Assessment 1 answers

IB reflects, we need to reflect on our quiz.
Analyze our strengths and weaknesses so we
can do better on our next test. I listed good
and bad examples of student’s answers. We
will review them. At the end are questions and
answers you want to study for your next test.
1. What are the four
1. What are the four school-wide
• Be respectful, Be responsible, be safe, be
• Respectful, Responsible, Safe, Positive
• Be respectful, responsible, positive, safe
• Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Positive, Be
2. What type of
science will we study
this school year?
2. What type of science will we study
this school year?
• Physical Science
3. What is my
classroom rule?
3. What is my 5th classroom rule?
All school rules must be followed.
Come prepared.
Don’t run.
Follow all rules.
A pass and your agenda.
Follow all school rules.
4. What must you
have signed to be
able to use the
4. What must you have signed to be
able to use the restroom?
My agenda
Your agenda
Your hall pass paper in your agenda
The bathroom schedule (in agenda last page)
5. When your absent
what should you do
when you return to
5. When your absent what should you
do when you return to class?
• You should ask the teacher if you can do the work and test that
you missed.
• Sit quietly and catch up on missed work.
• Give the teacher a tardy slip.
• Ask what you missed.
• Ask for the model folder and the work the day you were absent.
• Do the work you missed.
• It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and complete any
missed work. Failure {to make-up work} will result in an F.
• Come in silently and sit down.
• Give a doctor’s note.
• You have to complete any missed work.
• Do all make-up work.
• Put your folder on your desk.
6. What are 3 items
you should wear in
the lab to perform an
6. What are 3 items you should wear in
the lab to perform an experiment?
Gloves, apron, goggles
Safety googles, lab apron, gloves
Apron, gloves, gogels
Gloves, aprin, safety goggles
Apran, goggles, and gloves.
Gogles, gloves, and an aprin.
Gloves a lab apren and googles
{Safety goggles, lab apron, and gloves}
7. What should you
do if you break
something in the lab?
7. What should you do if you break
something in the lab?
Report it to the teacher.
Tell a teacher.
Tell Ms. Crane.
You should back away and tell your teacher.
Go tell a teacher.
Call the teacher to clean it up.
Tell a teacher as soon as possible even if it’s minor.
You should immedatly (Immediately) tell the teacher.
Imediatly (Immediately) tell the teacher.
Tell the teacher immeditly. (Immediately)
Report it to the teacher immeadily (Immediately) and
don’t try and clean it up.
8. What goes at the
top of a glass
graduated cylinder?
8. What goes at the top of a glass
graduated cylinder?
A plastic ring is at the top of a glass cylinder.
White ring
A white ring to keep it from breaking.
White ring around it
A ring
White circle
A white rubber ring
A plastic circle thing to break the fall of the cylinder.
A white ring, so when it falls it doesn’t break.
A white ring, circle thing to prevent it from falling.
A white ring to protect it when it falls or drops and to measure liquid in it.
A white disc so if the graduated cylinder tips over it will just bouce (bounce)
off the floor.
• A white plastic ring, so when it falls it will help prevent the graduated
cylinder from breaking.
9. How do you safely
smell chemicals in a
test tube?
9. How do you safely smell chemicals
in a test tube?
• Place your hand over the test tube and wave your hand
to bring the scent to your nose.
• Waft it to you
• Waft
• Wafting
• Use a wafting motion to direct the chemicals to your
• To safely smell chemicals you have to waft it.
• You waft
• You use the wafting motion
• Waft with your hand
• Whafing
• Waft is a term meaning to "carry along gently as
through the air." The term is commonly used to
describe scents that have diffused into other parts of
a room, or to describe smoke as being seen moving
through the air. Wafting may be used for everyday
substances, to make sure they are fresh, or
• In chemistry and other sciences, it is a term
of laboratory safety.[1] In "wafting" a person takes an
open hand with the palm towards the body and
moves their arm in a rapid circular manner over the
substance so as to lift vapors of the substance
towards the nose. This method allows for a lower
concentration of vapors to be inhaled and is
particularly useful in safely
smelling ammonia, hydrochloric acid, and other
dangerous or unpleasant chemicals.
10. What do you do
when the lab is
10. What do you do when the lab is finished?
Clean up your work area and return all equipment to its proper place.
Clean up your lab work area.
Wash hands, turn everything off, clean up area
Clean up your work area and return all equipmeht to its proper plas.
Dispose of waste materials asndhstruckedbay teacher wash your hand
after every experiment.
You clean up everything and wash what you used.
Clean up after yourself.
You should clean up your mess and put the chemicals in a jar and not
down the sink.
Put the materials in the right containers.
Take off your gear and wash your hands.
Clean up
When the lab is finished you ask your teacher where to dispose the
chemicals and you clean up your area.
Clean up, dispose of chemicals safetly (safely) , and wash your hands.
Clean up your lab work area, return all equipment to its proper place,
ask your teacher where to dispose of chemicals, and wash your hands.
11. What is Remind
11. What is Remind 101?
• It is an app that you use to get the homework of that night sent to
you from your teacher.
• Reminders of homework, test, and quizzes sent to our phone
• An app to tell our parents what homework is and our behavior
• It is a app or text that you get for reminders on homework and
important things.
• To find assignments
• Text reminder
• Remind 101 is an app where you can get notifications about test
or homework.
• An app that till you what you teacher is doing the next day.
• It is where you can talk to your teachers.
• Student email for homework.
• Ms. Crane will text your parents about updated homework or
• Free, safe, and simple messaging tool.
• Remind is a free, and simple messaging tool that helps teachers
share important updates and reminders with students and
12. What is your
science teacher’s
12. What is your science teacher’s
• Really?
13. What period do you have science?
• Really?
• Yes – some students missed this!
14. What is an
14. What is an observation?
• It is where you look at something and you guess what
• Use one or more of your senses
• Using sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell
• Using one or more of your senses, sight, touch, sound,
taste, and smell.
• Using senses to identify something
• An observation is something you learn about
something by seeing, feeling, and smelling
• Using one or more of your senses to identify or learn
about something
• Using one or more of your senses (sight, touch,
sound, taste, and smell) to identify or learn about
15. What is an
15. What is an inference?
• An inference is the answer of the experiment or picture
• It is where you look at something an you make an
educated guess what it is suppose to be
• A conclusion formed from information
• What could have happened in the picture
• A conclusion from evidence.
• An educated guess
• An educated guess from information given.
• A conclusion formed from available information
• A conclusion formed from available information or
evidence (educated guess)
16. What is an
example of an
16. What is an example of an
• My observation is that it is clear, skinny, has a red base,
and has number on it.
• There’s glasses on the ground.
• I observe that Ms. Crane is sitting down.
• The man is wearing safety goggles.
• The animal is white with black spots. It is big with a tail.
It also has utters. It is eating grass.
• Look and see what happened
• When you see traffic and you see the bridge going up.
You can say the boats made the bridge go up and it got
17. What is an
example of an
17. What is an example of an
• It rained. The sprinkler was on. There is a dew on
the grass.
• Graduated cylinder
• An example of an inference is
• Ms. Crane was sitting at her desk because she
was watching us take the test.
• The science folder is green because the math
folder is yellow.
• Three mugs she poured water in them mixed
them & nothing came out, so my inference is
there a secret capartmen (compartment) in the
18. What is the wiki?
What is the wiki?
It’s where you can search up information
The wiki is an internet resource that you find answers on.
A book to find stuff (wikipedia)
The wiki is like a dictionary.
It’s a website were you can play games on and study for, for test.
A website/internet
The wiki is what tells you information it tells Not of stuff.
A website with information.
It tells about stuff coming up and is important.
What your homework is, what the info is about.
A site on the school website to where you can interact with your
• A wiki is a thing on our schools website that gives you
information about some of the teachers and things that happen
during school.
• The wiki is a website that Ms. Crane has and it shows how our
folder should look like and homework.
• Information given in class will be posted on Ms. Crane’s wiki
19. What page is the
Disappearing Water
Trick on?
19. What page is the Disappearing
Water Trick on?
• Page 7
• Yes – some student missed this question…
20. What is the
20. What is the agenda?
• The agenda is a book where you write down what homework
you have, and you have to sign it when you go to the
• It helps you remember stuff important and lets you use the
• It is a organizer that you can put your homework down in.
• Where you put homework and other important stuff.
• The agenda is where you can write down your homework and
you have to get it signed to use the bathroom.
• The agenda is kinda like a calendar where you write
homework or things to remember to get for class.
• The agenda is what you give the teacher when you go to the
restroom and it is also where you right your homework down.
It also tells you about the school rules.
• The agenda is a planner that has the school rules, a calender
(calendar), a homework planner, and it also has the bathroom
schedule in it.
What should I know for my next test?
Study of science
• What type of science will we study this school year?
Physical science
• Which branch of science deals with the study of
motion, forces, & energy? physical science
• 1. Science - A way of learning about the natural world
that provides possible explanations to questions
• 2. Physical Science - Physics and Chemistry, is the
study of matter and energy.
• 3. Life Science - Life Science is the study of living
• 4. Earth Science - The study of Earth & Space
including processes that occur on Earth and within.
• What are 3 items you should wear in the lab to perform an
experiment? Safety goggles, lab apron, & gloves
• What should you do if you break something in the lab? Report it to
the teacher immediately and don’t try and clean it up.
• What goes at the top of a glass graduated cylinder? A white plastic
ring, so when it falls it will help prevent the graduated cylinder
from breaking.
• How do you safely smell chemicals in a test tube? Waft - take your
hand and move your arm as to lift vapors of the substance
towards your nose. This method allows for a lower concentration
of vapors to be inhaled.
• What do you do when the lab is finished? Clean up your lab work
area, return all equipment to its proper place, ask your teacher
where to dispose of chemicals, and wash your hands.
What should I know for my next test?
Science inquiry
• 5. Observation - using one or more of your senses
(sight, touch, sound, taste, and smell) to identify or
learn about something. Ex: Natalie has blonde hair.
• 6. Inference - a conclusion formed from available
information or evidence. Ex: The ground is wet, it
must have rained.
• 7. Description - a summary of observations
• 8. Explanation - an interpretation of observations