Multiple-Choice Test
Lecture Section One
Human trafficking (choose all that apply): a.
Is punishable by law b.
Describes a crime in which the victims must be from another country c.
Is a blanket term for sex trafficking and labor trafficking d.
Is approximately a $30,000,000,000 industry e.
Is modern-day slavery
What is a human trafficker? a.
A person who mediates railroad systems b.
A person who takes, holds or transports someone against their will c.
A person who sells products from their home
By what means do traffickers control victims? a.
They physically force them to do what the trafficker wants b.
They blackmail them, telling the victim that they owe them something c.
They use threats to manipulate victims d.
Any of the above
A “john” is: a.
A trafficker of sex b.
A person who purchases sex c.
An undercover police officer d.
A drug supplier
Intimate Partner Violence is different than trafficking in that: a.
There is no violence involved sex trafficking b.
Victims of Intimate Partner Violence do not experience a loss of control c.
Victims of Intimate Partner Violence may involve couples of any sexual orientation d.
Victims of sex trafficking are sold to a third party, creating revenue for the trafficker
Who creates demand for sex trafficking? a.
Traffickers b.
Victims c.
Johns d.
Which of the following is the most significant issue in fighting trafficking today? a.
Service providers, such as police officers and healthcare workers, are not trained to recognize trafficking situations b.
There are no laws to protect victims
There are no laws in place to prosecute traffickers d.
There is too much pressure from law enforcement on those purchasing sex
Approximately how many people are being trafficked for sex in the United States today? a.
5,500-7,500 b.
15,000-20,000 c.
50,000-100,000 d.
Which is not considered one of the major modes of trafficking? a.
Juvenile prostitution b.
Pimp controlled c.
Survival sex d.
Gang controlled e.
Familial pimping
Which factor is not thought to increase a person’s risk of being trafficked? a.
Neglect during formative years b.
Minority religion c.
Language barrier d.
Disability e.
Cultural barrier
A victim feels loyalty for their controller, and has negative feelings towards those who may harm the controller. Name the term: a.
Extreme stress b.
Sexual confusion c.
Stockholm Syndrome d.
Glamorizing exploitation
Media images of women and abuse play a role in victim’s thought processes towards escaping trafficking. a.
True b.
Lecture Section Two
Why are nurses so important in the fight against trafficking? a.
Nurses, and other healthcare workers, may be some of the few service providers with whom victims ever come into contact b.
Nurses work in many different settings c.
Nurses are trained to view a patient holistically and may recognize subtle signs of maltreatment d.
All of the above
What is a possible sign of sex trafficking? Name all that apply. a.
Tattoos/branding b.
Burn marks c.
Bald patches d.
Malnourishment e.
Untreated chronic conditions
Which psychological condition could be related to trafficking? a.
Depression b.
Suicidal ideation c.
Addictions d.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) e.
All of the above
What is the nurse’s main goal when (s)he encounters a possible trafficking situation? a.
Procure as much information from the victim as possible in order to make a report b.
Give the client information on resources for trafficking victims in the community c.
Convince the victim to try to escape from the trafficker d.
Confront the trafficker, letting him/her know that what they are doing is wrong e.
Be a safe place for the possible victim to share their story should they choose to do so
If talking to a possible victim of trafficking, what is the most crucial thing to remember? a.
What resources are available in the community b.
Talk to the client alone and privately c.
You must call the trafficking hotline while the client is present
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline number is 1-888-
3737-888. a.
True b.
A nurse can call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline number to: a.
Find out information about local resources for victims of trafficking b.
Report a suspected case of trafficking c.
Request more information about trafficking d.
Request a speaker to come educate a group or staff on trafficking e.
All of the above
Which of the following is not involved in safety planning? a.
A nurse-client dialogue about specific steps the client can take to stay safe b.
A nurse-client dialogue about the potential barriers to safety c.
Asking the client if they are comfortable calling 9-1-1 d.
Insisting that the client act on the plan the next time their safety is threatened
Sex trafficking is considered a felony in North Carolina. a.
True b.
In what year did the United States recognize trafficking as a punishable crime with the passing of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act? a.
1998 b.
2000 c.
2004 d.