys pnea -a cute & chroni c 55 dys uri a /UTI 56 ea r pa i n 57 edema 58 extremi ty pa i n-a cute&chroni 5 c9 eye tra uma 60 fever 61 fa ti gue 62 foot ul cers 63 fra cture/di s l oca ti on 64 GI bl eed 65 hea d i njury 66 hea da che 67 hea ri ng l os s 68 hema turi a 69 a bdomi na l ma s s a bd pa i n: a cute & chroni c a l l ergi c rea cti ons a nxi ety a s ci tes ba ck pa i n bl unt tra uma burns bl eedi ng ca rdi a c murmurs ches t pa i n cons ti pa ti on cough- a cute & chroni c cya nos i s del i ri um dementi a di a rrhea - a cute & chroni c hemoptys i s hi rs uti s m hoa rs e voi ce i mpotence i nconti nence ja undi ce joi nt pa i n-a cute & chroni c l ympha denopa thy neck ma s s /thyroi d pa i n s yndrome pa l pi ta ti ons pruri tus pa ra l ys i s pa ra s thes i a e/numbnes s pol yuri a pel vi c pa i n/ma s s red eye s ei zures s ki n growths s ki n ra s hes s l eep di s orders s omnol ence s ore throa t s peech a bnorma l i ti es s yncope tendon rupture tes ti cul a r s wel l i ng/pa i n/ma s s ti nni tus vi s i on l os s a cute & chroni c ABNORMAL LABS 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 vomi ti ng 97 wea knes s 98 wei ght l os s 99 wheezi ng- a cute & chroni c 100 UT l ower obs tructi ve s ymptoms 101 verti go/di zzi nes s 102 H EALTH CONDITIONS 103 a ci dos i s 104 a l ka l os i s 105 Hgb di s orders 106 ca l ci um/phops ha te/ma gnes i um 107 ca rdi a c ma rkers /EKG 108 coa gul a ti on a bnorma l i ti es 109 crea ti ni ne:a cute & chroni c 110 CXR a bnorma l i ti es 111 l i pd a bnorma l i ty 112 l eukocyte di s orders 113 l i ver enzymes /functi on 114 pota s s i um a bn 115 pl a tel et di s orders 116 pul mona ry functi on tes ts 117 s odi um a bnorma l i ti es 118 uri na l ys i s a bnorma l i ti es 119 FACTORS EFFECTING HEALTH 120 a dvers e drug rea cti ons 121 body wei ght di s turba nces 122 chroni c di s ea s e 123 contra cepti on 124 cul tura l i nfl uences 125 Determi na nts of Hea l th 126 devel opmenta l ped del a y 127 di s a bi l i ti es 128 educa ti ona l l evel 129 el derl y/fra i l 130 envi ronmenta l hea l th 131 food a nd wa ter s ecuri ty 132 i nfecti ous epi demi c/preventi on 133 negl ect/a bus i ve rel a ti ons hi p or beha vi or 134 poverty 135 s moki ng 136 s ubs ta nce a bus e/a ddi cti on/a l cohol i s m137 *Complied from MCC objectives, UGME CD survey 2010 , UBC website ADHD s pectrum a drena l di s orders a rthri ti s a utoi mmune di s ea s es ca rdi ova s cul a r di s ea s e ci rrhos i s CNS i nfecti ons di a betes drug Overdos e ea ti ng di s orders funga l i nfecti ons HIV/AIDS hypertens i on i nferti l ti y ki dney di s ea s e-chroni c l ung di s ea s e-chroni c ma l nutri ti on mens es /menopa us e mood di s orders mul ti pl e s cl eros i s os teopros i s pedi a tri c emergenci es pa l l i a ti ve ca re pi tui ta ry di s orders pregna ncy/compl i cations ps ychos i s puberty & s exua l differentiation s hock/res us ci ta ti on s ports i njuri es STI s ui ci da l beha vi or s urgi ca l i nfecti ons TB thyroi d di s orders venous thrombos i s 8 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL GOVERNANCE UGME CuREXecutive (…..Directors) Preclerkship Merril Pauls Longitudinal Course Leaders Keevin Bernstein Ira Ripstein Diane Moddemann Rob Brown Karen Klym Adrian Gooi Barry Cohen Joanne Hamilton Don Smyth Bryan Payne Shawna Klapecki Chair Associate Dean Curriculum Simulation Clinical Skills Online Learning Student Evaluation Educ. Development Basic Science rep Program Manager Administrative Asst. Preclerkship M0 & M1/2 Leaders Clerkship Core Rotation Leaders 2014 Clerkship Eunice Gill Nicola Matthews Clinical Academic(TTC/TTR) Tara Petrychko - Administrator Longitudinal Theme Leaders UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL GOVERNANCE Module Courses Foundation of Medicine MO Blood and Immunology Cardiovascular Respiratory M1/M2 M1/M2 M1/M2 ENT Neuroscience