Week 6 Integrated Essay - Glenice Booker

Week 6 Integrated Essay
Busn 660 – Phil/Ethics
Submitted to:
Professor Tedi Anne Hasapopoulos
Bethel Cohort: MBP2015
Submitted By:
Glenice Booker-Butler
Busn660Phil – Wk6 Integrated Worldview Essay
Glenice Booker-Butler
This paper is a correlation integrating my personal worldview with leadership responsibilities
based on my view of character, ethics, and responsibilities in developing a positive sustainable
worldview. I will be presenting my worldview incorporating my personal ontological,
epistemological, ethical and virtuous assumptions, which I feel are important to my life both
personally and professionally.
Worldview by definition is primarily a theory of perceptions, a comprehensive system of beliefs,
and a mental model of reality; a framework of ideas of world differences that have different
meanings for all people. A belief system includes our senses therefore, as humans our
worldview is affected and formulated through many sources, characteristics that are inherited,
cultural backgrounds, life experiences and situations, instilled and learned behaviors, developed
habits and our overall attitudes for how we process what is right and what is wrong.
According to our readings, and provided class material our worldview is made up of many parts
than begin the moment we are born and follows us until death. It encompasses our thoughts,
ideas and desires in which we learn to either act or react. These thoughts and ideas may or may
not incorporate philosophy, religions and science for analyzing individual qualities. There are
numerous worldviews but this paper will address four major views; Naturalism, Theism,
Pantheism and Postmodernism, each will include and define the following categories Theology,
Metaphysics, Epistemology, Anthropology, and Ethics (Hasapopoulos-Phil101.).
Naturalism: (Atheism, Agnosticism, and Existentialism)
Worldview No God exists, Reality Materialistic universe is all that exists, Humanity Chance
process; purely material beings, Knowledge Scientific method and sensory perceptions,
Values Non-objective relativism, and pragmatism with no absolute moral values (Worldview
Theism: (Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic)
Worldview God exists, Reality Spiritual and Material (dualism); physical universe exists that is
created by God, Humanity Created in God’s image; spiritual, eternal, and personal beings,
Knowledge Revelation is a source of knowledge as well observational, reflective reason and
science Values Objective moral values revealed by God the divine creator (Worldview
Pantheism: (Hinduism, Buddhism, and New Age Thoughts)
Worldview Everything is God or a part of God, Reality Idealism; All that exist is spiritual
universe, all physical world illusionary, Humanity Inherently divine; spiritual, eternal,
impersonal and individually an illusion , Knowledge Mystical illusion; truth is a unity and
beyond rational description ,Values Relativism and perfect cosmology; no objective moral
values(Worldview Comparison).
Worldview Denies existence, Reality No ultimate truth, truth must be interpreted based on
language and culture, Humanity Humans within a cultural reality and social settings,
Knowledge Relativism and pluralism, and rejection to ultimate truth, not fully verifiable, truth is
relative to one’s culture, Values Social paradigms, tolerance, freedom of expression, inclusion
refusal to process uncertainty (Worldview Comparison).
Ontological, Epistemological and Theological
Ontological is the philosophical argument for the existence of God. That involves arguments
regarding the state of being or existing, begins with a theory of priori about the universe. If we
agree on truth, the argument will provide a reason why God does or does not exist. My
ontological is that of a theist, I truly believe that God exists and is the Creator of the universe. I
am not a naturalist because I do not deny the supernatural, and I am not a pantheist because I do
believe that there is more than just the spiritual universe.
Epistemology investigates the nature and reason of knowledge that is important even without
coherence for our thinking. We rely on our senses for developing concepts in our mind, focused
on how we go about acquiring knowledge and how we can differentiate between true and false
that, can become a debate between rational, empirical, and whether knowledge is acquired a
priori or a posteriori. My epistemological beliefs, also falls into that of theist, I believe in
evidence and supporting facts, biblical revelations, sense, reflections and science in my searches
for truth. To a degree I could also claim the quest for knowledge and truth from that of the
postmodern view, in that I do support the subjective side from the cultural paradigm perspective.
