CAT II/III Workshop

CAT II/III Workshop
Flight Operations View
Operations View
• General Concepts ICAO/JAA/FAA
• Approval Process
– Aircraft Requirements
– Aerodrome Requirements
– Air Operator
• CAT II DH<200 (60m)>=100(30m) and
RVR >= 1200ft (350m) (JAA 1000 (300)
• Sufficient visual reference for a manual
• Equivalent level of safety by;
– airborne equipment
– ILS Facility
• Equivalent level of safety by:
visual aids
flight crew training/procedures
ATC procedures
aircraft maintenance
airfield maintenance
criteria for obstacle clearance
• ICAO/FAA - CAT IIIA DH <100(30m) or
no DH and RVR >= 700ft (200m) (JAA
always DH)
• ICAO/FAA - CAT IIIB DH <50ft (15m) or
no DH RVR < 700ft (200m) not <150ft
(50m) (JAA 250ft(75m))
• Not sufficient references to permit visual
• Minimum to allow pilot to decide whether
aircraft will land in touchdown zone (CAT
IIIA) and ensure safety during roll-out (CAT
• Desired level of safety achieved with more
stringent requirements
• Decision altitude/height (DA/H) - is
the wheel height above the runway elevation
by which a go-around must be initiated unless
adequate visual reference has been established
and the aircraft position and approach path
have been assessed as satisfactory to continue
the approach and landing in safety (JAA)
Decision Height
• JAA - for CAT II and CAT IIIA the visual
reference to contain not less than a 3 light
• JAA - CAT IIIB visual reference to contain
one centreline light
Alert Height
• Alert Height - height above runway based on the
characteristics of the aeroplane and its fail
operational automatic landing system, above
which a CAT III approach would be discontinued
and a missed approach initiated if a failure
occurred in one of the redundant parts of the
automatic landing system, or in the relevant
ground equipment
Alert Height
• Fail-operational automatic landing system if in the event of a failure, the approach, flare
and landing can be completed by the remaining
part of the automatic system.
• Fail-passive automatic landing system - in
the event of a failure there is no significant
deviation of aeroplane trim, flight path or
altitude but the landing will not be completed
Alert Height
• Go-around above Alert Height for failures
(AFM) affecting fail operational system
• Below Alert Height continue except for
Autoland warning
• Height evaluated during certification typically 100 - 200feet
• Operators can select lower Alert Height
• Runway Visual Range - range over which a pilot
of an aircraft on the centreline of the runway can
see the runway surface markings or the lights
delineating the runway or identifying its centreline
• Transmissometers strategically located
• Three basic portions of runway - the touchdown
zone (TDZ), the mid-runway portion (MID) and
the rollout portion or stop end
For CAT II TDZ required
For CAT III TDZ and Mid required
For lowest weather FAA requires all
For CAT III with no DH JAA require only one
RVR is not the Slant Visual Range (SVR) seen
by the pilot
RVR Minima
• Pilots require 1-3 seconds to establish visual contact
• To establish lateral position pilots required to see not less
than three lights
• To maintain lateral most pilots require to be able to see a
lateral element of ground pattern
• Vertical plane - see a point which has low apparent
movement relative to the aircraft
RVR Minima
• Establish an RVR to to be associated with that DH to
ensure required visual reference is established
• Correlation between visual segment SVR - RVR
• Eye position is important
• Landing lights can obscure required visual reference
Minimum Approach
Break-off Height
• MABH is the lowest height above ground
measured by radio-altimeter such that if a
missed approach is initiated without external
– in normal operation, the aircraft does not touch the
ground during the procedure
– with an engine failure it can be demonstrated that
an accident is extremely improbably
Minimum Approach
Break-off Height
• Used by JAA but being phased out
• Replaced by minimum DH or indication in
AFM of altitude loss during automatic go
around - either MABH or altitude loss in
AFM can be use to determine minimum DH
in CAT III operation
Types of Minima
• Airfield Operating Minima - established in
accordance with aerodrome OCH
• Operator Minima - Lowest minima approved by
authority for use by an air operator
• Crew Minima - lowest for a crew depending on
their qualification/experience
• Aircraft minima - demonstrated during aircraft
certification and found in the AFM
Approval Process
Regulatory Approval
Flight Crew
Approval Process
Aircraft requirements
Airfield requirements
CAT II/III cert ification
CAT II/III facilities
Operator’s duties
Crew training
Flight P rocedures
Maintenance programme
Airf ield operating
Simulator training