Leaders M1/M2 Don Houston Anita Soni Clare Ramsey Adrian Gooi Tanya Sala (Kerri Schellenberg) Lorne Bellan Ophth Musculoskeletal Endocrine & Metabolism Woman’s Reproductive Health GI, Hepatology & Nutrition Urinary Tract Cindy Ellison /Don Smyth M1/M2 M1/M2 M1/M2 M1/M2 M1/M2 Jason Peeler Carmen Hurd Maggie Morris Don Duerkson Keevin Bernstein Intro to ID & Therapeutics Intro to Oncology M2 M2 George Zhanel Gary Harding Consolidation Dermatology Pain Management M3 M3 M3 Kristel VanInvelde/Holly Hamilton Jack Toole Paul Daenick/Joel Loiselle UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL GOVERNANCE Longitudinal Courses Leaders Critical Reasoning Martha Ainslie Clinical Skills Karen Klym/Rob Brown Indigenous Health Barry Lavallee ( Linda Diffey) Population Health Joss Reimer Professionalism Merril Pauls/Aviva Goldberg UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL GOVERNANCE Longitudinal Theme Thread throughout curriculum with a designated leader; differs from Course as no designated exam: Diagnostic Imaging Generalism Gender & Sexual Health Genetics Geriatrics Health Psychology Health Care Systems Interprofessional care Information Sciences Leadership Pain Management Palliative Care Social Accountability Jeff Mottola…>James Kippen Debrah Macphail * Sandy Marles Kristel van Inevelde Maxine Holmqvist....Mike Teschuk Amanda Condon Amanda Condon Judy Littleford Paul Daenick/ Joel Loiselle * Paul Daenick Anne Durcan * Recent additions UGME CuRe: PreECLERKSHIP – Target AUG 2014 Content presented in the context of a Person, Family & Community: Human Biology, Health & Disease Modules (AM) After the first 4 weeks of basic science foundation relevant to the study of medicine (M0), the following 62 weeks ( separated by breaks) provides a system-based, spiral, scaffold , integrated approach to normal (M1) and abnormal function(M2). There are 9 system based units each with 2 separate courses per system scaffolding from the application of basic science to normal function (M1) evolving to clinical practice (M2). M2 starts with an introduction to Infectious Disease and Oncology. Year 2 concludes with a 10 week Consolidation Module (M3) to ensure all the content from the previous modules and Longitudinal courses are assimilated. All individual courses will have a separate evaluation each requiring a minimum mastery with scaffold content. Longitudinal Courses and Themes (PM) Focus will be a Person to Community Centered curriculum highlighting principles of professionalism, social accountability & responsibility helping to contextualize health issues Presented in the afternoon in one of the 5 Longitudinal courses of 1) Clinical Reasoning, 2) Clinical Skills , 3) Indigenous Health, 4) Population Health (fka Community Health Sciences) and 5) Professionalism maximizing community exposures linked to the morning 13 Module courses . UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Year Year 1 1 2 2 M0: Foundation M1: Human M2: Health & Disease Abnormal ProcessesClinical Integration Biology & Health Normal ProcessesClinically Applied 3 3 M4 TTC: Transition to Clerkship M5: Med 3 Boxes are not scaled 4 4 M6: Med 4 Electives CaRMS Clinical Clerks M7 TTR: UGME M2: Health& Disease M3:Consolidation Transition to Academic Half Day Abnormal Processes Residency • Longitudinal Courses Incorporated into Academic time I. II. III. IV. V. Clinical Reasoning Clinical Skills Indigenous Health Professionalism Population Health Scholarship in Medicine (SiMed 3 and 4) Themes/Disciplines 14 Composite Clinical Presentations (CP4) UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL GOVERNANCE Foundation of Medicine MO Cindy Ellison /Don Smyth Provide basic science foundation relevant to the study & practice of medicine Focus will be on the principles, themes and overarching framework 4 weeks …58 hours: mostly WGS ( Whole Group Sessions) with relevant illustrative