I clearly do not side naturalist or pantheist beliefs as I believe it takes more than scientific
opinions without facts and illusionary mystics to represent what is real.
Theology is a study or speaking based on the nature of Gods relative to human experiences, a
concept that are done rationally and philosophically promoting religious beliefs. The
formulation of theology is a different way to think about God, religious symbols and concepts, in
order to develop a coherent system of thought (wikipedia.org).
Using the FEVA Ministries chart visual (Hasapopoulos) I believe this chart uniquely assisted
and guided my path with determining who I am not, while arriving at who I am. I feel my
theological worldview is that of Christian theism, I believe God exist, only one God, who
controls the world and exists independently, is involved, is known personally and known through
Jesus Christ, and offers salvation. As a Christian, I look to the promises of God’s love, peace,
kindness, and grace to keep and sustain me.
Worldview Concepts
In the development process of a worldview, it becomes a question of how we interpret and see
the world because most decisions are based on a collection of beliefs regarding life and the
universe individually or as a group, “your personal theory of everything,” A comprehensive and
unifying way of looking at all of life in bringing coherent meaning to one’s existence
My understanding of anthropology is basically that it is the study of human beings based on
attributes developed by our origins, characteristics, religious beliefs, and social relationships we
build. My worldview in summation is that they are formed by how we relate and act with others,
where our values are placed, and how we go about making decisions personally and
In addressing my personal worldview I have learned it is a theory based on how I perceive the
world in which I live and having the ability to answer proposed questions, as I embrace the
ideology of theism from a Christian perspective God is absolute and the standard of truth, the
author of both logical and physical laws. My faith and character allows me to believe and devote
without logical proof that virtues should be practiced daily from our heart and seen as a purpose
for all we do.
My moral decisions are reserved and guided trusting that I have completely assessed the situation
by balancing, weighing, and sorting out the pros and cons that my decision will produce based on
the virtues of my character. I feel you have to be aware of your own strengths, values and beliefs
such as your desires, wishes, achievements, talents, abilities, expertise, and attitudes before you
make a detailed plan of action that could have an adverse effect on someone else’s life, I want to
know that my decisions are made under truthful fairness with integrity for the common good and
beneficial to all involved. Theistic worldviews defines morality in terms of divine revelation
under the assumption that the Divine has made known what is “right” and either explicitly or
implicitly, what is “wrong”(Ethics 101).
Goodness as defined in power-point material is internal and external in addressing the Biblical
view ties into concept of the Judeo-Christian ethics, where Jews and Christians collaborated on
an ethical platform of policies while agreeing that regardless of the concept it would be a religion
centers around all men being, created equal. Based on Aristotle’s thoughts “Goodness is…well
being. Good is to experience things in neither excess or scarcity. Goodness is sought through
expanded study of reason and practice through proper habits that combine virtue and wisdom.”
For me fairness and goodness fall into the same category when doing the right thing in the eyes
of the God and for the greater good of society.
I believe in good and bad and that evil can be real, but it does not have its own existence,
because there is moral evil and natural evil which corrupts, defies and omits the good and goes
against what we determine fair treatment for self and others when our beliefs and values are
violated. For me evil acts represent anything bad, sinful, wicked, against my moral judgment
based on my values, and against the law, defined in the Bible it takes on two forms, evil against
others and evil against God. I believe moral evils are those committed freely and intentionally
without any regard for what is right and just. Natural evils are those unplanned events, that just
happen which sometimes we tend to attach and used adages such as; it’s “God’s Work,” or “In
God’s Hands,” in the wake of a storm and other natural disasters.
From a Christian perspective I first assess the right and wrong, which comes down to moral
versus immoral facts of the situation based largely on the Bible’s teachings, personal
experiences, and learned behavior principles of knowledge. I look for a solution in solving a
dilemma that I can live with while, knowing whole-heartedly it is the best possible resolving
solution I feel good about making without harm to the major majority.
