Revised 1/21/11 Annual Update to Resources: Year 3 A. Human Resources 1) Please provide a description of any changes in Human Resources since your last Program Review/Annual Update. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: We have lost 2 full-time positions to retirement, and have hired a full-time one year temporary position to help staff classes in the 2010-2011 academic year. None of these have been replaced. Further, 2 adjunct faculty members did not return in Spring 2011, and 4 more did not return for Fall 2011. We hired 3 new adjunct instructors, but we are grossly down in numbers. Engineering: No changes. 2) For all plans please describe any progress to achieving measurable outcomes or implementing your program plans for Human Resources identified in your last year’s Program Review or Annual Update. Include any obstacles to achieving or implementing your program plans. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: a. Hire at least one full-time mathematics teacher. One full-time mathematics instructor was requested in Fall of 2008, and again in Fall of 2009. These were not ranked high enough by Instructional Council. We had anticipated one retirement, but instead had two so replacement became critical. A one year replacement position carried us through in limited capacity, but sections were cancelled for Fall of 2010 and Spring 2011. We will be unable to staff core classes for our program if replacement is not granted. The additional loss of adjunct faculty is compounding the problem. Full-timers are carrying much overload to fulfill program needs, and other essential aspects of our program are suffering, including attention to course outlines of and progress on program level assessments. The budget is, of course, the biggest obstacle to achieving our Human Resources program plans, although the lack of a sufficient adjunct faculty pool is another obstacle worth noting. Are program is operating at maximum potential for the current size of the college. If cuts remain intact, we may continue to function at this level. But if growth is expected, we cannot. We are unsure how to proceed with this goal due to frequently changing expectations regarding course offerings. Engineering: a. Hire a full-time engineering/physics technician. Due to current budget constraints, the hiring of a technician was not pursued Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 1 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 b. Develop and engineering adjunct faculty pool. Three potential candidates were identified from local engineering companies. An engineer with a BS in engineering and a Professional Engineering License meets the minimum qualifications for an engineering instructor. One resume was accepted. No interviews were conducted. 3) Please describe any changes or additions to your Program Plans for Human Resources identified in your Program Review (plan description, responsible party(s), resources needed, plan timeline, measurable outcomes, indicate is a plan supports a strategic plan of the college). Mathematics: The Math department previously requested 1 growth position that was not funded. We believe we could support 3 faculty positions (one growth, and 2 replacement positions due to retirements). However, due to the district’s decision to cut summer school, and the potential for next year’s course offerings to be further cut, we chose to request 2 replacement positions last year, since it is expected that the growth pattern at College of the Sequoias will not resume for some time. The feeling of the math faculty is mixed. Many do not want to ask for replacement in response to the events from last year, when our position was pulled after it was offered. Feelings of disrespect resound, as hours were poured into hiring, and then abandoned abruptly. There is hesitation to go forward this year at all for fear of a repeat. After meeting to discuss, we have decided to ask for one, rather than two, positions, and do so with hesitation. We may rescind our request, pending new information that becomes available during the next few months. Plan Description (New or Altered) Responsible Party(s) 1. Altered Plan: Hire 1 full-time math faculty member Instructional Council/ District/ Math department Resources Needed Salary + Benefits Plan Timeline Start Date Fall 2012 Plan Outcomes Permit sufficient course offerings for students Engineering: The Engineering department would still like to pursue the hiring of a full-time technician (in conjunction with the physics department), but realizes this is not feasible under current budgetary constraints. Thus, the timeline for this position will be postponed. The Engineering department will continue to develop a list of individuals that might be interested in adjunct faculty positions within the engineering program. Adjunct faculty may be required if the primary engineering professor's duties change due to grant responsibilities or changes in teaching loads with the physics department. Rather than a specific time deadline, this will be an ongoing activity. Plan Description (New or Altered) 1. Altered Plan: Hire full time engineering/physics Responsible Party(s) Engineering Faculty Division Chair Resources Needed Salary + Benefits Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Plan Timeline Start date Fall 2016 Plan Outcomes Engineering and physics equipment is better maintained Page 2 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 technician District 2. Altered Plan: Create an engineering adjunct faculty pool. Dean, Division Chair, Engineering Faculty Time Continuing and faculty is better able to concentrate on faculty responsibilities. Pool of available engineering adjunct faculty to use as needed. B. Physical Resources 1) Please provide a description of any changes in Physical Resources since your last Program Review/Annual Update. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: Math has acquired 2 offices in John Muir as a trade for the two-person office in Sequoia (150), which was necessary to assist the college’s remodeling efforts. Engineering: No change. 2) For all plans please describe any progress to achieving measurable outcomes or implementing your program plans for Physical Resources identified in your last year’s Program Review or Annual Update. Include any obstacles to achieving or implementing your program plans. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: a) Pursue assignment of another classroom to Math/Engineering. This plan was achieved last year, and we are now comfortable with the number of math classrooms. Due to the reduction in class offerings, rooms are less of an issue. Engineering: a. Locate additional storage space. Additional storage space is required for some larger pieces of engineering equipment used for engineering competitions (ramps, targets, projectile launchers, etc.) that will not fit in the current storage space in JM 208. These items were previously stored in the storage rooms associated with Rooms 5 and 9 of the Sequoia Building prior to engineering and MESA moving to John Muir. Some equipment has been stored in JM 115, but needs to be removed as the biology department intends to create a library and study center in that room. A reorganization of the storage Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 3 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 room of JM 208 is currently underway and it is believed that space will be available for storing the equipment there. b. Evaluate laboratory equipment and purchase as needed. Equipment for ENGR 3 and ENGR 4 laboratories was purchased with both departmental supply money and PASEO grant funds. The equipment included Vernier data acquisition units that can be used for a variety of data collection purposes using various sensors. This will be an ongoing item since equipment wears out, new experiments are developed and needs change. c. Purchase a rapid prototyping machine. A number of rapid prototyping machines (3D printers) were evaluated and prices were obtained. At the current time, the price of these devices is still prohibitive for a machine with the features needed for general class use (approximately $20k). However, prices continue to drop so it may be a viable purchase in the near future. In addition, experimental do-it-yourself units are available for an entry-level experience with rapid prototyping. 3) Please describe any changes or additions to your Program Plans for Physical Resources identified in your Program Review (plan description, responsible party(s), resources needed, plan timeline, measurable outcomes, indicate is a plan supports a strategic plan of the college). Mathematics: Mathematics will need additional office space to accommodate the additional position, should this ever come to pass. We would also like to trade our office space in Kern for space in John Muir to better centralize staff. Office space in better proximity to MESA would also benefit our students. We would also like to have access to larger class rooms. The need to accommodate more students with less has left math struggling to find classrooms that are big enough. Plan Description (New or Altered) Responsible Party(s) Resources Needed None Plan Timeline 1. Altered Plan: 1 additional office District 2. New Plan: Primary scheduling rights to one or more John Muir classrooms. 3. New Plan: Trade office space in Kern for office space in john Muir District/Dean/Division None Chair Classroom availability Fall 2012 District/Dean/Division None Chair Office available Fall 2012 Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Office available Fall 2012 Plan Outcomes Provide necessary location for new faculty to serve students Provide adequate accommodations to serve student demands. Provide more centralized location for math faculty, and provide better access to MESA students. Page 4 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 Engineering: Plan Description (New or Altered) 1. Altered Plan: Evaluate engineering laboratory equipment and purchase additional or replacement equipment as needed. 2. Altered Plan: Purchase a rapid prototyping machine (3D printer) Responsible Party(s) Resources Needed Plan Timeline Plan Outcomes Engineering faculty Time Funding Ongoing Sufficient equipment to meet increased enrollments in engineering laboratories. Engineering faculty Funding Ongoing until right combination of price and features can be found. Ability to create 3 dimensional parts using our existing 3D solid modeling software. C. Technology Resources 1) Please provide a description of any changes in Technology Resources since your last Program Review/Annual Update. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: The PASEO grant funded Geometer’s Sketchpad, and Vision software for several classrooms, and purchased ELMOs for Kaweah 202A and 204A. The Vision software replaced the software that was lost during the upgrade to Windows 7, as mentioned in last year’s annual update. Engineering: Four Vernier data acquisition units were purchased with PASEO funds. The Vernier units can be connected to laptop computers to collect data during various engineering experiments. 2) For all plans please describe any progress to achieving measurable outcomes or implementing your program plans for Technology Resources identified in your last year’s Program Review or Annual Update. Include any obstacles to achieving or implementing your program plans. Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 5 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: a. Purchase geometer’s sketchpad and Vision software. This software was purchased through the PASEO grant. b. Add ELMOs to Kaweah 202A and 204A. These were purchased through the PASEO grant. Engineering: a. 35 laptop computers in JM 208 upgraded. These laptops were originally scheduled to be replaced by computer services in Summer 2010. That was postponed until Summer 2011. The replacement has again been pushed back one more year. They are scheduled to be replaced in Summer 2012. The age and speed of these laptops is showing. When using the current version of SolidWorks (CAD sofware) in ENGR 1, the laptops can be very slow at times which can be a frustrating experience for the students. 3) Please describe any changes or additions to your Program Plans for Technology Resources identified in your Program Review (plan description, responsible party(s), resources needed, plan timeline, measurable outcomes, indicate if a plan supports a strategic plan of the college). Mathematics: No new plans at this time. Engineering: Upgrading of laptop computers has been postponed for the second year. Plan Description (New or Altered) 1. Altered Plan: 35 laptops in John Muir 208 upgraded. Responsible Party(s) Computer Services Resources Needed Funding Computer services personnel Plan Timeline Summer 2012 Plan Outcomes Computers that are up to date and capable of running demanding engineering graphics software. D. Financial Resources 1) Please provide a description of any changes in Financial Resources since your last Program Review/Annual Update. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: We are unaware of any changes in Financial Resources. Engineering: No change. Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Page 6 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 2) For all plans please describe any progress to achieving measurable outcomes or implementing your program plans for Financial Resources identified in your last year’s Program Review or Annual Update. Include any obstacles to achieving or implementing your program plans. Discussion and Analysis: Mathematics: N/A Engineering: a. Submit MSEIP grant proposal in Spring 2011. The Department of Education postponed the release of the RFP until late summer of 2011 just prior to the beginning of the fall semester with a very short deadline. There was not sufficient time to put together a good proposal. In addition, it is desirable to see what needs are not being met by the PASEO grant in order to write a complementary rather than duplicative proposal. We will evaluate whether to submit a proposal in the next funding round. b. Restore Engineering Department supply budget. Budget has not been restored to previous levels. 3) Please describe any changes or additions to your Program Plans for Financial Resources identified in your Program Review (plan description, responsible party(s), resources needed, plan timeline, measurable outcomes, indicate is a plan supports a strategic plan of the college). Mathematics: None. Engineering: Updates to timelines as noted. Plan Description (New or Altered) 1. Altered Plan: Evaluate and submit MSEIP grant proposal to Department of Education. 2. Altered Plan: Restore Engineering Department budget to previous levels. Responsible Party(s) Resources Needed Owens Urtecho Time Urtecho Keen Owens Financial Services Funding Time Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Plan Timeline Spring or Summer of 2012 dependent upon Dept of Ed schedule. Restored budget for 2012/2013 academic year. Plan Outcomes Grant proposal submitted Ability to purchase necessary software, equipment and supplies. Page 7 of 8 Revised 1/21/11 Evaluation Criteria – Annual Update for Resources -- IV Evaluation Criterion Excellent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Progress towards implementing and achieving program plans Annual progress (or lack of progress) is discussed with regard to each and every program plan identified within the current program review cycle. Obstacles are identified & alternative solutions are proposed. On rare occasion, the annual progress of a program plan referenced within the current program review cycle may e mistakenly overlooked or omitted. Obstacles are identified and described, but alternative solutions may not have been proposed in all plans. A discussion of annual progress (or lack of progress) is absent with regard to more than one program plan identified within the current program review cycle. Obstacles may be identified, but not explained. And/or Solutions are not consistently tied to changes made to resources and plans. A.2., B.2., C.2., D.2. Identification of obstacles and solutions A.2., B.2., C.2., D.2. And/or And All solutions are reflected in changes to resource utilization and program planning. Alterations/additions to program plans A.3., B.3., C.3., D.3. Changes to resources and plans are identified, analyzed and justified within the context of the program mission and/or existing program plans. Occasionally these solutions may not be tied to changes in resource utilization and program planning. Changes to resources and plans are identified and described as they relate to the program mission and/or existing program plans. Annual Update to Resources/ Academic Program Review Changes to resources and plans are identified, but little or no explanation with regard to the program mission and/or existing program plans is included. Page 8 of 8