clinical scenarios Premier instructors from the basic science departments Course created with components : • Cells: • • • • Protein: Tissues: Altered cells: Roles in Health & Disease Structure & Function, Communication, Metabolism , Intake/Output, Reproduction and Environment Biology, Imaging and Sampling Inflammation & Neoplasia Genetics, Immunity, Pathogens, Toxins Pharmacology and Human Development UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Year Year 1 1 M0: Foundation M1: Human Biology & Health Normal ProcessesClinically Applied 2 2 M2: Health & Disease Abnormal ProcessesClinical Integration 3 3 M4 TTC: Transition to Clerkship M5: Med 3 Boxes are not scaled 4 4 M6: Med 4 Electives CaRMS Clinical Clerks M7 TTR: UGME M2: Health& Disease M3:Consolidation Transition to Academic Half Day Abnormal Processes Residency • Longitudinal Courses Incorporated into Academic time I. Clinical Reasoning II. Clinical Skills III. Indigenous Health IV. Professionalism V. Population Health • Themes/Disciplines Scholarship in Medicine (SiMed 3 and 4) 16 Composite Clinical Presentations (CP4) UGME CuRe 21st century: Human Biology, Health & Disease Modules Course Template March 2012 Human Biology and Health Module (I ) Health and Disease Module (2) Contrasting Module I and Module 2 I = Human Biology and Health…Module 1 2 = Health and Disease…………....Module 2 1: Normal development, anatomy and processes Provide overview of burden of illness / diseases related to system Predominantly basic sciences with clinical cases (normal or abnormal) to contrast or help illustrate normal 2: Abnormal processes Provide overview of burden of illness & societal impact of diseases With each specific abnormality or disease cover all “9” elements Predominantly clinical cases with review of basic science 17 UGME CuRe 21stCentury: Module 1 & 2 Course Template March 2012 Human Biology & Health…(“systems I”) 1 1. Introductory lecture (2hrs) Course objectives Overview of system/organ function Overview of anatomy and relevant structures Overview of Burden of illness Patient illustration 2. Normal Development & Embryology Health & Disease….(“systems II” ) 2 1. Introductory lecture (2 hrs) • Course objectives • Review of Systems I • Burden of illness Epidemiology and Social • Patient illustration 2. Clinical Genetics • Review of embryology if relevant 3. *Life Cycle impacts: • Development--> pediatrics --> geriatrics 4. Abnormal Processes: 3. Gross Anatomy & Imaging • Specific Abnormality or Disease pathophysiology *With each entity : 4. Histology 5. Normal Processes including impact of aging Physiology Biochemistry & Molecular biology Pharmacology *All material ( where possible) will be presented as normal contrasting to illustrations of abnormal providing clinical relevance 1) Epidemiology 2) Scientific Basis and Anatomy review 3) Prevention and Screening1 4) Cultural, Social and Ethical issues 5) Natural History & Prognosis 6) Diagnosis 2 7) Therapeutics and Disease Management 8) Translational Research & Evidence Based Medicine 9) Health Care System *Either as part of module or parallel longitudinal course 1 Includes 2 Includes amongst others nutrition, life style, exercise history, physical, labs, imaging and pathology18 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Year Year 1 1 2 2 M0: Foundation M1: Human M2: Health & Disease Abnormal ProcessesClinical Integration Biology & Health Normal ProcessesClinically Applied 3 3 M4 TTC: Transition to Clerkship M5: Med 3 Boxes are not scaled 4 4 M6: Med 4 Electives CaRMS Clinical Clerks M7 TTR: UGME M2: Health& Disease M3:Consolidation Transition to Academic Half Day Abnormal Processes Residency • Longitudinal Courses Incorporated into Academic time I. II. III. IV. V. Clinical Reasoning Clinical Skills Indigenous Health Professionalism Population Health Scholarship in Medicine (SiMed 3 and 4) Themes/Disciplines 19 Composite