

Week 2 Term 4, 2014

Dear Parents,

The staff welcomed back the three staff members who have been on leave. We are pleased to see Jenny, Barb and Sava safely back from their travels overseas.

Graduation: Congratulations to Senen and his parents Alex and Carlos on Senen’s graduation from Larmenier today. We wish you all the best, Senen, as you return to your mainstream school. Goodbye and good luck. We will miss you!!

New Student: Welcome to Dominic and his parents, Claire & Pierre. Dominic will commence on Thursday and will be a member of Jenny’s class group. We wish Dominic and his family an worthwhile and beneficial stay at Larmenier.

Hats: All students need to bring their hats in each day they are here at Larmenier.

Larmenier hats can be purchased from Jan in the front office. The cost of the legionnaire’s hat is $5.

Working Party

The Working Party will meet again today (Monday 27 October) to continue to discuss and plan actions in light of the review recommendations.

Actions from the last meeting:

Referral and Placement process for students to attend Larmenier

Following the Working Party’s meeting last week Patrice Wiseman and Helen Connell developed a new placement timeline in keeping with the recommendation from

Robert Lamb. This involves the Regional Offices now being involved in the referral and placement of a student at Larmenier.

When your child was offered placement at Larmenier, the referral process was carried out by Patrice Wiseman and the mainstream school.

Commencing in 2015 all referrals and possible placements for Larmenier will go through the Regional Office staff. This means schools will contact their regional school advisers/psychologists to discuss placement at Larmenier. As of 2015 all students must

have a diagnosis and need to be eligible for LNSLN funding (Literacy and Numeracy

Special Learning Needs), which comes from Federal funding to CEOM.

Students who commence at Larmenier will be here on a fulltime basis and will remain usually for a period of 12 months.

The members of the group are John Mills (Chair and Manager of the Northern Region),

Peter Annett (DCA), Andrew Butler (BOM Chair and Principal of St Agnes’ Highett),

Maree Holmes (Principal Consultant at the Southern Region Office), Ray Kelly (CEOM

Industrial Relations), Judy Connell, CEOM Manager Student Services) and Helen Connell.

SIS Survey data: The results of the SIS data have been returned. Staff and Leadership will discuss them and what this means for Larmenier. Feedback about our understandings of the results will be given to parents.

Allergies: Can parents please not send any food in your child’s lunch box that has nuts or any traces of nuts. There is a member of our community who is allergic to the nuts and I would appreciate your cooperation in keeping this child free from any reaction/s.

Cooking: Cooking classes commence this week so students do not need their lunch on the day their class attends this class. This week they are making Pizzas.

Calendar Term 4

Weeks Date & Time/s Activity



Monday, 10 November

Monday, 8 December

Andrew Chinn to visit Larmenier

Christmas Mass & Parenting Sessions


Monday 8 December

Tuesday, 16 December

School reports to be posted home

Students final day. School finishes at 2pm

Thought of the Week from John Muir, a Scot-American was instrumental in establishing National Parks in America.

I was fortunate enough to visit Yosemite in California, the Grand Canyon in Arizona and the glacier wilderness in Alaska on my leave. The Americans owe much to John

Muir’s vision and love of the wilderness that these beautiful parks are there for the world to see today. I felt very inspired by this humble man’s words and encourage you to seek out places that inspire you to see the beauty in nature.

Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating ri vers, but as fountains of life.”

In the words of John Muir’s friend, Lawrence Clark Powell:

‘ No man was more influential than John Muir in preserving the Sierra's integrity. If I were to choose a single Californian to occupy the Hall of Fame, it would be this tenacious Scot who became a Californian during the final forty-six years of his life’.

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is located in the central Sierra Nevada of California . Three wilderness areas are adjacent to Yosemite: the Ansel Adams Wilderness to the southeast, the Hoover

Wilderness to the northeast, and the Emigrant Wilderness to the north. We were fortunate to visit the Hoover Wilderness.

Have a good week, Helen
