downloads - Shelby County Schools

2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is
committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025. By 2025,
80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready
90% of students will graduate on time
100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity
In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high-quality, College and Career Ready standards-aligned
instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as the foundation for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the
Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The CLIP ensures a quality balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy
learning for all students across content areas. Destination 2025 and the CLIP establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools. CLIP
connections are evident throughout the science curriculum maps.
The Tennessee State Standards provide a common set of expectations for what students will know and be able to do at the end of a grade. College and Career
Ready Standards are rooted in the knowledge and skills students need to succeed in post-secondary study or careers. While the academic standards establish
desired learning outcomes, the curriculum provides instructional planning designed to help students reach these outcomes. Educators will use this guide and the
standards as a roadmap for curriculum and instruction. The sequence of learning is strategically positioned so that necessary foundational skills are spiraled in
order to facilitate student mastery of the standards.
Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for college and career. The standards for science practice describe varieties of expertise that science
educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in
science education. The Science Framework emphasizes process standards of which include planning investigations, using models, asking questions and
communicating information.
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
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and design
evaluate, and
Engage in
2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
Ask questions
and define
Develop and
use models
Use math,
Stability and
Plan and carry
Cross Cutting
Cause and
Analyze and
interpret data
Energy and
Systems and
Crosscutting concepts have value because they provide students with connections and intellectual tools that are related across the differing areas of
disciplinary content and can enrich their application of practices and their understanding of core ideas. Throughout the year, students should continue
to develop proficiency with the eight science practices. Crosscutting concepts can help students better understand core ideas in science and
engineering. When students encounter new phenomena, whether in a science lab, field trip, or on their own, they need mental tools to help engage in
and come to understand the phenomena from a scientific point of view. Familiarity with crosscutting concepts can provide that perspective. A next
step might be to simplify the phenomenon by thinking of it as a system and modeling its components and how they interact. In some cases it would
be useful to study how energy and matter flow through the system, or to study how structure affects function (or malfunction). These preliminary
studies may suggest explanations for the phenomena, which could be checked by predicting patterns that might emerge if the explanation is correct,
and matching those predictions with those observed in the real world.
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
SCS 2015-2016
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2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
Science Curriculum Maps
This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what science content to teach so that, our students will reach Destination 2025.
To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their instructional practice in alignment with the three College and Career
Ready shifts in instruction for science.
To ensure that all student will be taught science content and processes in a comprehensive, consistent, and coherent manner,
Science Curriculum Maps are provided. Foundation texts for the maps include Shelby County Schools Framework for Standards Based Curriculum, Science
Curriculum Frameworks-K-12 (State of Tennessee Board of Education, and National Science Education Standards).
Teachers function most effectively and students learn best within an “aligned” curriculum delivery system. An aligned system begins with a concerted effort to
implement the state curriculum frameworks. Many districts have developed curriculum guides built around these frameworks to ensure that what is taught in
particular grades and courses is closely linked with student Learning Expectations found in the state standards. Classroom teachers use these locally-generated
curriculum guides to plan and implement their individual grade or course Pacing Guides. Expectations for student performance are clear and carefully tied to daily
instructional events and classroom assessment practices. In theory, a fully aligned system closes the loop between state standards and student learning.
Additionally, a coherent instructional/assessment system offers the potential for heightening student learning as reflected by their performance on state-mandated
standardized tests. Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for college and career. Most of the elements found in the state Curriculum
Frameworks were incorporated into the curriculum mapping materials prepared by Shelby County Schools. Additional features were included to add clarity and to
offer avenues that could assist teacher in developing grade level lessons.
A district-wide, K-12, standards-based curriculum is implemented in science. This curriculum is articulated in the form of individual SCS curriculum maps for
each grade and subject. These SCS curriculum maps enable the district to implement a single curriculum that emphasizes specific standards. Since Shelby County
has a high rate of mobility among the student population, the SCS curriculum maps ensure that all students receive the same program of high-level instructional
content and academic expectations, regardless of which school they attend. The utilization of a district-wide standards-based curricular program ensures that
students in SCS are engaged in hands-on inquiry based activities as teachers implement the curriculum maps.
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
SCS 2015-2016
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State Standards
2nd Nine Weeks
Embedded Standards
Grade 8
Learning Outcomes
Adopted Resources*
Core Ideas
Unit 2.1 Periodic Table of the Elements - 4 Weeks
GLE 0807.9.1 Understand that all
matter is made up of atoms.
GLE 0807.9.2 Explain that matter
has properties that are determined
by the structure and arrangement of
its atoms.
GLE 0807.9.6 Use the periodic table
to determine the characteristics of an
GLE 0807.Inq.2 Use appropriate
tools and techniques to gather,
organize, analyze, and interpret
GLE 0807.Inq.5 Communicate
scientific understanding using
descriptions, explanations, and
Investigate the properties of selected
elements and create a classification
system for these elements.
Explain how the periodic table is
Explain why elements in a group
often have similar properties.
Differentiate between metals,
nonmetals, and metalloids based on
their properties and location on the
periodic table of elements.
Predict the properties of an element
based on its location on the periodic
Predict the reactivity of an element
based on its location on the periodic
Holt Science and Technology TE:
Chapter 8 Section 1: Three States of
Matter, p.208-213. Ch. 10 Section 2:
The Atom, p. 266-273. Ch. 11
Section 1: Arranging the Elements
and Section 2: Grouping the
Elements p. 282-299.
Glencoe Tennessee Science 8’
Chapter 8 Section 1: Introduction to
the Periodic Table Section 2:
Representative Elements Section 3:
Transition Elements p. 220-249.
STCMS Properties of Matter SG,
Lesson 20, articles on p. 176-185.
● Hydrogen and Oxygen
● Car Battery or Chemical
● The Properties of
Hydrogen and the Death of
an Airship
● Extracting Aluminum
STCMS Properties of Matter TG,
Lesson 21, p. 241-262.
CLIP connections
Academic vocabulary: atom,
atomic mass, atomic number,
chemical change, density, period,
group, isotope, proton, neutron
NGSS Practice 2: Developing and
using models
NGSS Practice 6: Constructing
explanations (for science) and
designing solutions (for engineering.)
Task: Students apply the periodic
table to determine the characteristics
of an element.
Task: Predict an element’s
properties based on its atomic
Writing: Conduct short research
projects to answer questions
(including a self-generated question,)
drawing on several sources and
generating additional related,
focused questions that allow for
multiple avenues of exploration.
Adopt an Element Project/Activity –
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
SCS 2015-2016
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State Standards
2nd Nine Weeks
Embedded Standards
Learning Outcomes
Grade 8
Adopted Resources*
Core Ideas
Students research an element,
complete an informational sheet, and
create an advertisement. Includes
links for student research and
printable materials.
Unit 2.2 Chemical Reactions, 5 Weeks
GLE 0807.9.3 Interpret data from an
investigation to differentiate between
physical and chemical changes.
GLE 0807.9.8 Interpret the events
represented by a chemical equation.
GLE 0807.9.7 Explain the Law of
Conservation of Mass.
GLE 0807.Inq.3 Synthesize
information to determine cause and
effect relationships between
evidence and explanations.
GLE 0807.Inq.5 Communicate
scientific understanding using
descriptions, explanations, and
Create a model to explain what
happens to chemical bonds during a
chemical reaction.
Illustrate how chemical reactions
produce new substances that have
different chemical and physical
Interpret and write simple chemical
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
Holt Science and Technology TE:
Ch. 13 Section 1: Forming New
Substances and Section 2: Chemical
Formulas and Equations and Section
3: Types of Chemical Reactions and
Section 4: Energy and Rates of
Chemical Reactions p. 332-353
Glencoe Tennessee Science 8’
Chapter 10 Section 1: Chemical
Formulas and Equations p. 278-289
and Section 2: Rates of Chemical
Reactions p. 290-305.
CLIP Connections
Academic vocabulary: chemical
equation, chemical formula, reactant,
product, acid, base, endothermic,
exothermic, compound
NGSS Practice 2: Developing and
using models
NGSS Practice 5: Using
mathematics and computational
Represent chemical changes with
word equations and/or balanced
SCS 2015-2016
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State Standards
2nd Nine Weeks
Embedded Standards
Learning Outcomes
chemical equations.
Interpret and differentiate between
balanced and unbalanced chemical
Relate a balanced chemical equation
to the law of conservation of mass.
Grade 8
Adopted Resources*
STCMS Properties of Matter TG,
Lesson 22, p. 263-274.
DAY Book (ISBN 978-0-470-408810) Activity 1.11 Mendeleev’s Periodic
Design an experiment to evaluate
factors that affect the rate of a
Core Ideas
Task: Balance simple equations
according to the Law of conservation
of Mass
NGSS Practice 6: Constructing
explanations (for science) and
designing solutions (for engineering.)
NGSS Practice 8: Obtaining,
evaluating, and communicating
Reading: Determine the meaning of
symbols, key terms, and other
domain-specific words as they are
used in specific scientific or technical
context relevant to grade 8 texts and
MSP2 - Middle School Portal
Chemistry: Making It Real
Unit 2.1 Periodic Table of the Elements, 4 Weeks
Unit 2.1
Periodic Table
of Elements
The Periodic Table lesson plan including Unit Plan and multimedia from American Chemical Society (ACS)
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
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2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
Lesson plan, including handouts, for essential laboratory activities from Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Unit 2.1
Periodic Table
of Elements
Explaining Matter with Elements, Atoms, and Molecules: Characteristics of Elements – free two hour, on-line interactive inquiry-based content module for teachers
from NSTA Learning Center. You don’t have to be a member of NSTA to use this free resource.
for Teachers
Very detailed lesson plans and background information.
Unit 2.1
Periodic Table
of Elements
Challenge your knowledge of the periodic table with these games!,
For an interactive game that helps students learn the element names and chemical symbols use this Proton Don resource
This site provides an interactive periodic table with online quizzes for the student -
Video and printed material on atoms
Video and printed material on the organization of the periodic table.
Chem4kids provides a comprehensive, student-friendly, tutorial with very good graphics and quizzes on the periodic table of elements (and many other chemistry
topics for middle school.)
Webquest to discover the history of the Periodic Table, its organization, and family characteristics. (All websites not listed on worksheet, need computer to follow
links in Webquest.) The Periodic Table Webquest
The Universal Periodic Table Student Activity: Students must arrange alien elements to match up to Earth’s elements. Includes 2 teacher demonstrations: Print the
student activity sheet, blank periodic table, and answer key from the site. article about Everyday Compounds: Lexile 1240
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
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2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
Periodic Table Study Jams Video and Quiz
Unit 2.1
Periodic Table
of Elements
This online periodic table from the scientists at the University of Rottingham contains video clips of every element on the periodic table of elements that can be
viewed simply by clicking on the element. This is very useful when teaching about the similar chemical and physical properties found in each of the groups/families
on the periodic table and allowing students to see some real life applications of the various elements.
Explore key information about the chemical elements through this periodic table.
Visit the Chemistry sections of these Middle School Science websites' for Periodic Table: PowerPoint presentations, notes, and practice activities. Great resources!
Many useful things in one place. and
McGraw Hill Brain Pop video Atomic Model
Study Jams offers a variety of educational videos that include quizzes, games, and other resources. This site is also FREE.
Education Portal Chemistry video "The Periodic Table: Properties of Groups and Periods"
Teaching Channel Video Periodic Table Ferocious Elements: This video makes the periodic table come alive and make sense for students. The video is about 14
Periodic Table Children's Book project
The Science Spot Chemistry Lesson Plans
Go to and sign up for a free account to gain access to tons of resources. Do a search for "Periodic Table" to find many types of
Periodic Table activities, labs, and links for secondary students
Unit 2.2 Chemical Reactions, 5 Weeks
Unit 2.2
“What is a chemical reaction?” Lesson from the American Chemical Society (ACS) provides free lessons plans, activities, and multimedia at this site:
“Controlling” the amount of products in a chemical reaction” is also from ACS, This lesson
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
SCS 2015-2016
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2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
has everything necessary for teaching how the number of reactants affects the number of products in a reaction, and that the atoms in the product must also be
present in the reactant.
Purdue University Discovery Park Hands-On Chemistry Unit
Unit 2.2
for Teachers
An online interactive tutorial for balancing chemical reactions is found at Another useful interactive tutorial
for balancing equations is
A tutorial on types of chemical equations is available at This includes sample problems and a helpful
checklist on determining types of equations.
Naming Ionic Compounds Tutorial Visual and Audio
WISC- Online Naming Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions Tutorial Visual
Naming Inorganic Compounds Tutorial Visual
Naming Ionic Compounds Tutorial Visual
Unit 2.2
Student balancing equations game, you can decide on the number of questions and between 3 difficulty levels -
Six Types of Reactions worksheet with answer key. Students balance the equations and identify the type of reaction.
Determine if a change is Physical or Chemical and see explanations why.
NSTA Article "Why Does a Color Change Indicate a Chemical Change?"
Interactive Animation titled Changes in Our World: Chemical and Physical
The Limewater Carbon Dioxide Test Evidence of a chemical reaction - A precipitate forms.
Modify this to the level desired. Have students to test different variables. Observe evidence of a chemical reaction. Students can do this as an at home science
activity, outdoor class activity, or indoor activity if you have lab bins Ziplock Baggie Bombs, The Exploding Sandwich Bag Science Experiment, Sandwich Bag
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
SCS 2015-2016
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2nd Nine Weeks
Grade 8
Tennessee Science Grade 8 Chapter 10 Chemical Reactions TCAP Prep Questions and Review Quiz from Glencoe Website
Hot Pack / Cold Pack Science Activity (Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions)
Prentice Hall Interactive Student Tutorial for Naming Chemical Compounds
Compound Naming Race
•STCMS Properties of Matter, Lesson 24, Countering Corrosion
Unit 2.2
A host of links including, activities, lesson plans, labs, handouts, PowerPoint, and video clips about chemical reactions and equations can be found at
Look at the list of Education Portal Chemistry Chemical Reaction videos at and choose those
that best fit the needs of your class.
Conservation of Mass Demos
Naming Compounds Flowchart
Middle School Worksheets
Naming Compounds and Polyatomic Ions Interactive practice
Physical changes versus chemical changes labs. Sixteen lab descriptions where students have to determine in a physical or chemical change have taken place.
Activity also includes summary writing and vocabulary
REEKO’S MAD SCIENCE LAB Interactive site consisting of science experiments, science news and tons of other science resources
The SCIENCE Teacher’s ACTIVITY – A – DAY Book (ISBN 978-0-470-40881-0) Over 180 Reproducible Pages of Quick, Fun Projects. Activities 1.5 Chemical and
Physical Changes; 2.4 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions; 2.5 Chemical Reactions; 2.6 Balancing Chemical Equations
Pink Palace Museum Field Trips
Labs: It Bubbles, It Fizzes, Its Chemistry
*The TOOLBOX contains additional resources for each unit.
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