In-line operation
M onitoring
• Aircraft Requirements
• Aerodrome Requirements
• Air Operator
• Approval Process
Aeroplane and
Aeroplane and
Equipment Certification
• Aircraft requires CAT II/III approval
• Operational approval is required
• JAR AWO section 1 (Autoland), Section 2
CAT II and section 3 (CAT III)
• FAA AC20-57A (autoland), AC 120-29
(CAT II) and AC 120-28D (CAT III)
Aeroplane and
Equipment Certification
• Equipment listed in AFM to be operative
• MEL indicate status of CAT II/III
• Automatic landing certification requires
simulations, assessments and flight test
• Touchdown, roll-out, automatic landing
with various configurations and conditions
Aeroplane and
Equipment Certification
• Successful approach
– No system failure from 150m
– Speed maintained +/- 5 knots (no
– Position of the aircraft between 90m and
the DH - deviation of Glide path and
Localizer do not exceed the values for
excess deviation alerts
• Standards and Recommendations from
ICAO Annex 10 (ILS) and ICAO Annex 14
(Aerodrome) are internationally accepted
• Additional requirements/variants may be
found in national regulations
• Summary view of typical CAT II/III airfield
Requirements - Runway
Runway length - operational requirement
Runway width - normally < 45m
Slope 1st/last quarter < 0.8%
Auto Landing - maximum 2% per 30m in area just
before threshold (60m by 200m)
• Objects on runway strip - nil within 60m of centreline
(except frangible)
• Taxi-holding positions not < 90m
Aerodrome Requirements
Visual Aids -Aerodrome
• Markings centreline, touchdown, taxiway, taxiholding position markings
• High intensity threshold, runway end lights,
runway touchdown zone lights and runway
centreline lights, taxiway centreline lights if
<400m visibility, stop bars <400m visibility
Aerodrome Requirements
Visual Aids - Approach
• Approach Lights required for CAT II
• Extended centreline, side row, crossbar
Aerodrome Requirements
Obstacle Clearance Area
• Obstacle Clearance Altitude/Height (OCH/OCA) lowest height above threshold (aerodrome) used in
establishing compliance with appropriate obstacle
clearance criteria
• Minimum DH for CAT II cannot be less than
established OCH/A
• OCH/A is a function of aircraft category
Aerodrome Requirements
Obstacle Clearance Area
• Obstacle Free Zone
– airspace above inner approach surface, inner
transitional and balked landing surfaces and
that portion of the strip
– not penetrated by obstacles except frangible
mounted required for air transportation
Aerodrome Requirements
ILS Facility
• Three categories (Annex 10)
– 60m (200ft) for CAT I
– 15m (50ft) for CAT II (acceptable to be used
for CAT III with the highest minima (DH
not< 50ft)
– Runway surface and along the runway for
Aerodrome Requirements
ILS Facility
• ILS Critical Area - aircraft/vehicles are excluded
during all ILS operations because they will cause
disturbances to ILS signal
• ILS Sensitive Area - area extending beyond the
critical area where movement and/or parking of
aircraft and vehicles is controlled to prevent the
• ILS beam to be protected by longitudinal
Aerodrome Requirements
RVR Measurements
Number depend on type of operation
Generally 110 to 150m from centreline
Nominally 5m-10m in height
ICAO recommends readout of 50m increments
when RVR less than 800m and 25m increments
when RVR less than 150m
• Normally ATC give Mid unless the others lower
Aerodrome Requirements
• % of unserviceable lights not to exceed 5%
• Recommended not adjacent lights
• Secondary power supply with switchover of
maximum of 1 second
• ILS installations ground and flight checked
Aerodrome Requirements
• Each Aerodrome to develop Low Visibility
Procedures to include:
– Procedures for ATC to be quickly informed of
all degradations of ILS performance
– Procedures for ATC to be quickly informed of
any degradations in visual aids
– Procedures for protection of OFZ by control of
ground traffic
Aerodrome Requirements
• Each Aerodrome to develop Low Visibility
Procedures to include:
– Procedures for protection of ILS critical and
sensitive areas and between aircraft
– Procedures for met services
– Procedures for maintenance
– Procedures for security
Air Operator Approval
Air Operator Approval
Aircraft type - AFM (Certification)
Aerodrome equipment - qualify
Aerodrome Operating Minima
Flight Crew Training
Flight Crew Procedures
Maintenance Program
Operational Demonstration
Air Operator Approval
• Operator take account of:
– aircraft performance
– composition of flight crew
– runway which may be used
– adequacy of visual and non-visual aids
– aircraft navigation equipment
– obstacle clearance height
– availability of met reports
Air Operator Approval
• Air Operator to ensure DH not lower than:
– DH specified in the AFM
– Minimum DH to which precision approach can