Clinical Presentations (CP4) UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL Longitudinal Courses: Clinical Reasoning CR Critical Thinking* Information Sciences* “Metacognition”* Integration* strategies - eg Case of the week CP4 *CuRe TG Population Health • Formerly KA Community Health Sciences • Temporarily KA Public Health, Prevention & Scholarship Epidemiology Public health Prevention Health care systems * Global Health Clinical Skills * Occupational Communication skills Environmental Physical exam skills/diagnosis Community Clinics & Distributed Learning contexts* Specific or Key populations Procedural skills Scholarship in Medicine * SiMed3 - Clerkship AHD Self reflection* SiMed4 - TTR Professionalism Social accountability/equity* Cultural safety/diversity* Indigenous Health* Humanities/Ethics/History Physician wellness (formerly Survival Tactics) Narrative or Arts and Medicine Decorum Interprofessional Leadership/Health advocacy* 20 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Year Year 1 1 2 2 M0: Foundation M1: Human M2: Health & Disease Abnormal ProcessesClinical Integration Biology & Health Normal ProcessesClinically Applied 3 3 M4 TTC: Transition to Clerkship M5: Med 3 Boxes are not scaled 4 4 M6: Med 4 Electives CaRMS Clinical Clerks M7 TTR: UGME M2: Health& Disease M3:Consolidation Transition to Academic Half Day Abnormal Processes Residency • Longitudinal Courses Incorporated into Academic time I. II. III. IV. V. Clinical Reasoning Clinical Skills Indigenous Health Professionalism Population Health Scholarship in Medicine (SiMed 3 and 4) Themes/Disciplines 21 Composite Clinical Presentations (CP4) UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” 4 Step UGME CuRe Preclerkship Course Creation: Sequential Process : Course Leader’s Presentations 4. 3. 2. 1. 4 step UGME CuRe Preclerkship Course Creation: Sequential Process : Course Leader’s Presentations Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” CuReX- Curriculum Renewal Executive Integration Committee- all UGME Directors & Leaders ( ~55) 4. 3. 2. 1. Leader’s Vision within CuRe Framework presentation to Integration Committee Suggestions provided Faculty Development- TBL and Online Learning External Review – Dr. Charles Prober- Stanford May-June 2013 8 meetings 23 FINAL …..V7 Y1 CuRe Preclerkship M0, 1/2: Human Biology , Health and Disease Human Biology and Health Weeks M0 • FOUNDATION M1 1. Blood & Immunology I 4 ---- 2014 Aug 25 - Sept 19 3----------- Sept 22 - Oct 11 6 ----------- Oct 14 - Nov 21 2. CV I and Resp (+ ET) I 4 ------------ Nov 24 - Dec 19 Dec break 3. NeuroScience I(Psych, Neuro + Opth) 2------2015 Jan 5 - Jan 16 4. Musculoskeletal I 5. Endocrine I and Woman’s Reproductive Health I 4------------- Jan 19 - Feb 13 4------------- Feb 17 - Mar 13 6. GI/Hep/Nutrition I and Urinary Tract I TOTAL 27 1------------ Mar 16 – 20 ………. Reading week M2 Health and Disease 1. Intro to Infectious Disease & Therapeutics 2. CV 2 3. Resp (+ ET) 2 Y2 4. Introduction to Oncology 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Blood & Immunology (+ autoimmune diseases)2 NeuroScience (Psych, Neuro, Opth) 2 Woman’s Reproductive Health (WRH) 2 Endocrine 2 GI/Hep/Nutrition 2 Urinary Tract 2 Musculoskeletal 2 and Skin 2 M3 Consolidation 2--------------Mar 23 - April 2 ( Good Friday April 4 ) 7--------------April 7 - May 22 (Easter Monday April 6) 1--------------May 25 - 29 ………..