Business Ethics
In our reading Beyond Integrity: Christian Engagement in Business, Robert Sirico “The Biblical
case for Entrepreneurship” where he states that Scripture can support entrepreneurial activity in
that the Bible teaches the eternal truth but give practical lessons in world affairs as well, utilizing
the Parables of Talents (Matt. 25:14-30) addresses the use of God’s gift of grace. I truly believe
by incorporating and operating with similar values in mind, your personal and professional
dealings will radiate and flourish with goodness and virtue not just for self but making sure that
you consciously continue to have a regard for building and uplifting others.
I enjoyed the text “Just Business,” as I believe the author is of a biblical worldview mindset,
many of his examples were based on the Christian view which he tied back to scriptures but
focused on business applications pertinent to today’s society. Hill’s perspective is based on the
character of God and working within God’s values and promises, biblically grounded in beliefs
of the goodness of God and the evils found in the hearts of man around the world. Although,
Hill makes it clear that all business ethics may not be fulfilled or explained with a Christian
response. I agree with him because I don’t think you have to be a Christian to make or operate in
an ethical way (Just Business).
I feel as a Christian theist, the worldview assumption’s we make to live by should be biblical in
nature we use to build on when approaching religious, political, economic, business, justice and
other human behavior issues. Hill uses holiness, justice and love as the three characteristics of
God emphasized in the Bible. He has intertwined the basic definitions of each virtue and
collectively made the combination work for an integrated Christian approach with the
consideration to include purity in having purpose driven communication and accountability,
which does not separate laws and ethics, and God’s principles, which overrides that of human
As a Christian my first duty is to God, but as my journey continues, I know I must have a clear
understanding of purpose and mission of the business or organization. By having the knowledge
and ability for answering and resolving ethical questions of human morality, dealing with the
concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and justice. I want to be ensured that my
ethical behavior and beliefs are aligned with my character as being a virtuous and morally sound
agent in order to live a more purpose filled life.
I believe, that because worldviews are formed individually and different for everybody, it is most
important to know and understanding the worldviews of others, especially in business. We all
come with different levels of strengths, weaknesses, and agenda’s. But with good solid
leadership I believe you can create a respectful and productive working environment in which
everyone is treated equally. There are basically three types of leadership styles; Transactional,
Laissez-faire, and Transformational. Under transactional leadership the concern is status quo
and on compliances and control not geared for progress, laissez-faire is virtually free rein or a
title only position, everyone does their own things, transformational looks for changes while,
aspiring others with accomplished goals (Wikipedia.org).
The concept of transformational leadership that I have come to fully understand and accept is the
style where I think the responsibility of the leader is mainly that of mediator; identifying the
necessary changes, creating a vision to guide the changes with inspiration, and executing the
changes with committed members of the group. I think that my current Christian worldview and
values are aligned with the expectations of a transformational leader whereas; it is about building
people up with personal self driven positive outcomes.
One part of my Bethel MBA program that I have come to admire is that of the teamwork
concept. Today, we operate in such a diverse society, therefore it is important to know and
understand the management and leadership styles, along with the values and belief systems of
those you work closely with, as it makes communication and collaboration easier as you deal
with various situations, and creates a stress less working environment where it is okay to
disagree and yet arrive at a mutually charged resolve.
Thanks to the teamwork concept I have come to realize the importance of allowing others to
assist with planning by listening to and including their ideas and opinions dealing with the task
of decision- making inclusion. As I continue to stay the course by being mindful that there is no
“E” in I, when the required need should be set and focused on We.
According to Dr. Mark McCloskey, using the 4R Model represents building relationships,
leadership roles, determined or preset responsibilities, producing, acceptable results that places
the primary emphasis on the virtue of the leader. DICE+1 are (1) Dynamic Determination, (2)
Intellectual Flex-ability, (3) Courageous Character and (4) Emotional Maturity (DICE). These
four virtue configurations are expressed in a comprehensive, “macro virtue” called Collaborative
Quotient (the + 1 factor). The DICE factor connects the historic, cardinal virtues (faith, hope and
love, prudence, justice, courage and temperance) to characteristics identified in the leadership
literature as critical to the practice of transformational leadership (McCloskey, M.W., 2009).
