Marketing Mix: 4 P's Product, Promotion, Price, Place

Franklin Pierce University
Small Business Advisory Group
New England Forest Products
Fall 07’
Chair: Jennifer Omasta
Alternate Chair: Mahia Valle
Researcher: Jenna Hunt
Logo Design: Nick Degon
Editor: Luke Ferreira
Alternate Secretary: Krystin
Power-Point: John Garrity
SSPS Software: Jennifer Russo
Secretary: Eric Yoshikawa
Spring 08’
Chair: Jennifer Omasta
Alternate Chair: Krystin Dragonetti
Secretary: Eric Yoshikawa
Logo Design: Nick Degon
Researcher: John Dillon and Joe
Power-Point: Beth Ellis, Adam
McClellan, and Lindsy Girard
Editor: Taylor Michaud
Alternate Secretary: Jen Gagne
Google Researcher: Chris Lacaillade
Description of the Business and
New England Forest Products, located in Greenfield, NH, is a
sawmill that specializes in retail and wholesale hardwood
Owned by David and Deborah Buxton.
David, a licensed professional forester, has been in the forest
management industry for over 26 years.
Established in 1993.
Description of the Business and
History Cont.
“In 1997, there was a setback. On July 3, a freak tornado
whipped through the area-leaving the newly renovated mill a
pile of rubble. With help from many local people the mill was
up and running again within 6 weeks. This was no easy task
and the fact that mill was up and running again in 6 weeks,
employees never having lost a day of work, and all markets
intact was a testament to what it takes to survive and succeedcommitment and community.”-NEFP website
Description of the Business and
History Cont.
NEFP works with several logging and trucking subcontractors.
It employs 13 on-site workers.
Employs 4-5 logging crews, over 50 independent loggers,
truckers, and many types of land owners throughout New
NEFP buys more than 5 million feet of wood annually.
Wood types include: red oak, soft maple, white ash, and birch.
Description of the Business and
History Cont.
By-products from the mill are processed into bark mulch for
landscaping and sawdust, which is sold locally and made into
wood pellets.
Lumber is also available for retail sales.
Local customers purchase lumber for anything from barns to
raised gardens and flower beds.
The milled wood is often made into architectural mill-work –
flooring, stair treads, cabinets to name a few products.
NEFP is in the process of opening a retail outlet.
Current Economic Conditions
More difficult to buy logs.
More difficult to sell manufactured lumber.
Increased foreign competition from China and South America.
China manufactures a lesser-quality lumber than native
Drop in lumber prices due to depressed real estate market and
Economic Conditions Cont.
Economic Conditions Cont.
Background and the Industry
Wood has been an important construction material since the
beginning of time.
Hardwood tends to come from broad leaved trees, produce a
fruit or nut, and can survive in the winter.
Hardwood is of higher density and hardness than softwood.
Hardwoods are used to build furniture, cabinetry, flooring,
utensils, etc.
The hardwood industry in the northeast depends on private
forest owners for their raw material supply.
Future Goals
An expansion project to turn workers’ 50 hour weeks into 40
hour weeks without sacrificing production.
New computer equipment/software to tally production levels.
Minimize waste, be efficient, and Green Focus.
Focus on developing local market.
Focus on developing new retail outlet on site.
Marketing Mix: 4 P’s
Product, Promotion, Price, Place
Product: The SBA Group prioritized on hard wood products
for retail.
Promotion: The SBA Group prioritized on website
development and logo design.
Price: The SBA Group thematically emphasized competitive
Place: The SBA Group focused on developing a primary local
market in Southern NH, and a secondary international/global
Website Design Layout
Suggested Home-Page Layout
Home-Page Suggestions
Re-construct the format of the homepage.
Create each page with a link back to the homepage, to help
simplify navigation.
Create a short statement using keywords to welcome and
inform potential customers about New England Forest
Less is more!!! Take away clutter and excess information on
the homepage, and add links to important areas.
Home-Page Suggestions Cont.
Use a slogan for the homepage
Delete existing opener- “Practicing the highest level of
professional forestry”
Add a new slogan; Here are some possibilities:
NEFP, locally grown, nationally used.
Wood products from your own back yard.
New England Forest Products committed to providing the finest
quality timber since 1993.
Imagine what our wood could become.
Professionalism with a touch of family.
Family ran, community built.
Branching out to you, for you.
Home-Page Suggestions Cont.
Create a short statement, using keywords:
Google advertising has generated some keywords that people
search for in relation to purchasing wholesale or retail forest
To be an effective website, and also to boost popularity and
search ratings, NEFP must create a short statement informing
the public about the company, using some of these keywords.
Google Advertising
Google AdWords
You create your ads.
Your ads appear on Google.
You create ads and choose keywords (words or phrases related to your
Get keyword ideas
When people search on Google using one of your keywords, your ad
may appear next to the search results. Now you're advertising to an
audience that's already interested in you.
You attract customers.
People can simply click your ad to make a purchase or learn more
about you. You don't even need a webpage to get started - Google will
help you create one for free. It's that easy!
Google AdSense
Maximize your site's revenue potential with contextually
targeted ads.
Customize ads to complement the look and feel of your site.
Track the success of different formats and locations with
online reports.
Getting Paid
How do I get paid?
Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
You get paid whenever someone on your site clicks on one of the
AdSense ads. Advertisers can also bid to appear on your site on a CPM
(cost per thousand impressions) basis. Both CPC and CPM bids compete
in the AdWords program to ensure that you optimize your ad revenue.
Google has an EFT payment system available in a number of countries,
which will help get your AdSense earnings delivered directly to your
bank account every month without any additional effort.
How much do I get paid?
