Business Law 2 - Valencia College

Business Law II – BUL 2242
CRN – 10226
Course Syllabus and Outline
West Campus, Fall 2014
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Continuation of the study of business law, including commercial paper, creditors’
rights under secured transactions, insurance, bankruptcy, agency, employment, partnerships, corporations, and real
property. Emphasis will be on identification and resolution of legal issues in the business environment.
PREREQUISITES: BUL 2241 (Business Law 1).
CLASS MEETING ROOM: West Campus, Building 11, Room 218
DAY/TIME: Thursday Evening 7:00 p.m. – 9:45 p.m.
OFFICE: Instructor is available before or after class upon request.
PHONE: (407) 615-9865
At the completion of this course, students should be able to:
Explain the definition of negotiable instruments. This will be assessed through end of chapter assigned
questions, chapter summaries submitted, classroom content and current event discussion, and via direct
Explain the legal types of negotiable interests, parties to these instruments, and liability and transferability
of these instruments. This will be assessed through end of chapter assigned questions, chapter summaries
submitted, classroom content and current event discussion, and via direct examination.
Explain the debtor-creditor relationships and secured transactions. This will be assessed through end of
chapter assigned questions, chapter summaries submitted, classroom content and current event discussion,
and via direct examination.
Student will be able to At the completion of this course, students should be able to explain the rights of
employers and employees. This will be assessed through end of chapter assigned questions, chapter
summaries submitted, classroom content and current event discussion, and via direct examination.
Define agent, surety and the relationship among them. This will be assessed through end of chapter
assigned questions, chapter summaries submitted, classroom content and current event discussion, and via
direct examination.
Define the interests in real property ownership, leases, and estates. This will be assessed through end of
chapter assigned questions, chapter summaries submitted, classroom content and current event discussion,
and via direct examination.
Define, compare, and contrast sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability
companies. This will be assessed through end of chapter assigned questions, chapter summaries submitted,
classroom content and current event discussion, and via direct examination.
Negotiable Instruments
a. Kinds of Instruments, Parties, and Negotiability
b. Transfers of Negotiable Instruments and Warranties of Parties
c. Liability of the Parties under Negotiable Instruments
d. Checks and Funds Transfers
Debtor-Creditor Relationships
a. Nature of the Debtor-Creditor Relationship
b. Consumer Protection
c. Secured Transactions in Personal Property
d. Bankruptcy
e. Insurance
Agency and Employment
a. Agency
b. Third Persons in Agency
c. Regulation of Employment
d. Equal Employment Opportunity Law
Business Organizations
a. Types of Business Organizations
b. Partnerships
c. LPs, LLCs, and LLPs
d. Corporation Formation
e. Shareholder Rights in Corporations
f. Securities Regulation
g. Accountants’ Liability and Malpractice
h. Management of Corporations
Real Property and Estates
a. Real Property
b. Environmental Law and Land Use Controls
c. Leases
d. Decedents’ Estates and Trusts
These may be covered as discrete topics and/or integrated with other topic areas at the discretion of the
professor. It should be understood that this topic knowledge is the minimum level for a grade of D or
better. These and other topics may be expanded or elaborated at the discretion of the individual professor
and is in no way intended to be comprehensive or all-inclusive.
This course reinforces the following CLAST and Valencia Student competencies as outlined on
pages 116-120 of the 2009-2010 VCC College Catalog: Valencia faculty has defined four interrelated
competencies (Value, Think, Communicate, Act) that prepare students to succeed in the world
community. These competencies are outlined in the Course Catalog. In this course, through classroom
lecture and discussions, and other learning activities, you will further develop mastery of these core
REQUIRED EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS: Anderson’s Business Law, Revised, Custom Vol. 2;
Twomey & Jennings, (ISBN-13: 978-1-285-89770-7). Publisher: South-Western/West (2014).
Exams – There will be four exams and a non-cumulative final exam during the term. Exam format will
comprise multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions.
Quizzes – There will be two quizzes during the term, the dates of which are unannounced.
Assignments & Participation – Students must complete the following:
1. Answer assigned questions from each chapter every week,
2. Prepare one outline (two pages maximum) for one chapter covered during the term (the outline
is due the week before we discuss the chapter and it must be submitted electronically, and
3. Prepare two current event summaries (each must include ½ page summary + ½ page analysis of
its relevance to business law). I recommend you select two current events that emphasize the
chapter you selected to summarize, as you will be presenting those current events to the class
the week that the summary is due.
Chapter preparation (reading, outlining, and note taking each chapter) whether assigned to outline that
chapter or not, and classroom interaction are crucial for the successful completion of the course.
Grading Policy:
4 Exams (100 Points Each)
Final Exam (100 Points)
Quizzes (10 Points Each)
Current Events (2 @ 25 Points Each)
*Students MUST take the final exam to pass the course.*
Grading Scale (Based on Points Earned):
513 – 570 (90-100%) A
456 – 512 (80-89.9%) B
399 – 455 (70-79.9%) C
342 – 398 (60-69.9%) D
0 – 341 (0-59.9%) F
A student is permitted to withdraw from a class on or before the withdrawal deadline as published in the
College calendar. A student is not permitted to withdraw from a class after the withdrawal deadline. The
professor is permitted to withdraw a student from the class for violation of the professor’s attendance
policy with written notification to the student prior to the beginning of the final exam period as published
in the faculty member’s syllabus.
