CJ 250 Q1 Study Guide CJ 250 CH 1 The most important law of

CJ 250 Q1 Study Guide
CJ 250 CH 1
 The most important law of statistics:
o Correlation…
 FDR’s four freedoms
o Freedom of speech/expression
o To worship
o Freedom from want
o Freedom from fear
 Who was FDR?
 What ended his presidency?
 Who followed?
 US- first in homicides in developed nations (define homicide)
 Violent crime:
o “acts committed against another person in violation of a law”
 Murder
 Sexual assault
 Robbery
 Weapons crimes
 Crimes involving bodily harm
 Stats- and how I will use them: broadly
 Fear
o From Media, and personal experience
 Majority (in survey) from media
o Black neighborhood in Atlantic City
 Half knew a victim
 ¼ personally victimized
o Gallup:
 50 % stay away from some areas- question this stat
o Women more fearful than men
o The most fearful (as a groups) report lowest rates of
 = the “fear-victimization paradox”
o A viscous cycle: Bad health→ Fear → isolation→ leads to worse
 Crime data
 From universities and law enforcement agencies
 Indexed by category
 Limits
o Only reported crime
 Non reported includes : other
criminals; family members;
o Little victim data
o Manipulated information
 Philadelphia was dropped
 Crime rate (BOOK IS WRONG) = # of reported crimes/
population of a city x 100,000 (adjusted for population
size if less than 100,000
 Clearance rate = number of crimes police clear by arrest
– note the problem
o Bureau of Justice Statistics national crime victimization survey
 Self reporting is very inaccurate
 Has
 Profiles of vics
 Methods vics use to prevent
 Relationship: perp to vic
 V.C. stats
o Four offenses
Murder and non-negligent manslaughter
Forcible rape
Aggravated assault
 VICAP (violent Criminal apprehension program)
o 82% male
o Most murders are intraracial
o Homicides:
 Handguns over half
 14% by strangers
 Influences
o Individual
 Nature v. nurture
 Adoptees and twins
 The ADHD crap- toss it from your mind
o Familial
 All nurture
 Drug abuse within family = bad
 Stability = good
 Violence is trans-generational
 Imitation is a fundamental animal phenomenon
o Community
 Standards and order/stability
 Aileen Wornos
o Dad= bad guy
o Mom=bad
o Grandparents= very ba
o Small town; disowned
o Convicted of seven murders
 Gary Gilmore
o Did not fight death pen
o Killed two young men
CJ 250 CH 2
 Victimology:
o The study of crime victims and their relationship to offenders and the
criminal justice system
 Cost
o Rape victim
 50K
o Domestic violence
 $4.1 Billion
o All crime victims
 $105 billion
 All P and S = $450 billion
o Who pays
 Insurance
 Gov
 vics
 Vocab
o Tangible
o Intangible
o K=
o n=
o tertiary
o Exposure to death, serious injury of self, others; and
o Response of: intense fear, helplessness, horror
 Flashbacks, sleep disorders, violent outbursts
o Half of all rape vics experience
o 3 cats of symptoms
 Intrusive :intrudes on life
 Avoidance: withdrawal from social contancts
 Hyper-arousal: constant stress
o Rape trauma syndrome
 Culture of victimization
o Dickson: sued family in whose garage he became stuck: won half
o False rape claims: one city = half of all reported
 Classifying vics
o Hentig has 12: note
 immigrants
 “dull normals”
 Vics b/c they are stupid
 Acquisitive
 Vics b/c of own greed
 Tormentors
o Hentig’s Typology (5)
 Innocent
 Vic precipitated
 w/ minor guilt
 equal guilt
 vic of self defense (very guilty vic)
o Wolfgang’s types
 Primary and secondary = target
 Tertiary= public as victim (Blagoyovich)
 Mutual
 Victimless crimes
 Modern Theories
o Dehumanizing groups leads to vics (Jews, etc)
o Expressive disillusionment with systemic inequality
o Victim precipitation
 Putting one’s self in the wrong place
 Active VP
 Provoking
 Passive
 Provoking unknowingly
o Spatial relations
 Proximity of vic of perp
o Broken window theory
o Vics req’s
 Target
 Absence of guardians
 Motivated offenders
 Cyber crime
o Threats
o Stalking
o Child porn
o Luring
o Hacking
 KT’s p54
CJ 250 CH 3
 Intimate violence
o Murder, rape robbery, or assault committed by spouses, ex’s, b/ g
friends – acquaintances, and stalkers
 Stalking
o Carmen…
o Enhanced by electronic media
o Cats
 Simple obsession
 Biggest cat
 Have had prior relationship
 Love obsession
 Fan/celeb stalker
 Erotomaniac
 Love obsession w/Unwilling target
 Fantasy of reciprocity
 False victimization syndrome
 Stalker accuses viv of stalking the stalker
 Largely female
 Legislation
o “willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly harassing or following another”
o Pre leg- vic must have been injured before police action
o All states, dc, and fed
 Interstate commerce
o Wobbler
 Restraining orders
o Const problems
 Vagueness
 Overbroad
 Intimate partner violence
o Dom V, new name
 Threats count
o Underreporting
o Extended vics
 Children
o Explaining
 Cats
 Psychological
 Emotional: sense of self
 Economic: dependence
 Sexual abuse: coerced sexual contact
 Physical
 Legal abuse: think custody battles
 Cycle of violence
 Tension→ explosion→ honeymoon→ tension
o Recognizing signs
 Threats
 Fantasies of violence/suicide
 Weapons
 Obsessiveness
 Pet abuse
 Rage
 Law and DV
o From civil suits against police- DP
o Mandatory arrest laws
o FED = interstate dom violence act
 Elder abuse and neglect
o Living longer
o Nursing homes
 Criminal and civil liability
 Child abuse and neglect
o Abuse/ neglect
o Child hom = 85 % by caregivers
o Signs of
 Aversion
 Diet
 Lack of interest
 Sleep disorders
 Acting out
o Commercial sexual exploitation of children
 Vic for profit
 10 % of homeless youth in sex trade
o Rape
 Define from the Common Law, and how the definition has
o CL: carnal knowledge of a woman forcible and against her will
 Marital immunity rule
 Marital Immunity on the way out (gone)
 Gender neutral
 Non-forcible but still non-consensual
 Any penetration suffices
Force → Consent
 Reasonable mistake as to consent is no defense