Affirmation of Compliance (A of C) and FSMA Update Presented by Cornelia Rooks Registrar Corp AIFBA November 2015 Entry Information AVOIDING DETENTION Entries subject to FDA jurisdiction must have: Electronic entries include CBP data (Importer & Consignee, Tariff code, etc) plus FDA specific data: FDA Country of Origin; FDA Product Code; FDA Manufacturer; FDA Shipper; Product Description; Affirmations of Compliance; Quantity and Value. Affirmation of Compliance (A of C Code) One of FDA’s functions is the automated screening of FDA regulated import entries to determine: which entries "MAY PROCEED" without FDA examination and which entries require further "FDA REVIEW.” Affirmation of Compliance (A of C) codes, are one data element used in this screening process. A of C Code Use of these codes does not guarantee a May Proceed, as the FDA line or other FDA lines in the entry, may be subject to routine surveillance or may fall under other screening criteria resulting in a directed exam or a detention without physical examination. A of C Code Using the A of C code, the filer affirms the firm or product identified meets requirements specific to each code. While submission of this information is currently voluntary, transmission of the data may expedite initial screening and further review of an entry. The manufacturer or shipper should be able to indicate when these affirmations should be used and supply the qualifier information when required. Example Product Code EJI CDRH Classification Panels 73 Anesthesiology 74 Cardiovascular 75 Chemistry 76 Dental 77 Ear, Nose and Throat 78 Gastroenterology and Urology 79 General and Plastic Surgery 80 General Hospital 81 Hematology **Note: Used in Product Code Builder 82 Immunology 83 Microbiology 84 Neurology 85 Obstetrics and Gynecology 86 Opthalmics 87 Orthopedics 88 Pathology 89 Physical Medicine 90 Radiology 91 Toxicology Example A Of C Code and Qualifier PMN-K875196 510k Premarket Notification RA-No performance std RB Comply performance std RC DO NOT COMPLY D or E RD DO NOT COMPLy being brought into compliance CDRH Database Drug Databases s/cder/drls/default.cfm References 871.htm am/UCM459926.pdf D/classification.cfm 438.htm Foods/FSMA FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Enacted by Congress and signed into law by President Obama on January 4, 2011 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) FSMA REQUIRES FDA TO ISSUE RULES - Preventive Controls for Human and Animal Food - Produce Safety - Foreign Supplier Verification Program - Third Party Auditor - Sanitary Transport - Intentional Adulteration Also: Voluntary Qualified Importer Program Guidance FDA’s FSMA Rules: Deadline and Compliance Dates Rule Final Rule Deadline Compliance Other Small Very Small PC Human Food 8/30/2015(Pub 9/17/15) 1 year 2 years 3 years PC Animal Food 8/30/2015(Pub 9/17/15 1 CGMP/ 2 PC 2 CGMP/ 3 PC 3 CGMP/ 4 PC FSVP 10/31/2015 In general, 6 months after PC final rules become effective In general, 6 months after PC final rules become effective In general, 6 months after PC final rules become effective Produce Safety 10/31/2015 2 years 3 years 4 years Sanitary Transport 3/31/2016 1 year 2 years N/A Intentional Adulteration 5/31/2016 1 year 2 years 3 years Preventive Controls for Human Foods Facilities that manufacture, process, pack or hold human food, not farm or retail Applies to domestic and imported food Some exemptions and modified requirements apply Updated the Current Good Manufacturing Practices Requires implementation of a food safety plan FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program FSMA Requires FDA to Issue Regulations Requiring Importers to Verify the Safety of Imported Food Proposed Rule Would Require Identification of FSVP Importer for Each Entry Final Rule Due October 31 FSVP Proposed Requirements Importers would be responsible for ensuring that the food they bring into the U.S. meets FDA safety standards All importers must develop, maintain and follow an FSVP, unless otherwise exempted • • • • • • • Hazard Analysis Conduct a Risk Evaluation Verification Activities Recordkeeping Review Complaints Investigate and Take Corrective Actions Periodic Reassessment Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (“VQIP”) Fast Lane for Food Imports Expedited Entry Expedited Lab Analysis Dedicated Help Desk Annual Fe: Estimated First Year Fee= $16,400.00 VQIP When? Importers May Apply Annually January – March VQIP Year Runs From October to September First Year Anticipated to be 2018 Which Foods - Nothing on Import Alert or Recall - Must be From Supplier Certified by FDA Accredited Auditor - Must Be Identified on VQIP Application --- No Additions During the Year