How much you earn depends on a number of factors including how much
an advertiser bids on your site -- you'll receive a portion of what the
advertiser pays. The best way to find out how much you'll earn is to sign
up and start showing ads on your web pages.
Suggested Google Terms
American forest products
Building materials
Certified forest products
Forest product
Forest products
Forest products company
Hardwood products
Lumber company
Lumber prices
Lumber products
Kiln Dried Wood
Lumber supplier
Lumber yard
Wholesale lumber
Wholesale products
Wood forest products
Hardwood Lumber
Deborah Buxton’s
Suggested Terms
Licenseced forester
Forest management
Timber appraisal
Log buyer
Procurement forester
Tree farm
KD Lumber
Kiln dried lumber
Grade stakes
Current use
Management plan
Retail lumber
Wholesale lumber
Buy local
Buy green
Bark mulch
Custom sawing
1 common
2 Common
3A Common
Sound 3B
Rough cut
Stair treads
Recommended Text
New England Forest Products is a lumber supplier seeking to
meet your forest product needs. Whether it be a small or large
project, our diverse wholesale and retail selections of
hardwood and softwood allow us to do our job to ensure every
customer leaves as a satisfied one. We specialize in kiln dried
wood and hardwood lumber products. Our mill and retail
outlet is located on Route 31 in Greenfield, New Hampshire.
Green- Google Keywords
Red- Deborah Buxton’s Keywords
Blue- Google & Deborah Buxton’s Keywords
“About Us” Link
Rather than have a major link labeled “mission” on the
homepage, an “About Us” link would be more strategic.
Should be more condensed.
Other Layout Suggestions
Should have links along the side of the page (or top or bottom)
to the following related areas: Mission, History, Meet The
Staff, Location/Directions, Careers, and In the News.
“About Us” Link
Recommended Edited Text
New England Forest Products is a retail and wholesale lumber producer. We are a
hardwood mill focusing on quality northern hardwoods, such as red oak, maple,
white ash, and birch. Our customers purchase lumber for various projects, including
raised garden beds, truck and trailer decking, sideboards for trucks, blocking, sheds,
barns, custom flooring, stair treads, and cabinets. By-products from the mill are also
processed into landscaping products, including mulch and sawdust, used for wood
pellets. That we are a green company that cares for the environment, and we apply
sustainable practices ensures high quality products.
“We like to think of this company as one that is involved with the practice of
forestry involving many different aspects – from educating and working with
landowners who share our mission of conscientious management of a sustainable
and important resource, to the manufacturing of a product actually made here in the
United States.
There are many changes happening in the industry. More products are being
manufactured outside of this country. The term ‘exotic woods’ sometimes translates
to endangered species and illegal logging. The products we manufacture here are
being produced as part of good forestry, and we are proud of that fact. By
practicing good forestry and good business, we are hopefully leaving a better world
for the future!”-NEFP Website
“Mission” Link
Recommended Text
NEFP needs a mission statement
None exists on the website
An example of a possible mission statement
Our mission at New England Forest Products is to provide our
customers with the highest quality wood products, at a competitive
price, using environmentally friendly practices.
“History” Link
Recommended Edited Text
New England Forest Products was established in 1993. The mill was formerly the site
known as M.E. Smith’s mill. Dave Buxton, owner of the mill, is a licensed professional
Forester (LPF#180) for the State of New Hampshire. After graduating from the
University of New Hampshire with a degree in forestry, Buxton worked as county
forester for Hillsborough and Coos counties. Eventually, he earned the position of
Marketing and Utilization Specialist for the University of New Hampshire. He left the
University system and began to work in the private sector.
In 1993, he purchased the current business site located on Route 31. Over the years, he
had established relationships with landowners interested in good forest management, as
well as local loggers. These relationships are an integral part of the success of New
England Forest Products. Dave expanded the business - upgrading the equipment to
increase efficiency and productivity of the mill.
In 1997, the was a setback. On July 3, a freak tornado whipped through the area –
leaving the newly renovated mill a pile of rubble. With the help of NEFP’s neighbor
across the street, American Steel; a local builder, Norm Shephard, as well as many
friends, the mill was up and running again within 6 weeks. This was no easy task and
the fact that the mill was up and running again in six weeks – employees never having
lost a day of work, and all markets intact – was a testament to what it takes to survive
and succeed – commitment and community!!
“Meet the Staff” Link
Since it is a small family ran company, people would like a
meet the staff section.
The SBA Group believes it will benefit the company as it will
show the consumer that they care about family values and
“Directions” Link
Located on Route 31 (also known as Sawmill Road) in
Greenfield, N.H.
Give directions to the mill from major cities/towns throughout
Mass and NH.
Include a map
“Careers” Link Suggestions
We recommend that the About Us page should include a direct
link to career opportunities at the mill.
“In the News and Testimonials”
Link Suggestions
We recommend that the About Us page include the In the
News section and Testimonials of buyers, suppliers, and other
Other Website Suggestions
NEFP needs pictures of the finished products prices below it.
Show average comparative prices to prove that NEFP prices
are lower, amplify this to gain a competitive advantage.
Rules for obtaining the highest
“quality website” in the
perception of Google
Minimize the number of links on homepage.
Use routing links to navigate between homepage and minor
Maximize the number of unique pages within the website.
Link every minor and routing page back to the homepage.
Create Wikipedia Account
This is a perceived as an impartial overview of a specific topic.
This allows you to show yourself in a positive light to the
public in a very simple format.
All Wikipedia pages follow the same basic outline and characteristics.
The most important aspect is that the entry is written in an
impartial third person perspective with little to no opinions
placed in the entry.
Monitor regularly for needed changes
You Tube
Create videos
Edit videos
Place videos
Monitor You Tube forums relevant to NEFP
Add up-date videos as new staff happens
New England Forest Products
Logo Designs