Presently, I can truthfully say I am aspiring leader in the making with DICE qualities,
responsible, determined, capable, intelligent, and mature, with a strong set of embedded virtuous
standards and beliefs and known for doing the right things always with others in mind.
Business World Challenges
I know that I will be faced with ethical business challenges at some point, but I feel I have
equipped myself to endure, withstand and rise to meet them. I have a well documented support
system and having a clear understanding of other’s view I am able to position myself in a
proactive, productive and practical situation prior to making any major decision that has the
possibilities of tarnishing my ethical beliefs.
As I have stated previously I know who I am and very aware of my short comings/weaknesses:
“I know I am a creature of habit and true to my convection and my beliefs and ethical value
system is very strong, there is definitely a right and wrong way for most things in life,
consistency rings high with a dominating exterior, all the assessments I have taken I feel have
been pretty true in deciphering my character.
I fall short on my ability for providing and sharing information letting others know outwardly
what the plan of action will be (weakness) personally and professionally. I tend to plan the action
and delegate for my desired results and ready to pick up the pieces if someone does not”.
I think I am capable of defending my position and outlining reasons, as to why or why not in
support of my decisions, whether good or bad. I think whichever ethical approach you take, a
balance of rules and principles are needed when forming or setting reachable objectives and
having the ability to take personal ownership for actions regardless if the decisions do not
produce the most favorable results you virtuously hope to gain.
Recently, as a country we have been faced with and seen major ethical dilemmas from all entities
as governmental, political, religious, companies, banking, profit and non-profit organizations,
technology, and the migration of different cultures. By utilizing at least three of my
StrengthsFinder 2.0, and Strength Base Leadership assessments strengths, with two (2) major
strengths present in both, Responsibility and Consistency with the possible use of Harmony or
Belief. I think, consistency is paramount in any decision and taking the responsibility to meet
the task at hand will continue to guide my decisions, coupled with harmony in building a team
alliance and consensus, followed up by the belief of a mutual resolve.
With the 4R model in mind, I have learned the importance of virtue, and as I continue my
journey I am focused and determined, flexible in decision making, try to remain free from
character assassination, and have an awareness regarding my emotional state of mind.
Therefore I feel with these attributes aligned as strive I have the tools to produce the necessary
results both personally and professionally and to excel as transformational leader.
From this class I feel have gained and learned additional valuable concepts and assumptions for
evaluating my philosophical self, useful to further development in order to enhance and continue
to build on required skills and expertise that I feel are most beneficial in today’s workforce
leading toward my being the best transformational leader I can be.
Hasapopoulos, T. (Director) (2015). Philosophy 101. Class Lecture Notes. Lecture conducted
from class https://moodle.bethel.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=815374
Hasapopoulos, T. (Director) (2015). Worldview 101. Class Lecture Notes. Lecture conducted
from class https://moodle.bethel.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=815375&redirect=1
Hasapopoulos, T. (Director) (2015). Ethics 101. Class Lecture Notes. Lecture conducted from
class https://moodle.bethel.edu/mod/resource/view.php?id=815511
Hasapopoulos, T. (Director) (2015). The 4R Model Framework and Overview of the 4R Model
of Transformational Leadership. Class Notes.
McCloskey, Mark W., Bethel University, The 4R Model of Leadership: A Virtue-Based
Curricular Model for Business in a Global Context
Badaracco, J.L. (2002) Leading Quietly: An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the Right Thing,
Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Hill, A.(Rev 2008) Just Business, Downwers Grove: Intervarsity Press.
Rae & Wong (2013). Beyond Integrity: A Judeo-Christian Approach to Business Ethics. Grand
Rapids, Zondervan.