Accredited Auditors Required for: Voluntary Qualified Importer Program Food Certifications May be Used for FSVP Compliance (optional) Final Rule Due October 31 Registrar Corp Worldwide Offices Contact Us Registrar Corp Headquarters 144 Research Drive Hampton, Virginia USA 23666 P: +757-224-0177 F: +757-224-0179 E: FDA Update For Customs Brokers And Importers Presented by: Cornelia Rooks , Senior Regulatory Specialist Registrar Corp Products Regulated by the FDA • Food and Beverages • Dietary Supplements • Food additives and food contact substances • • • • • • Drugs Biologics Cosmetics Medical Devices Radiation Emitting Devices Tobacco Intended Use Intended Use May be Established By: •Claims stated on the product labeling, in advertising, on the Internet, or in other promotion materials • Consumer perception, which may be established through the product’s reputation • Ingredients that may cause a product to be considered a drug because they have a well-known (to the public and industry) therapeutic use The intended use of a product determines how the product will be regulated Dietary supplement - a product taken by mouth that contains a "dietary ingredient" intended to supplement the diet. Cosmetic – an article intended to be “applied to the human body… for cleansing, beatifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance” Drug – an article “intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease” or “intended to affect the structure or function of the body” The intended use of a product determines whether it is a “Medical Device” and how it is classified as a Device. Device - an instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article . . . intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other animals, or intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals, and which does not achieve its primary intended purposes through chemical action within or on the body of man or other animals and which is not dependent upon being metabolized for the achievement of its primary intended purposes. Food (Including Supplements) • Facilities must be registered with FDA (Bioterrorism Act); Foreign Facilities Must Designate a U.S. Agent for FDA Communications Proposed Amended Rule: DUNS requirement coming? •Prior Notice • Food must be labeled properly • Good Manufacturing Practices must be followed • Food must not be “Adulterated” • For shelf-stable, sealed foods, “FCE” registration and process filing (SID) may be required (“Refrigerate After Opening”) • •Food Canning Establishment (FCE) •Low Acid and Acidified Foods (LACF) •Tommy's rule of thumb... •If it must be refrigerated after opening, it probably requires a process filing. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) • The law defines “importer” as: (A) the United States owner or consignee of the article of food at the time of entry or (B) in the case when there is no United States owner or consignee, the US agent or representative of a foreign owner or consignee • Food Safety Verification Program requirements will apply to all food imported by the importer or agent of the importer, unless there’s an exemption. • In general, importers will be required to conduct the following activities: • • • • • • • Hazard Analysis Conduct a Risk Evaluation Verification Activities Recordkeeping Review Complaints Investigate and Take Corrective Actions Periodic Reassessment Firms Manufacturing, Labeling, Distributing, and Promoting Drugs 1. “New Drug Application” (NDA) or Abbreviated New Drug Application”(ANDA) OR 2. “Drug Monograph” *Some exception exist for “grandfathered” drugs, research, etc. DRUG MONOGRAPHS United States Code of Federal Regulations TITLE 21 C.F.R. — Food and Drugs CHAPTER I — FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SUBCHAPTER D — DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE PART 331 — ANTACID PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER (OTC) HUMAN USE PART 332 — ANTIFLATULENT PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 333 — TOPICAL ANTIMICROBIAL DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 335 — ANTIDIARRHEAL DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 336 — ANTIEMETIC DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 338 — NIGHTTIME SLEEP-AID DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 340 — STIMULANT DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 341 — COLD, COUGH, ALLERGY, BRONCHODILATOR, AND ANTIASTHMATIC DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 343 — INTERNAL ANALGESIC, ANTIPYRETIC, AND ANTIRHEUMATIC DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 344 — TOPICAL OTIC DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 346 — ANORECTAL DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 347 — SKIN PROTECTANT DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 348 — EXTERNAL ANALGESIC DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 349 — OPHTHALMIC DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 350 — ANTIPERSPIRANT DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 352 — SUNSCREEN DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE [STAYED INDEFINITELY] PART 355 — ANTICARIES DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 357 — MISCELLANEOUS INTERNAL DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE PART 358 — MISCELLANEOUS EXTERNAL DRUG PRODUCTS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER HUMAN USE Drugs • Establishments must be registered with FDA • Drugs must have NDC number • Drugs must be listed with FDA • Drugs must be labeled properly • Good Manufacturing Practices must be followed • Drugs must not be “Adulterated” Drug Registration Overview • • • • • • • FDA User Fee –no user fee Device Establishment Registration initial and annual reregistration (between Oct 1 & Dec 31) submitted to FDA electronically through the Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG) Designate an Registrant contact Designate a U.S. Agent (foreign establishments only) Required for manufacturers, contract manufacturers, filers, packers, repackagers, relabelers and analytical laboratories Registered establishments appear on FDA’s public database Establishment Registration is not FDA’s approval of the facility Drug Establishment Registration The manufacturer has the legal responsibility to register. Registration informs FDA that a facility manufactures drug products intended for sale in the U.S. It is required for manufacturers, contract manufacturers, fillers, packers, repackagers, relabelers, and analytical laboratories Drug Establishment Registrations are submitted to FDA electronically through the Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG) Registered establishments appear on FDA’s public database Establishment Registration is not FDA’s approval of the facility Labeler Codes and NDC Numbers A labeler code is unique, 5-digit code assigned by FDA to identify entities that label drug products (Labelers) A firm can have only one labeler code The labeler code is used to configure the National Drug Code (NDC) number 10 digits (5-4-1 or 5-3-2) configuration Unique to the product and packaging Three segments: Segment 1: Labeler Code Segment 2: Product Code Segment 3: Package Code 55555 123 05 55555 1234 5 Electronic Drug Listing Drug listings provide information to FDA about the drug products being manufactured at a drug establishment A listing includes: the drug label, description of the drug’s ingredients, the category for marketing, and the identification of the manufacturer(s) and labeler It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to list the drug products it manufactures Listings are submitted to FDA electronically If a manufacturer makes a product for a PLD (contract manufacturer), the product must be listed under the PLD’s labeler code and the manufacturer’s labeler code Medical Devices • Establishments must be registered with FDA • Devices must be listed with FDA • GUDID Being Phased In Now • Devices must be labeled properly to include (Unique Device ID) • Good Manufacturing Practices must be followed • For some devices, a 510(k) pre-market notification or PMA (premarket approval) may be required Medical Device Classification Determine how the FDA may classify the device which one of 3 classes the device falls into (Unless exempt from premarket notification) 3 regulatory classes: • Class I low risk, general controls e.g. sunglasses, bandages • Class II moderate risk, general and special controls, e.g. thermometer, powered wheelchair • Class III high risk, Premarket Approval e.g. excimer lasers , PSA test Medical Device Classification • Classification determines extent of regulatory control (Risk Based) • 1700 generic groups of devices • Classified within 16 medical specialties 862 = Chemistry/Toxicology 864 = Hematology/Pathology 866 = Immunology/Microbiology 868 = Anesthesiology 870 = Cardiovascular 872 = Dental 874 = Ear, Nose and Throat 876 = Gastro/Urology 878 = General Plastic Surgery 880 = General Hospital 882 = Neurological 884 = Obstetrical/Gynecological 886 = Ophthalmic 888 = Orthopedic 890 = Physical Medicine 892 = Radiology 21 CFR 862-892 CDRH Classification Panels 73 Anesthesiology 74 Cardiovascular 75 Chemistry 76 Dental 77 Ear, Nose and Throat 78 Gastroenterology and Urology 79 General and Plastic Surgery 80 General Hospital 81 Hematology **Note: Used in Product Code