A student who withdraws from a class before the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of “W.” A
student who is withdrawn by a professor will receive a grade of “W.” A student who is withdrawn for
administrative reasons at any time will receive a grade of “W” or other grade as determined in
consultation with the professor. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third
or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” The grades of “WP” and “WF”
are eliminated. Final course grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F” shall be assigned based upon the
student's academic achievement upon the completion of all course work, including the required final
examination. A student who fails to take the required final examination may receive a final course grade
earned, unless the professor elects to assign the student a grade of “I” or as otherwise addressed in the
Professor’s course syllabus.
Attendance Policy: is that a student will be present for all class meetings. After two absences, a
student will receive an excessive absence notice and must schedule a conference with the
instructor immediately. A student will be withdrawn after four absences. Continual tardiness will
be viewed as absences and treated as such. Two occurrences of being tardy will equal one
Academic Honesty: Students will be expected to adhere to the Valencia College Student
LifeMap Handbook (p. 225) as it references Valencia College's Policy #6HX28:08-11.
Student Code of Conduct: Students will be expected to adhere to the Valencia College Student
Life Map Handbook (p. 229-230) as it references Valencia College's Policy #6HX28:08-03.
A student is responsible for all material covered during absences. Make-ups for scheduled tests
must be requested before the test date and are subject to approval of the instructor.
Class begins at a scheduled time and is over when the instructor dismisses class. Leaving
early without prior permission will result in an absence. Tardiness is unacceptable class behavior.
Students must do their own work; there are no exceptions. Students who plagiarize or cheat in
any way, risk dismissal from class and expulsion from the college.
Make Up Policy: If you miss an exam/assignment, you have 24 hours to notify me from the date
the exam/assignment is due of the nature of the emergency. Emergencies include: death/illness,
accidents, or injuries. Upon notification and approval by instructor, the exam shall then be
scheduled at the earliest possible convenience. Anything else, work schedule, traffic, forgot, etc,
are not emergencies and a grade of zero “0” shall be entered for that exam/assignment.
Students must have an active Atlas account. Students must check their Atlas e-mails regularly
as to not miss any important messages from the professor. Missed messages via Atlas or any other
medium (in-class, etc.) may affect your grade and are the responsibility of the student.
Anything that is deemed disturbing to the students or instructor will not be allowed during class
time. This includes any disturbance that is created from a device (cell phone, PDA, iPod, etc.) or
personally made by the student. If a disturbance occurs, the violator will have 5 points deducted
from their final course grade for each occurrence. Laptops are also prohibited in class.
Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a letter from the Office
for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and discuss specific needs with the professor during the first two
weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based upon
appropriate documentation of disabilities (West Campus SSB 102, ext. 1523).
Business Law II
Course Outline (Fall 2014)
Chapters Covered
August 28, 2014
Introductions, Expectations, & Policies
(Chapter 28) Kinds of Instruments, Parties, and Negotiability
(Chapter 29) Transfers of Negotiable Instruments and Warranties of Parties
September 4, 2014
(Chapter 30) Liability of the Parties under Negotiable Instruments
(Chapter 31) Checks and Funds Transfers
September 11, 2014
Exam # 1 (Chapter’s 28 – 31)
(Chapter 32) Nature of the Debtor-Creditor Relationship
(Chapter 33) Consumer Protection
September 18, 2014
(Chapter 34) Secured Transactions in Personal Property
(Chapter 35) Bankruptcy
September 25, 2014
(Chapter 36) Insurance
(Chapter 37) Agency
October 2, 2014
Exam # 2 (Chapter’s 32 – 37)
(Chapter 38) Third Persons in Agency
(Chapter 39) Regulation of Employment
October 9, 2014
Faculty Work Day – No Class
October 16, 2014
(Chapter 40) Equal Employment Opportunity Law
(Chapter 41) Types of Business Organizations
October 23, 2014
Exam # 3 (Chapter’s 37 – 41)
(Chapter 42) Partnerships
(Chapter 43) LPs, LLCs, and LLPs
October 30, 2014
(Chapter 44) Corporation Formation
(Chapter 45) Shareholder Rights in Corporations
November 6, 2014
Exam # 4 (Chapter’s 42 – 45)
(Chapter 46) Securities Regulation
(Chapter 47) Accountants’ Liability and Malpractice
November 13, 2014
(Chapter 48) Management of Corporations
(Chapter 49) Real Property
November 20, 2014
(Chapter 50) Environmental Law and Land Use Controls
(Chapter 51) Leases
November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Break – No Class
December 4, 2014
(Chapter 52) Decedents’ Estates and Trusts
Final Examination Review
December 11, 2014
Final Examination
*DISCLAIMER: At the discretion of the instructor, written notice shall be provided regarding any changes made to the