…. Rural week 4--------------Aug 24 - Sept 18 7--------------Sept 21 - Nov 6 3--------------Nov 9 - Nov 27 3--------------Nov 30 - Dec 18 Dec break 3 -----2016 Jan 4 - Jan 22 3--------------Jan 25 - Feb 12 4--------------Feb 16 - Mar 11 1-------------Mar 14 - 18 ……….Reading week 10-------------Mar 24 - May 27 24 Weekly Template…..Year 1 Yr 1 and Yr 2 mirror images for Clinical Skills, CR and Free time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday M1 week 1 WGS or WGS/A 9:00 WGS or WGS/A SGS/T AS AS SGS/T 10:00 WGS or WGS/A SGS/T WGS or WGS/A SGS/LP SGS/LP SGS/T 11:00 WGS or WGS/A WGS or WGS/A AS SGS/T 12:00 AS Lunch Lunch Clinical Reasoning 13:00 14:00 Lunch Lunch Clinical Skills 50% Free time 50% Clinical Reasoning Clinical Skills-50% Clinical Reasoning Lunch Longitudinal Course Clinical Skills-50% 15:00 Longitudinal Course Longitudinal Course Free time -50% Longitudinal Courses Free time- 50% 16:00 Longitudinal Course Longitudinal Course Free 25 4 Step UGME CuRe Preclerkship Course Creation Sequential Process : Course Leader’s Presentations Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” CuReX- Curriculum Renewal Executive Integration Committee- all UGME Directors & Leaders ( 55) 4. 3. 2. Leader’s Course to CuReX • Objectives & Sessions • Feedback provided Oct –Dec 2013 16 meetings 1. Leader’s Vision within CuRe Framework presentation to Integration Committee Suggestions provided Faculty Development- TBL and Online learning External Review – Dr. Charles Prober- Stanford May-June 2013 8 meetings Total Meetings: 24 26 Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Module Courses …..Longitudinal Courses………Selected Themes Scaffolding Module content ……… Longitudinal courses interdigitating with the morning Modular courses Theme content thread through module or longitudinal courses Ensuring scaffolded into, and within clerkship ! 27 Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Longitudinal Courses………………242 Hours through M0-M2. Professionalism (Merril Pauls/Aviva Goldberg) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Population Health ( Joss Reimer) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Clinical Ethics Professionalsim: Medical Humanities: Physician Wellness: History of Medicine: Health Law: Spirituality: 92 41 14 3 13* 6 13 2 114 Concepts of Health and its Determinants: Assessing and Measuring Health Status: Interventions at the Population Level: Administration of effective health programs: Infectious Disease & outbreak Management : Environment: Health of Key Populations: 21 29 16 7 9 8 35 Indigenous Health (Barry Lavellee/Linda Diffey) 37 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Indigenous Health and Ethics : Health Systems and Policy: Issues in Indigenous Health: Community Based: Family & Development: Integrated Sessions 10 6 10 8 3 CE Pro MH PW HM HL SP PR-CE PR-Pro PR-MH PR-PW PR-HM PR-HL PR-SP (including M3 127) HD PH-HD AM PH-AM IP PH-IP Adm PH-Adm ID PH-ID Env PH-Env KP PH-KP IHE HSP IIH CB FD IH- IHE IH-HSP IH-IIH IH-CB IH-FHD 28 4 Step UGME CuRe Preclerkship Course Creation Sequential Process : Course Leader’s Presentations Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” CuReX- Curriculum Renewal Executive Integration Committee- all UGME Directors & Leaders ( 55) 4. Leader’s Course to 3. Integration Committee Objectives & Sessions Suggestion & Feedback Faculty Development- Objectives Student assesssment update Jan – Feb 2014: 6 meetings 2Leader’s . Course to CuReX • Objectives & Sessions • Feedback provided Oct –Dec 2013: 16 meetings 1. Leader’s Vision within CuRe Framework presentation to Total Meetings: 30 Integration Committee Suggestions provided Faculty Development- TBL and Online learning External Review – Dr. Charles Prober- Stanford May-June 2013: 8 meetings 29 Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Longitudinal courses would interdigitate with the morning Modular courses; Theme content would thread through module or longitudinal courses Examples: MO Clinical Skills Communication Clinical Reasoning Critical thinking Metacognition Information science Clinical probabilities Heuristics M1 Normal Physical Exam M2 Abnormal Physical Cases highlighting Cases highlighting Normal process in Pathophysiology and integrated fashion Diseases in integrated paralleling M1 content fashion paralleling M2 Population Health Determinants of health Critical appraisal of linked to M1 course Evaluating treatment eg disabilities in NS1 in each M2 course Professionalism Principles of Clinical Ethics (CE) Clinical Ethic cases in each M2 course 30 4 Step UGME CuRe Preclerkship Course Creation Sequential Process : Course Leader’s Presentations Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” CuReX- Curriculum Renewal Executive 4. CuReX Review Integration Committee- all UGME Directors & Leaders ( 55) Leader’s Course to • Feedback Committee • Student 3. Integration Objectives & Sessions • Approval Suggestion & Feedback Faculty Development Student assessment March 2014 weekly and continue ! update Jan – Feb 2014: 6 meetings 2Leader’s . Course to CuReX • Objectives & Sessions • Feedback provided Oct –Dec 2013: 16 meetings Total Meetings: 30 followed by weekly CuReX 1. Leader’s Vision within CuRe Framework presentation to Integration Committee Suggestions provided Faculty Development- TBL and Online learning External Review – Dr. Charles Prober- Stanford May-June 2013: 8 meetings 31 4 Step UGME CuRe Preclerkship Course Creation Sequential Process : Course Leader’s Presentations Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” CuReX- Curriculum Renewal Executive Integration Committee- all UGME Directors & Leaders ( 55) 4. CuReX Review • Feedback • Student Leader’s Course to 3. Integration Committee • Approval Objectives & Sessions March 2014 weekly Suggestion & Feedback Faculty Development-Objectives Student asesssment update 2.Leader’s Course to CuReX Jan – Feb 2014 6 meetings • Objectives & Sessions • Feedback provided Oct –Dec 2013 16 meetings Total Meetings: 30 followed by weekly CuReX 1. Leader’s Vision within CuRe Framework presentation to Integration Committee Suggestions provided Faculty Development- TBL and Online learning External Review – Dr. Charles Prober- Stanford May-June 2013 8 meetings 32 PreClerkship System Courses Only Pedagogical Approaches : current curriculum by % M1/2 TARGET for lectures: 2009/2010 <30% with all having some interactive component 100 90 80 70 Instrucional Test 60 Lab Practical 50 Assigned Studies 40 Tutorials 30 Lectures 20 10 0 CV RESP EM RP KD NE MSK GI BL UGME Pedagogical Approaches Preclerkship WGS : Whole Group Session …lecture WGS/A: Whole Group Session – interActive audience response – top hat team based learning flipped classroom SGS/T# : Small Group Sessions – Tutorial ideally >6 groups SGS/LP: Small Group Sessions -Lab Practical AS: Assigned Study with designated assignment 34 CuRe: STUDENT ASSESSMENT PLAN – Barry Cohen PRECLERKSHIP: PRINCIPLE: Multiple assessments per course; Frequent spiral assessments per year Module (M0-M3) Courses: • Each M1 and M2 course evaluated and passed separately i.e. No cumulative single block exam • 30% MCQ midterm, with strugglers flagged and assisted ; • 70% MCQ final; Course leader may modify with non MCQ evaluation • Faculty Development from M.C.C. for exam questions • Do not have to pass M0 to proceed to M1 but must pass M1 course to proceed to its respective M2 course • Remediation to occur during other mandatory curricular time i.e Wed + Fri aft if unscheduled Longitudinal Courses: 35 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL FRAMEWORK Consolidation Module (Module 3) 10 weeks Leaders : Kristel Van Ineveld Holly Hamilton Purpose: Ensure all the content from the previous modules are assimilated Applied to patient care in a complex health care environment Ensure ~137 Composite Clinical Presentations have been covered (if not covered elsewhere) at appropriate level. First 2 weeks: Incorporate Derm (10 Hr) & Pain Management (10hrs) Subsequent 8 weeks include: Single symptom presentations with broad differential diagnosis Multisystem Disease – eg complicated diabetes “Themes” or Disciplines such as pediatrics, geriatrics Systemic diseases – eg HIV, SLE ,etc. Health Care Issues- pain, addictions, etc. 36 Format: small group problem solving and clinical reasoning sessions. CuRe: Community Engagement FF#3 April 2012 Person to Community Centered : Social Responsibility and Accountability • • • • Population Health and determinants of health framework Health Advocacy Interprofessional education and care Contextualize health issues – quality, equity and cost effectiveness Curriculum needs to be based upon priority health needs of community and province: We need to engage government, agencies and public Longitudinal Courses: • • • • • Clinical Skills Professionalism Community Health Indigenous Health Scholarly activity with community 37 UGME Longitudinal Clinical Exposure/Engagement Facilitated by engagement with WRHA……Jeanette Edwards…Director, Primary Care Committee: Co-chaired by Anne Durcan and Amanda Condon Dianne Moddemann, Karen Klym, Rob Brown, Nicola Matthews Jose Francois, Barry Lavalee, Keevin Bernstein Tara Petchrynko, Linda Diffey Four Domains: 1. Longitudinal Clinical Experience – preclerkship over 2 years Attach students to a community clinic to follow patients/family as they navigate health care system with chronic disease. Pair Med 1 with Med 2 to incorporate peer teaching/learning 2. Clinical Exposures – visiting various community agencies 3. Rural week for Med 1…ongoing 4. Community exposures TTC….initiated in Aug 2013 38 Next Steps…..To Do List/Challenges Course schedules – fine tuned ! Objectives : UGME Global – revised and approved by CEX Course - Developed by course leaders and instructors Reviewed, modified and approved by CuReX Session - Being reviewed by Dianne Moddemann & Joanne Hamilton Mapping curriculum – objectives and course exam questions Evaluation: Student….Course Exam creation Course and Faculty……mandatory ? Opal: Awaiting update to accommodate new curriculum Upload: Course schedules & syllabi, and session objectives & materials Restructuring admin support: All preclerkship and non departmental clinical activities will be centralized under UGME Clerkship development: Formal academic integration – UGME AHD and core rotations TTR and TTC revisions Next Steps…..To Do List/Challenges Governance …..biggest challenge ! …. Principle: “Fully integrated spiral scaffold curriculum through 4 years” Examples: Clerkship launched in 2013….. • Ensure Clerkship curriculum including AHD, and core rotations leading into TTR is fully integrated to prevent curricular slide and silos Integration within new preclerkship curriculum ….ensuring: • Relevant basic science is integrated into M1/M2 • Longitudinal Courses are integrated • All themes are appropriately represented • Diagnostic Imaging incorporated with anatomy and clinical cases ( as it is in new GiN, UT & MSK courses) • Sessions are interactive 41 UGME CURRICULUM RENEWAL WEBSITE……UM/Faculties/Medicine: all CuRe Information Spreadsheet with each course outline, weekly schedules (M0-M2) …90+ ! Spreadsheet – uploading all course and session objectives ….once finalized Large… Thank You ! 42 Student and Resident participation in CuRe Residents Students Steven Promislow Pol Daras Amit Kaushel Eyal Kraut Elizabeth Berg Terry Colbourne Peter Sytnick Harold Gjerde Anne Finlayson Ryan Chard Jesse Marantz Robert Schmidt Mark Xu 43 Faculty Forum # 1 April 2011 ALL DAY RETREAT 112 PARTICIPANTS 44 CuRe Task group participants: 134 Co-chairs……………………………. 20 Faculty………………………………..84 Students or residents…………. 30 CuRe Task Groups 1. Curriclular Framework Co-Chair: Gary Harding IM EM IM Peds Micro Anat Surg Anat FM Stu Stu Gary Harding Mona Hegdekar Anita Soni Diane Moddemann George Zhanel Jerry Vriend John Lee Maria Vrontakis Susan Hauch Joshua Weiss Dmitri Krassioukow-Enns Resources: Librarian Joanne Hamilton = Student = Resident 2. Pedagogical Approaches Co-Chairs: Jose Francois & Don Houston 3. Integration Co-Chairs: Joanne Embree & Martha Ainslie FM Jose Francois IM Don Houston OBGY Maggie Morris OBGY Maggie Ford IM Brian Anderson UGME Carol Anne Northcott Peds Ana HanlonDearman IM Michael Cossoy Res Steve Promislow Stu Elizabeth Smith Stu Sara Weselake Resources: Librarian Tania Gottschalk Joanne Hamilton Hal Loewen Micro/Peds Joanne IM IM CHPsy Peds UGME Peds Peds/MG IM Anat Stu Stu Res Embree Martha Ainslie Sora Ludwig Mike Teschuk Jayson Stoffman Melissa Grapentine Sergio Fanella Sandra Marles Chris Sathianathan Hassan Marzban Melina Zylbem Carly Lodewyks Amit Kaushal Resources: Librarian Joanne Hamilton 4. Information Literacy Co-Chairs: Judy Littleford & Tania Gottschalk G Anes Judy Littleford r Libr Tania Gottschalk o CPD Brenda Stutsky u Surg Diamond Kassum p Surg Sadeesh Srinathan 4 Psych Ken Zimmer EM Greg Van de Mosselaer IM Sat Sharma UGME Jocelyn Advent Anes Dean Bell IM Claire Ramsey Stu Timo Gosselein Res Elizabeth Berg Resources: Librarian Tania Gottschalk Rob Brown Karen Klym Navjot Dhindsa Ryan Zarychanski Susan Hauch Jonathan Elkin 5 Ingrid Toews IM/MicroFred Aoki IM Nancy Porhownik EM Cheryl ffrench Surg Kris Milbrandt Stu Greg Schmidt Stu TJ Grexton Res James Bohn Res Joe Bednarczyk Resources: Librarian Joanne Hamilton G Bio&MedG Pharm r Path o Bio&MedG u Peds p OBGY Micro 6 Phys Peds CHS MedE Anat Anat Stu2 Stu2 Res Carol Cooke Sherri Vokey 6. Scientific Basis of Medicine Co-Chairs: Francis Amara & Don Smyth 5. Clinical Skills Co-Chairs: Rob Brown & Karen Klym G Anes FMr IMo IMu FM p FM MedE Francis Amara Don Smyth Cindy Ellison James Dalton Juan Pablo Appendino Azzam Hussam Allan Ronald Ian Dixon Cheryl Greenberg Tim Hilderman Charlotte Rhodes Jason Peeler Hassan Marzban Rebecca Vanderhooft Blair Peters Dave Allen Resources: Librarian Michael Tennenhouse 45 7. Health Care Systems & Quality Co-Chairs: Allan Garland & Joel Kettner IM Allan Garland CHS Joel Kettner Surg Alan Menkis Peds Jared Bullard Bio&MedG Laurel Thorlacius IM David Szwajcer FM Amanda Condon IM Allen Kraut Res Sandi Allison Stu Adriana Krawchenko-Shawarsky Stu Ashleigh Sprange Resources: Librarian Orvie Dingwall 8. Social Accountability Framework Co-Chairs: Sharon Macdonald & Julie Beaulac CHM Sharon Macdonald Psych Julie Beaulac FM Anne Durcan FM/CHS OT FM FM Stu Stu Res Barry Lavalle Nelson Oranye Ian Whetter Alex Singer Pol Gomez Lauren Garbutt Mahwash Saeed Resources: Librarian 9. Experiential & Diversified Learning Contexts Co-Chairs: Eunice Gill & Don Klassen Psych FM Peds Eunice Gill Don Klassen Ming-Ka Chan FM Holly Hamilton CHS Gladys Stewart Surg Virginie Pollet UGME Tara Petrychko IM/Geri Phil St. John Psych Randy Goossen Stu Eyal Kraut Janice Linton Stu Res Res Terry Colbourne Sean Udow Jayda McLean Resources: Librarian Joanne Hamilton 10. Generalism Co-Chairs: Clayton Dyck & Glen Drobot FM Clayton Dyck IM Glen Drobot FM Brent Kvern Surg Lawrence Gillman Psych Barry Campbell IM Michael Semus Peds Jeff Hyman Surg Larry Tan IM/GeriKristal van Ineveld Res Ed Tan Stu Mark Epp Stu Colin Barber Resources: Librarian Carol Friesen EM Surg Peds Surg IM Psych FM FM Res Stu Stu Stu 11. Professionalism Co-Chairs: Merril Pauls & Jason Park Merril Pauls Jason Park Aviva Goldberg Patrick McDonald Catherine Moltzan Samia Barakat Florin Padeanu Larry Reynolds Markus Ziesmann Sarah Van Gaalen David Oleski Kate Colizza Resources: Librarian Mark Rabnett jaydayaya@hotmailcom Orvie Dingwall Revised Sept 19, 2011 46 UGME CuRe MILESTONES Created: April 2011 Modified : Oct Dec 2012 2012 June 2014 ACHIEVED: Forum #1 Forum #2 Forum #3 Forum #4 Forum #5 Forum #6 Stakeholder Engagement : Faculty- Student-Post Graduate Government - RHAs - Public April 2011 June 2011 Oct 2011 Dec Dec 2011 2011 Feb 2012 Mar 2012 April 2012 June Mar 2012 2012 Dec Oct April 2012 2012 Jan Dec 2012 2013 Feb Jan 2013 2013 Jan Dec 2013 2012 June 2013 Aug June Aug 2013 2014 2013 Aug 2014 New Clerkship Launched Undergraduate Medical Education 2013 47