Connecting Assessment with Learning Assessment Tier I Professional Development Assessment Tier Professional Development • Tier I – (required) Purposes and functions of assessment and evaluation tools (you are here). • Tier II- (required) Development and use of assessments and evaluation tools, including using Rigor and Relevance. • Tier III – (optional) Professional development for future Assessment Tier Champions. A.I.M. A.I.M. Assessment Tier I Objectives Explore the functions of assessment. Examine the purpose and value of rubrics. Explore the Rigor and Relevance Framework. Differentiate between formative and summative assessment. Differentiate between traditional and authentic assessment. Explore various formative assessment strategies. Recognize the relationship among SLOs, EOs, POs and ISLOs. Assessment? What is assessment? Traditional and Authentic Assessment Traditional Assessment Authentic Assessment • • • • • • • • • • • • Selecting a Response Contrived Recall/Recognition Teacher-structured Indirect Evidence Curriculum drives the assessment Performing a Task Real-life Construction/Application Student-structured Direct Evidence Assessment drives the curriculum Understanding Formative and Summative Assessments • What are formative and summative assessments? • When do I use formative and summative assessments? • Why do I use formative and summative assessments? Formative Assessment is… …a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes. Summative Assessment is… …the process of gathering quantitative performance data to evaluate progress on student learning outcomes, benchmarks, and class or programmatic efficacy. Points of Distinction Formative Assessment • Can be incorporated daily, weekly, or periodically. • Can be formal or informal assessments. • May or may not be graded. • Used primarily to guide learners to help them develop. Summative Assessment • Are typically conducted periodically (mid-term, final, annual). • Typically formal assessment (test, or large project/paper). • Typically graded or quantified. • Used to provide a quantitative measure of performance. Activity Mark each assessment as Formative (F) or Summative (S) • Direct Observation and Feedback • Projects • Collaborative Group Projects • Simulations/Role Plays • Weekly Quizzes and Small Assessments • Tests and Exams • Case studies • Questioning • Essays/Papers Examples of Assessment Types Formative • Direct Observation and Feedback • Questioning • Collaborative Group Projects • Weekly Quizzes and Small Assessments Summative • • • • • Tests and Exams Projects Case studies Simulations/Role Plays Essays/Papers Why Do I Use Formative Assessments? • To provide feedback that moves learning forward for the student and the instructor. • To engineer effective classroom discussions, questions, and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning. Why Do I Use Summative Assessments? • To collect quantitative performance data of student learning. • To assess the effectiveness of the course’s delivery and instruction. • To quantitatively assess the achievement of student learning outcomes for a class. Activity • In pairs, locate the “Types of Assessment Matrix” in your folder. Choose two assessment types that you are not currently using, but that you may be able to apply in one of your courses. Discuss how it could be used and why you chose it. – Use the “Assessment Types Activity” sheet located in your handouts to compete this activity. Assessment and Learning To confirm the relationship among: • Mission, Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs), Program Outcomes (POs), and course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Enabling Objectives (EOs) • Program and classroom assessment • Academic rigor and Bloom’s Taxonomy • Course assessments …in the Baker College classroom. Layers of Assessment Summative Assessment Baker College Mission Accreditation ISLOs POs SLOs/EOs Summative Assessment Formative Assessment Classroom and Program Assessment Classroom Assessment Program Assessment • Focuses on outcomes from a • Focuses on learner outcomes single course of instruction. for degree completion (capstone outcomes). • Can be assessed daily, weekly, midterm, final, etc. • Typically assessed annually or every few years. • Focuses on and aligned to SLOs and EOs defined by a • Focuses on exit competencies section of content and the and ISLOs and POs. syllabus. • Focus on gathering data for • Focus on providing student institutional and programmatic feedback for improvement of improvements. the learner. Rigor and Relevance Bloom’s and Assessment Types Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Comprehending Remembering Quadrant A • Constructed Response • Multiple choice Questions Quadrant B • • • • Cases Papers Scenarios Demonstration Quadrant C • Research • Problem-based learning • Case studies Quadrant D • Role Plays • Simulations • Problem-based learning • Portfolio Developing a Good Assessment • Determine the appropriate level of SLOs and EOs (Rigor and Relevance). • Determine an appropriate method (Rigor and Relevance). – Demonstration, essay, oral, multiple choice, project… • Determine your criteria for success. Group Activity Using the SLOs/EOs provided (EN201), you will need to do the following: – Choose 1 SLO and 1 EO. – Use the Rigor and Relevance Framework to determine the level of Bloom’s on the Knowledge Taxonomy (Y) axis and level on the Application Model (X) axis. – Determine the quadrant for your SLO and EO. – Now that you know your quadrant, use the Recommendations for Assessments, Instructional Strategies, and Assignments handout to determine the appropriate assessment method to assess your chosen SLO and EO. Rubrics What are rubrics? What are the purposes of rubrics? When are rubrics used? A Rubric is… …a scoring tool or guide, that lists the components to be assessed, and specific criteria to assess a piece of work. I use Rubrics… • To help my students better understand expectations. • To provide consistent grades from student to student and eliminate potential bias. • To help students clarify relevant content and the importance of content. • To provide specific feedback on student performance. • To help improve my own instruction. Holistic Rubrics Holistic Rubrics provide a single score based on an overall impression of a student’s performance on a task. Holistic Rubrics • When to use holistic rubrics: – There is no single correct answer/response to a task (creative work). – There is focus on overall quality, proficiency, or understanding of a specific content or skills. – You want a quick snapshot of achievement. – A single dimension is adequate to define quality. Analytic Rubrics Analytic Rubrics provide specific feedback along several dimensions. Analytic Rubrics • When to use analytic rubrics: – Several faculty are collectively assessing student work. Descriptions promote consistent scoring. – Profiles of specific strengths/weaknesses are desired. – You want detailed feedback. – You want to assess complicated skills or performance. – You want students to self-assess their understanding or performance. Excellent/Exceeds Expectations 10-9 Complete description of topic chosen with title and specific information on how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Supports with source evidence and examples. Good/Meets Most Expectations 8-7 Describes topic chosen and provides a title; specific information on how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Some source evidence and/or examples, but needs additional detail or support to be comprehensive. Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations 6-1 Partial discussion of how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Lacks sufficient support and examples to demonstrate understanding, OR needs significant detail to be complete. Points Possible (10 points) Topic 2: Includes (a) title identifying the topic, (b)a description of how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior, and supports information with evidence, and (c) an example. 10-9 Complete description of topic chosen with title and specific information on how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Supports with source evidence and examples. 8-7 Describes topic chosen and provides a title; specific information on how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Some source evidence and/or examples, but needs additional detail or support to be comprehensive. 6-1 Partial discussion of how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Lacks sufficient support and examples to demonstrate understanding, OR needs significant detail to be complete. POINTS EARNED = Points Possible (10 points) Topic 3: Includes (a) title identifying the topic, (b)a description of how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior, and supports information with evidence, and (c) an example. 10-9 Complete description of topic chosen with title and specific information on how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Supports with source evidence and examples. 8-7 Describes topic chosen and provides a title; specific information on how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Some source evidence and/or examples, but needs additional detail or support to be comprehensive. 6-1 Partial discussion of how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior. Lacks sufficient support and examples to demonstrate understanding, OR needs significant detail to be complete. POINTS EARNED = Points Possible (10 points) Topic 1: Includes (a) title identifying the topic, (b) a description of how this topic influences thoughts and/or behavior, and supports information with evidence, and (c) an example. Comments POINTS EARNED = Checklists Checklists contain a list of behaviors or specific steps. Checklists • When to use checklists: – Checklists are a simple list of assessment criteria or components that must be present in student work. – All that is needed is a place to mark whether or not the student has accomplished the task or not, there is no judgment on the quality of the work. Evaluation 1. Student is able to state purpose of a basic hand wash 2. Student is able to state circumstances when a hand wash is necessary 3. Inspects hands and wrists for cuts, abrasions, etc. 4. Turns on water and sets water temperature 5. Wets hands and wrists 6. Applies soap 7. Lather 8. Uses nail cleaner/brush (if necessary) 9. Interlaces fingers 10. Hand wash is of appropriate duration (sing Happy Birthday) 11. All surfaces are cleaned 12. Rinse, fingers are pointed downward 13. Dries hands and wrists 14. Turns off water with “dry” paper toweling, if applicable 15. Discards towels 16. Student is able to explain rationale for keeping fingertips pointed downward 17. Student is able to explain rationale for using “dry” paper toweling when turning off a faucet Redo Acceptable Rubric Activity Complete the following welds: Gas Metal Arc Welding GMAW flat aluminum GMAW flat steel GMAW horizontal aluminum GMAW horizontal steel GMAW overhead GMAW vertical Down GMAW vertical Up Rubric Activity Diet Analysis Project • • • Part 1. Recordkeeping. Record your food, drink and exercise data for a 3-day period of time. This will be completed before the unit begins. Use any journaling method you desire to accurately record your diet. Enter your intakes into the MyDietAnalysis software program. Part 2. Data Analysis. This will occur throughout the unit as we examine your intakes of calories, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals as part of each lesson. Examine your diet in terms of: Quantity-- Intakes vs. Requirements and Expenditures – deficiencies and excesses (Adequacy & Moderation).Food Groups -- Connecting specific foods and the nutrients they deliver (Balance & Variety) Part 3. Summary & Action Plan. The final writing or summary will be a synthesis of the analysis. Structure your summary as an Introduction, Overall Diet Pattern, and Healthfulness of Your Diet. Rubric Activity Oral Presentation Complete an oral presentation on the Apollo 13 project. The presentation must include the following: • Explain the role each member played. • Explain any challenges the group had working together. • Explain the component and computer diagram and how group members worked together to construct both. • Presentation must be 5-10 minutes, including questions and answers. • Must include one visual aid (your project and/or PowerPoint and Word diagrams may count as the visual). • Ask for questions from the audience and group members answer. • Each group member must speak and present on a portion of the presentation. • Group members are required to dress business professional. Rubric Activity Breaking News Exercise Standards: • • • • • Apply basic skills and techniques of interviewing Write clearly and correctly in the forms and styles of news Create unbiased pieces of work Contributes fairly to group tasks Exhibits professional workplace standards Task: • • • • In groups, create an authentic breaking news scenario. Discuss the roles each team member will play, outline the details and determine the facts you plan to present. One person will be expected to be the photographer and will have to shoot the news conference. Each team will hold a mock news conference and members are expected to play the role their team assigns them. Members of the other team will be the “reporters” and will be required to ask all the pertinent questions of the appropriate people. Rubric Activity Basketball Dribbling Skills Test Where Have We Been… – Authentic and Traditional Assessments – Formative and Summative Assessment • When and why do I use it? – Program and Classroom Assessment – Rigor and Relevance and Assessment Types – Rubrics • Why rubrics? • Types of rubrics What’s Next? • In Tier II: – Apply Rigor and Relevance to create assessments. – Develop Rubrics. • For help, contact: – – – – Direct Supervisor Campus Assessment Champion Contact your System Director Director of Instructional Design Implementation What Now? What is one thing that you are going to take away and implement from this professional development session?