be used
– The OCH for category of aircraft
– The DH for which the flight crew is authorised
– 100ft(30m)
Air Operator Approval
• An air operator to ensure that DH not
lower than:
– Minimum DH in the AFM
– Minimum DH to which the precision
approach can be used
– The DH to which the crew is authorised
Air Operator Approval
– ICAO/JAA/FAA slight differences
– RVR Minimum related to DH
– Increase DH Increase RVR
– For RVR values less than 300m a goaround is assumed in event of auto-pilot
Air Operator Approval
Flight Crew Procedures
Satisfactory check of aircraft equipment
Effect on minima of failures - aircraft and ground
Procedures for approach, flare and roll-out
Procedures for failures/warnings
Minimum visual reference
Importance of correct seating eye position
Action to take if visibility deteriorates
Air Operator Approval
Flight Crew Procedures
• Allocation of crew duties to permit PIC to devote
himself to supervision/decision making
• Calls below 200ft - one pilot on instruments at all times
• Requirement for localizer area to be protected
• Use of information relating to wind, turbulence
• Procedures to use for practice approaches
• Information on maximum deviation allowed
Air Operator Approval
Flight Crew Procedures
Flight preparation procedures
Approach preparation procedures
Approach Procedures
Failures and associated actions
– Continue
– Revert to higher minimum
– Go Around and reassess
Air Operator Approval
Flight Crew Procedures
• Failures - Continue/Revert/Go Around
– > 1000 Continue with higher DH if conditions met
– < 1000 Go around and reassessment
– Below AH go around required for autoland warning
• Abnormal Procedures
– Provided in AFM
– Simplified procedures found in FCOM
Air Operator Approval
Flight Crew Training
• CAA requirements to be met
– Ground training requirements
– Simulator Training requirements
– Initial, recurrent, conversion
– Type and command experience
Air Operator Approval
• Airbus aircraft CAT II/III inherent functions
• Air operator required to seek approval from
• Specific maintenance program
• Reliability program to be extended to monitor,
track and control - > 95%
Air Operator Approval
Procedures to govern the capability of aircraft
Upgrading/downgrading procedure to be defined
Dispatch policy based on MEL
Dispatch criteria and status recorded in the
Technical Log
• Requirements for tests to verify the CAT III
capability to be established
Air Operator Approval
Operational Demonstration
• To establish that the air operator can carry out
CAT II/III with the appropriate success rate and
level of safety
• Performance and reliability meet airworthiness
• Attention given to flight and maintenance
Air Operator Approval
Operational Demonstration
Flight reports and/or recordings
Recordings required for DH < 50ft
Resulting approach/landing success rate
Unsuccessful approaches due to ATC
factors and/or ground facility difficulties
may be excluded if proofs provided
Air Operator Approval
Operational Demonstration
• Data Collection Crew Report:
airfield and runway used
weather conditions
time, adequacy of speed control
out of trim
capability of information (FD, AFCS, raw)
position through 100 ft and at touchdown
reason for failure if approach aborted
Air Operator Approval
Operational Demonstration
• New Type:
– 6 months at 200ft with procedures for lower
limits in place
– Summary report to indicate to 90% confidence
level that 95% would be successful
– No failure for 30 approaches
– then 6 months at 50 ft with procedures for
lower limits in place
Air Operator Approval
Operational Demonstration
• New Type:
– then 6 months at 50 ft with procedures for
lower limits in place
– summary report to indicate to 90% confidence
level that deviations are not worse than
recorded during the certification programme
– typically 100 landings
– sources of data distributed evenly
Air Operator Approval
Continuos Monitoring
• Continue to provide reports of service
• Number of approaches, by type where CAT II
or III equipment was utilised to make
satisfactory, actual or practice approaches to
the applicable CAT II or III minima
• Unsatisfactory approaches by aircraft/airfield
• Detect any decrease in the level of safety
Air Operator Approval
Autoland in > CAT I
Training purposes or data gathering
CAT I beam - to be checked
Terrain profile to be checked
Generally accepted without activation of low
visibility procedures
• Crew authorisation to be required
• Crew procedures established
• Vigilant for ILS disturbances
Approval Process
Aircraft requirements
Airfield requirements
CAT II/III cert ification
CAT II/III facilities
Operator’s duties
Crew training
Flight P rocedures
Maintenance programme
Airf ield operating
Simulator training
In-line operation
M onitoring