Builder 82 Immunology 83 Microbiology 84 Neurology 85 Obstetrics and Gynecology 86 Opthalmics 87 Orthopedics 88 Pathology 89 Physical Medicine 90 Radiology 91 Toxicology Product Codes Classification product codes are a method of classifying medical devices 3 letter combination assigned by CDRH which associates a device’s type with a product classification Help to delineate technology and indication subgroups within a regulation Medical Device Registration Overview • FDA User Fee -2016 is $3,845 USD • Device Establishment Registration initial and annual reregistration (between Oct 1 & Dec 31) submitted thru FURLs • Designate an Official Correspondent • Designate a U.S. Agent (foreign establishments only) • Owner/Operator Number Assignment • Registration Number Assignment • Listing Medical Devices & Device Listing Number Assignment • Registered establishments appear on FDA’s public database • Establishment Registration is not FDA’s approval of the facility Activity Register List Pay Fee Contract manufacturer (including contract packagers) 807.20(a)(2) YES YES YES Contract sterilizer 807.20(a)(2) YES YES YES Device being investigated under IDE 807.40(c) NO NO NO Domestic Distributor that does not import devices 807.20(c)(3) NO NO NO Any foreign establishment involved with the manufacture, preparation, propagation, compounding, assembly, or processing of a device intended for United States YES YES YES Import agent, broker, and other parties who do not take first possession of a device NO NO NO Initial Importer 807.40(a) YES NO YES Maintains complaint files as required under 21 CFR 820.198 YES YES YES Manufacturer of accessories or components that are packaged or labeled for commercial distribution for health-related purposes to an end user 807.20(a)(6) YES YES YES NO NO Manufacturer of components, that are not otherwise classified as a finished device, that are distributed only to a finished device NO manufacturer 807.65(a) 3/11/2016 Activity Register List Pay Fee Manufacturer (including Kit Assemblers) 807.20(a) YES YES YES Manufactures a custom device 807.20(a)(2) YES YES YES Refurbishers or remarketers of used devices already sold in U.S. NO NO NO Relabeler or Repackager 807.20(a)(3) YES YES YES Remanufacturer and Wholesale distributor YES YES YES Reprocessor of single use devices 807.20 YES YES YES Specification Consultant Only NO NO NO Specification Developer 807.20(a)(1) YES YES YES YES Domestic Establishments YES YES YES YES U.S. Manufacturer of export only devices 807.20(a)(2) Manufacturer (including Kit Assemblers) 807.20(a) YES 3/11/2016 Foreign Establishments Requirements for Registration and Listing Activity Register List Pay Fee Contract manufacturer (including contract packagers) 807.40(a) YES YES YES Contract sterilizer 807.40(a) YES YES YES Device being investigated under IDE 812.1(a) NO NO NO Foreign exporter of devices in foreign countries 807.40(a) YES YES YES Foreign Manufacturers (including Kit Assemblers) 807.40(a) YES YES YES Maintains complaint files as required under 21 CFR 820.198 YES YES YES Manufacturer of accessories or components that are packaged or labeled for commercial distribution for health-related purposes to an end user 807.20(a)(5) YES YES YES Manufacturer of components that are distributed only to a finished device manufacturer 807.65(a) NO NO NO Relabeler or Repackager 807.20(a)(3) Remanufacturer YES YES YES 3/11/2016 Other Considerations The Product: May be a combination product • Combination products are therapeutic and diagnostic products that combine drugs, devices, and/or biological products May be a medical device and also an electronic radiation emitting product with additional requirements. Any product that contains an electronic circuit and emits electronic product radiation (any ionizing or non-ionizing electromagnetic or particulate radiation, or any sonic, infrasonic, or ultrasonic wave • Final regulations in 21 CFR 1000- 1299 Radiation Emitting Devices • Any product that contains an electronic circuit and emits electronic product radiation (any ionizing or non-ionizing electromagnetic or particulate radiation, or any sonic, infrasonic, or ultrasonic wave •All REDs must designate a U.S. Agent for service of process • Product Reports • Annual Reports • “Accession Number” • Form 2877 An “Unapproved New Drug” might be a cosmetic product or dietary supplement that has been labeled in a way that causes FDA to deem it a “drug.” Questions? Registrar Corp 144 Research Drive, Hampton, Virginia USA 23666 P: +757-224-0177 F: +757-224-0179 E: Registrar Corp Worldwide Offices Contact Us Registrar Corp Headquarters 144 Research Drive Hampton, Virginia USA 23666 P: +757-224-0177 F: +757-224-0179 E: