(For II unit test)
Q.1- What is the name of the smallest particle of a matter/substance/material?
Q.2- What is an Atom/Define Atom?
Q.3- What is formed when two or more atoms get combined?
Q.4- What is a molecule/Define molecule?
Q.5- What do you mean by homo atomic molecule?
Q.6- Give two examples of homo atomic molecule.
Q.6- What do you mean by hetero atomic molecule?
Q.7- Give two examples of hetero atomic molecule.
Q.8- Who discovered electron and in which year?
Q.9- What is the charge on an electron?
Q.10- What is the mass of an electron?
Q.11- Who discovered proton and in which year?
Q.12- What is the charge on a proton?
Q.13- What is the mass of a proton?
Q.14- Who discovered neutron and in which year?
Q.15- What is the charge on a neutron?
Q.16- What is the mass of a neutron?
Q.17- Who gave the first atomic theory?
Q.18- According to Dalton what is formed when two or more atoms combines?
Q.19- What is a Compound atom?
Q.20- What are isotopes? Give an example.
Q.21- What are Isobars? Give an example.
Q.22- Who gave plum pudding model/raisin pudding model/water melon model of atom?
Q.23- What was the name of the experiment performed by Rutherford?
Q.24- What is the name of heavy concentrated mass in the middle of the atom?
Q.25- Name the particles/sub-atomic particles present in nucleus?
Q.26- Protons and neutrons are collectively called as_____________
Q.27- What is the free space around the nucleus called?
Q.28- What is the charge present on an atom?
Q.29- Why the charge on an atom is neutral?
Q.30- Who gave the electro-dynamic theory?
Q.31- What is atomic number/define atomic number?
Q.32- Write the formula of atomic number (Z).
Q.33- What is atomic mass/define atomic mass/mass number/atomic weight?
Q.34- Write the formula of mass number/ atomic mass (A).
Q.35- What is nucleus-atom volume ratio?
Q.36-What is shell/orbit/energy level?
Q.37- Why energy level named so?
Q.38- Write the value of Plank’s constant.
Q.39- What is the angular momentum of an atom?
Q40- What is called the splitting of spectral lines in magnetic field?
Q.41- What is Zeeman Effect?
Q.42- What is called the splitting of spectral lines in electrical field?
Q.43- What is stark’s effect?
Q.44- Who discovered cathode rays/electrons?
Q.43- What are the particles by which cathode rays are made up of?
Q.44- Who discovered canal rays/positive rays?
Q.45- What are the particles by which canal rays are made up of?
Q.46- What is electronic configuration?
Q.47- What is called the arrangement of electrons on the various shells of the atom?
Q. 48- what is the formula for the maximum number of electrons in a shell?
Q.49- What is the ray emitting activity called?
Q.50- What is/define Radioactivity?
Q.51- Who discovered the phenomena of radioactivity and in which year?
Q.52-What are Becquerel Rays?
Q.53- Who coined the term radioactivity?
Q.54- What are radioactive substances?
Q.55- What is the charge on alpha, beta and gamma rays?
Q.56- Write the electronic configuration of copper and chromium.
Q.57- What is artificial radioactivity?
Q.58- Which radioactive substance is used for the treatment of cancer?
Q.59- Which radioactive substance is used for the treatment of thyroid disorder?
Q.60- Which radioactive substance is used to study the blood circulation?
Q.61- Which radioactive substance is used to study the mechanism of radioactivity?
Q.62- Which radioactive substance is used in physiological analysis?
Q.63- Which radioactive substance is used to determine the age of wood and fossils?
Q. 64- Which radioactive substance is used to determine the age of earth?
Q.65- Which radioactive substance is used as a nuclear fuel?
Q. 66- What is the unit of radioactivity given by Madam Curie?
Q.67- What is the unit of radioactivity given by Rutherford?
Q.68- What is the unit of radioactivity given by Becquerel?
Q.1- Distinguish/differentiate/compare between atoms and molecules.
Q.2- Distinguish/differentiate/compare between cathode rays and anode ray/canal rays.
Q.3- What is the difference between isotopes and isobars?
Q.4- Distinguish/differentiate/compare alpha, beta and gamma rays.
Q.5- Write the application of radioactivity/radioactive isotopes.
Q.6- What is/ write about Dalton’s atomic theory?
Q.7- What is/write about modern atomic theory?
Q.8- Explain Thomson’s atomic model.
Q.9- What were the drawbacks of Thomson’s atomic model?
Q.10- Explain alpha rays scattering experiment.
Q.11- What were the drawbacks of Rutherford’s model?
Q.12- Explain Bohr’s atomic model.
Q.13- What were the drawbacks of Bohr’s atomic model?
Q.14- An atom X is represented as 15X30. Find out the number of electrons, protons and neutrons
in atom X.
Q.15- An atom ?P35 has 17 protons. Find out the number of electrons, number of neutrons and
atomic number of P?
(Deepak Dwivedi)